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The Horus Heresy: Horus Rising

Page 25

by Dan Abnett

  man you are.’ He laughed, raw and loud. Terra, it's a crude example, Loken, for I'm a crude fellow, but it shows what the lodge can do.’

  He held out his hand. After a moment, Loken took it.

  There's a thing at least.’ said Ekaddon. 'Now get on, if you're going. We've talking and drinking to do.’

  'Or will you stay?' asked Torgaddon.

  'For now, perhaps.’ said Loken.

  THE MEETING LASTED for two hours. Torgaddon had brought wine, and Sedirae produced some meat and bread from the flagship's commissary. There were no crude rituals or daemonic practices to observe. The men - the brothers - sat around and talked in small groups, then listened as Aximand recounted the details of a xenos war that he had participated in, which he hoped might give them insight into the fight ahead. Afterwards, Torgaddon told some jokes, most of them bad.

  As Torgaddon rambled on with a particularly involved and vulgar tale, Aximand came over to Loken.

  Where do you suppose.’ he began quietly, 'the notion of the Mournival came from?'

  'From this?' Loken asked.

  Aximand nodded. 'The Mournival has no legitimate standing or powers. It's simply an informal organ, but the Warmaster would not be without it. It was created originally as a visible extension of the invisible lodge, though that link has long since gone. They're both informal bodies interlaced into the very formal structures of our lives. For the benefit of all, I believe.’

  'I imagined so many horrors about the lodge.’ said Loken.

  'I know. All part of that straight up and down thing you do so well, Garvi. It's why we love you. And the lodge would like to embrace you.’

  "Will there be formal vows? All the theatrical rigmarole of the Mournival?'

  Aximand laughed. 'No! If you're in, you're in. There are only very simple rules. You don't talk about what passes between us here to any not of the lodge. This is down time. Free time. The men, especially the junior ranks, need to be confident they can speak freely without any comeback. You should hear what some of them say.’

  'I think I might like to.'

  That's good. You'll be given a medal to cany, just as a token. And if anyone asks you about any lodge confidence, the answer is "I can't say". There's nothing else really'

  'I've misjudged this thing,' Loken said. 'I made it quite a daemon in my head, imagining the worst.’

  'I understand. Particularly given the matter of poor Jubal. And given your own staunch character.’

  'Am I... to replace Jubal?'

  'It's not a matter of replacement.’ Litde Horns said, 'and anyway, no. Jubal was a member, though he hadn't attended any meetings in years. That's why we forgot to palm away his medal before your inspection. There's your danger sign, Garvi. Not that Jubal was a member, but that he was a member and had seldom attended. We didn't know what was going on in his head. If he'd come to us and shared, we might have pre-empted the horror you endured at the Whisperheads.’

  'But you told me I was to replace someone.’ Loken said.

  Yes. Udon. We miss him.’

  'Udon was a lodge member?'

  Aximand nodded. 'A long-time brother, and, by the way, go easy on Vipus.’

  Loken went over to where Nero Vipus was sitting, beside the canister fire. The lively yellow flames jumped

  into the dark air and sent stray sparks oscillating away into the black. Vipus looked uncomfortable, toying with the heal-seam of his new hand.


  'Garviel. I was bracing myself for this.’


  'Because you... because you didn't want anyone in your command to...'

  'As I understand it.’ Loken said, 'and forgive me if I'm wrong, because I'm new to this, but as I understand it, the lodge is a place for free speech and openness. Not discomfort.’

  Nero smiled and nodded. 'I was a member of the lodge long before I came into your command. I respected your wishes, but I couldn't leave the brotherhood. I kept it hidden. Sometimes, I thought about asking you to join, but I knew you'd hate me for it.’

  You're the best friend I have.’ Loken said. 'I couldn't hate you for anything.’

  The medal though. Jubal's medal. When you found it, you wouldn't let the matter go.’

  'And all you said was "I can't say". Spoken like a true lodge member.’

  Nero sniggered.

  'By the way.’ Loken said. 'It was you, wasn't it?'


  4Vho took Jubal's medal.’

  'I told Captain Aximand about your interest, just so he knew, but no, Garvi. I didn't take the medal.’

  WHEN THE MEETING closed, Loken walked away along one of the vast service tunnels that ran the length of the ship's bilges. Water dripped from the rusted roof, and oil rainbows shone on the dirty lakes across the deck.

  Torgaddon ran to catch up with him.

  'Well?' he asked.

  'I was surprised to see you there.’ said Loken.

  'I was surprised to see you there.’ Torgaddon replied. 'A starch-arse like you?'

  Loken laughed. Torgaddon ran ahead and leapt up to slap his palm against a pipe high overhead. He landed with a splash.

  Loken chuckled, shook his head, and did the same, slapping higher than Torgaddon had managed.

  The pipe clang echoed away from them down the tunnel.

  'Under the engineerium.’ Torgaddon said, 'the ducts are twice as high, but I can touch them.’

  'You lie.’

  'I'll prove it.’

  'We'll see.’

  They walked on for a while. Torgaddon whistled the Legion March loudly and tunelessly.

  'Nothing to say?' he asked at length.

  'About what?'

  'Well, about that.’

  'I was misinformed. I understand better now.’


  Loken stopped and looked at Torgaddon. 'I have only one worry.’ he said. 'The lodge meets in secret, so, logically, it is good at keeping itself secret. I have a problem with secrets.’

  'Which is?'

  'If you get good at keeping them, who knows what kind you'll end up keeping.’

  Torgaddon maintained a straight face for as long as possible and then exploded in laughter. 'No good.’ he spluttered. 'I can't help it. You're so straight up and down.’

  Loken smiled, but his voice was serious. 'So you keep telling me, but I mean it, Tarik. The lodge hides itself so well. It's become used to hiding things. Imagine what it could hide if it wanted to.’

  The fact that you're a starch-arse?' Torgaddon asked. 'I think that's common knowledge.’ 'It is. It so is!' Torgaddon chuckled. He paused. 'So... will you attend again?' 'I can't say.’ Loken replied.


  Chosen instrument

  Rare picts

  The Emperor protects

  FOUR FULL COMPANIES of the Luna Wolves had dropped into the clearing, and the megarachnid forces had perished beneath their rapacious onslaught, those that had not fled back into the shivering forests. A block of smoke, as black and vast as a mountainside, hung over the battlefield in the cold night air. Xenos bodies covered the ground, curled and shrivelled like metal shavings.

  'Captain Torgaddon.’ the Luna Wolf said, introducing himself formally and making the sign of the aquila.

  'Captain Tarvitz.’ Tarvitz responded. 'My thanks and respect for your intervention.'

  The honour's mine, Tarvitz.’ Torgaddon said. He glanced around the smouldering field. 'Did you really assault here with only six men?'

  'It was the only workable option in the circumstances.’ Tarvitz replied.

  Nearby, Bulle was freeing Lucius from the wad of megarachnid cement.

  'Are you alive?' Torgaddon asked, looking over.

  Lucius nodded sullenly, and set himself apart while he picked die scabs of cement off his perfect armour. Torgaddon regarded him for a moment, then turned his attention to the vox intel.

  'How many with you?' Tarvitz asked.

  'A speartip.’ said Torgaddon. 'Four
companies. A moment, please. Second Company, form up on me! Luc, secure the perimeter. Bring up the heavies. Serghar, cover the left flank! Verulam... I'm waiting! Front up the right wing.’

  The vox crackled back.

  'Who's the commander here?' a voice demanded.

  'I am.’ said Torgaddon, swinging round. Flanked by a dozen of the Emperor's Children, the tall, proud figure of Lord Eidolon crunched towards them across the fuming white slag.

  'I am Eidolon.’ he said, facing Torgaddon.


  'Under the circumstances.’ Eidolon said, 'I'll understand if you don't bow.’

  'I can't for the life of me imagine any circumstances in which I would.’ Torgaddon replied.

  Eidolon's bodyguards wrenched out their combat blades.

  'What did you say?' demanded one.

  'I said you boys should put those pig sticks away before I hurt somebody with them.’

  Eidolon raised his hand and the men sheathed their swords. 'I appreciate your intervention, Torgaddon, for the situation was grave. Also, I understand that the Luna Wolves are not bred like proper men, with proper manners. So I'll overlook your comment.’

  'That's Captain Torgaddon.’ Torgaddon replied. 'If I insulted you, in any way, let me assure you, I meant to.’

  'Face to face with me.’ Eidolon growled, and tore off his helm, forcing his genhanced biology to cope with the atmosphere and the radioactive wind. Torgaddon did the same. They stared into each other's eyes.

  Tarvitz watched the confrontation in mounting disbelief. He'd never seen anyone stand up to Lord Eidolon.

  The pair were chest-plate to chest-plate, Eidolon slighdy taller. Torgaddon seemed to be smirking.

  'How would you like this to go, Eidolon?' Torgaddon inquired. 'Would you, perhaps, like to go home with your head stuck up your arse?'

  Той are a base-born cur.’ Eidolon hissed.

  'Just so you know.’ replied Torgaddon, 'you'll have to do an awful lot better than that. I'm a base-born cur and proud of it. You know what that is?'

  He pointed up at one of the stars above them.

  A star?' asked Eidolon, momentarily wrong-footed.

  Yes, probably. I haven't the faintest idea. The point is, I'm the designated commander of the Luna Wolves speartip, come to rescue your sorry backsides. I do this by warrant of the Warmaster himself. He's up there, in one of those stars, and right now he thinks you're a cretin. And he'll tell Fulgrim so, next time he meets him.’

  'Do not speak my primarch's name so irreverently, you bastard. Horus will-'

  There you go again.’ Torgaddon sighed, pushing Eidolon away from him with a two handed shove to the lord's breastplate. 'He's the Warmaster.’ Another shove. The Warmaster. Your Warmaster. Show some cursed respect.’

  Eidolon hesitated. 'I, of course, recognise the majesty of the Warmaster.’

  'Do you? Do you, Eidolon? Well, that's good, because I'm it. I'm his chosen instrument here. You'll address me as if I were the Warmaster. You'll show me some respect

  too! Warmaster Horus believes you've made some shit-awful mistakes in your prosecution of this theatre. How many brothers did you drop here? A company? How many left? Serghar? Head count?'

  Thirty-nine live ones, Tarik,' the vox answered. There may be more. Lots of body piles to dig through.’

  Thirty-nine. You were so hungry for glory you wasted more than half a company. If I was... Primarch Fulgrim, I'd have your head on a pole. The Warmaster may yet decide to do just that. So, Lord Eidolon, are we clear?'

  ЛУе...' Eidolon replied slowly,'... are clear, captain.'

  'Perhaps you'd like to go and undertake a review of your forces?' Torgaddon suggested. The enemy will be back soon, I'm sure, and in greater numbers.'

  Eidolon gazed venomously at Torgaddon for a few seconds and then replaced his helm. 'I will not forget this insult, captain.’ he said.

  Then it was worth the trip.’ Torgaddon replied, clamping on his own helmet.

  Eidolon crunched away, calling to his scattered troops. Torgaddon turned and found Tarvitz looking at him.

  'What's on your mind, Tarvitz?' he asked.

  I've been wanting to say that for a long time, Tarvitz wished to say. Out loud, he said, "What do you need me to do?'

  'Gather up your squad and stand ready. When the shit comes down next, I'd like to know you're with me.’

  Tarvitz made the sign of the aquila across his chest. 'You can count on it. How did you know where to drop?'

  Torgaddon pointed at the calm sky. 'We came in where the storm had gone out.’ he said.

  TARVITZ HOISTED Lucius to his feet. Lucius was still picking at his ruined armour.

  That Torgaddon is an odious rogue.’ he said. Lucius had overheard the entire confrontation.

  'I rather like him.’

  The way he spoke to our lord? He's a dog.’

  'I like dogs.’ Tarvitz said.

  'I believe I will kill him for his insolence.’

  'Don't.’ Tarvitz said. That would be wrong, and I'd have to hurt you if you did.’

  Lucius laughed, as if Tarvitz had said something funny.

  'I mean it.’ Tarvitz said.

  Lucius laughed even more.

  IT TOOK A little under an hour to assemble their forces in the clearing. Torgaddon established contact with the fleet via the astrotelepath he had brought with him. The shield-storms raged with dreadful fury over the surrounding stalk forests, but the sky directly above the clearing remained calm.

  As he marshalled the remains of his force, Tarvitz observed Torgaddon and his fellow captains conducting a further angry debate with Eidolon and Anteus. There were apparently some differences of opinion as to what their course of action should be.

  After a while, Torgaddon walked away from the argument. Tarvitz guessed he was recusing himself from the quarrel before he said something else to infuriate Eidolon.

  Torgaddon walked the line of the picket, stopping to talk to some of his men, and finally arrived at Tarvitz's position.

  "You seem like a decent sort, Tarvitz.’ he remarked. 'How do you stand that lord of yours?'

  'It is my duty to stand him.’ Tarvitz replied. 'It is my duty to serve. He is my lord commander. His combat record is glorious.’

  'I doubt he'll be adding this endeavour to his triumph roll,' Torgaddon said. Tell me, did you agree with his decision to drop here?'

  'I neither agreed nor disagreed.’ Tarvitz replied. 'I obeyed. He is my lord commander.’

  'I know that.’ Torgaddon sighed. 'All right, just between you and me, Tarvitz. Brother to brother. Did you like the decision?'

  1 really-'

  'Oh, come on. I just saved your life. Answer me candidly and we'll call it quits.’

  Tarvitz hesitated. 'I thought it a little reckless.’ he admitted. 'I thought it was prompted by ambitious notions that had little to do with the safety of our company or the salvation of the missing forces.’

  Thank you for speaking honestly.’

  'May I speak honestly a little more?' Tarvitz asked.

  'Of course.’

  'I admire you, sir.’ Tarvitz said. 'For both your courage and your plain speaking. But please, remember that we are the Emperor's Children, and we are very proud. We do not like to be shown up, or belittled, nor do we like others... even other Astartes of the most noble Legions... diminishing us.’

  'When you say "we" you mean Eidolon?'

  'No, I mean we.’

  Very diplomatic.’ said Torgaddon. 'In the early days of the crusade, the Emperor's Children fought alongside us for a time, before you had grown enough in numbers to operate autonomously.’

  'I know, sir. I was there, but I was just a file trooper back then.’

  Then you'll know the esteem with which the Luna Wolves regarded your Legion. I was a junior officer back then too, but I remember distincdy that Horns said... what was it? That the Emperor's Children were the living

  embodiment of the Adeptus Ast
artes. Horus enjoys a special bond with your primarch. The Luna Wolves have cooperated militarily with just about every other Legion during this great war. We still regard yours as about the best we've ever had the honour of serving with.’

  'It pleases me to hear you say so, sir.’ Tarvitz replied.

  Then... how have you changed so?' Torgaddon asked. 'Is Eidolon typical of the command echelon that rules you now? His arrogance astounds me. So damned superior...'

  'Our ethos is not about superiority captain.’ Tarvitz answered. 'It is about purity. But one is often mistaken for the other. We model ourselves on the Emperor, beloved by all, and in seeking to be like him, we can seem aloof and haughty.’

  'Did you ever think.’ asked Torgaddon, 'that while it's laudable to emulate the Emperor as much as possible, the one thing that you cannot and should not aspire to is his supremacy? He is the Emperor. He is singular. Strive to be like him in all ways, by all means, but do not presume to be on his level. No one belongs there. No one is alike to him.’

  'My Legion understands that.’ Tarvitz said. 'Sometimes, though, it doesn't translate well to others.’

  There's no purity in pride.’ Torgaddon said. 'Nothing pure or admirable in arrogance or over-confidence.’

  'My lord Eidolon knows this.’

  'He should show he knows it. He led you into a disaster, and he won't even apologise for it.’

  Tm sure, in due course, my lord will formally acknowledge your efforts in relieving us and-'

  'I don't want any credit.’ Torgaddon said. You were brothers in trouble, and we came to help. That's the start and finish of it. But I had to face down the War-master to get permission to drop, because he believed it was insanity to send any more men to their deaths in an

  unknowable place against an unknowable foe. That's what Eidolon did. In the name, I imagine, of honour and pride.’

  'How did you convince the Warmaster?' Tarvitz wondered.

  'I didn't.’ said Torgaddon. You did. The storm had gone out over this area, and we detected your vox scatter. You proved you were still alive down here, and the Warmaster immediately sanctioned the speartip to come and pull you out.’

  Torgaddon looked up at the misty stars. The storms are their best weapon.’ he mused. 'If we're going to wrestle this world to compliance, we'll have to find a way to beat them. Eidolon suggested the trees might be key. That they might act as generators or amplifiers for the storm. He said that once he'd destroyed the trees, the storm in this locality collapsed.’


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