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Diary of the dead: The end has come (The diaries of the dead Book 1)

Page 7

by Jack Kelly

  "Jack, I'm sorry," Craig said as he tried to fend off the undead "What?," Jack asked confusingly "We're not going into this right now"

  "But you're right, everything is my fault and I have to make it up to you"

  "yes well you can make it up to me later okay," Jack said swinging his sword at full strength towards the undead. "only one of us can make it out of here" Craig stopped firing his gun "I really am sorry Jack" with tears in his eyes Craig put the gun into his mouth. BANG!. The sound of the gunshot rang through Jack's ears as Craig's body fell into the horde of the undead, corpses began to circle around his body to try and get a piece of him.

  An opening in the horde that Jack could pass through opened up and Jack took the opportunity so Craig wouldn't have died in vein.

  Jack swung his sword at the corpses who got in his way, he wouldn't look back but he kept running towards the rising sun.

  Jack burst through the front door of the farmhouse, startling Rebecca and Lauren who were sitting on the stairs waiting for Jack and Craig to come back. "OH my god, thank god" Lauren ran to hug Jack "Did you get it" Rebecca stood up to hug Jack "Wait, where's Craig," Lauren asked with a curious but also sad face because she knows the answer "he didn't make it," Jack said with a genuinely saddened tone.

  The room fell silent with the news of Craig, Jack was surprisingly sad because he gave his life for him.

  "Jack!" Michael came running into the hall "did you get the blood." Jack handed the bags to Michael, Michael rushed into Ethan and started to help him.

  Jack began to walk upstairs until he heard Rebecca’s voice "Jack" Jack stopped halfway up the stairs "Yeah" "Thank you" Rebecca's voice was full of worry for Ethan. "Your welcome" Jack continued to climb the stairs.

  Jack pushed the door of the bedroom he changed in open, he walked to one of the beds and collapsed on it from exhausting.

  He lay there just think about what has happened to his life and what is to come.

  Chapter 11

  Dear diary,

  It's been one month since we got to the farm and still we haven't heard anything from any one, even Lorna and Jazmine. It's also been one month since Craig died and I don't know why but I'm kinda sad about it, maybe it's because he died for me and I never forgave him. So Ethan's doing fine, he's much better since he got here. He's been out of bed for about a week but all that time in bed he and Rebecca got really close like I think they might love each other but who am I to say if they do. I really don't know why I decided to start this diary today but at least I'll be able to remember each day in hell. So the farm isn't too bad, we all help out and we protect it from and corpses that decided to take a walk on the farm. So I think this is all I'll right today, so until tomorrow..... Jack....

  Jack placed his new notebook and pen down on his bedside locker, he sat up on the bed and grabbed his shoes.

  He quickly tied them and made his way to the window where he saw Rebecca and Ethan sitting on the porch.

  Jack walk to the bedroom door and pushed it open and made his way downstairs, he burst through the kitchen door to see Lauren, Erica, Marin and Michael all sitting at the kitchen table.

  "So who's coming to watch the fence with me today," Jack said walking over to the table "well good evening to you too" Erica giggled. "Well I'll help you" Lauren politely volunteered

  "Good" Jack stood up from the table and walked over to the fridge, he pulled the metal doors open and scanned the contents inside, the food was running low "we need to do another food run" Jack suggested "we'll do it tomorrow morning" Michael responded.

  "Well let's go watch the fence" Lauren stood up and made her way to Jack, they both made their way to the front door where they collected their weapons.

  Jack strapped his katana to his back and picked up his shotgun, Lauren picked up two Glocks and holstered a shotgun around her shoulders.

  They both walked out to the porch expecting Rebecca and Ethan to be making out there, but they weren't anywhere in sight.

  "Where are they" Lauren wondered "Rebecca!!!" Jack called out, but he didn't get a response "come on" Jack said walking off the porch.

  They both heard a bang coming from the barn, they both made their way towards the large wooden structure.

  Jack pushed on the wooden doors and they both entertained the hay covered barn.

  They couldn't see them on the ground floor so they walked over to the wooden steps that led upstairs.

  They began to climb the stairs slowly as not to make any sound. They both got to the top and still couldn't see them.

  They could hear something coming from the other side of hay bales that were in the middle of the floor.

  They slowly made their way around the bales only to be shocked "Jesus Christ! Put some clothes on Ethan" Lauren said as she quickly turned around as not to see the sight of Ethan and Rebecca making out and Ethan being half naked.

  "Well, I guess we solved that mystery" Jack laughingly said as Ethan put on his shirt "oh no we'll leave you's to it" Jack and Lauren quickly ran downstairs and ran out of the barn.

  "Well I never want to see that again" Lauren laughingly said.

  They both began to make their way across the large field to get to the fence where they need to guard.

  "So when do you think we'll get contact," Lauren asked as she sat on the bench facing the fence, "I don't know, hopefully soon," Jack said leaning on the fence.

  "So Craig's been dead a month now" Lauren tried to start a conversation about him but every time someone tries’ Jack just changes the subject.

  "Yeah I know" Jack quietly said, Lauren knew there wasn't any point in continuing with the subject of Craig.

  "So I think Rebecca and Ethan are pretty close," Lauren said to ease the tension in the air. "yeah I think so"

  The sun was beginning to set and Jack and Lauren need to make their way back to the house before it got completely dark.

  "I think we'll call it a day," Jack said getting off the fence, Lauren stood up from the bench and stretched her legs out.

  They began to make their way back to the house, "wait, do you hear something" Lauren snapped her body back to the fence " I don't hear anything" Jack slowly turned around.

  "Well I do" Lauren took out a small pocket torch a shone it into the distance, they both froze in fear as they seen the biggest horde of corpses they've ever seen.

  "Holy shit!" Jack screamed Lauren pulled her glocks out of the holsters on her hips. She began to fire rapidly into the horde hoping to hit something but it was too dark she could see much.

  Jack lifted his shotgun up and began to fire it into the horde as well; the kickback caused his to step back with each fire.

  The horde got closer and closer to the fence and they couldn't stop them, "we need to go!!" Lauren screamed over the sound of the shotgun firing.

  Jack lowered the gun "you're right" Jack quickly turned to run as Lauren already began to run.

  The horde walked up to the fence and was pushing on it, the force of horde caused the fence to begin to break.

  Lauren and Jack were running as fast as they could, they got to the house but Jack ran into the barn to find Rebecca and Ethan.

  He ran upstairs to find them sitting on the hay bales "get to the house now!!" He shouted trying to get his breath back. He ran back downstairs and burst through the barn doors.

  He ran across the garden and burst through the door and ran into the kitchen to Lauren trying to explain what is happening to Michael, Erica and Marin.

  "What's happening??" Erica frantically asked, "there's a horde coming to the house and we can't stop it," Jack said as he placed his gun on the counter.

  "Well we'll fight it," Ethan said as him and Rebecca stood in the doorway. Michael stood up from his seat "this has been my home for my whole life and I will not see it fall."

  Erica and Marin stood up as well "this is all our home and we'll protect it," Erica said as she walked over to her father.

  "We'll all fight for this house," Jack
said picking up his gun from the counter, everyone ran out to the porch to see where the horde has gotten to, it was still at the fence so that gave them some time.

  The group ran to the shed to get weapons, Jack and Lauren just got more ammo for their guns. Michael took his favourite shotgun, a Winchester SXP Defender. Ethan, Erica and Marin took a Remington Versa Max Tactical; I think shotguns were Michael’s favourite thing to collect.

  "I'm gonna take the RV a distract the horde with it," Lauren said as she ran towards the RV. She pulled the door a jumped in, she turned the key and roared the engine to life and pulled away from the house.

  Rebecca and Ethan ran to the porch and aimed their guns towards the field, "Rebecca, I need to tell you something" Ethan said looking her in the eyes "Well can you tell me later" Rebecca turned her head back. "No I need to tell you now" Rebecca turned her head back to look Ethan in his eyes "I love you." Tears began to fall from Rebecca's eyes but she quickly wiped them away "I love you too."

  Michael picked up a pair of binoculars from the shed and peered through them to see the horde at the fence, the horde was pushing in it with all of its strength "That fence won't hold for long" "I'm gonna go inside and gather supplies in case we have to leave," Erica said running into the house.

  Michael peered through the binoculars again to see the fence cracking, he watched in shock until the fence came crashing down. The sound of the fence coming down could be heard from the house.

  "Here they come!" Michael shouted to the group, some of the corpses were fast and some were slow and the fast ones ran as fast as they could to get to the house.

  A corpse ran towards Michael until he fired the first shot of the battle, the corpse went flying back from the power of his weapon.

  More corpses ran towards the house and with every corpse a gun was fired, Lauren drove the RV back and forth around where the fence was, some corpses were following the RV but most were running towards the house.

  Ethan ran to Jack so he could get a better shot, Rebecca stayed up on the porch with her mother. "I'm reloading!" Jack shouted to Ethan as he reloaded his gun.

  Lauren was speeding around the field until a corpse ran in front of the RV causing her to swerve away into a tree. The group watched in horror as a horde swarmed the RV "NOOOO!!" Ethan shouted as he ran closer to the RV.

  Lauren tried to escape the RV as corpses tried to get in, she ran past the door when a corpse grabbed her leg causing her to fall. She tried to kick it off but more grabbed onto her, they pulled her into them, she tried to fight until one bit her. She screamed with pain as more bit into her leg. Corpses ran into the RV and began biting into the rest of her body.

  He fired multiple shots towards the horde not caring what he hits as long as he saves Lauren but he knew it was too late as corpses began to walk away from the RV. Ethan was firing at the oncoming horde until his weapon ran out of shells. He began to reload in until a corpse ran to him and grabbed him.

  Rebecca was frozen from shock as the man she loves was beginning attack.

  More corpses came towards Ethan and pulled him down to the ground, he kept kicking them away and tried to get up but they kept pinning him down.

  Rebecca ran off the porch and ran towards Ethan "Rebecca!!" Erica scream for her daughter but Rebecca ignored her. she fired her gun towards the horde that was pinning Ethan down but it wasn't doing much.

  She ran up to the horde and fired her gun again causing some of the corpses to run towards her, she fought some of them off but she quickly ran out of ammo, She swung her gun at ones that tried to grab her but one grabbed her legs and pulled her to the ground.

  She kicked her way out of their grip and crawled towards Ethan who was in the same fight as her. A corpse grabbed her and pulled her back from Ethan, she tried to kick it away but she was too late as it bit her, her scream of pain pierced Ethan's ears as he tried to fight his way towards Rebecca but a corpse jumped on top of him and bit into his neck.

  Rebecca reached her arm out to catch Ethan's, more corpses gathered around them and bit into them. Ethan tried to grab her hand but he dropped it as his face fell to the ground.

  Erica was to in shock to notice a corpse running towards her, the corpse tackled her to the ground but she kicked it off her and jumped to her feet. She aimed her gun at its head but the corpses grabbed it and pushed her into the house.

  She tried to get free but the corpse kept pushing her, they burst into the kitchen and the corpse wouldn't let go. She fired the gun hoping it would cause the corpse to lose its grip but it held on stronger.

  She fired the gun again hitting cans of propane, the gas spilt out into the air. The corpse was getting closer to biting her face until Jack swung his sword through its neck causing it to let go of her gun and fall to the ground.

  "He have to go," Jack said as he put the katana on the counter, Erica was in shock "Okay, okay we need to go," She was frozen in fear.

  Marin ran into kitchen and ran to hug her, Jack ran as fast as he could outside to see Michael firing his weapon towards the horde "We have to leave!!" Jack shouted over the gun "I'm not leaving" Michael kept firing into the horde. "The farm is lost"

  "Erica!" Michael scream as he ran into the house to stop a corpse, Jack ran to the porch as he watched Michael aim his weapon at the corpse "Michael, NOOOO!!" Jack scream as Michael fired his gun causing the air to ignite into flames.

  The explosion from the propane cans caused Jack the fly back off of the porch as the house went up in flames.

  Jack was frozen in shock as everyone he knew was now dead, he didn't know what to do. The horde was making its way towards the house and Jack knew he needs to get away.

  He picked himself up off the ground and ran off the field, he ran into a nearby forest. He didn't care where he ran to as long as he was safe.

  He looked back towards the house to see the glow of the fire and the smoke rise, it was at this point he knew he done what his mother told him never to do he found himself alone.




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