Ghost Pursuit (CIA Ghost Series Book 2)

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Ghost Pursuit (CIA Ghost Series Book 2) Page 4

by Mike Ryan

  “I didn’t wanna worry you. You worry about me too much as it is.”

  “Still should’ve said something,” she said, before turning her attention back to Parker. “That’s so sweet of you to come out here to check on him,” Vicky said as she put her hand over Parker’s.

  Parker just smiled. “I just wanted to make sure he was OK.”

  “So how long will you be here?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Will it be a few days or a week?” Vicky wondered.

  “Could be either,” Parker said, pausing. “Or even longer maybe.”

  “There’s something else,” Vicky said, quickly moving her eyes between the two of them. “What else aren’t you saying?”

  Parker sighed and just figured it’d be easier to come clean with it. “I’m suspended from my job.”

  “What? Why? What happened?”

  “I asked for some time to come out here and they said no. So I decided to come anyway and when I landed they told me I was suspended.”

  “Oh no,” Vicky sighed. She got up to move around the table so she could give Parker a hug. “That’s so incredibly sweet of you to risk your job just to make sure Ryan’s OK. That’s so thoughtful of you. You’re such a good…friend.”


  “And so unthoughtful, and selfish, and ridiculous of you,” she yelled at her brother.

  “Uhh…sorry, what?” Turner asked, confused.

  “You let her risk her job just to come out here and console you because you were feeling sorry for yourself after breaking up with your girlfriend?”

  “I didn’t.”

  “How could you let her do that?”

  “I…I…I didn’t know she was coming,” he stammered.

  “What are you gonna do if she doesn’t have a job to go back to?”

  “It’s fine, Vicky. I’m sure it’ll blow over in a few days,” Parker told her.

  “Well, you’re not gonna stay at a hotel. You’re gonna stay here tonight.”

  “I am?” Parker asked.

  “She is?” Turner repeated.

  “Yes. She is.”

  “I’m fine. I can stay at a hotel,” Parker told her.

  “What about clothes? You have no luggage?” Vicki wondered.

  “I can wear this for tonight.”

  “Don’t be silly. I have some clothes you can borrow. We’re close to the same size, they’ll probably fit.”

  “I don’t wanna impose,” Parker protested.

  “Especially if things don’t work out with your job, you’ll need to save your money. Hotels are expensive.”

  “Money’s not an issue. I have plenty of money saved up.”

  Vicki waved her hand at her. “Oh, stop. I have an extra bedroom; you can stay there for tonight.”

  “I would feel like I’m intruding.”

  “Nonsense. The room’s already set up. There’s clean sheets, and pillows, all ready to go.”

  “Uhhh…,” Parker didn’t know what else to say.

  “So you’ll stay here?”

  Parker was losing the battle and she knew it. She looked to Turner for any help, but he had nothing for her. “Yeah, sure. If you really want me to.”

  “I do. It’ll be fun. Like we’re teenagers again having a sleepover,” she smiled.

  “What about me?” Turner wondered.

  “I’ll get you a blanket. You can sleep on the couch.”

  Turner smiled. “Fantastic.”

  Parker looked at him and shrugged.

  They spent the next few hours in the living room, just talking about life. Mark’s name got mentioned a lot. Once eleven o’clock approached, they all started getting ready for bed. Parker was sitting on the edge of the bed when Vicky walked in and sat down next to her.

  “Can I talk to you for a sec?” Vicky asked.


  “I’m worried about Ryan.”

  “Why? What’s the matter?”

  “Just with Mark passing.”

  “He seems like he’s taking it remarkably well,” Parker noted.

  “Yeah, that’s the problem. When our mom died he acted the same way at first. But he was an emotional wreck for almost a year. I really got concerned about him.”


  “He’s not really much of a drinker. So if you ever see him mixing alcohol with watching Star Wars, you know there’s a big problem.”

  “Odd combination.”

  “Do you think you could help me keep an eye on him?”

  “Of course.”

  “Thank you,” Vicky replied, pausing. “I know this is none of my business, but it’s never stopped me before. I don’t suppose with you coming out here that you two are kind of a thing?” she asked, crossing her fingers.

  “Uhh, no.”

  “I know you care about him a lot.”

  “I do. I do care about him,” Parker admitted.

  “I don’t know of too many people who would risk losing their job and fly on a moments notice to console just a friend…unless there was more to it.”

  “Vicky…I…,” she started before being interrupted.

  “I know, I know.”

  “He’s in an emotional place right now with Mark, and even with breaking up with Marissa recently. Last thing I’d want to do is take advantage of him or make a wrong move when his head’s in other places.”

  “I know. But maybe someday?”

  Parker smiled. “Maybe someday.”

  Vicky left the room and checked on her brother before going to her bedroom.

  “No hanky panky in the middle of the night in my house guys,” Vicky yelled for everyone to hear. “Save it for a hotel,” she said, laughing.

  “Seriously?” Turner responded.

  Parker just laughed to herself and shook her head before laying down.

  Chapter 3

  It’d been four days since Parker had heard anything from anyone involved with the CIA. Not Burnett, not Cole, no one. She was starting to get a little angst, wondering what was going on with the pursuit of Davis. She didn’t like being kept in the dark. She tried keeping herself busy, watching TV, doing crosswords, reading, but she felt strange not having a specific purpose, like she’d been used to. Trying to show her appreciation for Turner and Vicky, she made dinner a couple of nights while they were working. She was in the middle of making dinner for the third night in a row when for the first time in days, her phone started ringing. She ran to the living room table where her phone was and eagerly answered.

  “Cole,” she enthusiastically stated.


  “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing. Just wanted to check in and see how you were making out?” Cole wondered.

  “I’m good. A little bored. But I’m OK,” Parker replied, walking back to the stove.

  “What’ve you been up to?”

  “You know…TV, books, nothing exciting. Trying to pass the time.”

  “Yeah. Must be pretty tough sitting on the sidelines.”

  “Have you talked to Burnett lately?”


  “Has she mentioned anything about me?” Parker hopefully asked.


  “Oh,” Parker let her mind wander and didn’t realize her hand was close to the burner on the stove, instantly screaming when her finger touched it. “Ow! Son of a…”

  “You alright? What happened?” Cole asked, concerned.

  “Burnt my finger on the stove.”

  “Oh. What’re you, making dinner?”

  “Yeah. Trying to get it ready for when they get back.”

  “Wait. What? Who are you making dinner for?”

  “Nobody. Just me.”

  “No you’re not. You said “they”.”

  “No I didn’t.”

  “Oh yes you did.”

  “You must’ve misheard me.”

  “No I didn’t. Where you staying, Parker?” Cole wondered, though he already had an ink

  “At a hotel.”

  “What’s it called?”

  “Uhh…,” she tried thinking of a hotel off the top of her head but her mind went blank.

  “Love it so much you can’t remember it huh?”

  “Just give me a second, it’ll come to me.”

  “I’m sure it will.”

  “The Hilton,” she finally told him.

  “You’re lying to me.”

  “I am not.”

  Parker heard keys being rattled as someone was unlocking the front door. She turned around to see who it was. The door opened and Turner came walking in.

  “Hey, Alex,” Turner greeted.

  “Who was that?” Cole asked.

  “Uhh…just the TV,” Parker lied.

  “Making dinner again?” Turner asked. “Smells good.”

  “Again?! That’s not a TV. I know that voice.”

  “I…,” Parker put her hand over her forehead to say something but knew she was cooked.

  “That’s Turner’s voice!”

  “Fine. You win.”

  “You making him breakfast in bed these days too?”

  “Stop,” she told him, stepping outside so Turner couldn’t hear.

  “What’re you thinking?” Cole asked.

  “Nothing is going on.”

  “Are you two shacking up?”

  “Are you like fifteen? Nobody says that anymore.”

  “I do.”

  “I guess I know what your mentality is.”

  “OK. Being serious now, what are you doing? Staying there with him is not gonna help your situation. You’re gonna get yourself in deeper.”

  “I’m staying at his sister’s. She wouldn’t let me go to a hotel.”

  “And Turner’s there too?”

  “Well he can’t stay at his apartment right now.”

  “Well isn’t that just cozy,” Cole teased. “I’m sure she really had to twist your arm, huh?”

  “What am I supposed to do? Just ban myself to some hotel room for God knows how long until Burnett feels ready to bring me back. Who knows when that’ll be?”

  Cole sighed, not liking the situation. “I know. I’m worried about you.”

  “Aww. I always knew you were a big softy under that rough exterior,” Parker joked.

  “Oh stop it. I’m worried the longer you stay there the more you’re gonna wish for things to be different…and you know what I mean.”

  “I didn’t ask to be suspended. This wasn’t my choice.”

  “This isn’t gonna help things. When you do finally get back you’re gonna be pining for him even more than you were before…like some silly little eighth grade school girl. You’ll be impossible.”

  “Thanks, Cole. I love you too.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I can’t just shut the world off anymore,” Parker told him. “I don’t want to. I have never had a normal life, even as a kid. I was being trained by the CIA before most people were finished high school. Here’s a guy who makes me feel different.”

  “I know….makes your heart go pitter patter.”

  “I’ve been a ghost for so long…aliases, nobody knowing who you are; disappearing at the drop of a hat…I don’t know if I want that life anymore.”

  “I just hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “So do I,” she said. “You have any new leads?”

  “Meeting with a guy tomorrow. Claims he’s dealt with Davis,” Cole told her.

  “You’re not going without backup are you?”

  “Nah. Burnett’s sending me somebody. New guy. Only been on the job a couple months.”

  “What?! She’s sending someone with virtually no experience? What the hell is she thinking?”

  “Yeah. She said he’s highly thought of.”

  “Let me know how it goes.”

  “I will.”

  As soon as she got off the phone, Parker went back inside. Turner came over to her with a concerned look on his face. He was worried she would be leaving again.

  “Going back to work?” he asked.

  “Uhh, no.”

  “Oh. Thought maybe that was the big boss bringing you back.”

  “It was just Cole.”

  “Oh. Any news on Davis? Getting closer?”

  “No,” she dejectedly stated. “Not yet.”

  “That’s too bad.”

  They stood there at arms length from each other, staring into each other‘s eyes, neither one saying a word. Turner then let out a slight laugh.

  “What?” Parker asked.

  “You, uhh, have a little something on your cheek there,” he told her. “Probably from making dinner.”

  “Oh,” she smiled, rubbing her cheek to get it off. “All gone?” she asked, turning her face away so he could see.

  Turner moved closer to her and gently touched her face, wiping away the spot that was there. His finger moved down to her chin and turned her face back toward him. He leaned his face closer to her, ready to kiss her, when the front door suddenly swung open.

  “What’s up guys?” Vicky asked.

  Parker and Turner snapped to attention, not wanting to appear like something was going on with them.

  “She had uhh, something on her face and I was just getting it off,” Turner quickly said.

  “Uh huh.”

  “Yeah, she made dinner again. Smells great,” he stated, rubbing his hands together. “Let’s eat!”

  Parker smiled at Vicky as she walked past her and took a deep breath. She took a few seconds to compose herself and then joined the others at the kitchen table. Turner had already dived in and started eating.

  “You’ve really outdone yourself, Alex,” Turner stated. “This is soo good.”

  “Thanks,” she smiled, proud of her cooking skills.

  “Maybe you’ve found a new profession,” Vicky said. “Maybe you could become a chef instead.”

  “I think it’d be a little too boring for my tastes.”

  “So are you all set for tomorrow?” Vicky asked her brother.

  Turner hesitated and sighed before answering. “Yeah. I guess so.”

  Parker looked at the two of them and wondered what was going on. “What’s tomorrow?”

  Turner just looked down at his food, not really wanting to say. “Mark’s funeral,” Vicky said. “You didn’t know?”

  “Oh. No. How come you didn’t tell me?”

  “I know you didn’t know him that well. Just figured you wouldn’t be interested,” Turner solemnly said.

  “Of course I’m interested. I’ll be there. We’re friends, right? It’s important to you, so that makes it important to me.”

  Turner nodded his head and grinned, appreciating the gesture. “Friends. Ha!,” Vicky mumbled, nobody able to hear her.

  “What’d you say?” Turner wondered.

  “Oh, nothing,” she grinned.

  “That means I’ll have to go get a new dress after dinner,” she stated.

  “Oh, I’ll go with you,” Vicky said. “I can never turn down a shopping trip.”


  As soon as they finished eating and cleaned up the kitchen, Parker and Vicky left to shop for some new clothes. While they were out, Brad called Vicky and asked her to stop over at his place when they were done. The girls really enjoyed their shopping trip together and seemed like they bonded a little over the three hours it took them. Parker not only got a dress for the funeral, she bought a few hundred dollars worth of more clothes, not knowing how much longer she’d be in town. When they were done, Vicky dropped Parker off at the house so she could go spend some time with Brad. When Parker walked through the door, bags in hand, she immediately noticed Turner sitting on the couch. It was dark with all the lights off but something didn’t seem right. She put the bags down on the floor and flipped the light switch. He seemed to be in a trance, not even noticing she was there. She saw a bottle of alcohol on the table in front of him and assumed what Vicky had wa
rned her about was happening. The TV was pretty loud so she went over to it and turned it down.

  “I’m guessing this is Star Wars,” she said to herself, then looked at Turner, blocking the TV.

  “Oh, hey Alex,” Turner finally said, realizing she was in the room.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Just watching my favorite movie and having a little smash,” he told her, holding up the bottle. “Join me?”

  “We were only gone three hours. How did you get like this?” she asked, picking up the bottle and noticed it was three quarters gone.

  “Uhhh…,” he shrugged. “Good planning?”

  Parker grabbed the bottle and took it out to the kitchen, placing it on the counter.

  “Hey, where you going with that?” Turner asked.

  “You’ve had enough for one night.”

  Turner got up to stop her but felt a little dizzy and sunk right back down on the couch. Parker got out her phone to let Vicky know what was going on.

  “Hey, everything OK?” Vicky asked.

  “Uhh, yeah, you know that thing you were talking to me about Ryan? With the Star Wars and drinking?”

  “Yeah?” she asked, fearful of what was going to come out of her mouth next.

  “Well, it looks like it’s happening.”

  “Oh no. I’ll turn around and be right there.”

  “No, no. I’ll take care of him,” Parker told her.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. Go spend time with your boyfriend. I’ve got him. I just wanted to let you know.”

  “OK. If you’re sure.”

  “Yeah. I got this. I’ll make sure he’s OK.”

  “I’ll be back in a few hours then. If you need anything, or he gets worse, let me know.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure he’s OK then put him to bed.”

  Parker then walked back to Turner and sat next to him, the alcohol very strong on his breath. She put her hand over her mouth, hoping this wouldn’t be a long night.

  “You should lay down and get some rest,” she told him.

  “I’m perfectly fine. Besides, the movie’s not over yet. They haven‘t even escaped from the Death Star yet,” Turner said. A second later he turned his head back to Parker. “You know, you’re really pretty.”

  Parker smiled, happy to hear it, even if he probably didn’t know what he was saying. “Thank you.”

  “No, I really mean it. You’re really pretty. Did you ever think of becoming a model or something?”


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