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Canary for the Dragon

Page 4

by Angelique Voisen

  The longer he thought about his situation, the more it made sense that he needed to own up to his decisions. Running away with a bus ticket to somewhere wasn’t the solution. One night with Rex, with a man who seemed capable of weaving magic on him, of creating an unexplainable magnetic pull between them, that was all he wanted.

  Come tomorrow, Sky would return to Gareth. Accept whatever punishment Gareth dished out, because at least, he’d have had that one night with Rex. What would it be like, to be mated to a man like Rex?

  Sky wouldn’t need to feel scared all the time. It would be the opposite. He would feel loved, cherished, protected. Sky needn’t want for anything else.

  “I’m having ridiculous fantasies again,” he muttered.

  A lock clicked before he come up with a plan on how to deal with his next encounter with Rex. Okay, some improvisation then. Sky spun to see a haggard-looking Rex, still wearing the same clothes when he left.

  Any thoughts about tempting Rex disappeared. Anger took over. Sky said the first thing on his mind. “Where the hell have you been? I’ve been worried out of my mind.”

  Rex stood by the doorway for some reason, not speaking. Something about Rex seemed changed, different. Scary almost.

  “I’ve been thinking,” Rex eventually answered, shutting the door behind him.

  “About what?”

  “Whether I should keep my distance from you or pursue this course.”

  Sky crossed his arms, still pissed. “I thought Gareth’s men got to you. Do you have any idea how many horrible scenarios I’ve conjured up in my mind over the last, I don’t know,” Sky passed and checked his watch, “several hours?”

  “My control’s shaky.”

  “You think you scare me?” Sky demanded.

  Rex laughed. “I’m pretty sure I will, once you find out who I really am.”

  Instead of backing away like any sane person, Sky took a step forward, then another. He gnashed his teeth. “Stop making everything so complicated. Maybe we end up having zero chemistry at all. Maybe I don’t like the way you kiss. Maybe we don’t even click. We won’t know until we find out.”

  Sky stood inches from Rex now, so close he could touch the other shifter. In seconds, his back hit the front door, and Rex had his arms pinned above his head. His breathing hitched. Sky never even saw Rex move, until he felt the wood digging against his body. Even so, despite being pinned by a predator, excitement mingled with fear thrummed through his veins. So close. All Rex had to do now was—

  The Rex who’d left him earlier would have hesitated, played the role of gentleman. Not this new Rex. Keeping one hand on his wrists, Rex used the other to lift his chin and slammed his lips over Sky’s for a kiss.

  Rex didn’t kiss. Rex consumed him with every nip and bite. For a couple of moments, Rex rendered him breathless, unable to think of anything else save the heat of their bodies. Rex pulled away abruptly, gaze golden, slitted. Alien almost, because Sky had never seen a shifter with eyes like that before, like that of a reptile, except Rex didn’t burn cold. Rex was all heat and passion.

  His heart hammered against his chest.

  Rex brushed lips over his ear, sharp edges of teeth nipping at his earlobe. “I can smell your fear and your arousal, little canary.”

  “I—” Sky faltered. Head spinning, pulse racing, instead of stopping, asking questions, he said, “Kiss me again. Please.”

  Rex flicked the button of his jeans open, slid a huge hand past his boxers to give his thickening dick a squeeze. Sky moaned, the sound silenced by Rex’s hungry mouth. When Rex prodded his tongue against Sky’s lips, Sky opened up, sucking down. Rex drew his dick out, began to stoke with alternating speeds, leaving Sky breathless.

  Dizzy with warm, fuzzy emotions he couldn’t name, Sky pulled away, panting. They both were. If a mere kiss would immobilize him, render his body no longer his, Sky was in deep trouble. If they continued down his path, it would be harder to let go.

  “You test my patience, little canary. You’re mine, and you don’t even know it. Resisting won’t help you one bit.”

  “I’m not sure I like this new you.”

  “Yes, you do. I’m not like a brute like your eagle. Gareth’s small fry. All talk and no balls.”

  “How are you different?” Sky argued, feeling he fought a losing battle. His canary urged him to go the distance, find out what exactly being with Rex was like.

  “I don’t force myself on little birds who can’t fight back. By the end of this night, you’ll be begging me for more.”

  “So confident?”

  “Enough talking,” Rex said with a growl.

  The sound raised all the hairs on his arms, but Rex had made his point. With Gareth, all Sky felt was revulsion. He wanted to offer his submission to Rex, to trust Rex, despite how absurd that sounded. They were strangers, but Rex reached out for him, offered him salvation when he felt trapped, suicidal.

  Sky had lived like a prisoner most of his life, felt like a prey among more powerful avians but Rex never once put him in his place or belittled him. Rex smelled like safety, comfort, but Sky danced on a dual-edged sword. Tonight, he glimpsed Rex’s darker nature, but instead of running away and reevaluating the situation, he wanted to see where Rex took him.

  “Show me,” he whispered, trying to inject some confidence in his voice, but failing badly.

  Rex smirked, yellow eyes glowing, rendering his face almost predatory. “I’m going to make you sing for me, little canary.”

  Chapter Seven

  Rex edged him far from the front door and right into what Sky assumed was Rex’s master bedroom. Like the rest of the apartment, it lacked color, personality. Life. Maybe he could change that, inject some passion back into Rex’s life, but that kind of thinking might only lead to Rex getting killed.

  That brought Sky out of the spell Rex had somehow managed to cast on him. Tonight, he’d let his body lead the dance, lose himself in self-abandon to a man who could be his ideal mate. Sky could drown in ecstasy, dream Rex was his rightful man, but come tomorrow the spell would break and he had to face reality.

  “What’s wrong?” Rex asked, as if capable of sensing his apprehension.

  “Nothing.” His lips curved to what he hoped was a seductive smile.

  “You’re good at lying, aren’t you, little canary?”

  “Liars live a lot longer than regular folks.”

  Rex chuckled. “You lied to survived. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but I can see right through you.”

  “Shut up. I thought I’m your prize for tonight.”

  “You’re not a prize. You’re a treasure.” Then Rex shoved him in the chest, so his ass landed on the edge of Rex’s king-sized bed.

  Sky swallowed. Why did Rex have such a way with words? The distinction didn’t escape him. A prize could mean some kind of conquest, while a treasure meant something of sentimental value to the holder. Keep me, his soul, his canary screamed, but he only said, “I thought you wanted me to shut up so you can have your way with me.”

  Rex’s roar filled the room, echoing through the walls. Sky shivered. Goosebumps appeared on the surface of his skin, but Sky’s dick bulged against his opened jeans. He fumbled for his bottoms, eager to take them off. Rex strode forward, assisted him in yanking them down, along with his boxers. Cool air caressed his lower half.

  “Look at you, little canary. So sexy and eager for me, hmm?” Rex stroked his inner thigh in small circles, making him shudder.

  He silently wished Rex to move on to his dick, start pumping his shaft again.

  Sky recalled he still had his shirt on, so he pulled that off.

  “I like lovers with initiative,” Rex murmured, looking him up and down. Sky felt utterly exposed, vulnerable, and liked every second of it. It seemed appropriate he bare it all for Rex, body, heart and soul—even if Rex didn’t know it.

  “You’ve had plenty of lovers then?” Sky bit his lip a second later, recalling Rex lost his mate. “I’m
sorry. That was uncalled for.”

  Rex shook his head. “It’s fine. You’re scared. You use sarcasm and humor to hide it.”

  “This is my first time. I mean…” Sky paused, blushing hard. “I’m scared I’ll disappoint you.”

  And he wanted to please Rex so much, Rex wouldn’t forget him easily.

  God. He sounded like a brat, but being a virgin, he didn’t know what it was like, being at the complete mercy of another man but Rex was one in a million. Rex was worthy of his gift.

  Rex blinked, some of the intensity in his gaze melting. “You’re a virgin?”

  “Is that a problem?” Sky demanded, not wanting Rex to back off now. Taking a breath, he rose to his feet and said the words that came from his heart. “I want my first to be you, Rex.”

  Rex tugged him close, hands locked on his waist. The sensation of his bare skin against Rex’s clothed body was an erotic one, and he didn’t miss the heat emanating from the bulge in Rex’s jeans. All Sky wanted to do was rub himself against Rex, lewd as it was. Whatever could Rex think of him? Sky didn’t have the luxury of time though.

  “First and last,” Rex whispered against his ear, sending a flutter through his heart.

  “What does that mean?” Sky asked, his question left unanswered when Rex locked lips with his.

  Sensation speared through him. Heat coiled in his insides, thickening his dick. Before he could gather his thoughts, Rex gave him a gentle shove on the bed again, until he lay on his back.

  “Stay here,” Rex ordered, as if Sky was going anywhere soon, until he got what he wanted anyway. No, what they both needed. He sat on the edge of the bed again.

  Rex entered what Sky guessed was the bathroom and returned moments later, with lube and a packet of condoms in hand. His heartbeats kicked up a notch, and Sky wondered if he was out of his league. No regrets though, because he intended to see this through, to find out what it meant to lose himself completely in someone else. Rex returned in front of him, placed the items down, and stripped off his shirt. Sky’s breath left his body for a couple of seconds. Pure muscle covered every hard expense of Rex. Every inch of Rex screamed power. Old rake marks of various lengths decorated Rex’s body, some from animals Sky couldn't identify. Then Rex dropped his jeans, and his mouth went try.

  “You’re…” Sky faltered. Rex was … generous, thick and long.

  Sky wondered if Rex could really fit that monster in him, but at the same time, his heart longed for Rex to be in him, claiming him. Once he surrendered his body to Rex, the other bits of him—heart and soul, wouldn’t be far behind. Dangerous thinking, but he feared he’d soon lose his ability to reason.

  “Like what you see, little canary?” Rex asked, amusement in his voice. When Sky leaned forward to take a closer look, Rex pressed a hand on his chest, urging him to lie on his back. “Relax. I’m going to make you scream soon, in a good way.”

  “So cocky? Where did you hide this side of you? Was it part of you all along?” Sky asked.

  “Always. I survived this long, knowing how to act in certain situations. Plenty of animal groups have hunted my kind for centuries. Pretending to be civilized and playing by the rules is a small price to pay.”

  Rex’s words should have some impact, but Sky had trouble holding onto the rational part of his mind, especially when Rex lifted Sky’s legs over his broad shoulders. The position made him blush, all too exposed.

  “Hard for me already? You can’t come unless I say so.”

  Startled and turned on at the same time, Sky swore. “Are you serious? What are you going to do if I don’t obey?”

  “Easy answer. I’ll make you come over and over again, until you’re all wrung out.”

  “Um. What kind of punishment is that?”

  “The effective sort for disobedient little canaries.”

  Sky swallowed. Why did Rex’s words always leave him speechless?

  “I’ll try then,” he conceded.

  “Do,” Rex said, giving his leaking tip a squeeze.

  He moaned, shifting slightly, but Sky was effectively pinned. He didn’t want to be anywhere else but here, trapped under a powerful shifter like Rex. It occurred to him he hadn’t asked Rex what animal Rex had in him yet. Well, later. Much later.

  Rex grabbed the lube, uncapped it, and drizzled a generous amount over his fingers, before working plenty into his puckered entrance. The feeling of someone’s fingers aside from his own felt odd, but not entirely unpleasant. He’d assumed a dominant shifter would be a brute in the bedroom, all roughness and no elegance. Sky was dead wrong. Rex drew circles around his hole, using his other hand to give his dick a few pumps, the torture almost exquisite.

  When Rex pushed a slicked finger in him, he mewled.

  “So responsive,” Rex murmured, approval in his voice. “Take a second for me.”

  Sky nodded, unable to speak. Rex pushed another in, and began to make scissoring motions.

  “Do you get off on torturing me?” he blurted unthinkingly.

  “Why, little canary, seeing you torn between discomfort and pleasure is quite a sight to behold,” Rex said, predatory eyes glued to his face.

  Sky blushed, quite certain his entire face and neck had turned bright crimson by now.

  “Watching you come, knowing it was all my doing, that would be a fucking treat,” Rex continued.

  “You purposely say stuff like that to get a reaction out of me.”

  “You like the attention, admit it.”

  Rex had a point. Sky had learned early to keep his head down, eyes averted his entire life. Learning to be invisible, to be seen and not speak, had been ingrained into his bones. Being the center of attention was something new to him.

  “You’re ready,” Rex announced.

  “I am?”

  “Don’t be nervous.” Rex stroked his belly, his dick, the motion comforting. “I’m not going to lie, but it’s going to hurt. Endure the pain and you’ll be rewarded.”

  “Okay.” It was nice, Rex talked him through this. Sky imagined if had been another man, they would have simply fucked him without a care for his feelings. “I’m ready.”

  Rex broke the condom foil and slid it over his generous length. “Good, because I can barely restrain myself any longer.”

  Chapter Eight

  Blanketing his body over Sky’s, Rex positioned his leaking tip into Sky’s slicked hole and pushed. Gritting his teeth, he killed the urge to bury himself inside Sky in one swift movement. He made his entry slow and steady, so both of them felt the torturous entry. All that while, his gaze didn’t leave Sky’s face. His little canary linked fingers around his neck, eyes wide, breathing uneven.

  “Hurts,” Sky whispered.

  “Endure it, baby. I’ll make you feel good really soon.” Rex promised.

  Sky nodded, gave him a nervous cry, but seemed to relax once Rex went past the thick ring of muscles.

  “Breathe in and out,” Rex instructed. Flickers of satisfaction filled him when Sky obeyed. Finally, he was balls deep inside Sky. Fuck, but Sky was so tight, so ripe for the taking. To be his—but Rex reminded himself he needed to be careful. The last thing he wanted was to break his little canary. Not to say Sky was fragile. Sky had proven to be resilient, strong, with survival instincts to be admired, but Rex had trouble holding onto his control when Sky was around.

  Or so Rex thought anyway. Inside of him, his dragon remained silent, at peace, like being inside Sky was heaven on earth. Close enough.

  “I’m going to move now,” Rex said, locking his lips with Sky’s again.

  Heat pooled from his belly and surged to his dick. Seconds of sinking his cock inside Sky, and Rex turned rock hard. Sky responded, nails digging into his shoulders, leaving half crescent marks and drawing blood. Oh, Rex wasn’t surprised his little canary had claws. If anything, the pinpricks of pain when Sky raked at his skin only turned him on.

  Rex slammed his hips against Sky, finding a rhythm which suited both of them. Sky wound his
hand through Rex’s hair, panting after Rex released his lips. Rex couldn’t stop running his hands down the length of Sky’s body, Sky’s silken skin. When his touches turned rough, Sky practically purred at him, like some cat in heat, and met Rex for every thrust. Nice to see he had the same effect on his little canary.

  “More,” Sky uttered, eyes dilated.

  Rex thrust faster, deeper. Each time their bodies connected, something in him loosened. To keep his sanity in check, he kept his dragon separated from the man. This time, both beast and man were one.

  “Your eyes,” Sky murmured, placing a hand on the left side of his cheek. “They’re glowing.”

  “Scared?” he couldn’t help but ask.

  Sky shook his head. “Not anymore.”

  Rex grinned, shifting the angle of his thrusts. The next time he penetrated Sky, Sky arched his back, gripping his biceps. A sharp gasp tore out of Sky, telling Rex he’d hit Sky’s prostate. He kept aiming for Sky’s secret spot, luxuriating in the sight of Sky’s eyelids fluttering and Sky rubbing his dick furiously against Rex’s abdomen. He reached between their bodies, began pumping Sky’s long prick. Sky moaned as he flicked the pre-cum off the tip and gave it a lazy lick.

  “God,” Sky whispered. “Rex, I’m close.”

  “Good, because I want you to come for me. Do it now.” Rex worked Sky’s shaft faster, timing it with his thrusts. Sky cried out underneath him, lips seeking his. Rex speared Sky’s half-parted mouth open further and pushed his tongue down Sky’s throat. Sky sucked hard, one hand fisted in Rex’s hair, pulling tight, while the other continued holding onto him.

  A detonation was about to go off inside Rex. He fucked Sky faster, withdrew his lips to hear Sky gasp, then scream. Hearing his name gave him a spear of satisfaction. Rex hammered into Sky several more times, before he hit climax. Growling against Sky’s neck, he emptied his load into his condom, wishing not for the first time, there wasn’t a thin piece of barrier between him and Sky. His dragon pushed him to finish the dance, to sink canines down the side of Sky’s neck, claim Sky as his forever.


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