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Protector of Midnight: an Urban Fantasy Novel (Chronicles of Midnight Book 1)

Page 7

by Debbie Cassidy

  “Not all humans are worthy of being saved,” Drayton said. “We do it anyway, but trust me, there are some pretty fucked up humans out there and Daryn was one of them. You acted in self-defense. Give yourself a break.” He paused and studied me speculatively. “There is a way to control it you know. So you wouldn’t have to have the shields up all the time.”


  He sat forward in his seat. “Feed more frequently.”

  I crossed my arms under my breasts. “Not an option.”


  “Because I hate it.”

  His eyes narrowed. “No, you don’t, princess. You love it, and that scares you.”

  Fuck him and his insights. “There has to be another way. I can feed a couple of times a month and store the power.”

  His eyes lit up. “Store power? Interesting.”

  “Why? Can’t you do that?”

  His dark eyes grew even darker. “No.”

  Ryker stepped in. “Here in Midnight you’ll burn through that power pretty quickly. You’ll need to adjust, Harker.”

  “There has to be another way. I can’t... I don’t want to lose control.”

  “So, let me train you,” Drayton said.

  Ryker’s lips tightened. “No.”

  Drayton shot Ryker an irritated look.

  I glanced from Ryker to Drayton. “Why not?”

  Drayton caught his bottom lip between his teeth and then slowly released it. The action was so blatantly sexual, so hot that my body tightened in response.

  Man it was obvious. “You’d have to have sex with me, wouldn’t you?”

  His lips tightened. “No. No sex. I can teach you some breathing exercises to help you pace your feeding and stop before you hurt someone...that is if you mean them no harm. You can siphon off me, no sexual contact required. Wouldn’t want to sully our working relationship...unless you want to, that is?”

  Ryker’s snorted.

  Had he been worried Drayton would want to get freaky with me? Why did he even care? Wait what? “Working relationship?”

  “Cambions are considered primary nephs,” Ryker said. “And Bane has asked if you’d like to stay and join the Protectorate as one of the officers we command.”

  Join the Protectorate. That was the first thing anyone had said that felt right. Nolan’s words rang in my ears. His conviction that I could have a place here, and even though I’d give anything to be back in Sunset with Jesse, that was no longer an option. “Yes. I’d like to stay.”

  Where else would I go? Out into Midnight to find my own way, to become a no one? Nolan had said I was born to protect the weak. If I was going to stay, I needed to learn how my new home operated, and I needed to learn to make the best use of my abilities.

  I touched Ryker’s hand. “I need you to tell me everything about Midnight.”

  “Of course.”

  “And Drayton, I’d like to take you up on your offer to teach me how to use my abilities.”

  His lips curled in a seductive smile. “Wise decision.”

  I arched a brow. “No sexual contact, right?”

  He sobered. “Right.”

  “If I feed off you, then I’ll be absorbing your power, your incubi seduction and that’s gonna get messy,” I transferred my attention to Ryker, “so if you don’t mind I’d like to siphon off you while Drayton instructs?”

  Ryker’s expression shuttered completely. “No. I can’t. I’m sorry.”

  Drayton’s expression hardened. “Look, I know you don’t know me at all, but when I give my word I mean it, and I give you my word, there will be no sexual contact during our sessions.” His eyes gleamed. “At least none initiated by me.”

  I looked from Ryker to Drayton. Why was Ryker being so weird about my siphoning off him? I opened my mouth to ask but Ryker stood up and cleared his throat.

  “I should go check in with the others,” he said. “I’m due on patrol in a bit. Dray, can you show Serenity around the base?”

  “Sure,” Drayton said. He dropped me a wink.

  “I’ll find you later and we can talk about Midnight,” Ryker said to me. His expression was impassive as if he’d shoved his shades on, except he hadn’t.

  He left us to it, eager to get away from me.

  “What just happened?”

  Drayton pulled himself out of his seat and stretched, his t-shirt rode up exposing tanned abs and the tempting V that sat above his low slung jeans. My cheeks heated. Dammit. Stop staring, woman. I raised my gaze to his face to find him smiling smugly.


  He held out a hand. “I’m starving.”

  My brows shot up.

  “For food, princess.” He chuckled. “You should see your face.” His tone dropped low and seductive. “Are you hungry for food?”

  My tummy grumbled. “Yeah, I guess I am.” I slipped my palm into his and allowed him to haul me up. He yanked a little harder than necessary sending me stumbling against his solid frame. I braced myself, hands against his pecs, and looked up into his face, startled and stupidly aroused.

  “Turn it off, please.”

  His brow crinkled. “What?”

  “Your mojo or whatever you’re doing.”

  His gaze softened and he scanned my face. “I’m not doing anything, Serenity.”

  Oh, fuck.

  I pulled back, out of the circle of his arms. “Steak, or chicken. I need protein.” I strode toward the door and yanked it open, and then realized I had no idea where the kitchen was. “Lead the way.”

  He breezed past me, an amused smile playing on his lips.

  Behind my shields, the hunger stirred.

  Chapter 11

  Drayton walked with a sensual stride that was kind of hypnotic. Were all incubi like him?

  I gripped the banister as we took the steps down to the ground floor. These weren’t the main stairs. These were a narrow set with sconces on the stone wall to light the way. “Where did Ryker go?”

  “He’s heading a patrol tonight with Rivers. How much did he tell you about our hierarchy?”

  “The primary and minor neph stuff, and the elemental thing.”

  “Yes, there are only six primaries at the MPD with elemental affinities. Ryker, Bane, Rivers, Orin, Cassie and myself. Patrols are done in groups of four, two head primaries and two regular ones.”

  “So the elemental primaries are the heads?”

  “Yes. We set up this base. We recruit, we train and we patrol. We also live here in the main house.”

  “What about the non-head primaries? Do they live here too?”

  “No. There are two large guesthouses on the grounds where they live. We have about twenty officers in residence there.”

  “Soooo, how come I get to live here?”

  He shot me a grin. “Bane obviously likes you.”

  My brain stuttered. “What? What do you mean by that?”

  He laughed, a full belly laugh. “Oh, God. You should see your face. I’m joking.” His tone grew serious. “You’re a cambion. Unique, rare and you have those shields and this amazing ability to siphon power with a touch, and use it.” He paused at the bottom of the staircase. “You can use it, can’t you?”

  “I’m not sure. I did release the power I’d siphoned off Daryn and knock some people out at the fete.”

  He blinked at me. “Why did you do that?”

  “Gee, I don’t know, I thought it would be fun.”

  He was still staring at me with that perplexed look on his face.

  I made an exasperated sound. “They were arresting me, and they hurt my sister, so I blasted them, okay. It wasn’t exactly intentional. I just wanted them to stop.”

  “Another thing to work on then,” Drayton said. “Impulse control. Come on.” He led me though the foyer and under an arch, down spooky dark corridors lit sporadically by candelabra’s while I avoided staring at his perfect butt. We climbed down another flight of stone steps and stepped through a set of double doors into a huge warm s
pace decorated like the perfect country kitchen. Pots and pans hung off walls and two massive stoves sat against the wall. A long table took center stage surrounded by eight seats. And on the far side of the table were a man and a woman engaged in some kind of game.

  “Piss off Orin, the last scone is mine.” A slender fiery haired female leapt up trying to reach something clutched in the tall, lithe guy’s hand.

  The guy, Orin shook his head. “I’m doing you a favor, Cassie. You’ll get fat and then none of the boys will wanna kiss you.”

  Cassie stopped jumping and placed her hands on her hips. “Do you want me to scream?”

  Orin’s eyes widened and then narrowed. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  Cassie’s shoulders rose as if she was filling her lungs in preparation to let loose.

  “Dammit, Orin. Give her the fucking scone,” Drayton barked from the doorway.

  It was the first time I’d heard him lose his chilled tone and the guy, Orin, quickly held out the baked goods.

  Cassie stared at it for a long beat and then shrugged. “I don’t want it anymore.”

  “What?” Orin looked incredulous. “You just kicked up a huge fuss.”

  “Yeah, well now it’s got all your roan germs all over it.”

  Orin took a menacing step toward the female, and my body tensed, ready to defend her. Drayton held out his arm, blocking me, as if sensing my intention. And then Cassie was in Orin’s arms, and they were kissing so deeply it looked like they were eating each other’s faces.

  Drayton sighed. “You have rooms for this shit.”

  Orin came up for air. “You’re just jealous your incubus seduction doesn’t work on her.” His attention fell to me, and he gently released Cassie.

  She turned to us. “Is this the new recruit Bane was talking about?” She addressed Drayton but her gaze was flitting all over me, part assessing, partly just curious.

  “Yes. This is Serenity Harker,” Drayton said. “She used to be with the SPD, so she’s already trained in combat. You’ll just need to give her an upgrade.”

  Upgrade? My confusion must have shown on my face, because Cassie relaxed, her face breaking into a grin.

  “Don’t worry, Serenity. It’s nothing sinister. I’m responsible for making sure you’re ready for the field, finding you your perfect weapon, assessing your kick butt moves, that kind of thing. I’ll take good care of you. Plus, it’ll be nice having another woman around in this den of testosterone.”

  “Um, thanks, I guess.”

  “You hungry?” she asked.

  “God, yes.”

  Orin held out the scone. “You want it?”

  I stared at the partially squished item. “I think I’ll pass.”

  Orin shrugged and then shoved the whole thing in his mouth. He chewed a couple of times and then swallowed.

  “Pig,” Cassie said.

  “You love it,” Orin retorted.

  And then came the goo goo eyes.

  “Sickening, isn’t it?” Drayton said.

  It was kinda sweet actually, stirring up a longing for something warm and intimate that I’d worked hard to deny for years. “So, what is there to eat?”

  Ten minutes later and Drayton and I were tucked up at the table digging into the most delicious chicken casserole I’d ever tasted. Orin and Cassie had already eaten so they joined us with two mugs of coffee.

  I swallowed my mouthful. “This is so good. Who made it?”

  “Bane,” Drayton said. “He’s the only one of us who can cook half a damned.”

  I tried to imagine Bane’s massive bulk pottering around the kitchen. Would he wear an apron? A soft laugh escaped from my lips.

  Cassie bit back a smile. “Your imagining him in an apron, aren’t you?”

  Shit. How did she know? “Don’t tell me you read minds.”

  “Goodness, no. That kind of stuff is Ryker’s department, although to be fair, he’s more empath than mind reader.”

  Ryker was an empath? That explained how he could be so sensitive to my moods. “And you? What abilities do you have?”

  “Cassie is a banshee.” Orin said. “She can usually sense when something fucked up is going to happen.”

  “Her scream can also rupture your eardrums,” Drayton said.

  Well, that explained earlier.

  “Anyway,” Drayton continued. “We have a rota for cooking. Cassie isn’t too bad and Orin’s the baker. Rivers just grabs takeout on his night and Ryker always makes spaghetti.”

  “Orin, you need to make more scones so Serenity can try them,” Cassie said.

  Orin nodded. “Tomorrow. I promise.”

  “Can you cook?” Cassie asked me.

  “Not really. My sister would do most of the cooking at home.” My throat seized up and my eyes burned.

  Silence fell, thick and heavy.

  “I’m sorry,” Orin said. “I can’t imagine what you must be going through having to leave everything you’ve known behind, and here we are acting as if you were voluntarily recruited to MPD.” His hand slipped over mine. “If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

  Cassie drained her mug and stood. “Come find me in the training room when you’re done. We can chat about what you know and where we need to focus with your training.”

  Orin’s hand was still resting on mine.

  Cassie sighed. “Orin, are you coming?”

  He pulled his hand away and stood. “Yeah. Course.”

  They left, and I turned in my seat to face Drayton. “What about you?”

  He looked up from his plate. This close up, his chocolate brown eyes were flecked with hazel and green. His attention dropped to my mouth. “What about me?”

  “Can you cook?” And why were my lungs so tight?

  His mouth quirked. “Are you vetting me, Harker?”

  And there was that throb again. Damn him and his incubus vibe. “No. I was just curious.”

  “I cook. Mainly pasta dishes though. I’m all about carbs and the activity that goes with burning them off.”

  “How often do you feed?”

  He pushed his plate away. “As often as I can.” He leaned in, his fresh zesty scent tickling my nostrils. “You’re curious aren’t you? You want to know what it feels like to just let go and gorge. To take pleasure in what you are.”

  Did I? The pulse at the base of my throat was throbbing like crazy, screaming, yes, yes, yes.

  He sat back, taking his charismatic pull with him. “It’s normal to feel that way. You’re cambion. You’re part incubus, and like calls to like. We are creatures of hunger, desire and need. In my opinion, you’ve done fantastically in curbing your impulses all these years.”

  So this connection I felt toward him was all due to my cambion genes. Good to know.

  His expression was deathly serious now, and sincerity dripped from every word. “I know Ryker is wary about me training you. I feed off sexual energy and you...there’s something intoxicating about you that I’m sure even Orin, with his tongue down Cassie’s throat, must have picked up on.”

  Was that why she’d left with him so quickly?

  I cleared my throat. “I don’t feed off sexual energy.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I rolled my eyes. “I think I’d know if I did.”

  He ran his tongue over his teeth in thought. “Then you must exude it. Even with your shields up, it’s strong.”

  “Trust me. I’d know if I was exuding sex appeal. I mean, I haven’t had a date in like, forever.”

  His brows shot up.

  Maybe I shouldn’t have admitted that. “Look. I’m not like you.”

  “You’ve lived amongst humans all your life. You’re among nephs now. Our senses are stronger. I’ll help you control your abilities, and I’ll keep my incubus in check.”

  Why was he selling himself? Crap, I hadn’t actually agreed to him training me. “I can control myself fine.”

  “No. You can suppress. That’s what you’ve been do
ing all these years. Denying and suppressing. I bet you’ve never had a full meal have you?”

  My mouth was dry.

  “You let me train you, and once we’re done you’ll be able to feed without draining, and take without hurting yourself or another.”

  “Why do you care so much?”

  “Because there hasn’t been a cambion in centuries and because I don’t believe in chance.”

  He thought my existence was some kind of omen? “Look. I’m just a neph who ended up on the wrong side of the border.”

  “No. You came with the last batch of outsiders over twenty years ago. And there have been no outsiders since.”

  “You think that’s my fault?”

  “I think that there is more to your existence than meets the eye. So, what do you say? Will you allow me to help you?”

  Where was the drawling, relaxed Drayton of earlier? He really meant all this shit, and frankly I was intrigued. “Okay.”

  He grinned, slipping back into the cocky skin he wore most of the time. “Superb. Let’s get you to Cassie so she can run through the boring stuff, and then you’re mine.”

  Wait, had his sincerity been...sincere, or had I just been played?

  Gah! I trailed behind him leaving the cozy homey kitchen in our wake. It was time to find out what skills I needed to protect Midnight.

  Chapter 12

  Drayton left me at the entrance to the hugest room I’d ever seen. The ceiling was so high it was lost to gloom and shadows. Pillars dotted the room, holding everything up. Once again, the lighting was all muted, but this time there were sconces fixed to the wall.

  “It used to be a ballroom,” Drayton said. “At least I think it did.”

  Now it was filled with mats, targets, ropes and tall frames probably used for practicing jumping and climbing. Some of the pillars were padded with faces drawn on them.

  “The MPD owns this building?”

  “No. Bane does. He found us and brought us together.”

  “What is Bane?”

  “Now that is a question I can’t answer.”

  “You don’t know?”

  “I doubt even he knows for sure. All we do know is that his neph blood is strong, like super concentrated genes. The guy is a tank.”


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