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Loving Dean (Mafia Generations Book 3)

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by Roxanne Greening

  “The Other Woman is already in the Blu-ray player. I have some red wine chilling in an ice bucket, and I already ordered Chinese takeout,” she tells me in a mad rush.

  I raised my eyebrows at her and gave her a small smile. I loved that movie! It was absolutely hilarious.

  “Wine is a must,” I tell her with a light laugh.

  I needed this more now than I did an hour ago. Gary’s infidelity still plagued me, and I had no clue why. Why couldn’t I get over the cheating bastard?

  “Come on. Go sit and pour us some wine,” Mia says with a gentle push in the direction of her warm, inviting living room.

  I got some sad news today on top of everything else. My hours at the coffee shop was being cut down. That meant I needed to find another job. This would be number three.

  “I’m sorry about the hours,” Mia tells me with a heavy sigh. She plopped down on the other end of the couch tucking her feet under her and curled into the arm.

  “It’s not your fault business is so slow,” I tell her with a gentle smile.

  She was my friend, and I knew it was hard for her to cut my hours down like that. Running your own business came with such trials.

  “I don’t hold it against you,” I tell her.

  “Char, honestly, I wish I could give you more money,” she tells me sadly.

  I knew that, just like she knew everything going on in my life. Except for Mr. Hot Stuff, my mind whispered. I felt like I was keeping a monumental secret, but he felt like something I needed to keep to myself.

  Let’s face it, Mia was way prettier than me. She had long red hair, striking emerald colored eyes, and a petite frame. She had all the men’s heads turn her way. Me, I was a plain Jane with brown hair and brown eyes.

  “I’m job hunting,” I blurt out.

  Her eyes become large, and I could see the fear of losing me in her eyes.

  “NO, not like that. I mean, well, I’m looking for another part-time job to make up for the lost hours,” I tell her quickly.

  “Char, I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry,” she says, her voice becoming thick.

  “Hey, it’s okay. It’s just another change of scenery, another adventure,” I tell her with a big forced smile.

  I was tired of the endless work and the constant need to produce more and more money. I felt like I was drowning in paper. The bills just kept coming, and no matter how much money I put on them, they seem to go even higher.

  “How is your dad?” she asked me attentively.

  This was a sore subject, and she knew it.

  “He’s back in the hospital,” I tell her quietly.

  I knew she didn’t quite understand my willingness to take care of him after everything he’s put me through. But he was my dad, there was an unconditional love that I couldn’t kill. Even if I hated him.

  “So, more debt?” she asked.

  Like she needed to ask. We both knew that I was a yes. So, I just nodded my head up and down. The fears and sorrows shaking deep inside.

  “How about some more wine?” she asked me.

  Tossing the glass back I gulped what was in my cup. Tonight, I would get drunk. I needed, no, I deserved this.

  “Fuck, yes,” I tell her.

  She laughed and filled my cup and then started the movie. It felt great to just sit back and relax forgetting about everything outside of that door. Forgetting about the hot man and the embarrassment I felt. Forgetting about all the horrible things life has thrown my way.

  Chapter 6


  Seven Months Ago.

  She disappeared inside, and I felt a loss settle on me. What the fuck? You’re here for a job, get it the fuck done and get out.

  I made my way to the building across the street from the one Charlotte just entered. I walked up the back steps and slipped into the apartment silently.

  This would be quick and simple. I will put a bullet in her and get the fuck out. Clean up should be here in maybe fifteen minutes. I took my time getting up here as I was lost in the moment with that woman. I couldn’t get out of my head.

  The house was filled with a loud thumping base as Jill danced along to the bullshit she was listening too. I watched as she shook her ass to the music.

  My feet made no sound as I entered the room. I stood there waiting for her to turn my way. Long minutes passed by before her face swiveled my way.

  Her eyes became large, and her mouth popped open on a silent scream as I raise the gun and put a bullet between her eyes.

  Her head jerked back at the impact before she crumpled to the floor. Her head hit the floor with a resounding thump. Her legs were bent, and her hips twisted, so one was facing up.

  She was dead. Just like that, another life was snuffed out. One less person sucking in and using the oxygen we all needed to live.

  The world was a brighter cleaner place. I felt no remorse, no sorrow, and no guilt as I walked out of that apartment. Soon she would be nothing but liquid pouring down a drain. There will be no shallow grave deep in the woods. No soil being placed over her. She’ll just be washed away like the filth she was.

  Chapter 7


  Five Months Ago.

  I was working for Emilio’s Italian restaurant, and it was rumored to be owned by some big mob boss. The man who hired me was simply cold. I guess you would have to be if what people said were true.

  But he was respectful, and I barely ever saw the man. The few times he’s been here, he had a table in the back. He would sit with a few other men who were similar to himself, cold and dressed in expensive suits. I’m sure the suits cost enough to pay one of my father’s bills.

  Daddy was once again in the hospital, and this time I didn’t think he was coming home. I felt both relief and sorrow. Also, there was a little fear mixed in. Basically, I was one big bad emotional mess.

  I felt twisted and confused, so many things have been happening lately. Over the last few months, my world was spinning in so many wrong directions.

  I had a date tonight with Matthew, some guy that worked at a law firm downtown. We met at the coffee shop that I worked at. I was serving him his black, dark roast coffee when he sprung this whole date on me. To say I was shocked was an understatement.

  Pulling my small black waitress apron off, I climbed into my car. It was a little green Honda that had been on its last leg for over a decade. The poor thing was probably headed for car heaven soon, and there was nothing I could do about it. The idea of losing my car made me incredibly sad and concerned. How would I get to my multitude of jobs?

  My feet throbbed as I turned the key and listened to the pathetic attempts of the engine trying to turn over. I just spent eight-hour walking around the place carrying trays and serving men who thought I was part of the menu. I was thankful each one of them kept their hands to themselves, even if they wanted to grab me. I could see it in their eyes.

  The bucket seats lost its cushion a long time ago, and it was not helping all my aches and pains. I wanted to cry as it turned over again and again but didn’t fire up. Maybe I wouldn’t have a car to go home in, and the idea of walking the five miles home was not something I wanted to consider.

  Slamming my hands on the steering wheel, I bit back all the curses that wanted to spill from my lips. Instead, I pressed my forehead to the wheel and took deep breaths hoping for a calm that I wasn’t feeling.

  The sound of knuckles hitting my window had me raising my head. I turned to look at the person knocking on my window. Confusion sunk in and shock was slow to take its place.

  Grabbing the manual window crank, I slowly rolled down the window.

  “We need to stop meeting when I’m at my worst,” I tell him with a hard laugh.

  “Pop the hood,’ he tells me.

  Leaning over, I grabbed the plastic latch and listened as the hood released. I wanted to bang my head against the worn leather wheel again as the man I threw wine at, and kept bumping into, leaned over the car and disappeared.

bsp; The car shook as he did something under the hood and then I heard his muffled voice. The wind was blowing so hard it made it hard to hear his words. As a result, I had to lean closer to the open window, which forced my hair to whip in my face.

  “Try starting it,” he shouted over the howling wind.

  Grabbing the key, I twisted it, and the car fired right up. I sighed in relief and watched as the hood slowly lowered before it clanked hard and connected with the car.

  “You need a new starter,” he tells me as he leans into the window with his blue eyes full of concern.

  “Thank you so much,” I tell him with a tight smile.

  “You really should retire this thing, and at the very least, have some work done to it,” he tells me.

  My fingers fidget in my lap as I bit my lip.

  “How much do you think something like that is going to cost,” I blurt the question before I could think better of it. Shit, it was bad enough this guy kept seeing me at my worst, but this takes the cake.

  “Probably going to run you about two hundred maybe even three if you take it to a shop,” he tells me in a low voice.

  “Shit!” The word rushed from me in a harsh, frustrated breath.

  “Do you know anyone who could help you replace it?” He asked me, his voice quiet and kind.

  “No,” I sighed.

  It was another expense I didn’t have a hope of affording.

  “Thanks for the help, I appreciate it, but I really need to be going,” I winced as the words left my mouth. This guy was being nice, and I was pushing him away.

  We don’t know him, my mind whispers.

  He tapped the top of my car as he pulled back and gave me a quick nod.

  “See you around,” he tells me as he backs away, his smile still in place.

  Shit, he is hot as fuck. Don’t think like that, you’re meeting Mathew in two hours. I wanted to watch as he walked away but I restrained myself and instead slowly pulled out of the lot.

  Chapter 8


  Five Months Ago.

  This guy was charming, but he was putting too much effort into our date. I could see the signs, and he was screaming where he wanted this to go. He wanted me in a bed, and that wasn’t going to happen.

  This date was his booty call. But he was going to find out that I was no one’s booty call. I picked up my wine and took another sip, and almost spat it out. The man who fixed my car just walked into the restaurant.

  I felt almost guilty for being here with another man. I wanted to hide while I sat across from my date, who happened to have only one thing on his mind, and that was getting into my panties.

  I wasn’t sure that my handsome helper could see me as he weaved through the restaurant. He did it so smoothly that it was almost like he’d been here before. Boy, I wish we went to a different restaurant. I didn’t want my date to take me to my workplace.

  Emilio’s was packed as always, but it was an intimate setting. The noise was a quiet murmur. This was a high-end place, and again I felt concern peak me. Would I be paying for my own meal? I probably should ask, but there is no need to give him any more encouragement.

  The thought of opening my wallet and taking out the little bit of money that this date would cost me, caused me to swallow hard. This money was my food allotment for the week, and I was going to be spending it on one meal. I could buy a weeks’ worth of food with this money, or something other than Ramon noodles and maybe a few days of meat.

  “I made a great deal of money today,” my cocky date exclaimed.

  I hadn’t been listening to a word he’s said since my handy helper walked in. I’ve constantly been thinking about him walked in and then heading towards the back of the restaurant.

  I then startled when my date’s warm palm closed over mine.

  “You’re a very beautiful woman,” he said huskily.

  It was one of those lines you think would accompany the line ‘what’s a girl like you doing in a place like this.’ Yes, it was that bad. I hated pick-up lines and his chances of date number two just hit the bottom of never.

  “Thanks…,” crap I forgot the man’s name.

  “Matthew,” he said sounding only slightly put off.

  “Thanks, Matthew,” I tell him.

  I honestly was at a loss as to what to say. We literally had nothing in common. Matthew worked in whatever our small city called its versions of wall street, and I worked in a restaurant, a coffee shop, and as a substitute teacher. This and everything else about him turned me off, especially his crappie behavior. The fact that he thought I would be a sure thing and would have sex with him tonight, was totally not happening.

  Guess I will be paying for dinner. Another week of roman noodles and maybe I really could splurge some mac and cheese.

  Chapter 9


  Five Months Ago.

  After my date from hell, I was officially taking a vacation from men. The smell of freshly brewed coffee drifted my way, making my eyes widen and my mouth water.

  I haven’t been sleeping well with dad back in the hospital. That meant higher bills, and possibly him having less time on earth.

  The man I’ve been bumping into and the man who fixed my car is the same man that I was currently holding everyone up in line. I watched the man walked into the coffee shop and head right for the counter.

  Biting my lip, I was torn. I so badly wanted to walk over there and take his order. I just wanted to get closer to him and look into his beautiful blue eyes and listen to his deep voice.

  Embarrassment hit me as I remembered him working on my car and my lack of funds to get it fixed. I had to walk to work again today because the thing wouldn’t start.

  Mia glanced my way as I stood there staring at the counter while I watched him out of the corner of my eye. She knew something was wrong with me and would press me later. Proving to be the best friend that she was, she saved me from going over and talking to him. He’s been haunting me for months now without end.

  I bit my lip as his deep voice rolled over me. His voice locked every one of my limbs in place as heat danced along my body. The sound of my cell phone ringing drew me from my stupor.

  It was an unknown number. I thought of ignoring it, but something told me to answer it. Dread filled me from somewhere deep like there was an impending doom that awaited me on the other side of the line.

  “Char,” my dad’s voice was raspy.

  “Daddy,” I whispered, concern clogging my throat.

  “I need you to come to the hospital,” he tells me before coughing hard. I heard the mucus that filled his lungs surge as he struggled to get it out.

  “I’ll be right there,” I whispered.

  That impending doom became my big bad nightmare. I knew I was about to walk into something bad. Daddy hasn’t been looking good lately. He had lost weight, his eyes were sinking in, and had dark shadows under them.

  He would eat and eat but not gain a pound. Basically, he was slowly wasting away. The doctors had given him less than a year, no definitive date.

  “Mia,” I croaked out.

  Her head snaps my way, a frown marring her beautiful features.

  “I need to go, it’s my dad,” I tell her, my throat clogged.

  Tears were filling my eyes, and my throat was closing. Oxygen was becoming less and less.

  “You need a ride?” she asked, I could see the worry outlined on her face.

  “I’ll take a cab or call an uber,” I tell her.

  There was no one here to take care of the customers. It was just the two of us, and with me leaving, it would fall onto her shoulders. I couldn’t ask her to close and give me a ride.

  A throat clearing had me turning and scanning the crowd.

  “I’ll give you a ride,” my mystery wine man said.

  I eyed him suspiciously. Getting into a car with a stranger could become a horror movie. One of the things that stupid person did before they died.

  Me? I
was falling into that category. I was considering taking him up on it. Waiting for a ride meant more time, and that was something I wasn’t sure I had.

  I shifted my body, having already gotten with the program.

  “Charlotte!” Mia hissed.

  “I’ll be ok,” I tell her, and I don’t know why but for some reason I truly believed this man wouldn’t hurt me. Watch me, I’ll be the first one who dies in the horror flick.

  “Really? You know this, how?” she snapped.

  “He could have killed me when I threw wine at him, or when he fixed my car. There are a lot of times he could have killed me off,” I tell her, and why was I still talking? I needed to move.

  A world without him was bleak and lonely. Empty and desolate.

  I didn’t wait for her to say something. I was on the move and needed to get closer to my dad. We were all each other really had. Tears choked me as I fought to keep control of myself. I needed to be strong for him, I could fall apart later.

  Chapter 10


  Four Months and Three Weeks Ago.

  I’ve been a constant at the hospital. The doctor has increased my dad’s morphine the day I got here, and he’s been unconscious ever since.

  They said it’s to make his passing smoother and less painful. Was there a smooth way to die? I wanted to ask but didn’t.

  Holding his frail hand, I felt the tears roll down my cheeks. Every time I walked away, I was hunted down and told it was happening. When I rushed back to the room, I found out it wasn’t.

  I hated leaving him alone even for a moment, but hunger would get the best of me. In my more shameful moments, the stench of death and chemicals had me running from the building in need of fresh air. Those were the moments I hated the most. The moments when I was weak and alone. When I left him laying here terrified of what was to come.

  Closing my eyes, the last conscious moment I had with him surfaced. His eyes had been hazy with pain as he pleaded with me to never leave him alone. I promised to stay with him until the end. His hand clutched mine with a weak grip. I knew he wouldn’t share or show any fear through screaming at me.


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