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Don't Shoot The Harbinger

Page 14

by Ryan Green

  The garage door of my parents' house slowly begins to open and I see a silhouette start to come towards me.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Megan, will you please say something to me about all of this? You sitting there like that all catatonic like and not saying anything is really starting to make me feel nervous and scared.”

  Megan stares blankly at Blaine from across the table.

  My parents come running out to meet me in the street and calm me down. “What happened to the detectives? Why do you have their car? Well Blaine, what did they want to talk to you about?” Mother and Father take turns asking me.

  “Where are they? They sent me pictures of you two, you were tied down to your kitchen table. They were standing around you about to kill you” I alarmingly began explaining to them.

  “No one is here buddy, it’s just us. Calm down, we’re fine. What did the detectives want to walk to you about?” My parents ask me.

  “They wanted to know if I had any information on a man who turned up dead today. They said I was part of some kind of FBI sting a few years ago that turned up a bunch of pedophiles and my computer was part of it. They said that you guys were able to get me off with just a few months of time in a juvenile facility” I tell them.

  “Why the hell did they have to bring that back up?” Father says to Mother.

  “Why didn’t you guys ever bring it up to me?” I ask them.

  “You were taken from us for almost a year Blaine . While you were there you had gone through serious therapy to help you get rid of all of that guilt. Why would we try and bring that up to you? We know that you are sensitive and that would only send you spiraling again” Mother explains to me.

  “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, I know I don’t say it enough but I do. I am sorry for everything I have put you through” I tell them. “But how did you guys prevent me from going to jail?”

  “We just know some powerful people Blaine, when you are involved in the work that we did you find ways to network and create connections with people in high places. Sometimes you find yourself in a position of power without really ever realizing how you got there in the first place” Mother tells me.

  I lead both of my parents to the trunk of the car, I open the trunk and inside of it are the bodies of the two detectives wrapped in old carpet and duct tape.

  “I hope you both still know some powerful people because I really need to get rid of these guys. They didn’t work for the FBI , they were part of some cult that’s been following me around for the last few days. I killed a man named Donald Maybury and now I’ve killed these two. I didn’t know what else to do so I came here. These two men followed me to your house and I had to kill them to protect you” I begin to hyperventilate as I am struggling to get out complete sentences. “I'm sorry Mother and Father I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  Mother grabs me by the hand and they walk me back inside. We all sat at the dining room table. Father gets up and opens the fridge, he grabs out three beers and sets one in front of everyone at the table.

  “Father, there are two bodies in a trunk outside of your house, now isn’t the time.” I told him.

  “If there was ever a time for a beer Blaine, trust me, it’s now. Don’t worry about those bodies, I will take care of it” Mother tells me and she rubs my back to comfort me.

  “Where were we before your meltdown earlier? Want to look at more pictures, do you have any more questions you want to ask us?” Father asks me.

  “Can you tell me about my parents? Two cops came by my house the other day and I told them my parents used to be cops and I said your names and they told me that there were two cops by your names who had gone missing after their son was abducted or something.”

  “They said that it was our names that happened to?” Father asks me.

  “Yeah they said it was Carrie and Brent Acadia” I told them.

  My parents look at each other, their faces go blank.

  “Well bud that’s uh that’s because” Father tries to spit out before Mother interrupts “That’s because our last name is not Acadia honey. Did you hit your head or something?”

  “What do you mean? My name is Blaine Acadia, it always has been.” I tell Mother.

  “No it’s not Blaine, honey look at your drivers license” Mother tells me.

  I reach into my back pocket and I pull out my wallet. I removed my drivers license from my wallet and read it out loud to my parents.

  “Blaine Tyler Holly”

  “Yes Blaine, your last name is Holly. We are Carrie and Brent Holly” Mother tells me.

  “Those officers probably did recognize the name Acadia, maybe they were killed I’m not sure. But what I am sure of is that your last name is Holly” Father reassures me.

  “Do you guys care if I go sit in my old room for a little while, I feel like I just might need some quiet time to myself?”

  I get up from the table and head upstairs. Mother and Father are still sitting at the table talking.

  “You know he's going to go upstairs and immediately jump on his phone and start searching for that name right?” Father says to Mother.

  “Yes. That’s exactly what we want him to do. The faster that he finds out who he thinks he is supposed to be, the faster we can show him who he truly is” Mother says.

  Upstairs I shut and lock the door to my old bedroom.

  I pulled out my phone and immediately began searching for the names Carrie and Brent Acadia. The search engine pulls up dozens of articles about the couple:

  “Slayed Cops Were Husband and Wife.”

  “Husband and Wife Cop Team Goes Missing.”

  “Bodies of Missing Cops Still Nowhere To Be Found.”

  I see one article that catches my eye.

  “Carrie and Brent Acadia Go Missing After Search For Son Blaine.”

  I began to search for Blaine Acadia, and I found several more articles. I click that first article and it says:

  “Blaine Acadia was abducted from his home in Joliet, Illinois. He was left at home with a babysitter while his parents, Officers Carrie and Brent Acadia were at work.”

  I click through several articles looking for pictures. I found one article with pictures of the husband and wife. The father doesn’t look familiar but I swore I had seen the Mother's face before somewhere.

  I looked through more articles hoping to find a picture of the boy.

  The battery power on my phone flashes 1% as I pull up an article that has a picture of the boy my phone dies. I walk back downstairs to where my parents are still sitting at the dining room table.

  They curiously look up at me, waiting for me to speak.

  Can I use your guys’ computer, my phone died?

  “Yeah no problem, just don’t go searching through everything. There probably are some things on there you don’t want to see” Father tells me and winks.

  “Great, just what I need to see more pictures of Mom’s ass” I say out loud and we all laugh.

  I walked to the computer room across the hall from my old bedroom and went to log on.

  I see a user profile for Mother which I guess probably has a ton of naked pictures of old women and a profile for Father which probably has an equal amount of naked women but has a higher chance of the pictures containing Mom.

  I clicked on the guest. I brought up Google and searched for Blaine Holly. The search engine turns up my Facebook and Linked In profiles.

  I searched again for Blaine Acadia. I found an article that contains pictures of the boy. I scroll until I get to a picture. It's the same little boy from the video at the cult gathering where he stabs that woman. That’s where I recognize the woman from the video being killed.

  That sick fucker Donald abducted that little boy and then forced him to kill his own Mother.

  I let the information I just saw sink it and allow myself time to process everything.

  “The little boy in that video was me. I was abducted, I killed my mom.”

  I get up and I quietly close the door to the computer room and I lock it.

  I log onto Father's profile.

  I began to search through all of his folders, all of the photos and all of the videos.

  My parents had to know that I was involved in all of them. That was the reason they were able to prevent me from going to prison. They had to tell the judge that I was abducted and forced to do all of these things against my will. They found me and they protected him. They removed me from all of that.

  I found a folder named ‘Blaine ’ and I opened it.

  There are documents pertaining to my court cases. There are pictures of me as a little kid with my dead birth parents that my parents never let me see. I see a thumbnail for the video of me killing my mom.

  I opened the video.

  I skip ahead to the part where the woman behind the camera tells me “Good boy Blaine, you did good.” I replayed those words several times, I swear I know that voice.

  I don't immediately notice that the video is a couple seconds longer and I let it continue playing. The woman walks over to me and hugs me. We both turn around and walk hand in hand back towards the camera. I pause the picture once the woman's face becomes clear.

  It is Mother. Mother abducted me. She forced me to murder my birth mom. She is the one who has been behind this all along. Why? Why would she do this to me?

  I close the video and I keep looking through the folder.

  I found an icon for the instant messenger program. I click on it and the login information comes up. SoccerDude2k1 is the screen name.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I question myself. “They were behind this too?”

  There is one last video on the desktop labeled “Order of Azoth” . I click it and a sort of recruitment or propaganda video begins to play explaining their history and objectives.

  The Order of Azoth as we know it today is rooted in world history and is the longest running form of continuous organized belief systems in the world. Our doctrine of beliefs predates Christianity, Judaism, Islam and every other current day religion.

  The name Azoth is rooted in alchemy from approximately 100 BC. Prior to the name Order of Azoth we were simply referred to as “Incolae Primi” roughly meaning first people. Azoth was Believed to be the Universal Solvent, Universal Cure, and Elixir of Life. It is widely regarded as the embodiment of all other substances and the root of transformation essential to evolution and change.

  The Order of Azoth has gained its acclaim and wealth throughout the years by investing and diversifying its members into all facets of society. From the dawn of the order we began as spice traders, fur traders, blacksmiths, alchemists and human traders. The latter being what really brought the Order into the power that it has seen today.

  Human beings have always thirsted for power and control whether it be in the form of running countries, cities, plantations or just owning another human being. We specialized in the sales of humans to others for the purposes of work, sex and ritual sacrifices and as time has gone on and society has evolved we have noticed that this human desire has not faded at all. We now specialize in human trafficking with a specific focus on children, that is where we really make our quotas and meet monetary goals for the year.

  That was enough for me, I shut the video off because I couldn’t stomach another second. I knew where the video was heading from there. Child pornography, selling children into human sex trafficking and my parents were playing a large part in it, not only that they were grooming me as a child to become a part of it.

  I open the door and walk downstairs to where my parents are sitting. I opened the fridge and I grabbed out three beers. I set a beer down in front of both of them at the table. I took a seat between my parents, I opened my beer and I took a drink of it. I looked at Father then I looked over at Mother.

  They both stare back at me, waiting for me to speak. They can tell that I know now. They wanted me to know all along. They can finally have me back, I can finally fulfill my destiny.

  “Just please tell me why? Why all of those children? Why Me?” I ask them.

  Chapter Twenty

  The waiter comes to the table and sets a large plate in the middle of the table. “We have three different types of crème brulee for you. Caramel, coffee and honey. I have also brought out for each of you a glass of French Moscato to pair with your dessert. Enjoy”

  Megan finally breaks her silence “I am so sorry Blaine, I had no idea.

  “You don’t have to be sorry Megan, that's why I wanted to tell you all of this. I needed to you to know all of this about me.”’

  “That is horrible, Blaine. I am just speechless, I can’t believe you had to go through all of that. What did your parents tell you? Why did they do it?”

  “I’m getting to that,” Blaine tells Megan.

  “Blaine, my parents and your father's parents have been a part of this collection of people for a very long time. These are very powerful people, Blaine. People have become presidents and CEO’s because of their family history being involved with the Order” Mother explains to me.

  Father begins to explain to me “It is extremely common in the group for children to be arranged to marry each other, that is the case with your Mother and I. Our parents met with each other when we were children and they decided that we would spend our lives together” Father goes on.

  “Maybe that’s why the orgies and the group sex is so prevalent amongst all of us because we never really got an opportunity to explore that for ourselves. I battle internally with that all the time but I know at the end of the day I love your father and the life that we have created with each other is the life that I would choose to live even if it weren’t with him” Mother passionately tries to explain herself to me.

  “That’s all fine and well but why did you abduct me? And what happened to my parents?” I asked them.

  “Well, we weren’t exactly lying then we told you that your parents were junkies Blaine. I’m sure by now you have done enough research to find out that your parents were actually cops. We kind of just stole that back story from them because we thought it would make a simple transition for you in your new home. But your parents were corrupt, they were dirty and they were drug addicts” Mother tells me.

  “One day they sold you out to one of our members for sex when you were eight years old. He didn’t have sex with you or plan to have sex with you, at least that is what he told us. Your parents never came back to get you. So we took you in and we fed you. Then your parents wanted to play the part of some loving parents whose son went missing and they were dying to find him. So we abducted your parents and naturally we killed your father, we burned his body because he was of no use to us. But your Mother on the other hand knew exactly what we wanted to do with her” Father tells me.

  “Yeah, I saw the video,” I told them.

  “It was your rite of passage Blaine. The only way that you could truly get away from that life of constant abuse and neglect was to kill your birth mother. Your Father and I wanted a little boy but we were unable to have children of our own. You were heaven sent to us, you came to us in a time of need. We were starting to give up hope and our marriage was starting to fall apart and one day you just came into our lives. You were an amazing child and your piece of shit parents did not deserve you Blaine” Mother starts to cry as she is telling me all of this.

  “I can see why you would do all of that for me but there are a lot of things that I am not okay with. The first being all of the child exploitation that goes on. It is absolutely disgusting the amount of pedophiles you would allow to be around your child” I explain to them.

  “Blaine, that type of behavior has been going on since the beginning of time, it is nothing new. Civilizations have been buying and selling children as brides for thousands of years. We made sure that no one would ever touch you” Father tells me.

  “It's not just about me, Father. There are hundreds if not thousands of little boys and girls out
there whose lives were ruined because of us. I’m sure that is something that some people cannot recover from. Finding out that their body or pictures and videos of their bodies are being sold for some perverts sexual gratification” I am angrily starting to voice my disgust to them.

  “That is such a small piece of what we do Blaine , I’m sure we would be able to cut all of that out. They want you Blaine, they know that you are special. They know what you are capable of and they have always looked to you to be the next one to lead all of us. You have something in you Blaine , something that makes you different. You weren’t born into this, you chose to become a part of all of this, that makes you special” Mother sobbingly tells me.


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