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Love Came Calling

Page 4

by C. A. Popovich

  Kelly took her hand in hers, resisting the urge to check her pulse. It would take a while to unwind and leave work behind.

  “It’s good to meet you, Kelly. I hope you have a wonderful stay here with us.”

  “Thank you. I’m sure I will. I’m already enjoying the fireplace.” She turned to Josie. “Nooko?”

  “Nookomis is the Ojibwe word for grandmother. I couldn’t pronounce it when I was a kid, so I called her Nooko. Still do.” Josie shrugged and smiled at Nooko, who smiled back at her with obvious affection.

  “Ah. I used to call my grandmother Gram, most likely for the same reason. I’m going to drop my suitcase off and freshen up a bit. I’ll see you later, Ruth.” Kelly liked the woman’s gentle energy and easy smile. It would be nice to talk to her more during her stay.

  “I’ll walk you to your cabin,” Josie said.

  Kelly stopped to say hello to Debby and meet the other couple at the table before following Josie out the front door. Again, she was struck by the beauty of the area. “Wow. This is a gorgeous view. I love the way the sun sparkles on the water like diamonds.”

  “Sit for a minute. It’s the perfect time of day for it.” Josie gestured to one of the rockers. “In the winter, the entire expanse of water is frozen solid, and many of the island residents create a path lined with evergreens for snowmobiles to travel to and from Canada. It’s called the Ice Bridge to Canada. Quite a sight.”

  Kelly watched the emotions play across Josie’s face as she gazed at the water. Pride, serenity, and a fleeting sadness that surprised her. She studied her profile for a moment, stirred by her intensity. This woman was obviously intelligent and strong. And quite beautiful. The island was a verdant paradise, but why was she living here alone with her grandmother? But maybe she’s not alone. Her partner might be working or out of town. She’d only just met Josie Harlow but was already seeing her as a mystery she yearned to solve. She rocked a few minutes, enjoying the quietude until fatigue from the long drive replaced her curiosity. “It’s a beautiful evening, but the trip up here just caught up with me. I only stopped once to eat a sandwich and fill up my gas tank. Combined with the stress of work, it’s kicked my butt.”

  “Come on. I’ll show you to your cabin.” Josie grabbed her suitcase and carried it effortlessly off the porch.

  Kelly suppressed an unexpected desire to take Josie’s hand as they strolled toward the cabin. She’d passed the row of cabins when she drove in and knew which one was hers by the hand-carved wooden numbers above each door, but she welcomed the opportunity to spend some time alone with the charismatic owner.

  The well-designed small space inside the cabin felt cozy rather than cramped. The kitchen window located above the sink offered a clear view of the water through a few saplings sprouting spring leaves. She peered inside the bathroom as she passed it. Clean and dry. Her fears abated, she rolled her suitcase to one of the two bedrooms. A smaller version of the dream catchers in the entryway hung on the wall above the head of the double bed. The patchwork quilt and matching throw rug and curtains looked handmade. A small reading lamp sat on a wooden nightstand wrapped in birch bark on one side of the bed. She could imagine sleeping soundly encased in the room’s tranquility. “This is a fantastic little cabin. You obviously take good care of the place.”

  “Thank you. The property has been in my family for years. Generations, really. My mother made the dream catchers. She insisted each bed had to have at least one.” Josie’s tone softened and turned wistful when she spoke of her mother. “I hope all your dreams here are pleasant ones. As well as your experiences. I’ll leave you to unpack now. Check back with me if you can’t find the hot tub.” Josie stopped at the doorway and smiled, looking like she wanted to say more, before turning and walking out the door.

  Kelly organized her toiletries into the small bathroom cabinet, hung her clothes in the tiny closet, and left the rest of her clothes in her suitcase before putting on her swimsuit under a pair of sweatpants and T-shirt. She filled the miniature refrigerator with the few items she’d brought and made a mental note to ask Josie for the location of the nearest grocery store. Time to go soak in the hot tub.

  “Hey, Kelly,” Kristen and Debby both called to her as she passed through the huge room in the lodge.

  “Hi, guys. I’m headed to the hot tub. Anyone want to join me?”

  “Nah. You enjoy it, but stop by on your way back. We’re planning our adventures for tomorrow.” Debby grinned and waved her on before turning back to the numerous pamphlets spread across the table.

  Kelly hoped Josie would overhear and show up, though she hadn’t been with her group of friends. She’s the owner. She’s not going to jump into the tub with me. She’d obviously been single too long, if she was fantasizing about someone she’d met twenty minutes ago. She settled into the tub and allowed the hot bubbling water to relax away the stress of nursing schedules and staff meetings. Her thoughts strayed to her friends and their enthusiasm. She’d settle in with them later. Her first priority was to unwind and try to relax. She allowed herself a brief image of Josie beneath her, supporting her in the frothing warmth. This is not relaxing! She shifted to distract herself and enjoy the feeling of having no patients to assess and nowhere to be but where she was. She sighed, finally feeling the tension abate.

  Chapter Seven

  Josie rose from her stool to stand by the door wall overlooking Sturgeon Bay. Her new guests had looked content when she’d checked on them, and Kelly had been heading to the hot tub. She took a moment to try to figure out her intense reaction to Kelly. She never allowed herself to feel anything more than sexual desire for a woman, so she wondered what it was about Kelly that had her wanting to know her, to take the time to find out who she was inside. I’ve only known her for an hour. She shook off her pondering to absorb a moment of peace.

  The towering pines and hardwoods would obscure the panoramic view when the leaves fully matured, but now she gazed past them, absorbing the serenity of the scene. It’d been a few weeks since she’d been able to take time to relax in her studio to sketch or indulge in the craft her mother had taught her of creating dream catchers. She’d never put her things on display in the main lodge, though, preferring to allow her mother’s memory to take center stage.

  Her few sketches of the island’s flora and fauna, as well as her miniature dream catchers, were relegated to the walls of the studio. Once her mother’s sanctuary, and now hers. She lost herself for a few minutes in memories of her mother in the seat she’d just vacated, head bent over her task, concentrating on each step of her process. She kept the room off-limits to all visitors, just as her mom had. It was her refuge, a place to unwind and nourish her imagination. Her thoughts strayed to her latest lodgers, and she wondered if Kelly would like her creations. The idea surprised her. Kelly was a beautiful woman, but her attraction to her could never be acted on. She wouldn’t take a chance of tarnishing the name of Harlow’s by the Bay by hitting on one of her lodgers. Her fantasies of her blond hair splayed across her pillows and her intelligent blue eyes sparkling up at her, darkening as they kissed, would have to stay in this room. Along with her own handiwork. She locked the door and headed to check on firewood.

  The sun was starting to fade by the time she finished restacking the wood on the rack. She had no idea how the wood pile had fallen over, but it brought back the memory of the upended porch rockers. She stomped back to the lodge with an armload of logs, unable to shake the feeling that something was off.

  The group had pushed two tables together and six of her seven guests sat talking and laughing, with her grandmother seated in the middle. She placed a couple large pieces of wood on the waning fire to revive it before heading to the jovial group. “Can I get anyone anything? You all appear to be having fun.” She wiped her hands on her jeans, remembering she’d just stacked firewood and not wanting to look grubby.

  “Hello, dear. We just finished a round of hot chocolate, so I don’t need any.” Nooko looked t
o the women seated on either side of her, and they all nodded their assent. “I’ve been telling your friends stories about the island and the powwow coming up next weekend. We should all plan on going.”

  “Absolutely, Nooko. There’re flyers in the pile of information I gave you guys. The powwow is one of the most popular events of the year around here.” Josie grinned, pleased her grandmother felt relaxed with their guests. Maybe it would convince her to stay. “Is Kelly still in the hot tub?”

  “Yeah,” Kristen said. “She’s got one at home, and she spends most of her evenings in it.”

  “I’ll go check on her. Holler if you need anything.” Josie stopped in her office to make notes regarding the dates and times of the upside down rockers and the upset firewood. She didn’t notice the envelope on the floor until she turned to leave. She opened it carefully.

  It isn’t much fun having to restack firewood, is it?

  She put the note in the safe with shaking fingers, chills raising the hair on her arms. She’d call the conservation officer in the morning, but her concern over Kelly in the hot water of the whirlpool urged her to hurry. Debby had said Kelly had a hot tub at home, but she was responsible for everyone staying here, and she wanted no accidents. She stepped into the tub area and swallowed a surge of panic. Concern over the note intensified her anxiety. She had a hard time believing only mischievous kids would leave a note. She raced to the edge of the tub, scanning every inch of water.

  “Looking for me?” Kelly stepped out of the corner of the room with a towel wrapped around her. “This is a fantastic space, Josie. I love the composite decking. And the bench around the spa is great.”

  Josie took a deep breath, trying not to show how worried she’d been. “Thank you. I spent a lot of time researching the best way to build this. I wanted it to be easy to get in and out, comfortable, and safe. I’m glad it works well for you.” Now that she’d verified Kelly’s safety, she took the time to enjoy the view. She’d pulled her hair back into a ponytail and pinned it up, away from her neck. Josie resisted the urge to touch her tongue to each water droplet, or perhaps bead of sweat, trickling down her neck to her bare shoulders. She noted the straps of her bathing suit, grateful for the extra layer which made it easier to dispel the image of her naked body beneath the oversized towel. Before her imagination moved to puckered nipples and smooth warm skin, she stepped back toward the door. “I’ll leave you alone. I just wanted to check on you.”

  “Thank you. I’m a nurse, so I can usually gauge my limits. I’ll walk back with you and see what my friends are up to. I left them strategizing for the day tomorrow.” Kelly unwrapped her towel and bent to dry her legs. She draped it around her neck and slipped on a pair of deck shoes.

  Josie swallowed hard and held the door open for Kelly. She’s gorgeous.

  “Are you going to join us now?” Debby stood with her hands on her hips and spoke from across the room.

  “You better go get in on the plans. Just call the main phone if you need anything. It rings in my room, too. Have fun.” Josie stopped to check on Nooko, who appeared to be having the time of her life, before heading to her office.

  “Hello. Anybody here?”

  Josie jumped at the unexpected male voice and hurried to the front desk. “Mr. Bernstein. Good evening. What can I do for you?” She felt her heartbeat in her ears, and she willed her jaw to relax.

  “I’ve come back to see if you’re ready to sell yet. I can make you a hefty offer.” He leaned on the counter looking relaxed and confident.

  “Thank you, but I’m still not interested in selling, and I’ll be getting the authorities involved if there’re any more of your pranks or threatening notes. The Mulligan place off South Alton road is for sale. I can give you his number.” Josie hoped he’d take the number and leave. She wanted to get her nooko settled in for the night, and she wanted this guy far away from her land.

  “Nope. I want this property, and I don’t know nuthin’ about any pranks. Think about changin’ your mind. I’ll be back.”

  “Wait.” Josie refrained from reaching for him. “Can you at least tell me why you want my property so badly?”

  She didn’t think he was going to answer until he stopped with his hand on the door handle and turned back toward her.

  “Let’s just say that it’ll be worth your while to sell to me. My reasons are my own.” He pulled the door open and walked out, letting the door slam closed behind him.

  Josie locked the door and hung up the closed sign. Apprehension over Abe’s visit compelled her to double-check the lock on her safe and deadbolt her office before dimming the lights for the night. She’d stop in town the next day, pick up some motion sensing security lights, and report him to the conservation officer, who she knew would contact the sheriff’s department.

  She headed to the lodge, determined not to let her guests know she was rattled. “Ready to turn in for the night, Nooko?” Josie stood between her grandmother’s chair and Kelly’s. She caught the faint scent of coconut shampoo. Kelly must have showered after the hot tub, and now she’d have the fantasy of running her hands over her soapy body to dispel.

  “I’m a bit worn out, but I love all of your energy.” Nooko addressed the group as she grasped her cane and stood.

  Kelly reached to take her hand. “We’ll see you in the morning, Ruth. Sleep well.”

  Josie wrestled back tears when the group of women all stood to give her a hug good night. It looked as though her nooko was going to be just fine here. I can deal with some jerk. What matters is my dream coming true and taking care of my family. She hooked her arm through her grandmother’s. Nothing would stand in her way.

  * * *

  The group quieted and settled on the couch and leather chairs to enjoy the fireplace after Ruth and Josie left.

  “So, what adventures did you guys decide on for tomorrow?” Kelly asked. She propped her feet up on a footstool.

  “I’m trying to talk everyone into going walleye fishing,” Maria said. Her dark eyes sparkled.

  “And Debby and I want to check out the hiking trails,” Alex said.

  “I wouldn’t mind checking out the trails, too. I’m sure to get some great photos.” Jaylin looked to Kristen as she spoke.

  “I don’t suppose I’d get away with spending two weeks in a hot tub, huh?” Kelly grinned.

  “No,” her friends answered in unison. Conversation continued as they talked about the variety of options. There was plenty to do, but if all they did was hang out and talk, Kelly would have been fine. It felt amazing to know she didn’t have to think about anything but relaxing for the next two weeks.

  “Everything all right out here?” Josie grinned as she strode back into the room.

  Kelly laughed at her friends’ exuberance and to cover her reaction to Josie. She’d exchanged her jeans and sweatshirt for a T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. She looked relaxed and even sexier, and Kelly ached to run her hands over the soft-looking material covering her firm rear. She willed herself not to stare at her breasts when she sat across from her. “Everything’s fine. They”—she pointed—“don’t think I should spend my whole vacation in a hot tub.”

  “I have to agree because you’d miss out on all the island has to offer. I hope you plan on attending the powwow with us, at least,” Josie said.

  “Oh, yeah. It’s next weekend, right?”

  “Yep. It’ll be fun.” Josie gave her a small smile. “Well, I’m going to make my last walk around the place. So, I’ll wish you all pleasant dreams, and if you need anything, please call.” Josie stood and started toward the front door.

  “Wait. If you don’t mind, I’m ready to call it a day. May I walk out with you?” Kelly asked.

  “Of course. I’ll walk you to your cabin.”

  There was a chorus of good-byes and gentle teasing about turning in early, along with promises to eat breakfast together. It was true, Kelly was tired, but she also wanted a moment with Josie.

  Kelly pulled her de
nim jacket tighter around herself as they walked to the cabin, the late spring chill making her shiver. “Thanks for letting me join you. I wanted a chance to let you know how nice I find this place. I’ll admit I was skeptical when Debby first told me about it, but it’s great.”

  “Thank you, Kelly. I appreciate your input. So, you’re a nurse. Where do you work?”

  “In a nursing home in Novi. I’ve been there twenty years.”

  “You must enjoy what you do to have stayed there so long.”

  “I do, I love being a nurse, and it’s a good nursing home.” She didn’t feel it necessary to get into how overworked and understaffed they were.

  “I just read in our local paper there’s a new rehabilitation center slash nursing home opening here on the island. A pretty big one, too.”

  “I actually know about that one. I’ll be working there temporarily to help train the staff. I start right after my vacation here. They seem to be popping up on every corner these days. I guess it’s due to our aging population.” Kelly smiled, thinking about Ruth.

  “I certainly hope that’s not the only reason you came to stay here.” Josie looked concerned.

  “No, not at all. It was just a lucky coincidence.” Kelly placed her hand on Josie’s arm to try to reassure her. “I planned on this vacation before I was reassigned.”

  Josie didn’t pull away. “Good. I know there’re quite a few families on the island with elders in need of help with their care. My grandmother agreed to stay with me for a few weeks, but I’m not sure she’ll be able to live on her own much longer.” A frown creased Josie’s smooth forehead.

  “Do you have any siblings who might be able to help?” Kelly removed her hand and put it in her pocket.

  “No. I’m an only child. I’ve lived on the island most of my life. I left to go to college when I was eighteen, but moved back to help with the cabins after graduation.”


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