Book Read Free

Love Came Calling

Page 11

by C. A. Popovich

  “Maybe later, dear.” She moved the plate to the coffee table closer to Josie. “She’s leaving tomorrow, isn’t she?”

  “They all are.”

  “I’m going to miss her.”

  Nooko looked so sad Josie moved to sit next her and put her arm around her shoulders. “She’s still going to be on the island for a while. She’ll be working at the new nursing home, remember?”

  Her grin lessened some of Josie’s concern. “Will we still be able to see her sometimes?”

  “I would imagine so. I’ll ask her.” Josie smiled and hugged her, hoping her words would make it happen. “I’ll be back in a bit. I need to go get some work done. Do you want something more for lunch before I go?”

  “I’m fine, dear. I’m going stay here and read the paper. I’ll get another cup of tea in a bit.”

  Josie settled into her work chair in her studio but hesitated to reopen the box she’d carefully wrapped. She’d remembered she hadn’t added the intended note. She wanted to explain the significance of a dream catcher, so she retrieved her calligraphy pen and paper and began writing.

  The dream catcher originated with the Ojibwe and begins with a willow hoop which symbolizes the circle of life. It is woven with a web with an open center. Good dreams flow through the center and gently glide down the feathers to the sleeping person. Bad dreams are caught in the web and disappear when the sun rises.

  May all your dreams be good ones you’ll remember for a lifetime.


  She tucked the note in the box, repositioned the dream catcher next to it, and rewrapped the gift. She planned to give it to Kelly when she checked out on Sunday but considered asking her to dinner for the occasion. As a friend. She repeated it to herself several times as she returned to the lodge where Nooko lay sound asleep with her head on the armrest. Josie covered her with a light blanket, grabbed a book, and settled on the couch with Nooko’s feet on her lap.

  * * *

  “Hello. Anyone home?”

  Josie opened her eyes and winced at the crick in her neck as she sat up and blinked a few times to get her bearings. She’d obviously fallen asleep next to Nooko, and someone was here. “Hello.” She checked on Nooko, still sound asleep, before standing.

  “Josie? It’s Kelly. Sorry to take you by surprise, but I wanted to thank you for the suggestion of the museum in Detour. It was fabulous.” Kelly plopped into one of the chairs. “I’m pooped.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed it.” She gently squeezed Nooko’s leg. “Kelly’s back, Nooko.”

  “You don’t have to wake her.”

  “I’m afraid she wouldn’t forgive me if I didn’t. She asked about you hours ago, so I told her you’d gone sightseeing in Detour. She missed you today.” Josie didn’t add she’d missed her, too. Her smile, her gentleness, her sexiness.

  “Kelly.” Nooko sat up and straightened her hair. “How was your trip to Detour?”

  “It was great, Ruth. We saw the museum, walked around town and by the water, and finished by going to the Ship Wreck Grill for dinner. Josie was right about the museum. I loved it.”

  She smiled at Josie and butterflies came alive in her belly.

  “I’m glad you had a good time, dear. Are your friends—” She was interrupted by a commotion at the door.

  Kelly’s group entered singing their version of “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow” and carrying white paper bags. Kelly stood and joined them. “We brought you both a little parting gift.” She set the bags on one of the tables. “They’re homemade pasties. We hope you’ll think of us when you eat them. We’ve all had a wonderful time and we wanted to thank you.”

  Ruth stood and opened her arms wide. The whole group, one by one, took turns hugging her.

  “This is great, you guys. Thank you.” Josie struggled to hold back tears as she watched Nooko beam and give each woman her advice for their life. She caught Kelly’s eye and the earlier butterflies took flight. “You have been a fantastic group for our first ever at Harlow’s by the Bay, and Nooko and I feel blessed to have met you all.” Josie hoped the next group would be as welcoming. Fulfilling her dream was going smoothly, so far. Now she had to figure out what to do about Abe and decipher her feelings for Kelly. The overwhelming disappointment she felt at her leaving the next day contrasted with the pleasure at knowing she’d still be on the island. She’d decided not to intrude by asking Kelly for a final meal before she left. She’d want that time with her friends, and Josie knew she’d made the right decision. Hopefully, the plan she had in mind would work just as well.

  The group sat chatting and laughing for a while, talking about their trip to Detour, as well as about the other things they’d spent the week doing. Josie hadn’t gotten to know the others as well as she had Kelly, but she liked them very much and enjoyed the final evening of banter. She made sure to remind them they’d be welcome back anytime. Nooko began to yawn, and Josie called it a night. The others said they had to pack, and everyone filed out.

  After Josie had gotten Nooko settled, she went back outside and found Kelly waiting for her. Unprompted, she fell in beside her and walked her to her cabin. The night held the promise of the warmer days to come, and she breathed deeply.

  “Nooko hasn’t stopped smiling. Thanks for being so kind to her.” Josie stood at the foot of the stairs leading to Kelly’s cabin. She shuffled her feet and took a deep breath before continuing. “I wanted to ask you something.” She paused.

  “We all think this place is great, and Ruth is fantastic. You didn’t have to walk me to my cabin, you know. I’ve been here two weeks.” She grinned. “I know the way.”

  “I guess I just wanted an extra minute to say good-bye.”

  “Come on up on the porch and sit.” Kelly reached for her hand and tugged her up the stairs. “Now ask.”

  “I know you’re going to still be on the island, so I wondered if you’d go to lunch or dinner with me one day. Whenever is good for you.” Kelly sat quietly for so long Josie almost began to speak again.

  “Are you asking me for a date? Because—”

  “No. Not a date. I know how you feel. I just thought we could share a friendly meal while you’re around.” She willed herself not to hold her breath.

  “It sounds nice, Josie. I’d love to.”

  “Great. Let me know when you get settled in, and we’ll pick a place.” Josie fought the urge to skip back to her room, but didn’t bother to suppress her huge grin. It hurt a little less knowing Kelly was leaving tomorrow now that she knew she’d get to see her again.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Kelly rolled over and groped for her phone. She canceled the alarm and groaned. Her relaxing two-week vacation lingered in her memory as she stretched and rose to get her bearings in her short-term apartment. She’d spent a couple of days unpacking the few pairs of scrubs she’d brought, using the compact-sized washer and dryer, and stocking her cupboards and refrigerator. She was as ready as she could be to begin her new assignment. Thoughts of Josie and her invitation followed her throughout breakfast and on her drive to the nursing facility where she’d spend the next few months. She enjoyed the anticipation of seeing Josie again. She missed their easy connection, and she missed Ruth’s enthusiasm for life. She took the longer route to enjoy the beautiful morning. She parked in front of the building and prepared to focus on her new responsibilities.

  “Good morning. You must be Kelly.” A tall dark-haired man in green scrubs greeted her at the entrance with an outstretched hand. “My name’s Jim. I’m one of the aides, and I’m glad to have you on board.”

  Kelly returned his firm grip, encouraged by his eagerness. “Good morning, Jim. I’m glad to be here. I look forward to helping to get this facility up and running.”

  “You and me both.” Jim sighed. “The company began advertising availability throughout the state last week, but we’ve hesitated to begin the screening process until you arrived. From all the calls we’ve been getting, we’ll be
at full capacity sooner than later.”

  Kelly wasn’t surprised by the information. Based on the state of the healthcare system and aging population, she figured the new facility would fill quickly. “I guess we better get busy.” She followed Jim to the main nurses’ station to meet the nursing staff.

  It was lunchtime before Kelly stopped to take a break and decided a more thorough tour of the building was in order. She accompanied a young nurse from room to room until they took a break in the cafeteria. “I’m glad you’re here, Kelly. I feel like we’ve made a lot of progress already.”

  “Thanks, Rona. We have made good progress. The protocols may have to be adapted a bit once all the patients move in, but I know they’ve worked for me in the past. We need to be ready by next week when they start arriving.” Kelly’s thoughts drifted to the hot tub only a few miles away. Would Josie mind if she stopped by to use it?

  She spent the afternoon getting to know the rest of the staff and preparing for her meeting with the administrator the next day. She shut down the company computer after copying files to her own laptop. She didn’t want to take a chance of losing a day’s work to a power failure. “See you tomorrow, Rona. Thanks for your help today.”

  “You’re welcome. See you tomorrow.” Rona waved and went back to her station.

  “How’d your first day go?”

  Kelly recognized Barb’s voice, but it took a moment for her brain to register she was standing next to her car. “Barb? What are you doing here?”

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. I knew you were here today, and I was working nearby, so I thought I’d stop and see if you’d go get a burger with me.”

  “You didn’t startle me. I just wasn’t expecting you. It’s a nice surprise.” Kelly realized she meant it. She liked Barb and hoped they’d see each other often while she was on the island. “Are we talking the Teepee?”

  “The one and only.”

  “I’m ready.” Kelly followed Barb to her car and nestled her laptop bag on the floor in the back seat. “Don’t let me forget my laptop. I’ve got all my work backed up on it.”

  “No problem.” Barb leaned over and kissed her as soon as she settled in the passenger seat. “You look amazing in those scrubs, by the way.”

  Barb made it sound as if she was the most beautiful woman who’d ever donned a pair. She swallowed around the lump in her throat. “I’m not sure I agree, but thank you.” She slid a hand behind her neck, drew her toward her until their lips were a breath apart, and pressed her lips to hers. Barb pulled her close and she shifted to lean over the center column. Their tongues moved to the beat of their hearts, and Kelly lost herself in the velvet of her lips sliding across hers, demanding, and unsheathing a passion she welcomed. This woman wanted her. Was it enough? Could she take this further without getting hurt? Or worse, hurting Barb? She gently pulled away, uncharacteristically unsure. Still, thoughts of Josie continued to haunt her, and until she could put that behind her, she needed to slow down. “Whew. This is probably not the best place for such public display of affection. Especially given that it’s my first day and all.”

  “Let’s go get those burgers.” Barb’s touch was gentle as she cupped Kelly’s face, her eyes dark with desire.

  Kelly took her hand as they drove the short distance to get their dinner. Her thoughts bounced between inviting Barb to her apartment for the night and not moving too quickly. She didn’t need to remind herself of her vow to find someone who shared her desire for a long-term relationship, but could she clarify her feelings as pillow talk, or did she need to speak beforehand? She ate her hamburger and decided to relax, enjoy Barb’s company, and see where it led. Her resolve to keep Josie out of her thoughts turned out to be more difficult, and worrisome.

  * * *

  Kelly woke to dream memories of soft kisses and gentle caresses. The fogginess of her sleep cleared and flooded her with longing. The star of her dream troubled her. Josie. Granted, their date had finished without the kind of make-out session that had started it, and they’d mostly just walked and talked, getting to know one another, but surely she should be dreaming about the woman she’d been with that night, not the one she hadn’t.

  She shook off the nighttime fantasies and concentrated on preparing for her day. The text she’d received from the administrator after midnight notified her of three occupants who’d arrived in the late evening. By the time she pulled into the parking lot and parked, she’d settled into work mode.

  “Good morning, Jim.” Kelly stowed her laptop under the nurse’s desk and turned her attention to the office computer. “How’d our first few residents do last night? I know their arrival was earlier than we anticipated.”

  “Hey, Kelly. My shift last night was quiet. Everyone’s comfortable, and the night nurse, Jen, made extra notes since we hadn’t expected them until next week.” Jim leaned on the counter and pointed to the screen.

  “Great. I’ll review them this morning. I understand we’ll be getting two new patients tomorrow.”

  “We’ll be ready. You’ve done an excellent job with the preliminary schedules and procedures. Thanks again, by the way, for letting me take the later shift. It’s wonderful to be able to spend time with my wife again.”

  “No problem. I’m glad it works for you. It’s hard to find people to work the night shift sometimes. So, no problem with Mrs. Robins? It looks like they brought her in directly from the hospital.”

  “None I’m aware of.”

  “Thanks, Jim. You go home and get some rest. I’ll get Jen’s take on things.” Kelly scrolled through the nurse’s notes. Kelly wasn’t certain the latest patient was stable enough to be away from her doctor, but it wasn’t her call. The downside of her job was she had little control over who was admitted or when. Medicaid, the housing company, and the administration made those decisions. All she could do was make sure the residents received the best nursing care possible. The buzzing of her phone startled her.

  She smiled when she read the screen. “Hi, Deb.”

  “Hey, stranger. How’re things going up there?”

  Kelly pinched the bridge of her nose. She hadn’t even checked to make sure her friends had made it home safely, she’d been so busy moving and getting settled in. “They’re going well. The facility is filling quickly already. How’re things there? You all got home okay?”

  “We did. It’s not too bad here. Megan’s doing a great job working with the nurses, and I’ve been catching up, but I miss our lunches together. Have you seen Josie?”

  “No, but we’re planning to get together for lunch.”

  “Cool. How about the hot conservation officer? Barb?”

  “Yeah. Barb. She’s great. I’ll probably see her often while I’m still here. I’m not sure if it’s going anywhere serious, but I like her a lot.”

  “I’m happy for you, Kel. Take care of yourself, and keep in touch, okay?”

  “I will, Deb. My cell phone works better here than from Josie’s place, so I’ll give you a call during the day.”

  She disconnected the call and took a settling breath. She hadn’t told Debby how much she was looking forward to seeing Josie. Her time with Barb was nice. But did she want to settle for nice? Was this another of her temporary connections? It definitely didn’t hold the same…whatever the feeling was when she’d kissed Josie. She pushed aside her ponderings and concentrated on work.

  By the end of the day, she was exhausted but proud of the amount of work they’d done. “I’m heading home, Rona. Call me if you have any questions.” Kelly walked through the occupied wing of the building to look in on the residents before heading to her car. Barb had called to let her know she’d be working at a ranger’s station on the opposite side of the island until late, so she was on her own for dinner. She hesitated for only a moment before turning onto the highway toward Harlow’s by the Bay.

  Josie’s Jeep was parked in its usual spot when she arrived. The cabins all appeared to be empty, and she wondered when
the next group was due to arrive. “Hello? Anyone home?” She knocked on the door as she let herself into the lodge.

  “Kelly?” Ruth peeked out the partially open door to the kitchen.

  “It’s me, Ruth. I stopped by to say hello.” She opened her arms and met Ruth halfway to wrap her in a hug. “I missed you.”

  “And I missed you, dear. How’s work going? Do you like it? Can you stay for dinner tonight?”

  “Whoa. Let’s sit, and I’ll tell you all about it.” Ruth’s warm welcome dispelled her awkwardness at her hasty decision to stop by unannounced.

  “Josie’s getting the cabins ready for our next group, so would you mind helping me with my hot tub exercises tonight?”

  “Of course, Ruth. I don’t have my swimsuit with me, but I have a pair of shorts and a T-shirt in the car. Do you think Josie would mind if I wore them?” She made a mental note to toss her suit in her trunk for the next time, unsure of why she knew there’d be a next time.

  “I’m sure she wouldn’t.”

  “Okay. Let’s go exercise.” Kelly helped Ruth into the tub and relaxed into their routine, feeling like she’d never left.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Josie chuckled at the sounds coming from the hot tub. “Hey, you two.” She leaned in the doorway watching Nooko splash and giggle like a little kid. Her breath caught at the unexpected pleasure of seeing Kelly again.

  “Hi, honey. Look who came by to say hello.” Nooko kept her gentle kicking as she spoke while Kelly held her up.

  “I hope you don’t mind. I just wanted to see how Ruth was doing.” Kelly looked nervous.

  “Not at all. It’s good to see you. I’d offer to help, but you’ve got things under control here. I’ve made vegetarian lasagna for dinner. Can you stay?”

  “I didn’t mean to invite myself over for dinner.”


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