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MY UNPROTECTED TABOO REVENGE, complete series (#1–3): First time, older man younger woman, forbidden, fertile

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by Anya Aurelie

  My Unprotected Taboo Revenge

  The complete series — three stories in one!

  (First time, older man younger woman, forbidden, unprotected/fertile)


  Anya Aurelie

  Note: Individual stories in this series were published as “My Bareback Taboo Revenge”




  Copyright © 2015 by Anya Aurelie

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


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  My Unprotected Taboo Revenge, #1

  I rubbed the buzzing vibrator over my clit, loving the feeling of it on the delicate skin. I circled my clit with it, teasing myself, before moving lower and pushing gently into my hole. I was tight, and at first the toy didn’t go very far in, even as thin as it was.

  I licked my finger and reached down to spread myself open, and was pleasantly surprised to find that I was already plenty wet. I smeared my own moisture onto the vibrator and penetrated myself, pushing slowly further and further, deeper and deeper into myself, making sure not to pierce my delicate hymen.

  God, it felt so good. I loved my vibrator. It had seen me through some of the roughest moments of my first year of college, and now it was going to see me through my first summer back from school.

  I pushed in and out of myself with the toy, fucking myself and imagining it was a cock. Not that I knew what that felt like, though, so imagination was all I had.

  “Mmm, Chris,” I moaned, not realizing I’d said it out loud. Quickly I looked around me, as though I’d see someone else in this empty room with me.

  Don’t be ridiculous, I told myself. I was home alone.

  I switched the vibrator to its highest setting and continued fucking myself with it, loving how tight my pussy was around it. Then I pulled it back out of me again and flicked it over and over my clit, working myself up even more.

  Soon, the world slipped away around me, and I was lost in a fantasy about Chris, my high school crush. I’d hardly thought of him in the almost-year I’d been away, but now that I was back home for the summer, I was hoping I’d get to see him again.

  Maybe get to see a lot of him, if you know what I mean.

  Yes, I was ready to lose my virginity. And I was ready to do it soon. The sooner the better.

  “Fuck me, Chris,” I whispered to myself, squeezing my breast and arching my back, naked in my childhood bed. My breathing got shallow and the sensation in my pussy built and built until I knew I was about to explode.

  I held myself there for several moments, not wanting to go over the edge yet, wanting this feeling to last, until finally I plunged a finger inside of myself and pushed into my G-spot while the vibrator continued to buzz on my clit, and I fell hard.

  The waves of pleasure rushed over me, and I was moaning and writhing in the bed, completely lost in the feeling of my pulsing cunt. I imagined Chris pouring his load inside of me, filling me to the brim with his cum. I wondered what it would feel like. I wondered if I would get to find out.

  As the throbbing in my pussy subsided, I heard a sound coming from downstairs.

  Oh no! I thought. Mom’s home! Had she heard me? Surely not. I was all the way upstairs, and there were probably traffic sounds down on the ground floor that would’ve covered up small moans from all the way up here.

  I sure hoped that was the case. I jumped out of bed and pulled on shorts and a shirt, not bothering with a bra. It was just my mom, after all. Why be fancy?

  “Mom!” I called out, running down the stairs. I was so excited to see her I could hardly contain myself. It had been since last August, when she’d dropped me off at college, and now it was June. It was crazy to think I’d gone that long between visits, but money had been tight for Mom, and I certainly couldn’t afford the plane ticket myself. Even for Christmas.

  At the bottom of the stairs, though, I stopped short. “Who are you?” I asked, instantly freaked out. A strange man stood in the kitchen, unloading groceries into my mom’s fridge. Had she hired someone to grocery shop for her? That didn’t make any sense.

  “I’m Ed,” he said, walking toward me and extending a hand. “And you must be Mia.”

  “Yeah, I am,” I said, suspicious.

  “It’s so nice to finally meet you!” he said, looking me up and down. I was suddenly very self-conscious of the fact that I was not wearing a bra, and my nipples were prominently poking through my tank top. I was self-conscious about my shorts, which were a little too short above my long, bare legs. I just stared back at him blankly.

  “I’m your mom’s boyfriend?” Ed said, sounding unsure now. “Surely she told you about me.”

  “Uh, nope,” I said. Mom had a boyfriend? I couldn’t believe it. This man must’ve overstated their relationship. Maybe he was just a friend, or someone she’d been on a few dates with?

  Then why is he unloading groceries in her house when she isn’t here? a little voice in my head demanded.

  “Well, I’ve heard tons about you,” Ed continued. He was a distinguished-looking man around Mom’s age, who would probably be attractive if he weren’t so much older than I was. “Why don’t you sit down and we can get to know each other?”

  “I need to go upstairs and change first,” I said, hesitant. Could I leave this man alone in my mother’s house?

  “Nonsense, you look fine,” he said, and I saw his eyes drift over my chest again. “Just sit down and let’s have a talk before your mom gets home.”

  Reluctantly, I saw down at the kitchen table, folding my arms across my chest. My breasts had been slow to develop, and when I’d left for college last summer they hadn’t been much to look at. My freshman fifteen, though, seemed to have centered itself primarily in the tis, and now I wore a D cup.

  And they were bouncing around, free as a bird, in front of this strange man who must’ve been twice my age.

  “So how long have you and Mom been dating?” I asked while Ed continued to pull groceries out of the bags he’d set on the counter.

  “Oh, about eight months,” he said.

  “Eight months?!” I almost choked on my own spit when the words came out of his mouth. I’d only been gone nine months, and my mom hadn’t thought to tell me in all this time that she was seeing someone? I was not happy about this new development. Not happy at all.

  “Yeah, things moved pretty fast between us, you could say,” Ed said. “But Laurel’s a lovely lady. It’s hard not to fall in love with her. And I’ve been here for five months now.”

  “You’ve been…sorry, you’ve been where for five months?” I asked, feeling like I was two steps behind him.

  “Here,” he said, gesturing around him at the kitchen. “In this house.”

  “You live here?” I asked incredulously. The surprises never stopped coming with this one.

  “I do,” he confirmed. “I can’t believe your mom never told you.”

/>   “I can’t either,” I said, feeling dazed. “I really can’t.”

  But that was as far as our conversation got, because at that moment my mom’s car appeared in the driveway, and a moment later she was in the kitchen with us. I jumped up.

  “Mommy!” I cried out, leaping into her arms and feeling my breasts jiggle, hoping Ed wasn’t watching.

  “Sweetheart!” she said. “It’s so good to see you! I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to pick you up at the airport.”

  “Oh, never mind, it’s fine,” I said, batting the idea away, much more concerned at the moment with getting to the bottom of this Ed situation.

  “I see you two have met,” Mom said, glancing down at my obvious nipples and long, exposed legs. “I’m so sorry, Mia, I wanted to tell you about him in person, and I certainly didn’t mean for you to find out while I wasn’t even home.”

  “Um, yeah, it’s a little weird,” I agreed, but neither of us wanted to say too much while Ed was here. I wanted this man out. I knew already that I did not like him.

  “Well, anyway, I hope you’re making yourself comfortable back in your old room,” she said.

  “It’s like I never left!” I said. “It all smells the same and everything.”

  “Good.” Mom smiled. I could tell she was happy to have me back here, but I was feeling distinctly odd knowing that there was now a strange man living in our house.

  “I’ll give you two a moment alone,” Ed said, holding up some bars of soap and shampoo and heading upstairs to put them away.

  “Mom, you’re dating someone? He lives here now? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  She shrugged. “I really just thought that you’d gel if you met in person, but knowing your mom is dating someone when you’re far away…I don’t know, I guess I thought it would just give you something else to worry about while you’re at college. You needed to be concentrating on your studies.”

  “Yeah, but you couldn’t even have given me a heads-up?”

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I should’ve. But give him a chance. I know you’ll grow to love him as much as I do.”

  Fat chance of that happening, I thought. Ed was attractive enough, with silvering hair and broad shoulders, but someone taking the place of my dad was just plain weird. And I wanted my mom back — after almost a year away, I didn’t want any competition on that front. I wanted her to myself this summer. Sharing was out of the question.

  That was the end of our conversation, though, because a moment later Ed reappeared. He gave me a funny look, glancing up and down at me again, but in a different way from before.

  What was going on? I wondered. He almost seemed to be giving me a disapproving stare. But what was there for him to disapprove of?

  And then I remembered all at once. Oh shit! The vibrator! I’d come downstairs in such a hurry that I hadn’t bothered to put the vibrator away, and now that I thought about it I didn’t even think I’d shut my bedroom door. I’d assumed I’d have plenty of time to do that before Mom ever got upstairs, and then Ed had totally thrown me off. It was lying in the middle of my bed, where Ed surely would’ve seen it if he’d glanced into my room on his way to the bathroom.

  I felt my face heat up and knew I was turning red. What a horrible first impression I was making! He must think I’m a sex-crazed lunatic, wearing short shorts and no bra, leaving a vibrator out in plain sight.

  I looked down at the floor in embarrassment, wondering what he was thinking. But before he could say anything, Mom said brightly, “Let’s get started on dinner!”

  I darted upstairs to change clothes and stash the vibrator under my bed, and then returned downstairs to help chop vegetables.

  “Where’s the chicken?” Mom asked, searching through the fridge.

  “It’s in there,” Ed assured her, then seemed to stop to think. “Come to think of it…I know I got it, but now I don’t remember unloading it.”

  “Could there be another bag in the car?” Mom asked.

  “Maybe…” he said, sounding like he didn’t think so. She grabbed his keys and went out to check.

  The moment the door was closed behind her, Ed turned to me.

  “I saw what you had in your bedroom,” he said. “That’s very inappropriate for a girl your age.”

  “What?” I said, shocked that this was how he’d approach the issue with me. “I’m nineteen.”

  “I understand,” he said. “But what are people going to think? They see a sex toy in your bedroom, they’re going to assume you’re…easy.”

  “I am not easy!” I said, ruffled. Who was this strange man to accuse me of such a thing after having known me for all of five minutes? Now I disliked him even more than before.

  He raised his eyebrows at me. “Your demeanor would suggest otherwise.”

  “My demeanor? You mean my clothes?”

  “That’s precisely what I mean.”

  I opened my mouth to retort, furious, when my mom walked back in. “Chicken’s not in the car,” she said with a sigh.

  “Oh shoot,” Ed said. “I must’ve left it at the store. I’ll go back and see if they have it at the checkout.”

  “No, you stay here,” she said. “I’ll go. You and Mia get to know each other a bit.”

  Getting to know Ed was the last thing I wanted in that moment, but Mom was already halfway out the door before I could protest.

  I sighed. “You’re not my dad,” I said, knowing that I sounded like a petulant child.

  “No, but I’m looking out for your well-being,” Ed said. “And I know what boys will think if they see you dressed like that, or if they see that vibrator of yours.”

  “No one was supposed to see that!” I shrunk back in embarrassment and focused my eyes downward on the veggies I was chopping, getting more incensed by the moment. “Certainly not you.”

  “The fact remains, it gives me a distinct impression of what kind of person you are, and we all know that first impressions are important.”

  Oh man, this guy was so full of shit I could hardly stand it. “What kind of girl I am?” I exploded. “What the hell do you know about what kind of girl I am? You want to know what kind of girl I am? I’m a virgin.” The words came out of my mouth before I could stop myself.

  “A virgin?” he asked, sounding surprised. Then he looked me up and down again. “I don’t believe you for a second.”

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but I am,” I said. To my chagrin, I felt my nipples hardening beneath my clothes at the accusation that I was a slut.

  Ed snorted derisively, which made me even more furious. And even more turned on. The nerve of this guy! To think that I’d had cocks inside of me, when I was standing here telling him otherwise.

  “I’d bet a hundred bucks you don’t have a hymen,” he muttered.

  “Excuse me?” I said, getting more irritated by the second. “I most definitely do.” And then, even though I knew I should stop there, my big mouth kept blabbing. “I have a hard time fitting my vibrator inside of me because I have a hymen. And as you surely know, it’s not a very thick vibrator.”

  I saw a bulge start to grow in the front of his pants, and then I just lost it. This stranger was getting turned on at the idea of me masturbating, while trying to tell me that I shouldn’t do it. I needed him out of the house, and the sooner the better.

  And then I thought of a way to get Mom to dump him.

  “All right, you want to bet a hundred bucks?” I said. “I’ll take it.”


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