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Return of the Jerk (Sweet Life in Seattle, Book 2)

Page 25

by Simonne, Andrea

  Nathan tries to read, but is too distracted. He can’t stop thinking about Blair. It feels strange being in her bedroom without her. Can smell her perfume faintly on the sheets and wishes he was smelling it on her instead.

  This is bullshit.

  So maybe I have worn out my welcome, there’s still no reason for her to act this way.

  He glances around her bedroom, everything done in various shades of peach and pink—so feminine. All her scarves are hung neatly on hooks by her dresser, clean and organized like everything else in her life. He finds it relaxing, especially since it’s the exact opposite of what he grew up in.

  He reflects back to this morning and the way he’d been sifting through all her pretty lingerie. And then to the shower where she’d told him she wanted him, wanted more of him.

  Be damned if I didn’t feel like a million bucks after that. None of this makes any sense. If she wanted me to leave then why did she say what she did in the shower?

  Frustrated, he turns off the bedside lamp and lies on his back with his arm tucked under his head. Fiona has started weeping out in the living room, and he feels annoyed all over again about this situation.

  Had every right to be pissed about Blair taking Isadora’s title.

  Though, in truth, he’s mostly pissed now because she isn’t here next to him.

  Nathan closes his eyes and tries to sleep, but can already tell it’s not going to happen. He’s had insomnia since he was a kid and knows when sleep isn’t going to come.

  “Dammit.” He lets out his breath, throws the covers back and sits up, eliciting an annoyed meow from Mr. Maurice. “You and me both, pal.” He decides to get his computer and write for a while.

  Nathan spends the next few days away from the condo, though he goes back there to sleep at night. At first, he brought his computer with him and tried hanging out at his mom’s to get some work done, but that was impossible as always. Not to mention, her boyfriend, Garth, is a serious dick who wouldn’t leave him alone. Garth kept trying to borrow money from him, claiming he could double it. Apparently, Garth has a sports gambling addiction. So instead, Nathan went to Brody’s garage, figured he’d sit in the office and work there, though it wasn’t long before Brody was handing him a grease-stained Toyota Celica manual.

  “What’s this?” Nathan asked.

  “My mom’s car needs the head gasket and valves replaced. I don’t have time, but you do.”

  “You’re kidding.”

  “Nope. All you’re doing is sitting here on your ass anyway.”

  He flipped through the manual. It’s been years since he replaced a head gasket. It took hours and was labor-intensive work.

  Brody grinned. “Figure you can mope over Blair and make yourself useful at the same time.”

  “Christ, I never should have told you anything.”

  “Probably not.” Brody laughed. “Come on, don’t be such a pouty little girl.”

  “Not pouting,” Nathan muttered. “Plus, I’m very busy.” But he turned his computer off and got up anyway.

  He worked on the Celica for a couple days to trace some timing and electrical issues then started helping Brody with an engine rebuild yesterday. It’s killing his back, but it’s been good for readjusting his focus. After working on cars all day, he usually works on his blog all night since his insomnia has come back with a mighty roar. Clearly, he took for granted how well he slept with Blair beside him.

  “Oh, my God, look what the cat dragged in,” Fiona says the next morning when he emerges from the bedroom. He’s been leaving every day before she wakes up, but didn’t get to sleep until nearly dawn last night. “Where have you been? It’s like you’ve fallen off the face of the Earth!”

  “Whatever,” he grumbles and goes to the cupboard to get down a box of cereal.

  “Seriously, where have you been all week?”

  He shrugs. “Around.”

  Fiona smirks. “Blair called me yesterday afternoon.”

  He opens the fridge to get some milk, pretending indifference. “She coming back?”

  “No. Apparently, Tori is going to stop by later this morning and get some more of her things.”

  “What for?” Nathan turns around now with a scowl.

  “I guess she needs more stuff. Blair said we could stay here, though, temporarily.”

  “We need to both move out.”

  Fiona shrugs. “I think she’s being quite generous. Have you apologized to her yet? Because that’s what you need to do.”

  He pours the milk over his bowl of cereal.

  “You’re not handling this the right way,” she rants. “You know that, don’t you? You need to apologize, and then you need to start courting her. That’s what women expect, especially her type.”

  Ignoring Fiona, he takes his bowl of cereal with him back into his office. Can still hear her carrying on. “I don’t know why you’re not listening to me!” she shrieks. “I’m trying to help you!”

  Nathan closes the door loudly.

  Christ, does she ever shut up?

  He eats his cereal in peace. Told Brody he’d stop by later and help work on the engine rebuild some more. He was surprised how much he enjoyed working on that first car, the Celica. It felt good to work with his hands again, though he hasn’t been getting much writing done and still has no idea how he’s going to end this book. He thinks about Blair calling Fiona yesterday.

  Why the hell didn’t she call me?

  In frustration, he pulls his phone from his front pocket. He hasn’t called Blair at all the past few days, hoping she’d cool down and come to her senses. Apparently, that’s not the case, though. He listens to her phone ring, but she doesn’t answer.

  “This is ridiculous,” he says to her voicemail. “I’ll move out, if that’s what you really want.”

  He hangs up.

  Hits redial two seconds later to leave another message.

  “Look, didn’t know you were feeling crowded. You should have said something.” He hesitates, almost tells her how much he misses her sleeping beside him, misses all their talks, but stops himself. He’s even tempted to make up something about Mr. Maurice, since he knows that would get her attention.

  But I’m not that desperate.

  Or pathetic.

  He goes to put his empty bowl in the kitchen sink, hoping to catch Tori before he leaves for Brody’s. Fiona is working, but starts harassing him again. He ignores her, but she won’t leave him alone, still giving advice about how he should handle Blair. She even tries following him into the bathroom.

  “Go away. Jesus Christ, can’t I take a piss in private?”

  Fiona scoffs. “Like you have anything I’m interested in.”

  When Tori finally comes by to get more of Blair’s things, he attempts to get a straight answer from her about what’s happening, but it feels like she’s speaking in riddles.

  “Is she staying away because of me?” he wants to know.

  “You’ll have to ask her that yourself.”

  “But she won’t speak to me.”

  Tori puts some of Blair’s shirts into a leather bag then gets makeup from the bathroom, and finally grabs a few of her scarves.

  “Exactly how long is she planning to be gone?”

  Tori shrugs. “A while longer.”

  He doesn’t like that answer. Doesn’t like it at all. Once he’s at the garage and working on the engine rebuild, he keeps thinking about Blair, getting more frustrated because he’s starting to understand part of the problem.

  The part where I’m an asshole.

  He keeps telling himself he’s going to start making arrangements to move out so she can move back in, but he hasn’t done a damn thing. Nothing. Just can’t bring himself to do it for some reason.

  We need to have a conversation first.

  That evening he decides enough is enough. He leaves the garage and heads straight for Tori’s, determined to talk to Blair once and for all. Unfortunately, when he arrives, he discover
s Blair isn’t there.

  “Where is she?”

  Tori stands in the doorway, blowing on her freshly painted fingernails. “She’s out with some guy.”

  This stops him cold. “What guy?”

  “I forget his name. It’s someone she used to date.”


  “No, someone else. They went out for dinner, and I don’t think she’ll be back until late.”

  Nathan doesn’t move. Can barely breathe. Is it possible Blair is out with that guy who broke her heart? The dipshit who was too stupid to see how incredible she is?

  “Why do you think they’ll be out late?”

  Tori smiles. “Just a feeling. I’ll tell her you stopped by, though.”

  “MY BROTHER WAS just here looking for you,” Tori says.

  Blair walks into the kitchen, carrying a couple of grocery bags. She’s just come back from getting provisions for the girls’ night they’re planning tomorrow. “He was?”

  “I told him you were out on a hot date with an old boyfriend.” Tori laughs. “You should have seen his face.”

  “You shouldn’t have lied. He’ll figure it out anyway.”

  “No, he won’t. Plus, it’s for his own good. He needs to wake up and smell the reality.”

  Blair puts the veggie platter in the fridge, then starts putting away the rest of the groceries she bought. It’s like entering a time warp staying with Tori again in her same old bedroom. The scene of the crime. Or at least that’s how she occasionally thinks of it, since that’s where she and Nathan had their ill-fated night.

  “Did he seem bothered?” Blair can’t resist asking.

  Tori smiles. “Yes, he did actually.” She goes over to the counter to get one of the cookies Blair brought home from work. “These are incredible.” She chews for a bit. “Enough is enough, you know? I don’t want to lie to my brother, but at the same time, I’m tired of watching him make stupid decisions about women. I mean, what if he actually winds up with a Skank Factor X for life? I have to protect him from that. Plus, I’m still hoping he ends up with you.”

  Blair doesn’t say anything as she folds up a paper grocery bag for the recycle bin, can feel Tori’s eyes on her.

  “This whole thing with you staying here, I think I finally understand it.”

  “You do?” Blair looks over at her. “Because I’m starting to wonder if I understand it myself.”

  “This is about Road, isn’t it? You’re obviously still in love with him.”

  Blair sighs and puts the bag down. “Yes, but I don’t know what to do about it anymore. I feel like a crazy person.”

  “So, what else is new?” Tori laughs. “I mean, let’s face it, you’ve never been rational when it comes to my brother.”

  “And I’m still not. Look at me.” Blair throws her hands up. “I can’t believe any of this. I’m staying here with you all week while those two live in my condo. Talk about the height of irrational!”

  “I don’t know.” Tori’s expression grows thoughtful. “I think putting some distance between you and him is a good idea. Especially for Road. He doesn’t always see what’s right in front of him, but he might see it if it’s not there anymore.”

  “All I know is I was feeling overwhelmed. Like I had to get out of there and try to think clearly for a change.”

  “Do you want Road to move out of your place?”

  Blair bites her lip. “No, I don’t want him to leave. That’s the problem.” She meets Tori’s gaze. “But one of us had to.”

  “See, maybe this whole thing isn’t so crazy.”

  “Maybe.” Blair laughs. “Except instead of sleeping with the guy I’m in love with, I’m sleeping with a bunch of snoring dogs every night.”

  “Hey, the boys like you. It’s a compliment.”

  “Lucky me.”

  “And what about Fiona? Are you going to let her keep staying there?”

  Blair sighs and goes back to putting the groceries away. “I don’t know how she does it, but she keeps making me feel sorry for her.”

  “Good, because I invited her to our girls’ night tomorrow.”

  “What?” Blair turns around, annoyed. “Are you serious? Why would you do that?”

  “Because she’s lonely and doesn’t have many friends. You told me so yourself. Plus, you said she cries half the night. That’s so sad.”

  Blair doesn’t say anything more. The mention of Fiona’s weeping makes her think of all those nights with Nathan. The truth is she misses him. Too much.

  She wonders if Tori is right, and maybe this distance will help him see their relationship in a different light. I hope so. Though it doesn’t seem like it. He’s left messages, but he mostly sounds grouchy and annoyed with her. At the very least, this will help me decide what my next step should be.

  The next day, after delivering wedding cakes with Carlos, Blair comes back and helps set up stuff for their girls’ night. By the time Natalie and Lindsay arrive, she and Tori have laid out fun snacks and the fixings for cocktails, and of course mocktails for Natalie. Tori leaves to go pick up Fiona.

  “I can’t believe she invited her,” Blair groans, taking a seat on one of the living room chairs with her drink called a ‘Pink Squirrel.’ Tori loves drinks with silly names and printed up recipes for some great ones, including ‘Sex with an Alligator,’ ‘Blue Balls,’ and ‘Satan’s Whiskers.’

  Natalie takes a sip from her virgin drink, an ‘Atomic Cat.’ “I thought Fiona was interesting. Plus, she sent me the outline of a great marketing plan last night. She said it was free of charge. Payment for letting her stay at your condo.”

  “She did?” Blair says with surprise.

  “I’m curious to meet her, too.” Lindsay sits on the couch next to Natalie. One of Tori’s cats—Lita, a blonde tabby—comes over and rubs against her legs. “She sounds like a character.”

  Both sisters are dressed casual in jeans, though Lindsay’s jeans are ripped and she definitely has more of a bohemian vibe. Natalie is short and curvy with long, straight blonde hair, while Lindsay is tall and slender with dark, wavy hair. They barely look like sisters, but Blair has noticed in profile they have the exact same nose.

  Blair picks up her drink. “You haven’t seen how she treats everyone like a servant, though.”

  “Why haven’t you kicked her out?” Lindsay reaches down to pet Lita. “I wouldn’t put up with that.”

  Natalie reaches over to pet the cat, too. “Kick them both out. I don’t understand why you’re letting them stay there while you move in here. None of this makes any sense to me.”

  Blair sighs. “I know it’s strange, but there’s more to it.”

  She can see the way Natalie and Lindsay are both looking at her. Blair takes a deep breath and decides to tell them the truth about her marriage.

  “So, he married you out of obligation?” Natalie asks, when Blair is finished explaining.


  The sisters are studying her. “So, where do things stand now?” Lindsay wants to know. “Are you still in love with him?”

  “Yes.” Blair sighs. “Pitiful, I know.”

  “That’s not pitiful,” Natalie says. “There’s no shame in loving someone. He’s an idiot for not appreciating you more.”

  The front door suddenly opens. They all turn and watch as Tori and Fiona come inside. Tori bounces over with her usual sprightly energy, while Fiona saunters in, swinging her dark hair like she’s ready for the catwalk in Milan.

  Fiona gets an excited grin on her face when she sees Blair. “There you are!”

  “Hi, Fiona.”

  Fiona comes over and positions herself so the whole room has to take notice of her. “I come with good news. Your torture is working!”

  “My torture?” Blair asks.

  “My God, I’ve never seen Nathan so miserable. Moving out and leaving him there was pure genius. I doubt even I could have thought of something so ruthless!”

  Lindsay laughs with what
sounds like approval.

  Fiona comes over and takes a seat. She doesn’t seem to know how to behave and is acting overly excited toward everyone. Blair decides maybe it was nice of Tori to invite her after all, and with annoyance finds herself feeling sorry for her again.

  Drinks are poured, snacks are dished out, and while all the women chat, Blair can’t stop thinking about Fiona’s comment, wondering if it’s really true. Is Nathan really miserable because of me? I doubt it.

  “Hey, if that marketing plan is payment for staying with me, why didn’t I get a copy?” Blair asks Fiona.

  “Because I could tell Natalie is far more receptive to my ideas.” Fiona takes a sip from her drink, ‘Mountain Dew Me.’ “She listens.”

  “Give me a break. You need to send me a copy.”

  Fiona only sniffs and tosses her hair over her shoulder. “I’ll think about it.”

  Blair grips her glass tighter and resists the urge to do something satisfying, like pour the contents on Fiona.

  As the women are all talking, Lindsay announces that she’s been accepted into an artist residency program in Berlin, Germany.

  “That’s amazing, congratulations!” Tori says, and there are murmurs of agreement around the room.

  “The only bad thing is I’ll be leaving right after the baby is born.” Lindsay looks at her sister. “I feel like the timing is all wrong.”

  Natalie shakes her head. “It’s fine. You have to take this.”

  “I applied over a year ago,” Lindsay admits. “I was starting to doubt I’d even get in.”

  The women all talk it over, and everyone agrees Lindsay should go to Berlin. That it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

  A couple hours into their girls’ night, Fiona tells them all about her problems with Sachi. As everyone offers advice and opinions, Blair gets up to go to the bathroom. On the way back, she checks her phone and notices a voicemail from Nathan.

  “Oh, my God.” Blair sucks in her breath, as she walks back into the living room. “Nathan says he’s calling about Mr. Maurice!” She shoots a look in Fiona’s direction. “Is there something wrong with my cat that you didn’t tell me?”

  Fiona, who is on her second or possibly third cocktail by now, looks up at her slightly bleary-eyed. “The cat? Your fucking cat?” She shakes her head. “That cat is in love with Nathan.”


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