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Playing for Keeps (Indianapolis Eagles #3)

Page 5

by Samantha Lind

  “Madison dropped a bomb on me that she’s going to start dating again, and your wife is apparently setting her up with some doctor she works with. What the fuck is up with that shit? I thought Kinley was my friend,” I grumble at him.

  A boisterous laugh rips from Brian as he doubles over, taking a few moments before he can talk again.

  “I’m pretty sure Kin and Becca are purposely setting her up with other guys to force you to make a move. As much as you don’t want to admit it, they know how you feel about her and, according to my wife, Madison feels the same damn way about you. Both of you are just too damn chicken shit to tell each other that. So, they’re helping her either move on or force you to show your hand. I can see their plan to make you jealous is working, and they’ll be thrilled when they find out.”

  “Laugh all you want. This is my life we’re talking about.”

  “Yeah, and what are you going to do about it? Sit and mope and lick your wounds, or man up and go get your girl?”

  “I’m going to get the girl, I just have to figure out the perfect plan.”

  “I bet Kinley and Becca would be more than willing to help you. They want the two of you together.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind. I just need to get my head on straight and figure out a few things first.” I finish tying my shoes, and grab my sweatshirt from the hook in my locker. “All right, man, enough talking about relationships. Let’s go grab some food. I’m starving.”

  I make it home after my late lunch with the guys. It isn’t uncommon for a group of us to head to one of a handful of restaurants after practice together. We have our favorite places to go that are able to handle having our rowdy crowd show up. The nice thing about having local places that don’t mind a bunch of hockey players showing up are the staff at those places not letting the fact that we’re professional athletes affect the service we receive. The bad thing is that some of the hard-core puck bunnies know our common hangouts, and it doesn’t take long after we’ve arrived for the crowd to arrive.

  I’ve been in the league long enough to know never to touch a puck bunny these days. Not that I have any desire to do so anymore, and not that I didn’t enjoy them when I was young and in my first couple of seasons of my professional career because, let’s face it, I’m a guy, and I was young when I was drafted. All I cared about in those days was hockey and getting laid.

  Now that I’m home, I let my conversation with Brian replay over.

  I know I need a plan, I just don’t know what yet.

  Do I just blurt it out?

  Do I come up with some grand gesture?

  What if she actually starts dating some guy and I miss my opportunity?


  I don’t know what to do. I know I’ve only got one shot, and I really don’t want to fuck it up.

  The next week passes by with not much filling my time except work. Practice, followed by a game day, more practice days, and we’ve got another game tomorrow night. We leave for a quick road trip right after our game and will be gone for only two games, back to back nights. Once we return, we’ll be home for a longer stretch.

  Next weekend, we also have a black-tie fundraiser that the team sponsors. Which reminds me, I need a date to the event, and know I need to convince Madison to be my plus one.

  Richard: Hey, hope your week has been going okay. Haven’t heard from you in a couple days. I miss talking to you. Any chance you’d consider being my plus one to the team’s charity event next weekend?

  Madison: I’ve been good, just busy. Sorry I have been kind of quiet the last couple of days. What night is the charity event? I have another date with David on Friday night.

  Fuck, another date with the doctor.

  Richard: It’s Saturday night.

  Madison: Yes, I can be your plus one on Saturday night. Black-tie I’m assuming, like previous years?

  Richard: Yes, and I don’t mind paying for a new dress for you if you need something new to wear. You’ll be doing me a favor by being my date, so I’d like to cover any expenses that come up because of it.

  With an idea already coming to mind on how I can make my move and win over Madison, I grab my keys and coat and head for Scott’s house.

  On the drive over, I call Brian, asking if he and Kinley can meet me over at Scott and Becca’s house. If I have any minor chance of pulling this off, I’m going to need both Kinley and Becca’s help.

  I arrive at Scott’s and knock lightly, not wanting to accidentally wake up the baby if he’s sleeping. Seeing as I’m dropping in unannounced and having invited others to join us, I hope this is a good time for them. I guess it’s a little too late now to turn back.

  “Hey, man, what’s up?” Scott asks, answering the door.

  “I need your wife’s help, and I kind of invited Kinley and Brian over, as well, so that both of your wives can help me.”

  Scott stands at the open door, just shaking his head and laughing at me while I stand on his doorstep like a lost puppy. Not a grown ass man. He finally steps aside and allows me to come inside.

  “Becca!” Scott calls out as we walk into their living room.

  “Yes?” she answers, meeting us in the living room. “Oh hey, Murph. I didn’t realize you were coming over. How have you been?”

  “Sorry for just dropping in. But I was hoping that I could get you and Kinley to help me with something.”

  The smirk that fills her face lets me know she probably has an idea about what I’m going to need help with.

  “I called Brian on my way here, they’ll be here soon.”

  “Well, all right then. While we wait for them to get here, can I get you anything to drink?” she offers.

  “I’m good for now. Thanks, Becca,” I reply, taking a seat on one of the couches. “If today isn’t a good day, I can talk to you guys later. I didn’t mean to just barge in and overtake your afternoon,” I add, realizing now how I just acted first before thinking, which always seems to be the case when it comes to Madison.

  “You’re fine, Murph. We were just having a quiet afternoon at home. Michael has finally got his days and nights figured out, and takes a good nap every afternoon, usually.”

  While we wait for Brian and Kinley to arrive, I talk with Scott and Becca. Most of the conversation stays focused on the baby, and how she’s adjusting to being a new mom.

  About ten minutes into our chatting, we hear the front door open and close.

  “Knock, knock,” Brian calls out, before he and Kinley round the corner. “What’s going on, everyone?”

  After hugs and hand slaps are exchanged, we settle ourselves around the living room.

  With Kinley and Becca sitting next to each other on the loveseat across from me, I take a deep breath in before spilling my guts to these two women.

  “So, I need your help with Madison. I’m sure you both know I have some strong feelings for her, and with her dating again, I need to make her realize that I love her. Not just as a friend loves another friend, but I want, no, I need, her in my life. Permanently. I love her, love her.”

  “Did you have any ideas already that you need our help with?”

  “Kind of. I texted her earlier and got her to agree to be my date to the charity event next weekend. I want the two of you to convince her to go out shopping for a new dress, get her to agree to go to the spa the day of to get pampered—get hair and makeup, the whole nine yards. I’ll cover whatever it costs me. I want her to feel special, and never want to go out with someone else after that night, other than me. And a side note, what the hell, Kinley? What’s up with you setting her up with one of the doctors you work with? I thought you were my friend.”

  “This,” she confesses. “This is exactly why I did it. I knew you would be jealous and it would force you to make your move. She doesn’t believe us that you want more from her, so she’s going to be a little shocked. But leave the pampering to us, we’ll get her to come with us.”

  “What else do you have up your sleeve?” B
ecca asks.

  “I figured, after the event, I’ll get her to come back to my house and I’ll lay it all out for her. That way, we have a little privacy, and I can only hope she doesn’t freak out.”

  “I don’t think she’ll freak out, but I do think that she’ll be surprised,” Becca says.

  “Any chance you can get her to cancel the date she has planned for next Friday night? When I asked if she could come with me, she said she had a date Friday night. If she’s going on multiple dates with this doctor, you don’t think things could be leading toward an actual relationship, do you?”

  “Hmmm...” Kinley hums. “I guess it’s always possible. But I think they are just enjoying each other’s company, and still getting to know each other. I think once you spill your guts, she’ll have no issues telling David goodbye and falling into your arms once and for all.”

  “I sure hope you’re right.”

  With a loose plan in place and knowing my friends all have my back, the grip around my heart starts to loosen just a bit. I don’t think that feeling will go away completely until I know Madison is mine in every possible way. This is going to be a long fucking week.

  With talk of next weekend out of the way, the ladies go off to do their own thing while us guys get sucked into watching a game on TV, and before we know it, it’s about dinnertime. Scott pulled out some steaks earlier, so we all end up staying for dinner. It’s times like this that I can’t wait to have Mads next to my side. I’ve kind of become the fifth wheel when I hang out with my friends and having someone to call my own is something I’m looking forward to.

  I just have to convince her I’m in this for the long haul and playing for keeps.

  Chapter Nine


  I’ve been out with David just the one-time, last week, when we met for drinks and dinner. We really hit it off, and have another date planned for tomorrow night, and again next Friday night. He’s very charming, super sweet, and hot, to boot. He’s a few years older than me, at 35, but the age gap doesn’t seem to bother us at all.

  I’m just a little nervous about our date that’s set for Friday night. Most people have the unwritten three date rule for sex and, as much as I like David, I’m just not ready to jump into bed with him. Then, on top of that, I’m Richard’s date on Saturday night, for his team’s charity event. It just wouldn’t feel right to sleep with David this early in our relationship—if that is what you could even call it at this point. We’ve had no discussion about officially dating. Right now, we’re just enjoying getting to know one another over dinner and drinks, and if nothing comes from it, other than another friend, I’m okay with that.

  I grab my keys and a lightweight jacket before heading out the door. I’m meeting Kinley and Becca for lunch today.

  I arrive at the restaurant and see both of them already seated at a table. Kinley has Michael out of his car seat and is snuggling him closely. I take a seat, and immediately lean over to see the baby. He’s such a cute little guy and is growing so fast already!

  “Hey, how are you guys?” I finally ask.

  “Good, now dish. How’re things going with Dr. McHotty? He’s been a little more chipper at work the past week,” Kinley says.

  “Good. We’ve only been out together once so far but have talked on the phone a couple other times. We’re going out again tomorrow night, and I’m accompanying him to an event next Friday night.”

  “And…what do you think of him?”

  “He’s super nice, funny, hot, kind. What else do you want me to say?” I say on a laugh.

  “Is he a good kisser? Good in bed?” Becca asks.

  “I don’t know, we haven’t kissed, and I’m not just jumping into bed with him. Or anyone, for that matter.”

  “But you wouldn’t push him away if he tried to kiss you, right?” Kinley asks, bouncing her eyebrows at me.

  I can feel the blush creeping up my neck and spreading across my face. “No, I don’t think I would,” I admit. “He was the perfect gentleman after our date last week. He kissed me on the cheek before I got into my car to drive home.”

  “Well, I hope that you tap that. Lord knows I would if I wasn’t happily married,” Kinley says.

  “I’m not just looking for dick. If I was happy with just dick, I wouldn’t need to date, as I have unlimited access to one already. I want everything else that comes with having one exclusively. I want what the both of you have,” I confess.

  “Speaking of that… We have something we need you to just agree to. After lunch, we’re going shopping for dresses for the charity event. Then, next Saturday, we have appointments at the spa to get pampered for a few hours before the event. You’re coming with us. It’s already been booked and paid for, so you can’t say no,” Kinley tells me.

  “Okay… and who’s paid for all of this?”

  “The guys. Richard gave us his credit card to put everything on for you. He wanted us to make sure you felt special and pampered. He offered to pay for our spa day, too, but Scott and Brian wouldn’t let him do that,” Becca says.

  “Well, okay then. I guess we’re going dress shopping once we finish lunch.”

  We order a spread of tacos to share, along with chips, salsa, and guacamole. After stuffing ourselves with the best tacos in this town, we pack up and head for a formal dress shop to see what we can find for next weekend. Thankfully, my event with David isn’t as formal, so I’m able to just wear a little black dress I already have in my closet.

  Upon arriving at the dress shop, we all start browsing the racks, pulling out dresses to try on. I find a beautiful floor length deep plum dress with a V-neck, faux wrap look on the top, and a flowy skirt. It’s my favorite so far, from what I’ve looked at.

  We all meet at the dressing rooms to try on what we’ve selected, so that we can help each other pick which ones to go with. I only brought the plum dress and one other that I’m on the fence about, as it isn’t my usual style or color. I decide to try on the plum one first and it fits me perfectly. Stepping out of the dressing room, I step up onto the platform the dress shop has in front of the large mirror wall.

  “Oh wow! That’s beautiful!” Kinley exclaims as she emerges from her dressing room.

  “I love it. It fits perfectly. I wouldn’t need any alterations to it at all.” I step down off the platform and stand to the side so that Kinley can take my place.

  “You don’t look like you love it,” I say, taking in the dress she has on.

  “I wanted to love it, but I just don’t, now that I have it on.” She steps down and heads back into her dressing room to try on another one.

  Becca steps out of her dressing room in a pretty blue dress, striding over to the platform.

  “I swear, these nursing boobs are going to be the death of me. I’m going to have to find a dress a few sizes too big just to fit them in, and have the rest altered down.”

  The sales lady peeks into the area at that time, to check on us and see if we need anything. “I can bring you some options from two other dress lines we carry. One line has dresses that are considered nursing friendly, and another line that has mix and match tops and bottoms that might also work well for you.”

  “Thank you, that’d be great,” Becca tells her, as she heads back into her dressing room.

  Kinley comes back out, this time in a crimson red high-low dress, with a plunging v-neckline and spaghetti straps. It comes up to a few inches above her knees in the front and goes all the way to the floor in the back. The smile on her face tells me she loves this one.

  “You look amazing in that dress,” I tell her, as she steps up to take a look in the mirror.

  “I love it. And it’s going to make Brian drool all over his suit!” she says on a giggle. “Maybe it will bring us luck on the baby-making front.”

  I’ve caught on to a few comments she’s made over the past few months that it sounds like they’re trying for a baby. After everything they went through last year, with losing the surprise baby to
a miscarriage and Kinley trying to push Brian away, I’d sure love to hear some good news of them succeeding in getting pregnant again.

  With both Kinley and I having selected our dresses, we take Michael from Becca and let her try on a few of the options the sales lady brings her. I can tell she isn’t loving anything quite yet, so hopefully she finds something that will work for next weekend. I’m sure it’s hard just having had a baby not long ago, and now needing something formal to wear to this event.

  Becca finally settles on one of the dresses from the nursing friendly line the shop carried. It is a beautiful dark blue floor length dress with a flowy look that isn’t cut tight, so it will work perfectly for her.

  After the fun afternoon with my friends, a pretty new dress purchased and ready for next weekend, and a day of pampering in my future, I’m actually looking forward to the event. I’m starting to feel a little conflicted, as I really like David. If what Kinley and Becca say is true, I don’t know what to do about Richard. I’ve loved the man for so long but have never had the nerve to do anything about it. Maybe this is my chance to change that.

  Chapter Ten


  My date last night with David went well. We met for dinner and drinks and ended up at a bar afterwards that had a live band, where we laughed, talked, and danced until late.

  As the night progressed, our lingering touches became more frequent, while we walked down the sidewalk toward the bar, David pressed me against the brick wall of a building and kissed me.

  Damn, can that man kiss.

  It was passionate, possessive, and spur of the moment—just what I needed.

  We broke apart after a few minutes, leaving my lips swollen and well-kissed.


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