Playing for Keeps (Indianapolis Eagles #3)

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Playing for Keeps (Indianapolis Eagles #3) Page 12

by Samantha Lind

  Richard lowers his head back down to mine, kissing me hard on the lips. “I love you, Mads,” he says against my mouth before he kisses me again.

  He takes a step back, relinking our hands as we continue our walk. “I want you to feel fully at home, so anything you want to change, just do it. My home is your home now. I’ll try and clean out half of the closet for you to officially have room for your clothes.”

  “Thank you. I was going to swing by my place this weekend and pick up some more of my stuff. Maybe I’ll start going through and figuring out what I can get rid of, and what I’d like to move into the house. Maybe I’ll bring a few of my other things over, as well.”

  “Whatever you want to do, babe. Just don’t overdo it while I’m out of town.”

  “I’ll be fine. Maybe I’ll call Kinley and Becca to come help me. It will be a good excuse to hang out together before we watch the game on Saturday.”

  We continue our walk, the conversation flowing between the two of us as we enjoy the evening together. Getting outside and just being together has my stress levels coming down. I’ve always enjoyed spending time with Richard, and this is no different. The only difference now is we’re both openly committed to each other. No secrets, no more leaving each other’s beds in the middle of the night. And I can kiss him whenever I want, and that is a great perk to this coupledom.

  It’s sometimes hard to believe that we’ve only been an official couple now for such a short amount of time. I think that has to do with how long we’ve been friends, and already know each other so well because of that friendship.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I left this afternoon for another long road trip, this time out West. We play our way through California starting tomorrow night, in San Jose, then on to LA, and Anaheim. Once we leave California, we play in Vegas, then Phoenix and Chicago, before we return home to finish out the regular season at home. We’ll be gone a total of eleven days, which really sucks, but there’s nothing I can do about it.

  My knee is still bothering me occasionally, but the treatment, as well as keeping it iced after practice and games, has been helping it immensely. Flying can cause it to start hurting again due to all the time being cooped up in an airplane seat, so I’m looking forward to being off this plane.

  “Hey, you guys want to hit up a steakhouse once we get checked in?” Brian asks a group of us, as we wait to load onto the bus that has met our chartered jet, which we fly to away games on.

  “I’m in,” I state, the same answer coming from everyone else in our circle.

  We all take our seats on the bus for the ride to the hotel. I pull out my cell, checking to see if I have any texts from Madison while my phone was in airplane mode. Not seeing any, I decided to check in with her.

  Richard: We made it to Cali & we’re on the bus to the hotel. I miss you and hope your day’s been good. Also, how did your dad’s CT scan go today?

  I slip my headphones back in my ears and turn on some music to help pass the time as we drive.

  Once we arrive at the hotel and the room keys are handed out, I head straight for my room to drop off my bag before dinner.

  “I’ll meet you guys back out here by the elevators in ten minutes, I need to call Becca quick,” Scott says, as we ride the elevator up to our floor.

  “Sounds good, where are we going?” I ask.

  “I figured we can just hit up the restaurant that’s across from the hotel. I’ll call them quick to make sure they can accommodate our larger group on short notice,” Brian replies.

  We all get off the elevator and head to our rooms. Some of the younger guys have to share rooms, but with age and seniority on the team, I get to have my own room. While I usually didn’t mind sharing a hotel room with a teammate over the years, it is nice to have my own.

  I drop my bag and pull my phone back out of my pocket, checking to make sure I didn’t miss a reply from Madison. With no message back, I decide to just quickly call her. I already miss her and it’s only the first day of this long road trip.

  As the phone rings, I switch it over to speakerphone so that I can quickly change out of my suit that I travel in.

  “Hey, babe.” Madison’s voice fills my room.

  “Hi, how’s your day?”

  “Pretty good. I’m over at my condo going through my closet. I need to get rid of so much, so I figured I might as well do it before I move everything.”

  “How was the CT scan?”

  “It went well. They said they’d send the images right over to the radiation department, so hopefully they’ll call by early next week to get him scheduled.”

  “Glad to hear that.”

  “How was your flight?”

  “Good, my knee started to bother me the last little bit, so it felt good, once we landed and I was able to get out of my seat and stretch it a little bit.”

  “I’m sorry it bugged you. What do you guys have going on tonight?”

  “A group of us are headed across the street to a restaurant to grab some dinner. I’m not sure what everyone else plans on after that, but I’ll head back here to try and get to bed early so that I’m ready to play tomorrow.”

  “What time do you have morning skate?”

  “At ten, for an hour or hour and a half. Then we’ll have some lunch before our pre-game naps. Are you still watching the game with Kinley and Becca?”

  “Yep, we’re going to watch it over at Becca’s. That way, she can put Michael to bed on time, and she also invited Laura to come watch with us.”

  “Are you guys still getting together before that?”

  “Yep, we’re going to meet for lunch and then they’re coming over to the condo to help me sort through my things.”

  “Are you going to be up late? I need to head out to meet the guys for dinner, but I can call you back once I’m back in my room, if you’ll be up.”

  “I should be up for a few more hours. I’m going to leave here shortly and go grab some dinner myself on my way back to the house. I might take Max out for a walk if it’s still light out by that time.”

  “I’ll try calling then, when I get back.”

  “Have a good dinner with the guys. Love you.”

  “Will do, and I love you, too,” I tell her before we disconnect, and I make my way out to meet the guys.

  We end up with a group of seven of us heading to dinner. Scott, Brian, Matt Soaps, our goalie, Mark Lee and his defensive partner, Austin Jones, Jonathan Camps, who’s one of our wingers, and myself all make our way down to the lobby and across the street to the restaurant. Brian was able to get us a reservation last-minute, which was probably a good thing. With being somewhat close to the arena, it’s possible hockey fans will be down here, and while not everyone knows who we are, I’m sure it wouldn’t take much for our location to be figured out. Then the puck bunnies will start showing up, trying to lure one of the guys.

  We’re seated right away, thankfully in a back partially-secluded section that gives our group some privacy. After our drink and food orders have been taken, the conversation between everyone continues. I’m sitting with Matt on my right and Mark on my left, both of whom I’ve gotten to know better in the last year or so. Matt has been on the team longer than I have and is one of the best goalies I’ve ever had the privilege of playing with. Mark joined our team two seasons ago on a trade deal with Minnesota.

  “How are things going?” Matt asks me as he sets his glass of water down on the table.

  “Okay. How’s life in your house these days?”

  Groaning, he reaches for his glass of water again and takes a drink before answering me. “Teenagers. That’s what’s happening in my house. Specifically, teenage girl issues. I can’t say I’m upset about being on the road this week, but then, I feel sorry for Bridget being the only parent at home dealing with it all.”

  “Ah, kids driving you crazy, are they?”

  “Driving me to drink is more like it,” Matt says, laughing.
r />   “Ah, it can’t be that bad, can it?”

  “Come talk to me when you have an eighteen-year-old daughter. There is drama over everything, it seems somedays. Right now, the main two issues are boys and the college decision.”

  I grab my own water and gulp down a mouthful. The thought of having a daughter of my own doesn’t scare me as much as I’d think it would. I can almost see her, a spitting image of Madison, maybe a few small features from me. I can see her as a baby, and then a toddler, with a pair of skates strapped to her feet while I skate her around the ice. Bouncy dark curls swinging along as a smile fills her face.

  “Where is she thinking of going to college?”

  “She’s been accepted to the University of Iowa and Indiana University. She just hasn’t decided where she wants to go yet. She kind of wants to stay close to home, but I think another part of her wants to go away to school. Spread her wings a little.”

  “Ah, sometimes going away and spreading the wings is a good thing. Helps you grow up and mature.”

  “I’ve told her the same thing myself. I just want her to go where she wants, as does Bridget. The deadline to make her decision is quickly approaching, so soon, she’ll have to figure it all out.”

  “Good luck with that, man,” I tell him, as our server returns with the salad course. I dig into mine, already starving with the time difference affecting my body today.

  “Did I hear correctly that Madison’s dad is sick?” Mark asks me once we’ve both finished our salads.

  “Yep, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer last week. He should be starting his treatment next week, hopefully. Where did you hear that?” I ask him, as I know I haven’t really talked with anyone about it.

  “I had to stop by her office the other day to look over an endorsement contract, and normally I’d meet with her about that, but she was out of the office, so I met with her assistant.”

  “Oh, that makes sense. It spaced my mind that she’s your agent.”

  “I’m sorry to hear about his diagnosis. Does he have a good prognosis?”

  “He does. They are doing a newer treatment plan with him. Only five radiation treatments over ten days.”

  “That’s good to hear. And please tell her that if there’s anything I can do, to just let me know.”

  “Thanks, man, I’ll pass that on. I think we’ll have everything under control, but it’s good to know our friends have our backs, if needed. It just sucks that I’ll be gone when he starts his treatment and for a good chunk of it. I know she’s stressed and worried over everything that’s going on, but I have faith that he’s going to be okay in the end and this will soon just be a bad memory.” I tell him, as I take a drink of my water. “How are things going with Laura?”

  “Still working on wearing her down. That asshole she calls her ex-husband sure did a number on her. I’d love to meet him and give him a piece of my mind.”

  “I figured she’d finally given in to you, after seeing the two of you together at the charity event a few weeks back.”

  “That was a good night,” he says, a smirk sliding across his face. “But, I still have some work to do to get her to commit to something more.”

  “I know the feeling, that was a good night for Madison and me,” I tell him, thinking back to that night and how it changed the course of my life.

  We finish our dinner, and everyone decides to head back to the hotel and call it a night. That was my plan, no matter what everyone else did, as I wanted to talk to Madison again, and if I’m lucky, maybe FaceTime with her instead.

  “See you guys at breakfast,” I call out to Brian and Scott as we all stop at our doors. We ended up in rooms next to each other this time, which is nice since we spend a good amount of our off time during road trips together.

  “See ya then,” Brian replies.

  “Night, guys,” Scott says as he steps into his room.

  I pull my phone from my pocket, tossing it onto the bed. I strip down to my briefs and grab my bathroom bag from my suitcase before I get ready for bed.

  Once I’m done in the bathroom, I pull the covers back and prop my iPad up in my lap. I pull up the FaceTime app and press Madison’s contact.

  She answers seconds later, and a smile crosses my face when the image of her and Max curled up together on the bed fills my screen.

  “Hi.” Her sultry voice fills my room.

  “Hi, I didn’t wake you, did I?”

  “Nope, Max and I were just relaxing and watching a movie on TV. How was your dinner?”

  “It was good. How was the rest of your evening?”

  “Not bad, I stopped for some takeout when I left my condo. After I got home and ate that, I took Max out for a nice walk around the neighborhood.”

  “Sounds like the perfect evening. Wish I could have been there with you.”

  “I wish you were here, as well,” Madison says on a sigh. Her movement must have worried Max, as he turns to look at her, ready to protect her if anything is wrong or bothering her. “Ready for the game tomorrow?”

  “I think so, but they’re going to be on top of their game, with them still fighting for a playoff spot.”

  “But you guys have been hot, as well. I have faith you guys will pull off the win,” Mads tells me. “Hold on, I’ll be right back, I need to refill my water.”

  She sets her iPad next to where she was lying on the bed and removes the sheets that were hiding her body from me. It’s then I notice all the exposed skin she has on display and my dick instantly hardens.

  “Whoa, whoa there, babe. You’ve been holding out on me, and been practically naked under those sheets this entire time?”

  She looks down at herself, clothed only in a sweatshirt and panties. “Nothing different than I usually wear to bed. I’ve got my tank top on under my sweatshirt, I just haven’t taken it off yet,” she says as she walks out of view of the camera.

  While she’s out of my view, refilling her water bottle, I reach down and palm my cock. I don’t think I’ve ever had phone sex, and definitely not FaceTime sex, but I guess there’s a first time for everything. With how hard my cock already is, I need to find some relief tonight.

  “Okay, I’m back,” Mads says, as she settles herself back onto the bed. “Oh!” Surprise laces her voice when she looks at me stroking my cock.

  “God, I wish I was there with you.” I groan. “But, this will have to do,” I tell her, motioning to the camera.

  “So, we’re really doing this? FaceTime sexy time?” she says on a laugh.

  “It’s your fault,” I tell her. “As soon as I saw what you were hiding under those sheets, I went hard. Since all I could see before you stood up was your sweatshirt, I figured you had on pants.”

  Madison’s laughter fills the room as she doubles over. “You’re crazy,” she says between laughs, and then the little vixen reaches down and grabs the hem of her sweatshirt. She lifts it over her head, taking her tank top off with it.

  My mouth waters, and I wish even more that I was there with her. What I wouldn’t do to get my lips and hands on those nipples.

  “Damn, babe,” I grit out. “Play with your breasts for me.”

  Madison brings her hands up to her breasts, cupping each in one hand. “Like this?” she asks.

  “Yes, now roll your nipples, make them hard,” I tell her, as I continue to stroke my cock, using the drop of pre-cum as lubrication each time I pass over the crown and back down my shaft.

  She rolls her nipples between her fingers just like I ask.

  “Take off your panties. I want to see that pussy. I want to watch you make yourself come,” I command.

  I watch, eyes hooded, as Madison drops her hands from her breasts and shimmies out of her panties. She’s so fucking beautiful, sprawled out for me.

  “Now what?” she asks boldly.

  “Show me how you make yourself come.”

  She gives me a sassy look before dropping her legs open a little further and sliding one hand down her torso
, stopping only once she reaches her clit. She circles it a few times before dropping her fingers lower and sinking them inside herself.

  “Fuck, Mads. That’s so fucking hot,” I tell her, pumping my cock a little faster as I watch her pleasure herself.

  She thrusts a few more times before she stops, and rolls toward the side of the bed and out of the camera’s view. I hear the bedside table open and close, before she fills the screen again. Then I see it; she’s pulled out a vibrator and my body hums even more. I never thought watching my girl bring herself to an orgasm would be so incredibly sexy, but damn, if this isn’t the best way to end my night while on the road.

  She slips the vibrator inside of her pussy, as the rabbit-looking part sits on her clit. I can hear the vibrations as she turns up the intensity and the moans start to fall from her lips.

  “Tell me what you’re feeling.”

  “Like I’m about to come,” she pants out. “It feels so good, I just wish it was you.”

  “Come for me, Mads,” I grit out, trying to hold my own orgasm back until she finds her own.

  “I’m close,” she says, reaching up with her free hand to play with her nipples as she keeps the vibrator in place.

  I see her orgasm hit before I hear her cry, and it is hands down the most erotic thing I’ve ever witnessed. I can’t hold back any longer as my balls draw up and thick ropes of cum cover my stomach and hand. I come hard, almost blacking out, as I watch the flush cover all of Madison’s body as she drops the vibrator from her hand and lays still on the bed.

  We each lay on our respective beds, both quiet and enjoying the orgasmic bliss of the moment. I reach over and grab my briefs I’d had on earlier to wipe up some of the mess I made all over my stomach, then roll onto my side to face the camera.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I tell her, taking in the blissed out look that covers her face. She looks so relaxed in this moment, and I know she needed this more than I did. She needed to let go and simply feel; with all the stress she’s been under lately she needs time to just let go of all that stress and worry.


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