Playing for Keeps (Indianapolis Eagles #3)

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Playing for Keeps (Indianapolis Eagles #3) Page 13

by Samantha Lind

  I wait until she’s had a few more minutes to come down from the orgasm, enjoying watching her as she does.

  “I’ll let you go so that you can get to sleep. Call me in the morning,” I tell her, as I catch her yawning.

  “Okay, love you.”

  “Love you,” I say, before reaching out to hit the button on my screen to disconnect our call.

  Before I can fall asleep, I drag myself out of bed to shower quick. Satisfied from the orgasm and warm from the shower, I quickly fall asleep dreaming of holding Madison next to me in my arms.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I wake up the next morning, still feeling wonderful after our FaceTime call last night. I lay here in bed, thinking back over the last couple of weeks and how wonderful life has been between the two of us. How much Richard has been the rock I needed when dealing with the stress of everything with my dad. I really don’t know how I’d be surviving through all of this if it wasn’t for his support.

  “Good morning,” Richard’s voice fills my ear as he answers my call.

  “Morning,” I say, sleep still filling my voice.

  “You just waking up?” he asks.

  “Yep, I slept in. Guess my body needed the sleep this morning.”

  “Must be nice. I’ve already showered and will be headed down to have breakfast here soon. Then it’s off to the arena for our morning skate.”

  “Yeah, I need to get moving, but it felt so good to just snuggle up in this bed. Only thing that would make it better was if you were here with me.”

  “I know, babe. Once I’m back, I promise we’ll sleep in on one of my days off. Hell, we can spend all day in bed if you’d like,” Richard says, his voice dropping slightly at the innuendo dripping from his words.

  “I’m holding you to that.”

  “I hate to cut this short, but the guys are knocking on my door. I’ll talk to you later, okay, babe?”

  “Have a good practice,” I tell him before we both disconnect our call.

  I finally drag myself out of bed, and into the shower. I’m meeting Becca and Kinley in a few hours for lunch before we head to my condo to go through things and start packing. Then tonight, we’ll watch the guys’ game together, with a few other WAGs.

  After I’m finished getting ready, I make myself a breakfast smoothie and grab Max’s leash to take him on a walk before I head out for the day. We leisurely walk through the neighborhood and up to the dog park where I let him run free for a half hour or so, throwing the ball that I tucked into my pocket for him.

  After dropping Max back off at the house, I make it over to the restaurant where I’m meeting the girls and get us a table.

  “Can I get you anything while you wait for the rest of your party?” our server asks.

  “Yes, let me get a pitcher of margaritas, and some of the cheese dip to go with the chips and salsa. Can I also get a glass of water with a lemon, please?”

  “Right away, miss,” the server says, before stepping away from the table.

  I pull out my cell to send a quick group text to Kinley and Becca.

  Madison: Hey, I’m at the restaurant and have a table, so come find me when you guys get here.

  The server returns with the chips, salsa, cheese dip, as well as my glass of water. “The pitcher of margaritas will be up shortly. Did you want to order anything else while you wait?”

  “No, I’m good. They should be here shortly,” I tell her.

  “No problem, I’ll keep an eye out for them to arrive, and if you need anything in the meantime, just flag me down.”

  “Thanks,” I tell her as she steps away again.

  I scroll through Facebook while I wait for them to arrive, which only takes a few more minutes.

  “Sorry we’re late. Totally my fault,” Becca says, as she sets down Michael’s car seat in the holder the hostess brought to the table, then plops down in a chair across from me.

  “You’re totally fine. I haven’t been here too long. But I did take the liberty of ordering us a pitcher of margs to share. Figured it was easy payment for the two of you helping me pack this afternoon.”

  “I swear, as soon as I’m ready to go anywhere is the exact moment Michael decides he needs to eat. And then blows out his diaper, so he needed a quick bath to get everything cleaned up.”

  I laugh lightly, picturing Becca running around like crazy, trying to get him all cleaned up and out the door. I know she hates being late to anything, so this Mom gig is stressing her out a little, I think.

  “It’s not a problem at all, and that little man is worth it,” I say, nodding my head in Michael’s direction.

  “How’s your dad doing?” Kinley asks.

  I give them the quick update on Dad’s treatment and how he’s holding up.

  “That’s great that everything is moving along so quickly. How are you feeling with everything?” Becca asks.

  “After talking with the doctors and seeing how positive they are about his chances of beating this, I’m doing my best to stay optimistic. I remember everything my mom went through and in the end, it still killed her. I can’t go through all that again just to lose my dad.”

  “Well, if you need anything, you just say the word and we’ll be there,” Kinley says, motioning between her and Becca.

  “I know, and I appreciate it. Really, everything the two of you have done for me is amazing, and I don’t know how I’ll ever repay either of you. You’ve both become two of my best friends.”

  “Okay, no making me cry. These post-pregnancy hormones do enough of that,” Becca states, fanning her face, trying to keep from crying.

  Just then, our server arrives with three glasses and the pitcher of margs.

  “Are you ladies ready to order?” she asks.

  “Can you give us just a couple more minutes?” Kinley asks her.

  “Not a problem, I’ll be back shortly.”

  “Guess we need to actually look at the menu,” Kinley says, as the server leaves.

  We all take a moment to figure out what we’re going to order and place our menus to the side, then pick our conversation back up.

  Our server returns and takes our order, leaving us to our conversation while we enjoy ourselves.

  After lunch, we make our way over to my condo. I’d stopped yesterday and bought a bunch of totes to use for packing up my things that I either want to move or take to donate. With Richard already having a fully-furnished house, I won’t need to keep most of my furniture. I have a few special pieces that I’ll keep, but the rest, I plan to donate or sell.

  “Okay, how about we walk through each room and tag the big things with keep, sell, or donate. Then I can come back through and take pictures for you of everything you want to sell, and we can work tonight to get them posted. While I’m taking the pictures, how about you and Kinley pick a room and start going through and packing the smaller things the same way,” Becca suggests.

  “I like that idea,” I say, grabbing a sticky note pad and a sharpie.

  I start in the living room, then move to the two bedrooms. Once I’m done with that, Kinley and I each grab a couple of the containers and head for my bedroom first.

  “I want to take the time now to go through my clothes and get rid of what I don’t wear anymore. No reason to move it and then do it. So, let’s make up three bins on the bed. Keep, donate, and sell, and maybe a trash bag, as well. I’ll pass things to you to pack into each of them as I decide, sound good?”

  “Perfect. I’ll go grab a trash bag while you start going through things,” Kinley says, as she steps out of my room.

  We got almost everything done this afternoon, working together so well. We loaded up my car with the totes of things that I’m going to donate, and I stopped off at Salvation Army to drop everything off on my way over to Becca’s house.

  “Get everything dropped off okay?” Kinley asks me, as I walk into Becca’s kitchen where they’re prepping some appetizers.

p, got there just before they closed for the day, and then I swung by the house to quickly feed Max.”

  “Do you want help tomorrow moving anything over to the house?” Kinley asks.

  “Sure, I was planning on going over tomorrow to get all the bins that I’m taking to the house. I’ll leave the furniture for when Richard is back.”

  “Just call me in the morning and I’ll meet you over there. Shouldn’t take us long with two of us working on it,” she says.

  “Thanks, I’ll probably head over once I’m up and moving for the day, so plan on mid-morning.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Kinley replies.

  “I only had these appetizers, so what does everyone want for dinner? I figured we’d just order something for delivery,” Becca says to everyone.

  Before I arrived, Bridget, Laura, Kristen Hunter, whose husband is one of the centers, and Jessica Thompson, along with her two kids, whose husband is Eric Thompson, one of the wingers who sometimes plays on the same line as Richard, showed up.

  “I’m good with whatever,” I say quickly.

  “Do we just want to order pizza, or would the kids be okay with something else?” Becca asks, looking to Jessica for an answer.

  “They are pretty open to whatever, maybe not sushi. I can always order them a pizza if we decide on something for us that they wouldn’t like,” Jessica says.

  “How about Chinese?” Laura suggests.

  “Ooh, that sounds good,” Becca replies.

  “And my kids will eat that, no problem,” Jessica says.

  “Sounds good. Is everyone else good with that?” Becca asks the group.

  Everyone agrees, so Becca puts an order in for delivery. Kinley and I grab the appetizer platters and carry them to the table, setting them out, along with some plates for everyone.

  We all make our way out to the living room where Becca has the TV already on the channel. The guys are warming up in the background as the announcers talk about tonight’s matchup between the Eagles and the Sharks.

  Before I sit down, I pick up Michael from his swing to get in my baby snuggles while he’s still awake. I love holding him; hell, I love holding any babies. Once I get comfortable, with him tucked against my chest, I snap a quick selfie and send a text to Richard.

  Madison: Your cheering section is all ready for you to kick butt tonight. Call me once you’re free. Love you.

  Bridget sits down on the couch nearest to me, eyeing the baby snuggled up on my chest.

  “Do you miss this stage?” I ask, dropping my chin toward Michael.

  “Sometimes, but then I remember how nice it is to have three kids who are all self-sufficient. That, and I’m too old to start over again; I like my sleep too much. How about you, are you ready for one of your own?”

  “I definitely want kids, but it will be a few years, I’m sure. Even with how long Richard and I had been friends before deciding to be together, I think we need to give it some time. Really enjoy our time in this relationship. There’s really no need to rush into anything more, at least not right now. With my dad’s diagnosis and all the stress from that, I don’t think I could handle much more right now anyways.”

  “How is your dad holding up?”

  “Really good, considering the circumstances, we hope to have his treatment completed by the end of the month.”

  “That’s amazing. I hope it all goes well. Please let us know if we can do anything to help you guys out. The WAGs got your back,” Bridget says, as she reaches out a hand to give my arm a quick squeeze.

  “Thank you, that really means a lot.”

  “Anytime. We’ve all got to stick together.”

  “Mind if I steal the baby?” Laura asks, stopping between Bridget and me.

  “Sure!” I tell her, shifting Michael from my arms to hers. She sits down next to me on the loveseat, snuggling him in close.

  “Man, he makes me want one of my own,” Laura says after getting comfortable. “Too bad that isn’t in the cards for me.”

  “I’m sure Mark could help you out with that,” Bridget says to Laura, flashing her a wink and a smirk.

  “Yeah, what is going on between the two of you?” I ask.

  Laura’s cheeks turn red before she answers. “Nothing, really. He keeps asking me out, and I keep turning him down. I’m not ready to date again. I’m enjoying being single and learning to love myself again.”

  “How long were you married for?” I ask her.

  “I was married for a little over five years, but we were together since high school. I’ve been divorced for just over a year now.”

  “Was your ex in the sports business?”

  “Thankfully, no. He’s a finance guy. I don’t know what I’d do if I had to work with him after everything that happened between us.”

  I don’t know Laura very well, nor do I know what happened between her and her ex-husband, but I don’t want to feel like I’m prying, so I let her comment go. I figured if she wants to tell me what happened between them, she can.

  Our attention is drawn to the TV as the game is about to start. The camera is focused on the lady singing the national anthem, then spans to show the guys lined up on the ice and along the players’ bench.

  The camera pauses on Richard. I can tell he’s in the zone, prepped and ready to get the game going. The anthem ends, and the guys push off and skate around as the arena crew gets the ice cleared, then set up at center ice. Richard lines up to take the puck drop against the center from the Sharks.

  Before we know it, the game is underway. Richard won the first puck drop and the guys quickly get the puck past the blue line and set up to attack the net. Brian flings the puck at the net, sending it pinging off the crossbar and back out in front of the net. Eric Thompson is in just the right spot to slam it home, and before we know it, the goal light is going off and the guys are celebrating on the ice.

  “Shot time for Jessica!” someone calls from the back of the living room.

  “Oh, no! No shots for me tonight. I’ve got to drive home, and have the kids by myself,” she replies.

  “Fine,” whoever called out about the shots replies.

  I just laugh at their antics. I’ve really come to love this group of women. They all love this sport almost as much as the men they love. The women in this room have all lived through the ups and downs that comes with being married or dating a professional athlete and can probably tell just as many stories as I can, with being a sports agent.

  “How much does Mark talk to you about his personal life?” Laura asks. “Or can you even tell me that?”

  I laugh. “I do strive to keep my conversations between my clients private, but I can’t recall anything super specific. Why, what’s up?”

  “Oh, I was just curious if he’s told you his plan to try and get me to agree to date him.”

  “Nope, he hasn’t mentioned anything to me. He’s kind of one of my quieter and more reserved clients. Doesn’t really share information with me unless he thinks it’s something I need to know. That might be because our working relationship is on the newer side, or it could just be how he is.”

  “He warned me after the charity event that he’s very interested and doesn’t plan to give up anytime soon.”

  “So why not go out on a date with him, see if you guys have any chemistry? What can it hurt to just see?” I ask.

  “Because, what if things don’t work out, and then they become really awkward afterwards. We’d still have to continue to work together.”

  “But what if it doesn’t and things do work out. He could be your Prince Charming.”

  “I stopped believing in fairy tales a long time ago,” Laura says, sadness filling her eyes as she looks away, blinking back tears.

  “I’m sorry,” I murmur, loud enough for only her to hear me. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “Oh, you didn’t. I promise. I’m just still a little sensitive after everything with my ex.”

  My attention is pulled back to the TV w
hen I hear the other ladies groaning and the goal horns going off, signaling that the Sharks scored, tying up the game.

  “Dang it!” Bridget calls out.

  “He tried grabbing that one,” Kinley says to Bridget. “Just barely missed it.”

  “I know, he just looks pissed that he missed it,” Bridget replies. “Just calm down, baby,” she says to the TV screen, as we watch her husband skate between the net and the boards.

  “We’ll get that one back,” Becca says to Bridget, patting her on the shoulder.

  “I told Richard last night that the Sharks were going to be hitting the ice hard, with them still fighting for a playoff spot. Every point matters to them right now.”

  “I know, I just don’t like having a grumpy husband when they lose. He feels responsible a lot of the time. Feels like he should be able to stop some of the shots that get past him.”

  “That’s nonsense. When they lose, it’s on everyone, not just him.”

  “Oh, believe me, I tell him that all the time. But he’s a man, and there isn’t any changing his mind,” she says, laughing.

  Just then, the doorbell rings, and Becca jumps up to answer it. I follow her to help grab the bags of food being delivered and we carry everything to the table. We’ve just finished setting it all out as everyone converges on us to fill up their plates.

  We all take our seats as we dig in to the takeout and focus on watching the remainder of the first period. The time expires with the teams still tied at one each.

  Shortly after we finish eating, Michael goes from being content to letting everyone know that he isn’t a happy baby. Becca swoops in, taking him back out of his swing. After a quick diaper change, she sits down to nurse him, and he quickly quiets down once he latches on.

  “You weren’t kidding earlier today, when you said he goes from content to his world is ending, in just a moment’s time.”


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