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Jack Taggart Mysteries 7-Book Bundle

Page 66

by Easton, Don

  “My legs ... they are acting strange,” said Hang.

  “We are like sailors,” said Ngoc Bích. “At sea many days.” They reached the van and crawled in the back with several other passengers. The driver was a Vietnamese man. He told them he was a fisherman and would take them to his home nearby.

  “Just like Hanoi,” commented Hang, gesturing around the van from where she sat on the floor. “Another crowded van filled with the same people. Maybe we’re still in Hanoi.”

  Ngoc Bích smiled. “Same, same, only different. It is colder. We are in Canada.”

  The fisherman’s home turned out to be a house set back from the highway in a forest. Hang had a glimpse of the heavy moss on the roof of the house and the peeling olive-coloured paint on the siding while being ushered inside to join her fellow passengers in the basement of the house.

  Once in the basement, Hang felt like she had entered paradise. The room was warm and the floor was scattered with blankets. There was a bathroom, complete with a shower for them to use, and even a television set. Few people from Hang’s neighbourhood would ever be able to afford a television set.

  Hang and Ngoc Bích looked at each other and smiled. Excited voices drew Hang’s attention to the far side of the room where several of the passengers were standing near a stove. A real stove! Not a hot plate. Hang was awed. That a simple fisherman should own such a place—is it possible?

  A large pot of boiling water was on the stove and some of the passengers who had arrived earlier were dumping Dungeness crabs into the pot. Hang and Ngoc Bích quickly joined in.

  A short time later, Hang crawled under a blanket. Her stomach was full and it didn’t take long for her to fall asleep.

  It was many hours later when Hang awoke to the sound of a woman speaking English. The voice came from the television set and she saw Ngoc Bích staring at it intently.

  Hang joined her and Ngoc Bích said, “Good to look. Learn English.”

  Hang found herself watching a show called CSI. It was about the American police. It was a show she found engrossing. They are the police and they are scientists. Very smart these American police ...

  The fisherman came downstairs to tell them that because the ship was early, they would have to stay in the house for another three days before continuing on.

  Hang smiled. She was anxious to meet her new family, but after what she had been through in the last six weeks, this was like being told she would have to stay in a palace.

  The fisherman produced the list of paper that Hang had seen prepared by the bald ape and the vulture in Hanoi. The names were called out and everyone was divided into two groups, except for Hang, who remained standing alone.

  Then came the bad news. Only half the women were being smuggled into the United States. The other half, including Ngoc Bích, would be staying to work in hotels in Canada.

  Hang pushed through the group and grabbed her friend by the arm. “Say something! Come to America with me!”

  Ngoc Bích took the fisherman aside and talked to him quietly. Hang saw him shake his head and she felt a lump in her throat. She wished that her father had sent Linh with her. Now the loneliness crept into her body like the morning fog that swirled past the doors of Ho Chi Minh’s mausoleum.

  Ngoc Bích returned and said, “It is not all bad. I must work in Canada for only a few months. Then I will be sent to America. I have been selected to work at hotels owned by three men. They are Vietnamese. The Tran brothers. I am told that one of them is taking you to your home in America. He will know where you are. We will see each other in a few months.”

  Hang looked at Ngoc Bích and said, “You will not forget me?”

  “You would forget your sister?” asked Ngoc Bích.

  “No. I wish she was here now,” grumbled Hang.

  “In Hanoi I told you I would be your sister as well. I will not forget you any more than I would forget my other brothers and sisters in Nha Trang.”

  Hang looked solemnly at Ngoc Bích before hugging her.

  The next couple of days went by quickly for Hang. She spent much of her time watching back-to-back episodes of CSI. A cube van arrived one morning and the women who had been selected to go to the United States were called.

  Hang collected her clothes and turned to hug Ngoc Bích, but the fisherman touched her shoulder and said, “Not yet. You must stay here with these other women until more arrangements are made.”

  Hang felt happy. The longer she was with Ngoc Bích, the better.

  Later that night, another cube van arrived and the fisherman came downstairs with a young Vietnamese man. The fisherman pointed to Hang and the young man immediately approached her.

  “You speak English?” he asked.

  “Yes,” replied Hang.

  “My name is Tommy. I was born in Canada. My Vietnamese is not so good. Explain to the others that we must leave here at midnight tonight. We have to catch a ferry at quarter after five in the morning.”

  “Another boat?” asked Hang.

  “Not long. Only two hours. Everyone will ride in the back of the truck. Tell them to be quiet. I do not want anyone to know there are other people in the truck.”

  “And after this ferry ride I go to United States?” asked Hang.

  “I do not know. I work for Dúc. He told me and Cuóng to bring everyone, so you’re coming to.”

  “Cuóng?” asked Hang.

  “He is driving the truck. He works for my boss, too.”

  “Mister Dúc is one of three brothers?” asked Hang.

  “Yes, Dúc has two brothers in business with him.”

  “Now I understand,” said Hang. “Mine is a special situation. I will not be working in the hotel business. Your boss is going to take me to live with a family in the United States.”

  “Lucky for you.”

  Hang gestured at the CSI show on the television and said, “Lucky—only if I do not get caught by the police. The American police are very smart. They are scientists.”

  Hang believed her worry was justified and was startled when Tommy started laughing.

  “You laugh that I may get caught? After what I have been through!” she said angrily.

  “No ... this is just television,” Tommy said with a smile. “You need not be afraid. What you are watching ... that is not all the police in the States. CSI are a special type. They only work on dead people. Believe me, if my boss is looking after you, you will not have to worry about the police.”

  “You are certain?”

  “Yes. My boss does not take chances.”

  Their midnight truck ride, followed by the trip on the ferry, went without incident.

  It was eight o’clock in the morning when Hang accepted Ngoc Bích’s helping hand as she climbed out of the truck. The truck had been backed up to a garage where a man ushered everyone to the rear of the garage. The overhead door was shut as the truck drove away.

  The man inside the garage said his name was Giang. He said they would only have to wait a few minutes and would be on their way once more.

  As they waited, Hang saw Giang leering at the women. His eyes settled on Ngoc Bích and he stared brazenly, with a thin smile on his lips. Hang knew Ngoc Bích was perhaps the prettiest, but to be so bold as to stare ...

  “I do not like that man,” whispered Hang, while clutching Ngoc Bích by the hand.

  “If he were an animal,” said Ngoc Bích, “he would be a pig.”

  Hang smiled and said, “You think of people as animals or birds?”


  “On our voyage, did you see a bald ape and a long-billed vulture?”

  Ngoc Bích paused for a moment, and smiled. “Yes. The two foreigners in the apartment in Hanoi!”

  They both giggled but Giang cut them short by stepping closer. “What are you saying about me?” he snarled.

  Hang stepped back, fearfully tugging on Ngoc Bích’s hand but she remained firm and looked Giang in the eye and said, “Who are you that we should talk a
bout you? We were talking about Hanoi.”

  “That ...” Giang’s response was interrupted by a doorbell and another Vietnamese man hollered to him from inside the house. Giang immediately disappeared, only to return moments later with two more Vietnamese men.

  These two men repeated the pattern that Hang had seen in the apartment in Hanoi. The remaining women were once more divided into two groups, while she was left standing alone.

  Minutes later, one of the Vietnamese men backed a van inside the garage and the first group of women were driven away.

  The second Vietnamese man pointed a finger at Hang and said, “You will wait here. My brother will be along soon.” He looked at the remaining women and said, “Wait until I back my van up to the garage and then get in.”

  Hang realized that Ngoc Bích would be gone within a minute. She felt Ngoc Bích’s fingers on her arm and they looked at each other and tried to smile. Ngoc Bích fondly massaged Hang’s arm and said, “Only a couple of months. It will go fast.”

  “You are my first friend in America,” said Hang.

  “No,” chided Ngoc Bích. “We are sisters.”

  Hang heard the harsh command telling the women to hurry as they climbed into the second van. The overhead garage door closed again and Ngoc Bích was gone.

  Hang was now in the garage alone with Giang and she fearfully glanced in his direction.

  “Sit on the floor and wait,” he said, and turned and went into the house.

  Hang was glad to be alone.

  Half an hour passed before Giang returned. “Mister Dúc is here,” he said, opening the garage door. Dúc drove a car into the garage and Giang closed the door behind him.

  The man got out of the car and smiled at Hang. “I am here to take you to your new family.”

  Hang saw that Dúc was a small man, with skinny arms and legs. If he were an animal, he would be a spider monkey. She nodded respectfully and asked, “Mister Dúc, may I ask if the journey will be long?”

  “You may ask whatever you like! No, your journey will not be long. We are in a place called Richmond. It is close to the American border. You will be in your new home in less than two hours.”

  “In two hours!” Hang felt the adrenalin pump through her veins.

  “I must apologize that you will have to ride in the trunk of my car. It will be uncomfortable, but I have put several pillows and a blanket in there to try and make it more comfortable. There is also some bottled water.”

  “Thank you, Mister Dúc.”

  “I have a rear seat that folds down and for a little while, we will leave it down so you can talk if you wish. Once we get close to the border you will have to pull the seat closed and be very quiet as I clear U.S. Customs. Leave it closed until I tell you that it is okay.”

  “They will not search your trunk?” Hang asked.

  Dúc smiled and said, “Some money will be passed. It is arranged, but it is still better if you are quiet.”

  Dúc turned to Giang and said, “Be at the Orient Pleasure tonight at closing time. Bring the guys. I will be at a party and may be late. No matter if I am there or not. Start the ...” Dúc glanced at Hang before continuing, “the training without me.”

  Hang could not help but notice the harsh tone of Dúc’s voice when he spoke with Giang, who nodded obediently while staring down at his own feet.

  Mister Dúc may look like a spider monkey—but he is powerful!

  Dúc opened up the trunk to his car and gestured for Hang to get in. She climbed in and made herself comfortable on some pillows. Dúc opened up half of the rear seat and from her position, Hang could see out the car windows at an angle looking up.

  “When we get close to the U.S. border, I will tell you and you can just pull on that strap and the seat will close,” said Dúc.

  Hang nodded, feeling her body tremble as the final leg of her journey began.

  Street lights and overhead signs passed by quickly as they drove. Hang saw that they were on a highway marked 99.

  “Up ahead, Hang!” yelled Dúc. “Look! See it?”

  Hang strained her head up to see what Dúc was pointing at. Canada–U.S. Border! This is it! “I see it! I see it!” she said.

  “Pull the seat closed! Quickly!” yelled Dúc.

  Hang yanked hard on the strap and the seat closed tightly into position. She was now in complete darkness. She worried that the pounding of her heart could be heard. When she heard the blast of music as the radio was turned up she breathed easier. Mister Dúc knows what he is doing ...

  Dúc smiled as he turned off at the 8th Avenue exit, just prior to the U.S. border. He made a couple of more turns and slowed down as he inched his way along in a lineup of cars.

  Hang could hear little due to the loud music, but she felt the motion of the car as it would slowly pull ahead, stop, pull ahead some more. Her feet touched the plastic bag containing her clothes and it made a rustling sound. She froze, holding her breath, but the car inched forward again.

  Dúc picked up his coffee at the drive-through window and continued on.

  Hang breathed a sigh of relief as she felt the car pick up speed. Dúc turned the radio down and yelled back to her, “Don’t open the seat. We’re through, but there are lots of big trucks beside me. I don’t want anyone to look down and see you. Should only be about another twenty minutes.”

  Twenty minutes later, Hang felt the car stop and heard the sound of a garage door. Dúc pulled into the garage and she heard the garage door close. The trunk was opened.

  Hang saw a large man standing next to Dúc. He was about the same age as her own father, but he was wearing sweat pants and a white T-shirt. Hang had never seen a man with arms bulging with such big muscles.

  “Hang,” said Dúc, “I’d like you to meet ...”

  “Pops,” the big man beside Dúc said. “Just call me Pops.” He smiled and said, “Here, let me help you out of there. I bet you’re really uncomfortable.”

  Before Hang could answer, he bent over and lifted her out of the trunk and gently set her down beside him. “Welcome to the States,” he said. “Come, I’ll show you your new home,” he said, opening a door that led into the house. “You must be tired ... and hungry too, I bet!”

  Hang felt dumbstruck as she was shown around the house. Dúc trailed along behind and seldom spoke. To Hang, the house was huge. There was a large kitchen and a sitting room with a fireplace.

  “How many other families live here?” asked Hang.

  Pops chuckled and said, “Just us. No other families.”

  Hang shook her head in amazement, and asked, “Where is Mrs. Pops? Is she here? I have something to give her.”

  “She is not home right now. Her mother is sick and she had to go away for a couple of days.”

  “I am sorry,” said Hang, hoping her question did not cause discomfort.

  “That is okay. Come, let me show you the rest of the house. For now, we have to keep the drapes and blinds shut. Nobody must know you are here until we receive the proper documentation.”

  Pops shoved open a door and said, “This is my bedroom.”

  Hang looked inside and saw that on the opposite side of the bedroom was the bathroom. To get to the bathroom you have to walk through Mister Pops’s bedroom! Poor to build a house in such a manner.

  Hang was led farther down the hall and Pops opened the door to another room.

  “This is your bedroom,” said Pops, placing Hang’s bag of clothes on the floor. “You can hang your jacket in the closet.”

  Hang gazed around the room in awe. It was huge. Her eyes wandered from a big stuffed teddy bear lying on the bed to something that startled her.

  “Mister Pops! There is a television in my room! Do we watch it in here?”

  Pops laughed and said, “No, that is just for you.”

  “For me!” Hang exclaimed, putting her hand over her mouth.

  “You can watch it in here if you want to be alone. I’ll show you another television that you can watch if
you do not wish to be alone. It is much bigger, but first, I want to finish showing you around up here.”

  Hang opened the closet door and saw that the closet had more space than the area that both she and Linh had when they slept at home.

  Pops opened another door beside her bedroom. “This is your bathroom,” he said. “If there is anything you are missing or anything you need, please just ask me.”

  “Mister Pops, this is ... for me, too?”

  He grinned and said, “Mister? No, no, no. Just call me Pops. Yes, this bathroom is for you until your sister comes. Then you’ll have to share the bathroom with her. Of course,” he said, opening the door to another bedroom, “she’ll have own her room.”

  “I’ll go now,” interrupted Dúc. He handed Pops a cellphone and said, “For later.”

  Pops had Hang wait in the kitchen while he went to the garage with Dúc. As soon as Dúc was gone, Pops returned and said, “Come, follow me. I’ll show you a real TV set.”

  Hang was in a daze as Pops led her to the basement, where they entered a large room with wooden panelling on the walls and thick wall-to-wall carpet. There was a leather sofa, two upholstered chairs, and a coffee table in the room.

  “Help yourself whenever you want,” said Pops, gesturing to a bowl full of candy on the table.

  Hang gawked at the wall opposite the sofa. Hanging on the wall was the largest television set she had ever seen.

  “And this room over here is just another bathroom,” said Pops, gesturing to another door. “The room beside it just has my weights for working out.”

  Hang started to cry. She tried to stop, but she couldn’t help herself.

  “What is wrong?” asked Pops.

  Hang flung her arms around him and said, “Nothing. It is so much just for me. My tears are happy tears.”

  Pops hugged her back and said, “Why don’t you go back upstairs and freshen up? Take a hot bath or a shower. There are clean towels in the bathroom for you. It is also lunchtime. While you’re doing that, I’ll order some pizza.”

  Pops stared at Hang for a moment and said, “If you like pizza? Otherwise I can order something else?”


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