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SEAL the Deal (Hot SEALs)

Page 12

by Cat Johnson

  “Uh, the gunshot wound to your gut.”

  “It was in my side and I'm fine. Perfectly healed. I promise.”

  “Yeah, well I'm not going to be on the hook for damaging you before your wedding. Your bride-to-be might take offense at that.”

  “I truly hope she is my bride-to-be.”

  Brent eyed Zane closely. “So you weren't shitting me? This wedding you invited me to really is a surprise?”

  “No, I wasn't shitting you, and yes it really is a surprise.”


  Zane laughed at his friend's expression. “And yeah, I know it's nuts. I might have lost my mind but I'm in too deep now to back out. The country club is booked and paid for. The dress is bought and fitted. Flowers ordered. Guests are arriving.”

  Zane indicated Brent, the first out of town guest to arrive, and shook his head. So many people going out of their way for an event that might end up not happening.

  Christ. Zane ran his hand over his face. “A surprise wedding. What the hell was I thinking? I must be crazy. This is nuts.”

  Brent laid one hand on his shoulder. “Cold feet?”

  “No, not cold feet.” He wanted to marry Missy more than anything. But jeez he'd gone about this in a fucked up way. “I'm afraid she'll walk out of this wedding and not marry me.”

  “What are you worried about? You proposed and she said yes, right?”

  “Not exactly.” Zane brought his gaze to meet Brent’s. “I proposed and she said no.”

  Brent’s brows shot up high.

  Zane continued, “There were extenuating circumstances at the time.”

  “So this isn't just a surprise wedding. It's a surprise proposal too?” Brent asked.


  Brent drew in a breath. “All right. Yeah. You probably should be nervous.”

  “Thanks, bud.” Zane rolled his eyes at his friend’s lack of support.

  “Come on. Don’t worry. Seriously. It really is a nice gesture. Very romantic.”

  “You really think so?”

  “Yeah, sure. Hell, I'd marry you.” Brent delivered a crooked grin.

  Zane laughed. “I might take you up on that if she says no.”

  He'd spent months putting together this wedding with the help of his mother, Missy's parents and Amelia. If Missy said no in front of dozens of people . . . he couldn't even think about it.

  Zane drew in a big breath and let it out.

  He needed a distraction and a change of subject. “So how'd it go with your cousin in Cali?” He hadn't gotten to catch up with Brent to follow up on the aftermath of the case.

  “She screamed. She yelled. Basically saying how could I not trust her and her judgment? How dare I investigate him? How dare I involve you, a stranger to her, in her personal business?”

  Zane cringed. “Damn. Sorry.”

  “Nah, it worked out okay.”


  “I gave her the address of the coffee shop and told her to see for herself. She did and though I haven't gotten an I'm sorry yet, she hasn't brought up the subject again. So I'm calling it a win.”

  Zane agreed. “Sounds good to me. Glad it worked out for you.”

  He could only hope this weekend would work out as well for him.

  Brent raised an arm and squeezed Zane's shoulder once again. “It's going to be all right.”

  “You don't know that.”

  “No.” Brent sighed. “But I know this. There's a bar a block away and I'm buying. Hell, we can even call it a bachelor party if you want.”

  Missy was getting her nails and hair done with Amelia—all under the guise of a bridal party get-together.

  Zane nodded. “Yeah. I can definitely get away.”

  Alcohol might be the only thing to calm his nerves—other than a yes from Missy—but he could only get one of those things right now so he turned toward the door. “Let’s go.”


  “So I’ll meet you at the country club.” Zane’s voice came through the speakerphone as Missy slowed her car and steered into the club entrance.

  “Okay.” There was a special place in her heart for this country club.

  She’d grown up here. Learned to swim in the pool and to play tennis on the courts. Had her first legal drink at the bar and her first date with Zane in the dining room.

  Things had truly come full circle.

  Today, she drove up the long drive toward the clubhouse to meet Zane for dinner, though why he’d insisted they arrive so early in the evening was beyond her.

  They’d be in the dining room with all the really old members who liked to eat and get home by the evening news but whatever.

  Zane had been acting so oddly in the two months since the shooting, she’d stopped questioning his motives. It was easier to just go with it.

  “You running on time?” Zane asked.

  “Yes, Zane. I’m on time. In fact, I’m pulling up now.” Wouldn’t want to be late and miss that five o’clock reservation. She rolled her eyes.

  “Good. See you soon. Love you.”

  “Love you too.” Missy disconnected the call with a sigh.

  Strange behavior or not, her love for him would never change. And so she’d eat dinner at five.

  The valet stepped forward, opening her door for her. She grabbed her purse from the passenger seat, thanked him, and headed into the club.

  In the lobby just inside the front door, she saw her father.

  “Daddy. Hi. Are you having dinner with us?”

  “Um, yes.” He glanced behind him before saying, “Come into the bar.”

  “Okay.” She’d gotten there a little early so they had time before Zane arrived to have a drink. He’d know to check for them at the bar anyway.

  Inside the doorway Missy saw Zane’s mother. Not a surprise. Her parents and Zane’s had been hanging out in this room together for close to forty years.

  “Mrs. Alexander.” Missy stepped forward and pressed a kiss to the older woman’s cheek. “Are you having dinner with us too? You’re welcome to if you don’t mind it’s the early bird special.”

  Missy laughed. Mrs. Alexander didn’t. Instead she glanced at Missy’s father.

  The strange vibe of this night was too strong to ignore. Missy frowned. “Daddy. What's going on?”

  Her father took both of her hands in his. Confused, she focused her attention to him and hoped for some answers.

  “Melissa. I want you to listen to me and have an open mind.”

  What the hell? With her heart pounding, she managed to nod. “Okay.”

  “That day that Zane was shot, he'd asked to meet with me. He'd come to ask me for your hand in marriage.”

  Before she could absorb that knowledge Zane's mother took a step forward. “Melissa, sweetie. The day before Zane was shot he came to the house. He told me he was going to ask you to marry him. I gave him his grandmother's diamond engagement ring. The ring she wore until the day she took it off her finger and gave it to Zane’s father so he could propose to me.”

  Tears started to well in Missy’s eyes.

  Apparently this was some sort of matrimonial intervention and Zane's mother and her father were the spokespeople appointed to convince her Zane really was ready to get married and had been before the shooting. That he hadn't just asked her because he'd been shot and could have died.

  Of course, he could have told her all that himself.

  It was a little over the top for their families to conspire together to tell her Zane had intended to propose before his near-death experience. But even stranger was the fact that he wasn't here.

  She drew in a breath and glanced around. Looking back to her father she asked, “Where is he?”

  He smiled. “Look behind you.”

  As Zane's mother bit her lip and visibly fought tears, Missy turned.

  The big double doors between the bar and the dining room had been opened wide.

  The view of Zane, in his white Navy dress uniform, stol
e what little breath she had left.

  Past him she saw the dining room was filled with people, all on their feet, clustered near the door.

  As she noticed that every eye was focused on her, she began to pick out familiar faces. Friends. Relatives. And just behind Zane, off to the side, was Amelia. She was smiling while wiping tears and, for some reason, was dressed in a full-length gown.

  Missy turned her attention back to Zane, searching for some explanation.

  When Zane stepped forward and then dropped down on one knee, a ring held between his fingers, she gasped.

  His gaze locked on hers. “Melissa, I've known you your entire life. I've watched you grow from an annoying precocious girl to an absolutely incredible woman. I've gone from ignoring you, to loving you, to knowing I can't live without you in my life as my wife. Will you marry me?”

  That was some speech. It stole her breath and her voice.

  When she didn’t answer right away, Zane said, “And God knows I sprung this on you, and there’s a good chance you’re going to say no, but I can promise you this. If you do I’ll just keep asking and keep doing ridiculous things to try to convince you, each probably bigger than the last. So keep that in mind . . .” He shrugged, as if daring her to say no so he could rise to the challenge and try to beat this night.

  With her lips pressed tight to hold in a sob Missy nodded.

  He lifted his brows. “Is that a yes?”

  She swallowed and forced out a breathy whisper. “Yes.”

  The dining room exploded with the sound of cheers and applause from the assembled group, along with a loud Hooyah! from the Navy guys.

  Zane got to his feet and took her hands in his. He slipped the ring onto her finger.

  Amid the turmoil of her emotions, she somehow had the presence of mind to wonder at the fact that it fit her perfectly.

  Of all the many questions swirling through her brain at this surreal event, she chose probably the least important one. “How does this ring fit me so well?”

  “Your jeweler has your ring size on file.” He grinned but then sobered. “Do you believe me now? I wanted to propose long before taking that bullet.”

  “Yes, I believe you. But did you really have to gather everyone we know just to watch you propose?”

  “Well . . .” He drew in a breath, holding her hands a bit tighter. “I hope you don’t get mad but . . . this isn't just a proposal.”

  Things began to make more sense, though his plan had been awfully risky. What if she'd said no?

  “So what is this? Our engagement party?” she asked.

  Zane shook his head. “No. Not exactly. It's our wedding.”

  Her eyes widened as her mouth dropped open.

  “And before you freak out or get mad at me,” Zane continued. “I found your wedding scrapbook and I followed it the best I could.”

  “I made that book twenty years ago.” Yeah, she'd added to it right up until she'd been a teenager and Zane had left for the Navy and her hopes and dreams began to die, but still, the content was dated, to say the least.

  “I know, that's why I asked Amelia for help.” Zane angled his body to signal a club employee who’d stepped into the room.

  The black and white clad waitress held a bridal gown.

  Zane turned back to Missy. “I believe this is the wedding dress you liked at the bridal shop.”

  Amelia stepped closer and took the dress from the waitress. Amazingly, Missy recognized it as the dress she'd fallen in love with while they’d been shopping for Amelia’s gown.

  “I'm sorry, Missy. I've been spying for Zane. Forgive me?” Amelia asked.

  Missy laughed as all of Amelia’s many questions during all the time they'd spent together over the past couple of months made sense. As did the fact that Amelia had insisted Missy try on wedding gowns when they’d been shopping.

  “Yes. Of course, I forgive you. I'm just—amazed.” Amazed and overwhelmed and so many other things.

  “The seamstress had your measurements for your bridesmaid dress so she altered the wedding dress. I hope it fits okay.”

  “I'm sure it will be perfect.”

  “My makeup and hair girls are both here to help you get ready. Although you already look perfect, as always.”

  Teary eyed and emotional, Missy smiled. “Thank you. So do you.”

  Amelia glanced down and smoothed one hand down the bodice of the pink dress. “Do you like it? I chose the color and basic style based on the bridesmaid dresses you liked at the shop. And I used your wedding book to choose the flowers. Our bouquets are in the bridal room waiting for us.”

  Zane squeezed Missy’s hand. “The club manager set up for our ceremony on the hill by the seventeenth green. The cocktail hour will be on the patio overlooking the pool, and the dining room is set up for dinner.”

  Just as she’d spelled out in her book so many years ago. “You're amazing. Both of you.”

  He cringed. “Are you sure this is okay? I wanted to surprise you but now I'm realizing maybe you'd want to do the planning yourself. Or do everything differently.”

  “It's more than okay. This is the most romantic thing you've ever done for me.”

  Zane smiled as he said, “I'm glad, though I’m not sure how I feel peaking so soon in our marriage. I don't know how I'm going to top this, but I promise you, I'll spend the rest of my life trying.”

  She didn't know how he'd be able to beat this either, but she'd definitely enjoy his attempts. “I look forward to that.”

  He dipped his head and pressed his forehead to hers. “God, I love you.”

  “And I love you. So much.”

  Pressing his lips to hers, he delivered a kiss that made her very aware of how much she wanted to be alone with him and reminded her how very public the venue was.

  Finally, he pulled back and drew in a breath. “You'd better go get dressed. The preacher's waiting.”

  So were probably seventy-five of their closest friends and family. She saw Jon and Ali. Even Brent was there.

  “All right.” Missy forced herself to take a step back when it would be all too tempting to fall back into Zane's arms. She turned to face Amelia. “I guess it's time to get ready.”

  Amelia nodded. “I'm so excited for you.”

  Missy laughed. She was pretty excited herself. She glanced back at Zane. “I guess I'll see you at the altar.”

  “I'll be waiting.” He smiled and had never looked more handsome.

  She barely had the patience for the time it took to get into the dress, never mind get her hair and makeup done.

  Zane was waiting for her to take their vows. How could she not rush?

  Her foot, in a white bridal shoe that fit her perfectly just like the dress, was drumming against the floor when Amelia laid a hand on her shoulder. “Relax. They're almost done.”

  Missy blew out a breath and gazed into the mirror.

  The stylist was pinning a floral wreath made up of greenery, tiny roses and wildflowers atop her curls.

  The vision reflected back at her after that finishing touch took her breath away.

  Missy drew in and blew out another shallow breath, finding it hard to fill her lungs completely as her heart thundered.

  Amelia stood behind her gazing at the same scene. “You look amazing. Like a fairytale.”

  “Thank you.” Missy turned to face her cousin. “You're not upset I snuck in to get married before you?”

  “No. Of course not. I'm thrilled I got to be such a big part of your day. Just like you and Zane will be a part of mine. Do you know what Zane told me?”

  “I can’t even imagine.” Missy was done trying to guess what was going on in that man’s mind.

  “He said that there was no way in hell he would let any other man walk you back down that aisle or escort you into the reception for the first dance at my wedding except for him.”

  “Wow.” That was something coming from a man who used to hate weddings. For the second time that day he'd surp
rised her.

  “I think he's been bitten by the wedding bug.” Amelia smiled.

  “Apparently.” Missy laughed. “I'd better go marry him quick before he recovers.”

  “I wouldn't worry. He's never going to get over loving you.”

  “Stop. You're going to make me start crying.” Missy fought valiantly against the tears that hovered so close to the surface.

  Amelia pressed her hand to her chest and drew in a big breath. “Me too. Let's go get you married before we both ruin our makeup.” She glanced up at the stylist. “Is she ready?”

  “I can't improve on perfection. She's ready.” The woman smiled, looking teary eyed herself. What was it about weddings that made everyone want to cry?

  “Okay.” Amelia picked up the larger of the two bouquets and handed it to Missy, before picking up the remaining one for herself. “Let's go. Your groom awaits.”

  Those were words that, until tonight, Missy wasn't sure she'd ever hear.

  She stood, straightening the hem of the perfect wedding dress so it wouldn't catch on her heel. She glanced up at Amelia. “You know, I really have to thank you.”

  Her cousin waved one hand to dismiss the thanks. “Stop. Really. Zane did all the work.”

  “No, not just for all your help, though I’m so grateful for all you did. I meant for your suggestion.”

  “What suggestion?”

  “Remember the day we met for breakfast and you asked if I’d be in your wedding party and we talked about baking?”


  “That day I baked cookies for Zane. According to what his mother and my father said, it wasn’t too long after that he decided to propose. I can’t be certain it’s the baking that helped change his mind but . . .”

  Amelia laughed. “I told you. Forget about that engagement chicken I’m seeing all over the internet. Sweets are the way to go.”

  “I agree.” And the man she'd been sweet on since she was a child was waiting for her. “Is everything ready? Can we go out?” Missy asked.

  “Let me run and let your father and the photographer know. They're right outside with the club manager. He'll tell the preacher and Zane we're ready. Oh my God, Missy. Just think. In just a few minutes you're going to be Mrs. Alexander.”

  Missy’s heart fluttered at that thought.


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