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Benjamin Dragon - Awakening (The Chronicles of Benjamin Dragon)

Page 14

by Cooper, C. G.

  “How dare you bring…” seethed Kennedy.

  “Spare me the lessons. I thought I’d bring a couple of Benjamin’s closest friends to the party. I learned my lesson with that kid in Texas. This time around it’s going to be a sure thing. By the way, say hello to Max.” He pointed to his miniature clone. “I don’t think you’ve met Max, have you, Kennedy?”

  Kennedy’s face tightened. “I have not had the pleasure.”

  “I’ll bet you’re wondering how I found him before you did. Imagine that! A destructor you didn’t know about. How did I do it? Let’s just say that I have my ways. I won’t give away my secrets. Wouldn’t be much fun without them, I say.”

  Behind Max, Emily was crying. Nathan stood close by. His face looked like a kid trying to be brave and yet ready to run.

  Jacee turned to Benjamin. “I’m sorry it came to this, Benjamin. I promise I’m not the bad guy Kennedy makes me out to be. I’m sure you’ll love it when you get a taste of it. Isn’t that right, Max?”

  Max nodded.

  “See? Max used to be nothing too. Now he travels all over the globe helping me help the world. What could be better than that?”

  Benjamin had finally shaken the alarm of seeing his friends. He looked up at Trevane and asked, “Why did you kidnap my friends?”

  Jacee shrugged. “What can I say? Sometimes a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. You’ll learn that. Besides, they were more than happy to come along…at first.”

  “What are you gonna to do with them?”

  “I’ll come back to that question. First, let me ask, do you know where we are right now?”

  Benjamin shook his head.

  “This is…”

  “Jacee, don’t!” Kennedy yelled.

  Jacee ignored his old mentor.

  “I thought it only fitting that we come back to the place where it all started. Kennedy did tell you my story, right?”

  “Yeah,” answered Benjamin.

  “Did he tell you about my parents?” A hint of bitterness laced the tone of the question.

  Benjamin nodded.

  Jacee swept his arm around motioning to the surrounding area.

  “This is where they died.”


  Fear threatened to overwhelm Benjamin. He stared at Jacee as if willing him to say it was all a big joke. It was too real. Death was something only grownups had to deal with, wasn’t it?

  “So you see, it’s a question of life or death, Benjamin. You come with me and grow into the amazingly gifted man I know you will become, or your friends…”

  The threat hung in the heat hazed air, touching each of the five in different ways. Max laughed. Nathan stood in silence. Emily put her face in her hands and sobbed. Kennedy stepped closer.

  “Stay where you are, old man. This is between me and Benjamin. What do you say, Benjamin?”

  Benjamin looked from Jacee to Kennedy, from Kennedy to Nathan, from Nathan to Emily. He was trapped. How was a ten-year-old kid supposed to make that kind of decision?

  All of a sudden, three things happened. Benjamin watched it unfold like it was in slow-motion. The earth rumbled, a crash sounded and a boulder flew through the air from somewhere behind them.

  Jacee’s eyes gleamed with glee as he directed the flying rock at Kennedy. To his credit, Kennedy barely flinched. At the last second, the boulder swerved and flew harmlessly over the old man’s head, rolling until it came to a crashing halt amidst a stand of trees.

  “You shouldn’t have done that, son,” said Kennedy calmly.

  “I told you not to call me son!” screamed Jacee. All of his composure vanished. He looked like a toddler having a temper tantrum. His eyes bulged with rage and his nostrils flared. That was when all hell broke loose.

  Chapter 38: Mayhem

  The dust was the first to rise in whirls and streams. It coiled itself around Jacee like a sandstorm. Jacee’s hair stood on end, propelled by the movement of the air around him.

  “I’m tired of your meddling, old man,” said Jacee, pointing an accusing finger at Kennedy. “It’s time you saw who’s really in charge.”

  Raising his hands and gazing skyward, Jacee laughed like a madman. Benjamin slowly backed away, keeping an eye on Nathan and Emily. Kennedy hadn’t moved. He looked almost bored.

  Dirt and stone mixed with dead leaves and dry summer air to dull their senses. It was hard to see through the building storm. Benjamin took a last glance at Jacee, whose attention was fully focused on Kennedy, and ran toward Nathan and Emily

  Max moved to stop Benjamin from reaching his friends. Jacee’s protégé raised a hand like he was going to deliver a powerful downward karate chop.

  “Noooo!” yelled Jacee. Without shifting his stare, he pointed a finger at Max and his young clone flew back, coming to a halt on his back twenty feet from where he’d been. “I told you not to hurt him.”

  Benjamin kept running.

  More rocks flew. Trees uprooted and twirled through the air. Kennedy remained in his spot, ducking occasionally, calmly taking in the situation.

  A visibly upset Max struggled to stand. His landing had left his shirt torn and his back bleeding. He winced and shook the red dust out of his hair. With an evil grin, he turned his focus to Emily. Jacee hadn’t said anything about not hurting her.


  Benjamin screamed in defiance when he saw Max turn to face Emily. He pushed his legs, but it was no use. They wouldn’t get him there in time.

  The earth around Emily came out in one big chunk like some invisible being had stuck a huge hand into the ground and pulled Emily up with it. She was ten feet off the ground and now on her knees, looking all around in horror. Max kept his concentration squarely on the young girl.

  Benjamin skidded to a stop and looked up as Emily ascended atop the clump of dry red clay. His mind went back to the time he’d stopped the falling tree, the time he’d practiced in his back yard, the time he’d made himself float in the air.

  Squaring his shoulders like a fighter prepping for battle, Benjamin focused his mental energy. The results were immediate. Emily’s climb stopped. She and the earthen clod seemed to be vibrating in the air like some strange game of tug-a-war.

  Max grunted and gritted his teeth. Benjamin felt the same strange sensation course through his body. He could almost feel Emily. In his mind’s eye it was all so clear. Much as he’d done with juggling multiple items in his bedroom, a part of him shifted focus to Max. By giving a tiny mental flick, Benjamin sent the teenager flying back once again.

  Nathan rushed over as Benjamin lowered Emily back down to the ground. The sound of the masked battle between Jacee and Kennedy was deafening. Crashes and cracks. Booms and thumps. They were concealed from view by the sandstorm and debris.

  Emily looked up from the ground, her face covered by the fine red film of dust. Tears rolled in steady streams down and off her chin.

  “Are you okay?” asked Benjamin.

  “I…I think so.”

  “Nathan, take Emily over there,” Benjamin pointed in the direction opposite the raging battle. “Find a safe place and hide until I come find you.”


  “Just go. I need to help Kennedy.” There was a fierce determination etched on Benjamin’s dirty face. He’d turned into their leader in a matter of moments.

  Emily hugged Benjamin. Nathan joined in. They stood together through the chaos, not knowing if they’d ever see each other again.

  Benjamin broke the embrace and looked at his friends.

  “I’m sorry they brought you. I’ll see you soon.”

  Nathan and Emily didn’t know what to say. What do you say to a friend that just saved your life and might be going off to die? Instead of answering, they both nodded and ran where Benjamin had told them to go.

  After checking to see that Max wasn’t moving, Benjamin turned and walked into the maelstrom.


  Back and forth the battle went. It was only a matter of ti
me until one jagged rock or splintered branch would hit a combatant. Their bodies were mortal after all, and someone would either get wounded or, from the sound of the fury, probably die.

  Benjamin stepped into the middle of it all. It wasn’t possible for him to erect a force field or shield. He’d figured that much out about his gift. That’s not how it worked. Instead, like a real life video game, he had to focus on each and every thing flying in the air. Spreading his thoughts vertically, horizontally, sideway and splitways, Benjamin found he could do it without much effort. Something told him that what he was doing wasn’t normal. He shouldn’t be able to do it. On some level it had surprised him that he’d dispatched Max so easily. It was like he’d tapped into some limitless pit of power. His body didn’t feel different. It was his mind and spirit that had changed.

  Wading into the darkness of the melee, Benjamin caught a glimpse of Kennedy. A dark streak of red ran down one cheek and another had soaked his pant leg down to his ankle.

  “Stop!” shouted Benjamin.

  Everything did stop. Every stone, every tree, every particle floated in midair awaiting a command.

  Jacee strolled around the suspended debris. He still looked spotless. It didn’t look like a single piece of dirt had touched his designer jeans or manicured hands.

  “My, my, Benjamin. Please tell me you took care of Max for me. Unfortunately his talent seemed to be a little…lacking. The only thing he was good at was throwing things really fast. You on the other hand…”

  With a downward sweep of his hand, everything settled to the ground.

  The air was now as clear as when they’d first arrived.

  “Last chance, Benjamin.” Jacee was casually picking at something under his fingernail. “You wanna be a loser and hang with the old crowd…or do you want to come with me and do something really special?”

  “I don’t want to go with you. You’re…you’re…”

  Jacee smugness melted into simmering anger. “I’m what?”

  “You only care about yourself,” said Kennedy. “You say you care about other people through your charities and what not, but in reality it’s all about you.”

  “I’m going to change the world,” Jacee growled.

  “I don’t doubt it. But until my last breath, I promise you, I will stand in your way.”

  As if on cue, a sharp whistling cut through the air. Jacee smiled a split second before the tiny stone ‘thrown’ by Max connected with the side of Kennedy’s head. The old man dropped lifelessly to the ground.

  Benjamin screamed, “Nooooooo!”

  Chapter 39: Awakening

  Benjamin stumbled over to his mentor even as the man’s lifeblood spilled onto the ground. It made the boy gag, but he forced the feeling away and knelt down to try to stem the flow.

  “It’s what he deserved, you know,” said Jacee. “He shouldn’t have gotten in the way. Just leave him. There’s nothing you can do.”

  Benjamin looked back at the pop star with red rimmed eyes. “You’re a murderer,” spat Benjamin.

  “Maybe to you. Others won’t think so. Come on. Let’s get you home.” Jacee reached down and tried to pull Benjamin up by the arm. The young boy shook the grip off. Jacee frowned.

  “Fine. Wait for him to die, then we’ll leave.”

  Max staggered over looking completely disheveled. He took up a position next to his boss.

  “Nice shot, Max. I might just have to keep you around.” Jacee patted his bloody clone on the back. Max grimaced from the pain. “Why don’t we…”

  Benjamin ignored the conversation and focused on Kennedy. He held the old man’s gnarled hand as the rise and fall of his chest slowed. A single tear dropped out of Benjamin’s eye and fell onto their connected hands. That’s when Benjamin felt it. A warmth spread out from his core. There was no tingling. At first Benjamin thought it was a breeze blowing across the arid land. It didn’t feel strange. In fact, it felt comforting and calmed his ragged breathing.

  Involuntarily, he shifted his thoughts to the open wound on the side of Kennedy’s head. As he watched, the deep gouge first expelled blood and then seemed to swell. Benjamin’s eyes widened when the wound closed up like a zipper and Kennedy’s eyes fluttered open.

  “What…” murmured Kennedy.

  Jacee heard the voice and rushed to look over Benjamin’s shoulder. The cocky singer’s face blanched.


  Kennedy sat up slowly scratching the side of his head. He looked fine despite the dirt encrusted blood on the side of his face and his generally disheveled appearance.

  Jacee and Max backed away from the scene cautiously.

  Kennedy chuckled. “It looks like Benjamin’s a bit more special than we believed.”

  Jacee was shaking his head trying to comprehend. Of course he’d heard the stories. No one ever had all the powers. The last look he gave Benjamin was one of hunger, like a panther coveting a prized kill.

  “This isn’t over!”

  Jacee grabbed Max’s arm and, a moment later, the two shot up into the hazy sky and disappeared.

  “I could use a nap,” said Kennedy, who was standing up to retrieve his walking stick.

  “I don’t understand,” said Benjamin. “What happened? How did you get better?”

  Kennedy looked at Benjamin, his eyes shimmering. “Don’t you see, Benjamin? You’re the one.”


  After finding Nathan and Emily, and getting a lot of hugs and gushes, the four unlikely companions whisked away on the winds of Kennedy’s gift. It seemed like they’d been gone an eternity with all that had transpired.

  They landed in the Dragons’ backyard. No one was home, so they all took turns taking showers, although Kennedy preferred to wash himself off with the garden hose. He said he’d gotten used to hose showers while working with a relief agency in Africa years before.

  Benjamin found some clothes for Nathan and Emily from his parents’ closet. Everything was too big, but no one cared.

  Nathan kept babbling about how cool the flying had been. Apparently, all thoughts of almost dying had already faded from his mind.

  Emily kept to herself and ogled at Benjamin with wonder as if seeing him for the first time. Embarrassed, Benjamin tried to ignore the looks. He didn’t want things to change, but in his gut he knew they already had.

  After they’d each gotten something to eat from the Dragons’ well stocked fridge (Nathan ate an entire leftover extra large pizza), Kennedy sat them down at the kitchen table and told them about the gifts (there was no need to hide it now) and how important it was that they keep it a secret. Benjamin sat stoically. Nathan bounced in his chair. Emily stared at Benjamin.

  “I can’t promise you that Mr. Trevane won’t be back. That’s why it’s important that you not tell anyone about what happened. Don’t worry, I’m calling in some friends that will discreetly keep an eye on you. You won’t even know they’re here.”

  “Who are they? Are they like you and Dragon?” asked Nathan.

  “They are. A destructor and a healer are on their way as we speak. Don’t bother looking for them. They’re used to this sort of thing.”

  “That is so cool! I wish I could do that stuff,” said Nathan.

  “Does anyone have any questions?”

  “Yeah. How can I get powers too?” pressed Nathan.

  The stares leveled from the others in the room made him shut his mouth.

  “Benjamin, I’m going to escort Nathan and Emily home. I’ll be back soon.”

  They left Benjamin to his thoughts. He stood at the kitchen window and tousled his still wet hair that smelled like the wintergreen shower gel in his dad’s bathroom. For some reason it made him want his parents. Two squirrels chased each other with feints and twists in the backyard. To them it was just another ordinary day. For Benjamin, everything was extraordinary.


  Kennedy returned twenty minutes later.

  “They’re back safe and sound. Now, how ab
out we have that little chat?” said Kennedy.

  They walked to the backyard and sat on the stone bench that faced the overgrown grass. Something inside Benjamin bubbled and burped like a fizzy glass of soda. He was all nervous energy. Good nervous energy.

  “What did you mean when you said I’m the one?” asked Benjamin, barely able to keep his happy jitters at bay. He clamped his hand on his knee and the light tapping of his foot stopped.

  “Before I answer that, I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for saving my life, Benjamin.”

  Benjamin didn’t know what to say so he just nodded and turned a little pink.

  “Now that’s out of the way, let’s talk about my somewhat grandiose comment of you being The One. I suppose it’s a rather loaded explanation, so I’ll attempt to keep it short. As I mentioned in our very first meeting, none of our kind, at least in the past twenty or so centuries, has ever had more than one gift. We have those who develop their gifts more profoundly than others…”

  “Like Jacee?”

  “Yes. Like Jacee.” Kennedy frowned at the thought. “As I was saying, there are differing levels of expertise within our little tribe. You, however, seem to possess more than one. Let me ask you, although I believe I know the answer, was this that first time you’d ever healed anyone?”

  “Of course.”

  “Good. Now, have you ever made anything grow, say a seed or a tree?”

  “Only in science class, but everybody did that.”

  “Good, good. Well, I wouldn’t be surprised if you experienced that soon as well.”

  “But…but what are you going to do about Jacee?” asked Benjamin, trying to get to the information he really wanted.

  “I assume you’ve made the final decision not to help him?” Kennedy said, arching one bushy eyebrow like a lot of old men do.

  Benjamin rolled his eyes and said, “Duuuuh.”

  “Very well. Then our mission is to keep you out of his hands. I’m sure you noticed how he looked at you after you saved my life?”


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