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Mount Roxby Box Set

Page 28

by Aimie Jennison

  “Eddie, there’s a seat by the wall over there.” She distractedly points over her shoulder in the direction of the chair as she gathers the things she’ll need to do the procedure. “Sit back and relax for a few minutes.” It sounded more like an order, even to my human ears.

  Not making a move to follow her instructions he steps closer to my side, making sure to be out of her way. “I can see better over here,” is all he says.

  It doesn’t take Gloria long to do my legs, I’m quickly jumping down and pulling my jeans on. Gloria turns her attention to Eddie. “If you just take your shirt off and lie down, we can get started and it will be over in no time.”

  “You just want to see the goods under the shirt,” he declares with a grin. I’m seriously starting to worry that he doesn’t know how to communicate without flirting when it comes to the female species.

  “Behave,” Gloria chides, as he pulls his shirt over his head and does as he’s told by laying on the table.

  The sight of his washboard abs throws me as I fumble with the button on my jeans. I wouldn’t mind being Gloria right now, getting paid to touch his chest. I quickly gather myself and pull my tongue back in my mouth before making my way to stand next to Eddie as he had me earlier. “Ready for the pain, Eddie?” I tease.

  “It didn’t look too bad when she did your legs,” he says confidently.

  Gloria smears some warm wax onto his chest covering the sprinkling of hair, placing a strip over it, she counts down from three. “Three, two…” Ripping it off before she even gets to one.

  “Fuck!” Ed shouts, taking a breath as though he’d held it. “Holy shit, do I have any skin left?” he asks, as he lifts his head and stares down at the pink patch of skin on his chest.

  Gloria doesn’t bat an eye before she smears on more wax and places another strip over it. She doesn’t bother with the countdown this time. She just rips it off.

  Eddie manages to control himself, this time only giving a grunt of pain. “Where was my countdown?” his voice sounding strained.

  “I thought it would be best to just get on with it,” she proclaims, matter-of-factly. All while loading his chest with more wax and strips before ripping them off one by one.

  She made quick work of it. After ripping off the last strip and ensuring she had all the hairs, I watch as she grabs an oiled up wipe and starts smoothing it over his chest, removing any remaining wax residue. My hands are itching to take over and rub their way all over that oiled up chest. I quickly fold my arms over my chest and trap my hands under my arms before they can follow through. Hanging around with these hot guys is sending me crazy. I’ve never fantasised over guys before, not even when I was surrounded by plenty of them back home. I’m here for a couple of months, and I’m having to physically trap my hands to stop from touching him. Maybe werewolves have stronger pheromones or something.

  “Are you okay, Rubes?”

  Eddie’s voice pulls me out of my inner turmoil and I tear my eyes away from Gloria’s hands on his chest. “Yeah. I can’t wait to tell the other guys about this.” I laugh.

  “You’re all done. If you want to get dressed and go see Donna at the front desk, she’ll be happy to book you in for your next appointment,” Gloria says, as she wipes her hands off and leaves the room, closing the door behind her. I’m suddenly aware of how small the room is and how close I’m standing to Eddie.

  “You will not say a word of this to anyone,” he demands. I take a step back giving him room to put his shirt on. “This shit stinks,” he says, pointing to his oiled up chest. “They’ll smell me coming a mile away, but as far as anyone else is concerned I had a massage. Okay?”

  “What do I get for keeping my mouth shut?” I enquire.

  “Ruby,” he says in a warning tone, as he pulls his shirt over his head.

  “Telling everyone would be so much fun. Watching them ribbing you about it for weeks would be very entertaining.” I tease. It would be fun, I can hear them laughing and jesting already.

  He glares at me menacingly as he walks towards me. My heart is beating so fast in my chest, he can probably hear it. Supersonic wolf hearing. The look in his eyes makes me back up until I’m pressed against the very hard door. I wonder what else is hard? Ruby. Don’t. I implore my brain to shut up.

  Eddie’s nostrils flare as he gets really close to me. “You said plenty of entertaining things when you were drunk the other night; you spill the beans on this, and I’ll have to share a few things myself,” he says, leaning in closer. His body is almost touching mine. My body sort of begs him to touch mine as panic flows through me. I thought I’d remembered everything I said the other night. Is he going to kiss me? Did I come onto him when I was drunk? His hand reaches around my hip and he opens the door. I stumble back slightly as the door moves behind me and I slip through.

  “Fine, my lips are sealed…forever,” I say, in defeat, not knowing what secrets he could spill if I don’t.




  Walking out to the yard with a plate of bread rolls, I glance at the stack of sausages on the barbie and wonder if we’re going to have anyone else turn up.

  We have enough food to feed the whole pack, but it’s only close members, or who I call family, that Theo and Bel invited. The guys are all gathered around the barbie; Eddie, Paddy, Jared, Billy, Wes, and Theo. I place the plate on the table and grab a beer from the Esky as I pass and head to the girls lounging on the grass. Mum pats the grass between her and Misty, inviting me to join her. Things are still strange between the two of us, I’ve been avoiding her at all costs, but unfortunately I can’t do that today. I take the seat offered knowing it would only look vindictive if I tried to make a space between someone else.

  “Thanks, Mum,” I say, grateful for the seat.

  The guys all make their way over to the table.

  “Food’s ready, ladies,” Theo announces, as the guys all start making up their plates. “Before we eat, Bel and I have an announcement.” Bel makes her way over to him and hugs into his side lovingly, as the rest of us all head for the table.

  “When we mated it was a crazy time. We had the Controller running rampant and not to mention my ex-wife showing up out of the blue. So, we think it’s about time we have our mating ceremony.”

  “Congratulations,” Alyssa says, pulling Bel into a hug. “How much time do we have to pull this wedding together?” she asks, as she releases Bel.

  “Congratulations, Ted, I’m so happy for you,” I say, using his pet name and giving him a big hug. “Love you,” I say, as I pull away and step back for Alyssa to grab him for a hug.

  “Love you too, little sis,” he says, before turning his attention to Alyssa.

  “Three months isn’t much time, but I think we can work with that,” she says. I must have missed Bel’s answer when I was hugging Theo.

  “Pups...” Theo says, sounding stunned to match his wide eyes.

  Alyssa having not seen his face wriggles free of his hold. “You never know what the future might bring. Of course, you guys can try for pups.” She giggles nervously.

  “No.” He’s starting to sound crazy, even to my ears and I know my brother pretty well. He’s not looking far off it, either.

  Bel strokes a hand down his forearm. “Babe?”

  Ignoring his mate, Theo’s eyes flit between Wes and Alyssa. “No. You’re having pups,” he says. The way his eyes are flitting between the two of them, I can see he’s here, in the moment, and not having some crazy episode. “Alyssa, you’re pregnant.”

  Suddenly each and every werewolf inhales all at once; no doubt trying to scent the hormones, or something. Mum and I, not knowing what else to do, look at each other and smile warily. It’s somewhat comforting to know I’m not the only human around for once. I’m not alone with this feeling of being an outsider. Thinking back to my mum’s reasoning for her turning to drugs, I can see how maybe her life with my father could have pushed her that wa
y. Especially after her sons had been ripped from her life. Looking at my mother now, I can imagine the strength it must have taken to not only face me and my brother but to become the outsider in a pack once again. She did it for us.

  A round of congratulations for both couples flows through the yard.

  “You need another alpha to officiate the ceremony. Who are you going to ask?” I hear Wes question Theo, as I start to fill my plate with food.

  “Who do I trust? Is a better question. Jesse O’Keefe from the Rossi Pack in WA is the only alpha I’ve ever felt at ease with, but he’s not been the same since his mate went missing five years ago. I don’t know if he’d be willing to do it considering his circumstances.”

  Wes nods his understanding as he takes a bite of a burger.

  “You’ll never know if you don’t ask,” Bel says, placing a kiss on his shoulder as she reaches past him for a bread roll on the table.

  With my plate full, I look around the garden for somewhere to sit, spotting Paddy on a lounger on the deck. I head over deciding to bite the bullet and face the embarrassing things I did while I was drunk the other night. We’ve already discussed what happened when I first had the flashbacks, but I still feel sorry for throwing myself at him.

  I grab an extra beer as I pass the Esky. Looking up at my arrival, he gives me a sheepish smile.

  “Peace offering,” I say, holding out the beer for him.

  He takes the beer and places it at his feet next to his already half full bottle. “There’s no need for that. Take a seat.”

  I shrug as I sit on the chair beside him. “I still feel bad about the other night.” Not wanting to say something that makes me feel any dumber, I take a bite of my burger.

  He reaches his hand out and places it on my arm halting me from taking my next bite. “Honestly, you didn’t throw yourself at me. I wouldn’t have danced with you if I didn’t want something to happen.”

  I give a jerky nod, not knowing how else to reply. He removes his hand and starts back in on his food.

  “Jared said you were doing an OUA course. What subject you taking?”

  I swallow a mouthful of beer and tell him all about my criminology course, probably too much information. When I get talking about something I’m passionate about, I struggle to stop. He sits quietly taking in every word I say, smiling at all the right moments.

  “It sounds like something you actually enjoy,” he says, when I finally shut my mouth.

  I grin at him and let the truth of my words show. “I love it.”

  “Do you want to join the police academy when you finish?” he asks, lifting his bottle to his lips and swallowing what’s left in the bottle. He catches my eye as he sets the bottle down.

  I can’t help but blush at being caught getting distracted by his lips, lips I’ve had the pleasure of feeling on my own. Not that I can really remember what they felt like. “Yeah, that’s the plan. Hopefully with the degree behind me, I can fast track into the field I’m interested in. I’ll still have to do the initial training and I’ll probably have to do the first couple of years on the job like everyone else, but I know where I essentially want to be in the end.” I suddenly realise I don’t know what he does. “What do you do?” I query.

  “I’m doing a graphic design course. I only have this semester left and then I’ll be let loose on the world. Well, that’s if someone will give me a job.”

  “Doesn’t anyone want to give you a go?”

  “It turns out that everyone wants to design websites and things these days. Theo asked me to design a website for his carving business, and he said he was going to chat to the other alphas about setting up a communications network, so all the packs can stay in contact better. The degree won’t be entirely useless. I just might have to look at other jobs in the long run.”

  “Oh, that network thing is a great idea. Theo was only talking about another alpha having a missing mate. I’m sure if there was a network set up we could spread her picture further and she might be found.”

  “Oh yes, Jesse. I don’t know how he still goes on without Frankie, not knowing where she is.” He shakes his head. “I’ve never experienced the mating bond myself, but I know it’s strong. I don’t think I’d be able to handle not knowing where she is or what’s happened to her.”

  “Going by how Wes reacted when Alyssa was taken by the Controller, I can only imagine the strength Jesse must have, to have not lost control of his wolf or pack,” I say, honestly stunned at the thought.

  “Are you two up for some backyard cricket? Girls versus boys,” Bel asks, as she passes by heading to the shed, no doubt to dig out the cricket set.

  With a shrug, we both get up and follow her as she makes her way to the middle of the yard, cricket set in hand. “Girls bat first,” she says, handing me the bat.

  I take the bat and give it a wary look. “You’ve never seen me play cricket before have you, Bel? Maybe I shouldn’t bat.” I’m the worst cricket player, last time I played Theo banned me from ever playing again. I’ve got a habit of throwing the bat like in softball or baseball. If I wasn’t playing with werewolves, I would have probably hospitalised half the fielders.

  “Ruby’s banned from backyard cricket,” Theo orders. The other pack members nod their agreement, leaving Mum and Bel looking at me with caution.

  “She can’t be that bad,” Bel declares, sticking up for me. Unfortunately, she’s very wrong.

  “I am,” I admit unabashedly.

  “Well, I don’t care. It’s a family game and we’re all playing,” Bel states, setting up the stumps behind me.

  “You’ll regret that decision later, baby,” Theo mutters, as he takes the ball and swings his arm to stretch it ready for bowling.

  Once everyone is in position Theo bowls the first ball. I’m expecting the ball to connect with the wickets behind me, but to my surprise it’s the bat that connects with the ball. My internal chant of ‘don’t drop the bat, don’t drop the bat,’ helps me manage to keep hold of the bat as I run to the safety of the stick where Theo bowled from. Bel runs from that side and stops where I’d started. I hadn’t hit the ball hard enough to get any more than one run.

  “Get ready for a good run, Rubes,” Bel says, as she positions herself for Theo’s bowl. I do as I’m told and brace myself to run and run hard. I don’t even see the ball go past; the thunderous whack it makes with the bat is my starting gun. I bolt to the stumps and back, Bel waves me on so I run again. I feel the ball brush past me as I hit the ground at the base of the stumps with my bat. Calling my safety. It hits the wickets a second later and the guys all groan at the near miss.

  I manage to hit the next ball Theo throws, and I hit it hard enough to do a double run. I stand ready for the next bowl, it sails right past the bat and hits the wicket behind me. The guys cheer and I hand the bat to Delly; a pack member who I would guess is around my age.

  “Okay guys, the real game starts now,” she says, insinuating they were only pretending to play while I was batting. Fucking bitch. Just wait until we’re fielding, she’ll be getting a ball to the back of her head once or twice, I’m certain of that.

  I head over to the other girls waiting at the edge of the yard to bat. “You did well to hit anything Theo threw your way,” Paddy compliments me, as I pass him in the field.

  “Thanks.” I blush, knowing he’s only being kind. I know they were all holding back while I was playing, but there was no need for Delly to make me feel so inferior. I sit down, realising too late who I’ve sat next to. “Mum.” I greet her with a smile.

  “Ignore the bitch, she’s only jealous because that cutie has his eye on you,” Mum announces, nodding towards Paddy. I follow her nod with my eyes and catch the glare Delly throws my way. Just great!

  “Mum, did you forget she’s got werewolf hearing?” I question. Knowing everyone on the field just heard her comment.

  “No, I wanted the bitch to hear,” she claims. A few snickers from the field make me grin. I lean in and
give my mum a side hug.

  “Thanks, Mum,” I whisper. Maybe we can fix things between us after all.

  * * *

  The girls won by five runs. So bragging rights are ours until the next game; which is amazing because I’m pretty sure the girls have never won before. Bel is like a pro, says she hasn’t actually played before, but I’m sure she’s telling porkies. I’ll be grilling Jared later.

  The doorbell rings through the house.

  “That’ll be the pizza,” Bel shouts into the house from out back. Bel and Alyssa are still clearing the table from earlier.

  “I’ll get the door. Eddie, get everyone’s money together,” Jared announces, heading for the door.

  “You heard the man, guys. Give me your money. Girls, you better enjoy this, because you won’t win again,” Eddie proclaims, as the guys dig into their pockets with muttered complaints about letting us win. After collecting all the money he heads to the front door. It’s only a few seconds later when both Jared and Eddie enter loaded up with pizza boxes. I hear Eddie call my name out, but rather than fight through the hungry wolves, I wait back until everyone gets their pizzas.

  Paddy barges through the crowd with two boxes in hand. “Here. I thought I’d save you the fight.”

  I take the box he offers. “Thanks!” The smell that hits me when opening it is mouth-watering. I love Hawaiian pizzas; pineapple and ham. Yum.

  “Pineapple? Oh, I don’t think we can be friends anymore,” he says, looking disturbed at my choice of pizza topping.

  “That means you won’t be stealing my leftovers like Eddie and Jared usually do. You can come more often,” I say, before taking a huge bite out of the first slice.

  “Your pizza is safe with me,” he laughs, before tucking into his own.

  I manage to eat three slices before I’m well and truly stuffed. “Okay, I’m done. Who wants it?” I ask, holding the closed box up. It practically flies out my hand as Jared takes it with a cheer. Eddie stops before me a second later.


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