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Vengeance Unleashed (The Wanted Men Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Nancy Haviland



  “That’s it? ‘Because’? You sound like Vincente.”

  “Nah. If I’d been trying to sound like V, I’d have added a fuck-off in there somewhere.”

  “True. You’re lucky my uncle loves you the way he does.” Alek leaned his back on the bar. “Imagine if this was Maks or V. We’d be finding body parts in the most unexpected of places. You know that, right?”

  Gabriel nodded but didn’t say anything as memories surfaced. He, Alek, and Vincente had met in middle school. They’d all grown up in the life; Alek under Vasily, Gabriel under the Moretti boss, Vincente under a Moretti lieutenant. But Alek’s was the only home they’d gravitated toward. Because that’s where they found the love and acceptance they should have received from their own families.

  Vasily Tarasov. He’d been the draw. With his seemingly casual advice and let-me-give-you-a-hint way of communicating, the Tarasov Pakhan had helped shape Gabriel and his boys into the men they were today. He’d brought Maks into the fold when Gabriel, Alek, and V were juniors in high school, bringing the detached giant back with him from Russia. To this day, none of them knew the gritty details of that trip. It had taken a while, but the three of them had eventually gained the abused kid’s trust and welcomed him into their circle.

  Vasily had helped them all, and now Gabriel was disrespecting the man by giving in. Accepting defeat in the face of an attraction stronger and more demanding than anything he’d ever experienced. This shit with Eva wasn’t about fucking. It was…

  Yeah. No. He wouldn’t label it, he thought as he watched Nika drag Eva to the dance floor. And he wouldn’t deny it. Couldn’t, no matter the fallout. Because, despite his walk down memory lane, despite Vasily’s acceptance and easy aid, his understanding and all those discussions regarding Gabriel’s mangled emotions when he’d made a kill that was expected of him, Gabriel didn’t have what it took to hand Eva’s care over to Alek and walk away.

  Flames licked at his skin as he watched her dance. She stood out in the grinding crowd like an onyx jewel dropped into a toy box full of broken Lego pieces, her movements graceful, the sway of her hips smooth, her arms rising sinuously above her head as her bare back curled and straightened with an ease that made him itch to get her under him. Both girls were stunning, Eva nightfall, Nika sunrise.

  His phone vibrating yanked Gabriel out of his head and he withdrew it to glance at the screen before bringing it to his ear. “Paynne.”

  “Eva texted again this afternoon,” the biker reported. “Wants to know if I’ve learned anything new about your brother’s visit the other day. I can’t put her off forever, Moretti. What can I tell her?”

  Fuck. “The truth,” Gabriel suggested. “That you don’t know why he was there.”

  In Paynne’s original debriefing a couple of months ago, it had been the Russians that had been the threat, so the biker hadn’t been informed of Stefano’s vendetta, only that the boss and Gabriel were brothers. Gabriel would have to let Vincente, who was his and Paynne’s usual go-between, know it was okay to fill in the blanks.

  “The truth. Right,” Paynne snorted. “She’d be pissed as hell if she found out I only came to New York to watch her ass. That I lied to her about it for weeks.”

  “I wouldn’t recommend full disclosure,” he said dryly. “Might make for an awkward pickup at the airport when she returns next week.”

  “When she what?”

  “She’s filling a position at TarMor and will come back with me when I relocate to the Manhattan office. It’ll make watching her that much easier.” Among other things.

  “Shit. My sister’s gonna freak. So is Vex when he hears me tell Eva we’re amateurs who can’t find out why some goon broke into my place. She’s not gonna swallow that, Moretti. She’ll question why I’m letting it go.”

  “Then you better think of something plausible to tell her before she does. Later, Paynne.”

  As he tucked his phone away, he saw Quan smoothly making his way between the loosely packed bodies to intercept the trio of gawkers who’d been discussing the girls earlier. They’d decided to make their move, it seemed. Quan motioned them in, as if about to share a secret, and said something that had all three sets of eyes widening and shifting to where Gabriel stood with Alek. The tallest in the group adjusted himself, giving Gabriel some idea as to what Quan had threatened. They gave up on their prey and scampered toward the rear of the club without a backward glance.

  Quan returned, taking up his position on Gabriel’s right, not a word spoken.

  But, then, none were necessary.

  † † †

  Ian Preston slid his credit card out of the slot on the front of the pump and lifted the nozzle while chomping down on the TUMS in his mouth. He turned and nearly choked on the chalky remains when he saw that mean fucker with the stupid hairdo leaning against the quarter panel of his car. What the hell? Had the Moretti underboss followed him to Seattle? Did they think he was gonna fuck them over?

  Tempting. But he wasn’t stupid.

  “Hey,” he said around his now-thudding heart. Had to can it with the fuckin’ burgers. “Where’d you come from?”

  “Where is she?”

  Dammit. How the fuck had he gotten involved with these guys? Fuckin’ mafia. Why hadn’t he listened to his mother—may she rest in peace—and become a plumber? He could’ve been lookin’ at some chick’s tits while he unplugged her sink. Maybe got a blow job from some desperate housewife. But no. He’d wanted to play spy. So here he was, screwin’ around with the fuckin’ Moretti family.

  “Had to bail at the club she landed in,” he explained to Furio, at the same time reciting what he remembered from the prayer his mother—may she rest in peace—had taught him when he was a kid. “She met up with the redhead and they tagged me. Didn’t want ’em gettin’ suspicious. They’re ’bout six blocks over.”

  “Give me her home address.”

  Man, he really didn’t like this guy. But seeing no other way, Ian took out his pad—no electronics for him—and rattled off the girl’s addy. The girl he kinda had a crush on. The one who reminded him of that chick from those Transformers movies.

  An innocent girl who didn’t deserve to have this fuckin’ guy knowing where she lived. What if he hurt her? Did some weird sexual shit to her?

  Furio’s eyes met his, and Ian really had to work hard not to take a step back. “Go home, tubby,” the underboss drawled as he turned away. “And go on a fuckin’ diet before you drop dead where you stand.”

  Ian’s lips thinned, his face burning with humiliation. A humiliation he’d lived with for too many years; ever since he was a kid sitting in that doctor’s office with his worried mother, listening as they talked about something called a thyroid. He hadn’t known then that the malfunctioning little fucker in his neck would cause him nothing but abuse from guys like Furio Abella, the bully who’d just climbed into a sweet ride and driven away.

  Ian pulled out his puffer. As he pushed down on the pump and inhaled the meds, he couldn’t help but think that payback wasn’t as much of a bitch as people thought. He kind of liked her.

  Not as much as he liked the Transformers girl. She was a nice one. Even as pretty as she was. Didn’t seem stuck-up at all. She’d even held the door open for him when he’d followed her into a Starbucks a couple of weeks ago on Broadway.

  The Morettis should go at it, he thought as he pumped the handle to reach an even number on the gauge. Gabriel could kick Stefano’s ass for getting the girl involved in whatever shit they had planned for her. Although, neither of the brothers seemed to be a threat to her. It was Furio that Ian worried about.

  And he was rarely wrong. He knew how to read people. Always had.

  Stefano was a follower, even though he was boss. Was tough but not much of a threat unless provoked.

  Furio was a cruel wannabe, the type one had to watch out for because they stopped at nothing to get what they wanted.

>   Gabriel Moretti? Now he was a smart one, and dangerous. But fair. Ian had seen that in the first week he’d tailed the guy. You didn’t fuck around with him, because he’d bust you up, but he didn’t bust anyone up unless they fucked around with him. Fair.

  And it seemed like all three men wanted one thing.

  The pretty Transformers girl.

  Ian smiled as he looked at the couple staring out from the folded page of the Times that sat on the front passenger seat of his rental. If he’d chosen for her, he’d have gone with that brother, too.

  Hopefully Gabriel didn’t have a crew like Stefano’s. Otherwise the girl was fucked.

  † † †

  Eva had just taken a sip from her second Cosmo when she nearly sprayed what was in her mouth all over her and Nika. A clearly pissed off Kevin was pushing his way through the crowd toward their table.

  He’d gained some weight and cut his light-brown hair to the wood since the last time she’d seen him, but his hooded brown stare was as cold as ever.

  “Hey, girls.”

  Nika’s head swung around so fast Eva was surprised she didn’t snap her own neck. Dread swamped her friend’s features. “Kevin! What are you doing here?”

  “Tubs and Junior are at the bar. Thought I’d meet ’em for a drink, since you took off.” He stepped closer to the table, looming, like he was trying to intimidate them. Evidently Nika had come out against his wishes. “You mentioned a new club. Didn’t think you meant this one,” he added through tight lips.

  Nika’s gaze met Eva’s and her eyes said it all: Sure he didn’t.

  “You don’t look happy to see me, Niki.” An odd edge roughened his voice. “Is it a problem that I showed?”

  Hoping to avoid a scene, Eva looked beyond Nika’s tense features to scan the bar for Kevin’s friends, offering, “Why don’t you go get your friends and join—”

  Her gasp was swallowed up by the music when her searching gaze clashed with a familiar pair of eyes that were currently trained on her.

  Gabriel, towering over the people around him. Dark. Utterly commanding.

  Excitement bloomed under her skin, making her flushed and hot. How could he do that to her with just a look? she wondered as he said something to the guy beside him—his business partner. Quan was there, too.

  She straightened, her lower belly twisting with anticipation as she watched Gabriel approach their table. He wore black pants and a gray summer-knit that had the sleeves pushed up to expose his muscular tattooed forearms. The top two buttons were undone to reveal an obsidian wolf tooth hanging by a chain. His only other adornment was the heavy ring on his thumb and a chunky platinum watch on his left wrist. He was low-key and all the more gorgeous for it.

  When he reached her, he didn’t say a word, just extended his hand.

  Without thought, she touched her fingers to his palm and was immediately enveloped in his strong grip.

  Mmm. Yes. There it was again. That…that…feeling. God, what was that?

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Nika and Kevin stop talking, the two of them watching her curiously. She gave Nika’s arm a light squeeze as she passed and took a calming breath as Gabriel steered her to the far edge of the dance floor. But instead of leading her onto it, he continued on and brought her to an empty corner, tucking her into it so that if she wanted to leave, she’d have to go through him to do it.

  “I thought we were going to dance.” She gazed up at him, her pulse hammering erratically because her memory of him hadn’t done him justice.

  His mouth curved in a sexy half smile. “I have limits. And holding your half-naked body in a crowded club would test them.”

  She frowned. “I’m dressed no differently than any other girl here,” she defended.

  “You put them all to shame.”

  Before she could even think to be flattered by that, he went on.

  “But I gotta tell you, you’re showing way too much skin. And while I would enjoy that in private, standing around here watching others do so is…” His mouth tightened and he shook his head once. “It’s enraging, in a word.”

  Her eyes widened and she instinctively understood the possessive sentiment. Understood it on a level that reached deep into a place that wasn’t in the least bit familiar to her. It was new and exciting and naughty, but also chilling and scary as hell. Dangerous. To her mind. And heart?

  “You know,” she cleared her throat as the sadness that had lived in her mom’s eyes flashed through her mind. “I’m not sure…uh…” She placed her hand on her stomach, suddenly feeling sick. “Maybe we shouldn’t…” She paused as fear erupted inside her.

  True fear.

  But not of him.

  The fear came from what he made her feel. She was helplessness against it. Defenseless.

  As if to prove it, Gabriel brought his hand up to cup just below her ear, running his thumb softly along her jaw. When he drew her forward, she went willingly. She fucking went right to him. Couldn’t help it. His other hand landed on her nape before his fingers traced down the length of her back. She swayed into him, lips parting, heat blooming between her legs.

  Her response had his eyes blazing and she felt the intense scorch on her skin. “I understand why this makes you wary. But I give you my word that I will honor and respect you as I’ve never done with another. Please trust me on that, Eva.”

  Not only taken aback by the archaic reassurance, she was deeply touched that he’d recognized she’d needed to hear it. Butterflies battered her stomach when his gaze lowered to her mouth, because, scared or not, she knew she was going to give in to this. Just for a little while. She’d blame a basic human need to connect with others.

  “Um, that’s really sweet.” She pulled back, trying to put some distance between them. “But how do I know you don’t say that to every woman you want to sleep with?”

  He cupped the back of her head and bent to her ear again, and she had to put her hands on his waist to keep herself steady in her heels. “One, having to convince a woman to come home with me is new. Two, no woman I’ve ever met has come close to earning such a vow from me.”

  He shifted so that his lips could brush hers lightly, teasingly, and Eva immediately felt herself began to melt into him. The first explanation was understandable, if sort of “enraging”, the second was chill as fuck. But she believed him.

  He lifted his head. “Are you ready to get out of here?”

  She was about to nod when she remembered Nika. Shit! She peered around Gabriel’s shoulder but couldn’t see her friend. “I can’t leave yet,” she said with an embarrassing amount of disappointment in her voice. “I came with my friend.” She pulled back, finding it hard to concentrate with the feel of him against her. All that heat and muscle. “Would you mind if we had a drink with her and her husband? Or, I suppose, I could come to the hotel—”

  “I don’t mind meeting your friends,” he cut in.

  Oh. Well, that was sweet. “Okay.” Nika was going to freak out. “Just a warning; Kevin’s odd. Don’t take anything he says too seriously.”

  At Gabriel’s nod, she led him back to the table. Nika and Kevin were still there but no longer talking, and before Eva could do much more than smile an apology, her friend raised a hand.

  “Don’t get comfortable.” There was a new tightness in her voice. “We’re leaving.” Her eyes went to Gabriel. “But you might like to make introductions before we go.”

  Eva drew him forward. “This is Gabriel. Gabriel, this is my best friend, Nika.”

  A faint smile curved Nika’s lips. “Ah. Eva was just telling me about you.”

  An unreadable expression crossed Gabriel’s face. “Was she,” he mused as he shook her friend’s hand.

  “Yup. This is…Kevin.” Nika motioned beside her, and Eva barely stopped herself from grimacing at the hesitation.

  Gabriel gave Kevin a nod when the idiot didn’t move a muscle to indicate he would be as polite as his wife by shaking hands.

; “Lucky I came out,” he said, eyeing Gabriel and his friends as he took a pull from the bottle of beer in front of him. “Didn’t know you were in the habit of hookin’ up with strangers, Eva. Gonna hafta’ rethink allowing you to hang with my wife.”

  As Nika wilted, Eva bit her tongue. She knew Kevin had no manners, but he normally took the coward’s way out by being passive-aggressive, making his insults appear as jokes. Not tonight, apparently.

  But remembering her promise, she forced a smile and reached out to give Nika’s shoulder an affectionate squeeze. Then she completely ignored the asshole staring at her—hoping for a reaction?—and touched Gabriel’s forearm.

  “Since they’re leaving, we might as well go.”

  Banked fury simmered in those dark green eyes that were now drilling a hole through Kevin.

  Eva practically dove for his ear. “Please don’t say anything. It will only cause Nika more problems than she already has. We all know he’s a jerk, so let’s just leave it, okay?” She drew back and was just about to try to bodily yank him away when the tension seeped from his muscles. He gave Nika a respectful nod.

  “It was a pleasure to meet you, Nika.” Then he focused on Kevin, his expression like granite. “I’ll let this slide because Eva asked me to, but if you ever speak to her like that again, I’ll personally deliver you to a hell you’ve only ever read about. You got me?” He stared and waited.

  And waited.

  Not moving a muscle until the coward nodded and muttered a gruff, “Yeah. Got it. Sorry, Eva. Was only jokin’.”

  Nika grabbed Eva in a hard hug that had them both stumbling a few steps. “Oh, my God,” she breathed in Eva’s ear. “Where did you find him and where can I get one?”

  “I’m so sorry.” Eva held tightly to her best friend. “I shouldn’t have called and asked you to come out tonight. Are you going to be all right?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. And don’t be sorry. I love our time together. It isn’t your fault or mine that he’s such a prick, so forget it,” she said dismissively as she pulled back. “He isn’t a prick, though.” She tipped her head toward Gabriel who was talking to Quan. “Holy shit, he’s fire. Nicely done, Ms. Almost-Not-A-Virgin, nicely done.”


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