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Narcissist Seeks Narcissist

Page 2

by Giselle Renarde

  The girl turned away, still chuckling faintly, and then pointed. “Here he comes, Szuszu.” She turned back, a blur of white skin and dark hair -- possibly the color Szuszu’s would be if she didn’t bleach it within an inch of its life. “Can I call you Szuszu? I know we just met. Is that okay, or is it too familiar?”

  “Too familiar?” Szuszu asked as the lounge manager set their drinks down on the table. “Darling, I’ll show you too familiar.” Szuszu wrapped an arm around the girl’s shoulder and pulled her in for a wet kiss, missed her mouth on the first clumsy attempt, but struck heat on the second. The girl seemed startled at first, not surprisingly, but she melted fast, then answered back with a writhing tongue.

  When Szuszu felt a hand on her thigh, she gasped. How long had it been? Truly? When was the last time she’d even thought about grand romance, or even physical love? Or lust? Well, lust had taken her firmly in its grip now. Lust had her throbbing between the thighs, her heart pumping fast, her lungs desperate for air. She would have kissed this girl forever if Kenzo hadn’t slid his hands between their foreheads and pried them apart.

  “Please, ladies,” he said as Szuszu gasped, pressing a hand to her hammering chest. “Patrons don’t frequent my lounge to see pretty young girls making out with archeological remains.”

  “Of course not, darling.” Szuszu guzzled her scotch between breaths. “It’s your brilliant wit that brings us back night after night, isn’t it?”

  When he’d winked and walked away, Szuszu realized the girl beside her was breathing hard, that cumbersome chest rising and falling, exuding pheromones and sheer heat. Szuszu could have sworn she smelled the thick tang of the girl’s pussy on the air. Her mouth watered as she imagined tearing the clothes off a woman who was in every sense her twin, planting her face between perfect thighs, and eating her savory cunt. It had been such a very long time since these thoughts had crossed her mind -- so long they nearly frightened her.

  Wrapping her hand around the only scotch glass that still contained any scotch, Szuszu watched the blur of a girl sipping a Bellini. “I haven’t asked you your name, darling, have I?”

  The girl set her drink down on the table. “No, but that’s okay.”

  “Well,” Szuszu asked, “what is it, then?”

  Though her teeth still glowed white, her cheeks seemed to flush at the question. Or maybe it was a delayed reaction to their kiss. “Naomi,” she said. “I’m Naomi.”

  Chapter 4

  By the time she’d half-carried, half-dragged Szuszu out to a taxi, Naomi still hadn’t figured out whether or not Erin had been right. Was Szuszu really just a washed-up old scrap of model material? Or was she actually the funny, quirky, strangely charming woman Naomi wanted her to be? It was hard to say. That kiss had colored every word that followed, as had the three Bellinis she’d downed over the course of the evening. All Naomi wanted was more.

  “Where to?” the taxi driver asked as he helped Naomi with Szuszu’s seatbelt. The man looked a little like Sammy Davis Jr., and for some reason that made Naomi feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

  “Uhh…I don’t know,” she said. “Szuszu, where do you live?”

  Like a jungle cat, Szuszu pounced, grabbed Naomi by the lapels and pulled her down into the car. “Darling, you’re not coming home with me?” For a scrawny little thing, this woman was strong with a capital S. “Oh, you must, darling! You simply must!”

  How could Naomi say no to such a pathetic plea for company? She crawled into the seat beside Szuszuseatcs and let the slender woman rest a bony cheek on her breast. It was nice to feel needed, to feel useful. As she watched the lights from outside pass across Szuszu’s passed-out face, she couldn’t help smiling. Maybe humor was this woman’s fortress; maybe she needed the help Naomi was always so desperate to give.

  In the time they’d spent together that evening, Szuszu had talked about nothing but herself. Erin would have called her a narcissist for sure. Was that necessarily the case? Maybe she just didn’t have many friends. Maybe she’d become socially isolated since her days of fame and glory. Erin would have said Naomi was just making excuses because she was so enamored of Szuszu, but even if she was, who’s to say those reasons weren’t true?

  The cab fare was rather a lot, but Naomi paid it because Szuszu was, apparently, one of those women so rich she didn’t need to carry money. Szuszu didn’t seem to have keys on her, either, so it was lucky the doorman on duty had a set and could unlock the elevator access to her penthouse flat.

  When the doors opened, Naomi gasped at the view. Szuszu was draped across her back like Superman’s cape, and she dragged the zonked scarecrow across the room to get a better look at the skyline beyond floor-to-ceiling windows. As she turned in a circle to take in the rest of the apartment, Szuszu’s snakeskin boots dragged along the floor behind her. This place had everything you’d expect to see back in those 1980’s episodes of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous: black velvet chaise, white baby grand, sunken living room and raised Jacuzzi. She hadn’t seen a light switch yet, but the city illuminated the space well enough to take in its rampant luxury.

  “Your home is beautiful,” Naomi whispered to the thin face hooked over her shoulder. “You’re so lucky to live like this. I’m going on six years in a basement apartment underneath an animal hospital.”

  Szuszu grunted. “Wretched beasts.” The woman smelled so strongly of alcohol Naomi was sure she was getting drunk off the fumes.

  “I love animals,” Naomi said, dragging Szuszu to the chaise and draping her emaciated body across it. “I work there, just doing reception and stuff. They give me a break on the rent. It’s pretty cool.”

  After pulling an ottoman up next to the chaise, Naomi sat quietly for rather a long time, simply watching the model at rest. Szuszu’s mouth hung open and a thin crystalline stream dribbled from her heavily-collagenated lower lip down to the velvet upholstery. It was a little like watching a unicorn take a piss, something Naomi felt blessed but also a little uncomfortable to witness.

  Naomi plucked the weathered magazine from her purse and opened it again to Szuszu’s spread. In truth, Szuszu didn’t look much different now than she had back when these photos were taken. She’d obviously had some work done, unless she’d aged ridiculously well or washed her face in sheep placenta every day or something. Her face was beautiful, truly. In a sense, Naomi felt envious, but in a larger sense she felt awed. How had she managed to weasel her way into a model’s penthouse? And a model she’d imagined making love with for years. This whole evening was unreal.

  What was the cover girl like under the covers? She watched Szuszu smack her lips in her sleep and then wipe them with the sleeve of her zebra stripe jacket. Was it pervy to want to undress a woman in slumber? Well, of course it was pervy! What kind of a stupid question was that? Still, Naomi wanted to do it. She wanted to undress Szuszu and see if everything under that outfit looked as it did in the pictures. Naomi smiled at her reflection in the darkened windows, then rolled up her magazine like a newspaper and smacked herself on the wrist.

  “Whaaa?” Szuszu’s torso leapt up from the chaise in response to the noise. She looked like she’d been defibrillated, with her head and her feet still flush to the black velvet. “What was that?”

  Should Naomi confess her perviness? Well, sure! Why the hell not? She pulled the ottoman in closer to the chaise unrolled the old magazine, and held it up for Szuszu to see. “I’ve taken you to bed more than you’ll ever know.”

  Szuszu looked up at her, squinting and confused. “When was this? Did you drug me, darling? Where the hell am I?”

  With a chuckle, Naomi said, “We’re at your place, silly.” Szuszu was such a joker! “Here, this is what I’ve taken to bed with me half my life. It’s you… pictures of you.”

  Szuszu took hold of the magazine and held it up close, then very far away, and then peered at it through the base of an empty glass from the side table. “Well, would you look at that! Those are my tits, darling!”
br />   Naomi laughed. “I know…” She swallowed hard, watching Szuszu’s face grow distant, forlorn, as she set the magazine down on the floor. “I never thought I’d get a chance like this. I’ve seen you naked hundreds of times, but never in the flesh. You’re real… and you’re here… and… I want you. Is that okay?” She could hardly breathe.

  A tender smile bled across Szuszu’s full lips. “Oh darling, of course it is. There’s nothing I love more than pleasing an admirer.” She pushed herself up from the chaise with great effort, struggled with the buttons of her zebra jacket, then finally gave up on them and tumbled back down. “Would you be a love and undress me, darling?”

  Naomi’s breath caught in her chest. This couldn’t be for real. Would Szuszu really let Naomi strip her bare? Only one way to find out: she started with the jacket, unbuttoned it and slipped it from Szuszu’s limp arms. Hot pink underneath, a tight, low-cut sleeveless top. Her cleavage was astounding. Szuszu must have had work done there, too. Naomi had never touched fake boobs before. Would they be hard and unyielding, or soft and warm like real ones? Only one way to find that out, too.

  “Can I take off your top?” Naomi whispered. Szuszu had closed her eyes again, but Naomi could tell from the pace of her breathing that she was still awake. “I want to touch your boobs. Is that okay?”

  “More than okay.” Szuszu’s eyelids fluttered. Her lashes were thick with black mascara, and her lids were done up in purple. The blush was too red for her washed-out skin tone and her lips looked like glass under that pink gloss, but there was something about all that whorish makeup that was endlessly exciting.

  Naomi felt dirty as she pulled the base of Szuszu’s top out of her leather skirt to expose a sallow white stomach. It actually dipped inward, like it was begging Naomi to undress and sink her big belly into that space. The thrill of getting it on with a notorious slut, and a centrefold to boot, made Naomi’s insides bubble with anticipation, though she felt guilty for thinking of Szuszu in such unsympathetic terms. It was wonderful, she self-corrected, that Szuszu was willing to share her body so readily. If Naomi were more attractive and not so fearful of rejection, she’d do just the same.

  “Oh, get this bloody thing off of me,” Szuszu growled, suddenly awake and alive. When she’d pulled her pink top up and over her head, Naomi got a good look at gorgeous tits basking in the support of a firm black bra. That didn’t stay on for long. Szuszu fiddled with the clasps and miraculously got them undone. The black cups tumbled down her belly and the straps down her arms, but Naomi was more enthralled by two hard pink nipples standing at attention, just begging to be sucked.

  “God, Szuszu.” Naomi pulled the bra away and tossed it to the floor. “Your tits…they’re… God, they’re amazing!” There was no other word for them: large, full, showing no signs of age or operation. They were perky, perkier than Naomi’s and certainly bigger. Naomi couldn’t imagine undressing in front of someone she’d just met, particularly someone this gorgeous, but Szuszu had no shame. Naomi admired her for that quality.

  Holding Szuszu’s thin frame, Naomi sunk her face into that hollow chest. She first rested her cheek against one breast and then shifted to the other. They weren’t hard at all. They were warm, soft, welcoming -- everything Szuszu wasn’t. Naomi licked one firm pink bud, and Szuszu took in a swift breath above her head. “Oh darling…oh yes…”

  The approval made Naomi smile, and she ran her closed lips side to side over Szuszu’s pleading tits.

  “Oh, lick them, darling,” Szuszu begged, her voice a whimper.

  It made Naomi feel larger than life, knowing she could bring someone as infamous as Szuszu to her knees, so to speak. She pressed her beautiful tits together, licking them one by one, then licking the place where they were all smooshed into a gorgeous line of cleavage. Naomi’s heart pounded as she took one of Szuszu’s nipples fully into her mouth and began to suck it, rolling her thumb over the other.

  Szuszu, moaning now, hiked up her leather skirt. Naomi guided her hand across a bare thigh, toward the heat of her center. Her panties felt tight against Naomi’s fingers, like a fine mesh, and Naomi fought against Szuszu’s hand for primacy. What a struggle, of fingers against fingers, cupping, stroking, rubbing Szuszu’s mound. The heat was indescribable. It seemed odd, to Naomi, that the only portions of Szuszu’s body that weren’t ice cold were her tits and her pussy. Or maybe that wasn’t weird at all.

  Thrusting her hand beneath Szuszu’s underwear, Naomi met the heat head-on. It was amazingly wet, which was quite a shock -- she’d always heard that women in Szuszu’s age bracket didn’t get wet on their own. All dried up, in need of lube. Szuszu was a rarity in every way possible. She was like no one Naomi had ever met. She was a gem.

  Naomi stroked the slick flesh between Szuszu’s thighs without giving up on her gorgeous breasts. She planted her face in them, licking, sucking, all the while rubbing Szuszu’s engorged clit. Three fingers, rough strokes up and down, circles round and round, all trapped within fine mesh panties. With every pass, Szuszu gasped and sighed. She bucked her hips up off the couch and into Naomi’s hand, moving faster and faster against that beautiful wetness.

  Everything was so slick Naomi would have questioned the friction had Szuszu not started to moan, “Oh yes, darling, yes!” Szuszu pressed Naomi’s head down flush to her wonderful breasts, and Naomi sucked like a babe. Her pussy was throbbing, too, but she rejected the thought of asking or accepting anything in return. How many times had Szuszu gotten her off, unwittingly? She was only returning the many, many favors.

  Szuszu’s whole body shuddered under Naomi’s giving hand, and she writhed side to side on the chaise, making it difficult for Naomi to keep up. She raised her hips fully off the cushion, up into Naomi’s hand, fucking it with her clit. Her bare thighs trembled. Her heavy breasts shook. “Yes!” she cried. “Yes!” And then she fell back down on the chaise and closed her legs against Naomi’s firm assault. “Oh darling, I simply can’t bear any more. No more, no more…”

  Her breath grew deep as Naomi listened to her heartbeat. It was incredibly loud for such a slim woman, and Naomi removed a hand from those wet panties to give the gorgeous woman some relief. She sighed as Naomi kissed her tits, little pecks all over them.

  When Naomi sat up on the ottoman and looked down on Szuszu, relaxed and smiling, she felt strangely proud of herself. This couldn’t possibly go on, could it? Not more than this one night. Naomi couldn’t possibly find herself so fortunate. Relationships didn’t blossom between fat girls and centerfolds, not in real life. Maybe this whole night had been a dream.

  Chapter 5

  “Back when I was a kid, my dad was terrified of heights.” Naomi unscrewed the cap on the nail varnish, then set the bottle down on Szuszu’s low glass and chrome table. “I remember we were on vacation this one time, when my mom still lived with us. We were driving out to some lighthouse, and my parents started arguing in the front seat, whispering but arguing, because dad refused to go up to the top with the rest of us.”

  Szuszu loved listening to Naomi’s tales of family adventure. Those stories brought what was distant and nearly forgotten in her own life streaming to the fore. It was wonderful, really.

  “My brothers were both asleep in the back seat, and my mom must have thought I was, too, because she said something to my dad that I’ll never forget. She said, ‘You know, Jim, the only people who are afraid of heights are the people who want to jump.’ I can’t imagine she wished any of us kids to hear that.”

  Szuszu sunk back against the white leather couch and watched Naomi sitting there on the ottoman and painting her toenails pink -- at least, she thought it must be pink. In truth, she wasn’t a good judge of color at this distance. Increasingly, she wasn’t a good judge of anything at any distance. But that was an issue Szuszu chose to disregard for now.

  “And you know what, Szusz?” Naomi stopped painting for a moment and looked up at her.

  “What is it, darling?”

Though her lips were a red blur, Szuszu could feel Naomi smiling, somewhat whimsically. “For the longest time, that’s kind of how I felt about lesbians. Does that sound weird? No, I know it does, I just mean… what do I mean?”

  “Darling, I haven’t the faintest idea.” Szuszu laughed, reaching for her scotch on the side table. She’d cut back quite drastically, upon Naomi’s insistence in fear for her liver and all that drivel, but, even so, a tipple now and then wasn’t likely to kill her.

  Cradling Szuszu’s foot in her lap, Naomi proceeded to paint, seeming lost, like a child off with the fairies. Where had this girl come from? What had Szuszu done to deserve someone like her? Someone who cooked actual meals -- actual honest-to-God food -- and who put sticky, gooey concoctions in a hot oven only to pull out cakes and scones and the like. The processes and procedures of turning groceries into cuisine increasingly fascinated Szuszu. She would sit in the kitchen just watching, in awe, as Naomi chopped and grated and julienned.

  “Darling,” Szuszu cut through the silence. “What were you saying before, darling? About fear of jumping and all that?”

  Naomi finished up with her toes and then screwed the varnish brush back into the bottle. “It’s kind of silly, I guess. I’m not sure if it even makes sense, but for a long time, when I was younger, every time some girl came out to me or just mentioned casually that she was into women, it scared the hell out of me. It scared me because I’d automatically want to jump her, and it didn’t matter who she was or what she looked like or what kind of personality she had.”

  A spark of recognition lit within Szuszu’s belly. “Oh yes, darling. Yes, of course.”

  Naomi stroked the tops of her feet with just fingertips, and Szuszu was somewhat surprised she could feel the sensation. Her body seemed to be returning to life. “But, I mean, it scared me so much I would just leave. I’d get away from her, whoever she was, as fast as I possibly could because I was so afraid I’d throw myself at her like a fool.”


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