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Pride Before the Fall

Page 9

by JoAnna Grace


  "Come on, Amilynn!"

  The eldest boy was silent, but Vivian smelled the faintest hint of arousal coming off him. Isn't that something, she thought, the boy who isn't happy with the cat invasion is crushing on Ami.

  Amilynn shot Vivian an all-knowing look and telepathed to her, a talent Ami had in human or leopard form. If you come back smelling of sex while I'm trying not to kill his nephews, I'm going to be pissed.


  Vivian almost laughed out loud before she caught herself. Amilynn slyly grinned and walked with the over-enthusiastic teenagers down the hall to the first suite. Kasey reached out and touched Ezekiel's shoulder, sending him a message of his own. The man, eye level with Kasey, pursed his lips and nodded slightly.

  "Will Amilynn be okay?" Vivian wasn't too sure about the brooding, brawny young man who was now alone with her Pride-mate.

  Kasey smiled. "It's not Amilynn I'm worried about. If Z started anything, it would be him getting his ass handed to him on a silver platter. I simply reminded him that she is a guest in our home and I'd kill him if he touched her." He said the words so easily it took Vivian a moment to realize he was joking. She was nervous as hell and he was cracking jokes. Typical.

  "Right." She nodded, but couldn't help looking in the direction Ami had walked. Kasey took her hand and led her to the main part of the house. It was incredible. This home was used to entertaining many people at once. The first area they came to was a kitchen decked to the max with commercial appliances. There were multiple tables and booths for dining. Off to one side was a living area with a big screen television and fireplace. As she kept walking, Vivian discovered the whole place was packed with areas for people to sit and visit or eat. The elegant dining room was painted red and boasted a large heavy wooden table and sixteen chairs around it. Kasey led her through another open living area that overlooked the back patio and pool. To the right was a round staircase that reminded her of a fairytale castle turret.

  "That leads downstairs to the second lower level and the basement. Over here is the office. As you can see, Bianca decorated this to suit her taste. I have to leave my man card at the door just to enter it." He opened the doors to the octagon-shaped office. The walls were a bright, cheerful pink and all the built-in shelves and cabinets around the back four walls were black. There were pictures, books, knickknacks and lighting to spotlight it all. In the middle of the room was a simple black wooden desk with a zebra print desk chair. In front of the desk were two more matching zebra print chairs. It was cute and had a great view of the back patio. "Bianca has made sure that there is plenty of room for your things in here too."

  "She didn't have to do that—"

  "Hush, kitty cat." He used his lips to stop her protest. "It was Bianca's idea to share the office. She doesn't use it that often and hates to see it go to waste. The juveniles are not allowed in here, so your things will be safe."

  "Thank you." Vivian kissed him again, not knowing how else to show her appreciation. The lovey-dovey, petting, and touching was still new and fragile in her mind.

  "Anything for you, baby. Come on, our room is back here." He opened double doors that led to a hallway with two doors on one side and one on the other. "To the right are the closets, you can see those in a minute." He opened the door to his left. "This passage leads to the office." Kasey stepped into the closet and thumped a wall at the back. "Behind there is a safe room. When you and the Pride move in, I want to key in all your prints to the safe room so that, in case of an emergency, you can get in and out. It's really for the pups. If the compound is ever attacked, the kids are trained to come to the safe house and lock themselves in. It's stocked to supply fifty people for a month."

  "Wow. That's incredible."

  "Our pups are the future of the Pack. Nothing is more sacred."

  Not wanting to dredge up her own personal fears about being a mother, Vivian walked on down the hall to the master bedroom. It was something out of the pages of a magazine. The tall walls were almost the same shade of blue-gray as Kasey's eyes. A fireplace with gray slate faced a masculine king-sized bed covered in black linens. It was just as cool, inviting, and intimate as Kasey. In the corner sat one lone chair. It was obvious he spent a lot of time in it, staring at the fire. But it looked lonely. And it was that chair that made Vivian realize how this man had lived his life just as she had: alone in a sea of people.

  "If, ah, if you don't dig the colors or the bedding or anything, we can change it. Up until now it's been a bachelor pad, you know?"

  The vulnerability in his voice made Vivian melt right into the carpet. Need for her approval was all over his face. She walked over and put her arms around his neck.

  "It's perfect. It reminds me of you." She kissed him softly. Kasey gripped her hips and the temperature in the room heated up. A gust of need hit her hard. Her gentle kiss turned into a passionate embrace when Kasey wrapped his hands around her bottom and squeezed.

  "Have I told you how damn sexy you look in that skirt?" His lips moved to her neck.

  "You should see how sexy I look out of it." Vivian's hands raked through his hair, holding his head to her chest as he lowered his lips down to the vee of her shirt. Kasey growled at the thought. She giggled, remembering what Amilynn had threatened.

  "What is it?" Kasey took her mouth before she could answer. His hand moved to the hem of the skirt and under to the flesh of her thigh.

  "Amilynn threatened me about having a quickie with you while leaving her to the teenagers."

  Kasey laughed. "I wouldn't want to disappoint her."

  "As much as I would like to torture Amilynn..." Knowing the anticipation would make it better later, Vivian stepped back and pushed down her skirt. "You're not done with your tour. Don't you know a girl is all about the bathroom?"

  Kasey grinned and took her hand. "This way, my kitty cat." He opened a door and Vivian poked her head in. It was a spacious and luxurious bathroom with a tub large enough for them both. Perfect. He took her to the next door. It was a nice sized walk-in full of his clothes. "I thought you said you cleaned out half your closet?" she goaded.

  "This is only half the closet space. Your closet or whatever you want it to be is over here." He opened another door into another huge room with floor-to-ceiling cabinets and hanging spaces. The corner had a window seat and a view over the lake that she could stare at all day. She was speechless.

  "Now, I know that this is a rather touchy subject with you, but hear me out, baby." Kasey came up from behind and wrapped his arms around her waist, put his lips to her ear, "I know that a woman with your magical capabilities doesn't really need a closet like this, but I thought that one day you might like to make it another bedroom... a nursery."

  The mention of children had Vivian holding her breath. She went still in his arms.

  "Don't freeze up on me, kitty cat. I don't mean any time soon. It's just a thought. No rush, just wanted to let you know it was an option." Kasey spoke slowly as if he were trying not to spook her.

  Vivian had pushed the idea of cubs so far out of her mind it seemed only a memory of a dream or a scene in a book she once read. But, not her reality. Could she give Kasey children? Was she ready to take on the responsibilities of a mother? God help her, she didn't know if she could. Especially with Trace existing.

  She blocked out her fears so it didn't ruin the moment. She simply turned in his arms and hugged him close. "Do you have any idea how thankful I am to have you in my life?"

  "I want you to be happy here, V."

  "You've given us so much. It's overwhelming."

  Kasey took her head in his hands and kissed her forehead, "You're my mate and I will do everything in my power to make sure you have everything you need."

  Vivian knew deep down to her core that he would hold true to his word. She was aware of his growing fondness, sensed the unsaid devotion in his mind. Kasey was finally feeling as if his life was whole. He wanted her and the Pride to make
this massive house into their own home, a place where they were secure and safe, but also where the Pack could still connect to their alpha families. Vivian would do whatever it took to make that happen.

  "Can I confess something?" Vivian played with the collar of his shirt, unable to look him in the eyes. Kasey remained quiet, let her take her time and gather her thoughts. "All of this is really freaking me out."

  "What? Why?" he questioned softly.

  "It seems one sided. You've done so much, given me more than I can repay. Your sister is acting like we're in-laws already, this gargantuan and opulent home that you are letting us live in, the way you seem ready to go to war over a fight that has nothing to do with you." Vivian shook her head in disbelief. "I'm not sure what I bring to the table other than problems."

  "Well, the sex is phenomenal," Kasey joked.

  Vivian, not in the mood for teasing, slapped his chest. "Such a punk."

  It made him laugh and pull her head against him. "Don't think you are the only one feeling out of place. Your family presents a nearly impenetrable front and I'm still trying to figure out how to breech that wall. I swear Conall is looking for any small excuse to lunge for my throat. Things will work themselves out, Vivian. It's not all going to be easy or make sense right now. Not all mates experience love at first sight—or smell in our case." He smiled at her and butterflies took flight in her stomach.

  "Kasey, I've never been in love. I've never cared for someone else outside of my family. And there's never been anyone I've loved intimately the way mates are supposed to love. But," she said, shrugging one shoulder, the vulnerability making her uneasy, "I'd like to think we're on the right track."

  "Of course we are, kitten." Kasey kissed her soft and sweet. It amazed her that his kiss could make her feel light as a feather when her feet were cased in the cement of her issues.


  Melissa and Tyrone followed Bianca to the lower level of the house. Melissa wondered if their room was going to have windows since they were going below ground level. Her inner cat didn't want to be boxed in and being under the ground was like a grave.

  "This staircase comes out right by my family's suite, it's here to the left. Over here is the downstairs laundry, and in here is what all the kids call the den." They walked into a large game room that looked like a cave. To the left was a home theatre complete with recliners and huge projection screen. To the right were billiards and poker tables. Straight ahead Bianca led them through a black, white and red themed kitchen. "This is usually the kitchen I use. All the teenagers know that after school I'm in here whipping up snacks and so the invasion starts about three in the afternoon. Of course, you're free to use whichever kitchen you please at any time." The warm glow on Bianca's face let Melissa know she meant the offer.

  Melissa smiled up at Ty and he winked in reply, his facial expression remaining stoic. The man hadn't said two words since they had arrived, but love and approval flowed from his mind to hers.

  "I can see why the kids hang out here." Melissa peered over a balcony to a half court for basketball. "There are all sorts of activities."

  "Kasey and Sam always want the Pack members to feel part of the family. There's no one too young or too old to be welcomed in our home."

  "That's how Vivian is about us."

  Bianca looked up at Ty, surprised that he had spoken and greatly appreciative of his words. "I can tell. Her scent is strong on you and that only comes from being an attentive alpha. I have great respect for her. And she makes my brother absolutely crazy so I love her even more." Bianca led them around the balcony overlooking the basketball court and into an area that took Melissa's breath away. "This is the stage area. It's not big compared to what you are used to, I'm sure. But the kids do plays and sing karaoke."

  In the corner of the compact stage was a baby grand piano. The instrument drew her body to its shiny black lid and gleaming white keys. A trembling hand reached out to touch the ivories.

  "Do you play, Melissa?" Bianca asked softly, sensing the overwhelming joy radiating off the woman.

  Melissa looked up at her, her eyes ringed in red. "When I was a little girl, my aunt taught me to play. She didn't live on the Pride lands so I would have to ride the bus to her house during the week. She had a solid white piano more beautiful sounding than angels singing in Heaven. She could play that thing like an angel too." Melissa ran her hands over the piano lovingly. "Tyrone bought me a keyboard as soon as we moved off the Pride lands. I still have it. But it's been a long time since I have had the chance to play a piano as elegant as this one."

  "Play me something, blue eyes?" Ty lifted her chin with his hand, coaxing a radiant smile from his mate.

  Bianca stood back as Melissa sat down on the bench and put her fingers gingerly on the keys. Tyrone sat down on the bench as her fingers worked magic over the keys to create his favorite melody. It brought a great sense of pride to Bianca's heart that she could give this precious young couple the chance to share a moment such as this. Hope swelled in her chest that they would be able to have many more. She leaned back against the wall and listened, sending a wave of love to her own mate.

  Melissa played the song for Ty, who sang softly in her ear. She hadn't had such a romantic moment in a long while. When the song was over, Ty kissed her and took her hands. "Come, my angel. You'll have many more opportunities to play. Let's not forget our hostess." Melissa nodded, kissed him once again and they went with Bianca to their suite. She graciously accepted compliments for her playing.

  The suite was much larger than the one bedroom apartment they were currently renting, even without a kitchen. The living area was comfortably furnished with deep eggplant colored couches and light-colored walls. Melissa's fears of living underground were put to rest. At this end of the property, there was a slope away from the house providing plenty of windows. There was also recessed lighting in every niche to take away any shadows or feelings of darkness.

  "Kasey said that you two would really love this." Bianca waved her hand at the bedroom.

  Melissa and Ty went in. There was a round bed with more than ample space for two leopards to cuddle. Across the room were tall windows overlooking the hills and trees below. It gave them the feeling of being on high ground.

  "Oh!" Melissa covered her mouth with her hand. Ty rubbed her shoulders to let her know he felt the same way. It was just perfect for them.

  "The great thing about this suite is that we can expand and build on if you ever need extra rooms, say... for children?"

  The young couple exchanged a loving embrace. It was the first time Tyrone had smiled during the whole tour.

  Bianca couldn't help but notice how Tyrone and Melissa were two fingers on the same hand. Their movements mirrored the other; their bodies always touched. Where he looked, so did she. What she touched, he did also. She had never seen a couple so in sync. Melissa was a dainty little butterfly of a woman and Tyrone was strikingly dangerous. Yet they fit together better than any other couple she had ever seen. Two halves of the same whole, pieces of a puzzle or the inner workings of a clock—one not moving right without the other. It was the way mates should be, the way God intended their kind to love and be loved.

  "I adore it." Melissa turned to Bianca and gathered her up in a tight hug. "I'm going give that brother of yours a big fat kiss for this."

  Bianca giggled and stroked Melissa's hair. "I bet that would scare the crap out of him. Please do." Giving Tyrone a wink over Mel's shoulder, she suggested they go find Kasey and Vivian.

  * * * * *

  "So how old are you, Amilynn?" Nathaniel asked as they rounded the corner to her room.

  Amilynn was seriously not into her tour guides. Two mirror-image teenage boys staring down at her breasts and one overgrown adolescent watching her ass—she would kill V and Kasey for this.

  It was a shame the oldest was being so silently hostile. Ami had to admit that he was pretty damn hot for a younger guy. He was nineteen or twenty, over
six feet tall, and muscled up like a wrestler. Plump lips had her mind spinning in naughty directions. And those bluish-gray eyes ringed in thick black lashes: holy fuck. They screamed power and desire. Amilynn had jokingly asked Kasey if he had a twin brother, but she didn't think to ask if he had a nephew who was as gorgeous as he was.

  "You're what, fourteen?" she asked dryly. The boys might be young, but damn they were tall.

  "Yeah," the Mirrors answered in unison, puffing out their highly underdeveloped chests.

  "Then I've got more than a decade on you. Sorry, gents." She reached up to pat their heads condescendingly.

  "Here's your room." The older one seemed as enthusiastic about the tour as she did. He leaned up against the wall, hands in his pockets and nodded with his head to a short hallway.

  Ezekiel watched her. Yeah, the cat could appreciate his sex appeal. But the woman was focused more on the veiled contempt in those eyes.

  Amilynn gave him a syrupy sweet smile and passed him by. "Thanks, puppy dog." If she'd been in leopard form, she would have flicked her tail at him as a taunt.

  She walked into the spacious sanctuary and her body relaxed. On the back and side walls were tall picture windows that afforded a magnificent view of the lake and the countryside. The room resembled a high-end spa with warm tan colored walls, modern furniture and an Asian style beaded duvet piled high with fancy, overstuffed pillows.

  Had the Mirrors not been standing there, she might have thrown herself on the bed and purred. As it were, she tried to look impressed enough to please her audience, but not overly impressed to seem desperate. It was the nicest room she had ever had. She stood slightly humbled at the luxury. Damned if she didn't appreciate Kasey a bit more now.

  "You've got one of the biggest showers in the house." Thomas motioned to the bathroom.


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