The Disciplinarian: A Collection of Short Spanking Stories
Page 9
"Please, Mr. Corran, I'm so sorry. Please…" she begged.
"Shh, be a good girl and take your spanking," he said. "We're not quite half way yet."
Not quite half way?
But he kept spanking, moving to the tops of her thighs which somehow hurt even more than her bottom had. His cock seemed to grow harder against her belly as she squirmed and she realized she was sweating. The shoes she'd bought with the money she'd stolen felt too tight on her feet and she wished she could kick them off, wished she could have gone back in time and not stolen and in a way, even though all she wanted was for the pain to end, a part of her knew she had to take it, that she deserved to be punished for what she'd done.
"I hope you're learning a lesson, Marlene. If you steal from me, I will take you over my knee and spank you. If you lie to me, I'll do the same."
"Yes. Yes, sir. Please. I promise I've learned my lesson. Please stop," she said, going slack on his lap as he rained down what would be the final blows to her poor, punished bottom.
"There," he said, his hand coming to rest finally over her now throbbing, swollen ass. She noticed then how his breathing came faster and when he released her wrists, she brought the tissue she'd still somehow held onto to her nose and eyes, wiping them as her tears subsided and all she felt was hot pain.
Slowly, he raised her up to stand, tucking her skirt into the waistband when it threatened to fall over her bottom and cover her. He held her hands and she looked down at him, the embarrassment of being naked from the waist down in front of him having faded to the pain of the spanking.
He looked up at her, his breathing returning to normal and she couldn't help but glance at the thick erection barely hidden by his pants. She returned her gaze to his but his eyes seemed to know just what was going on in her mind and she lowered her lashes, embarrassed at the thoughts in her mind.
Mr. Corran stood, the wall of his chest just inches from her face. "Let's get you in the corner so you can reflect," he said, taking her by the arm and walking her toward the corner. She went with him, somehow following even as her mind processed what was happening. She felt in a daze, her thoughts confused, the physical pain of her very embarrassing spanking at the forefront of those thoughts.
"Touch your nose to the wall, Marlene," he said.
She did as she was told while he released her arm and, with a firm hand at her low back, held her close to the wall.
"Raise your arms up and clasp your hands at the back of your head."
Again, without a word, she obeyed.
"There," he said, adjusting her skirt higher, the air cool against her hot bottom when he moved away. "You'll stay just as you are until you're excused."
"Yes, sir," she managed, her eyes wide, staring at nothing, trying to process what had just happened, what was now happening.
Behind her he moved, she heard him pull his chair out and sit down. She listened while he turned pages in a book, opened and closed a drawer and finally, made a phone call. She furrowed her brows as she listened to his casual conversation, rebellion forming as he laughed at something the person on the other line said. Remaining in the corner, she turned her head to find him with his feet up on the desk, relaxed in his chair. His eyes were on her as he spoke and with his finger, he motioned for her to turn back around and she did, knowing he was watching her, watching her bare, exposed bottom that he'd just spanked raw. Her face once again flushed with heat and she imagined it was the same shade as her bottom now.
When the call ended, he got up and moved around again, this time coming to her.
"You have ten more minutes," he said, his hand touching one buttock. She gasped when he did but he kept this hand there. "Relax your bottom," he said. When she did, she felt him pull her cheeks apart.
"What are you doing?" she asked, just turning when she felt the smooth surface of what she knew was the cane slide between her cheeks.
"There," he said, stepping back. "You'll hold the cane just like that for the next ten minutes while you stand just as you are. "In fact, take it home with you and put it somewhere prominent so you can reflect on what you have coming on Sunday night. When you arrive on Sunday, you'll clear off the desk and lay the cane on it before assuming this exact position in the corner with your bottom bared while you await your punishment. I'd like you to wear your new shoes then as well. Six o’clock, Marlene, is that understood?"
"Yes, sir."
"If you're late, every minute will earn an additional cane stroke. Clear?"
"Yes, sir."
"Do you have any questions?"
"No, sir."
"Good. I'll lock up after myself. You have seven minutes remaining before you may leave the corner and continue with your work. I'll see you on Sunday, Marlene."
"Thank you, sir."
He paused at that. "You're welcome."
He closed the door behind him and she was left alone.
Marlene listened to his receding footsteps but even though part of her assumed she'd cover up and get out of the store, she found herself standing just as he'd left her, hands at the back of her head, cane clutched between her bottom cheeks, standing as a scolded child with her nose in the corner even while no one stood guard over her. It was the strangest feeling, but what was stranger still was that once her time was up, instead of covering her bare ass and running home to lick her wounds, she slid her hand down to her sex and rubbed her swollen clit until she came, her knees buckling beneath her as she did so that she fell to her knees, the cane landing somewhere behind her while she leaned her weight into the wall, her body shaking with orgasm.
Chapter Two
The next morning, Marlene opened the shop and was glad that Darren and another employee came in on time. Although Mr. Corran didn't normally pop in on weekends, he lived just around the corner and she wasn't sure if he'd make an exception today, and if he did…well, she couldn’t think of that. God, she'd be mortified.
He had spanked her. He had had her bare her own bottom, had taken her over his knee and spanked her! Then he had stood her in the corner with her punished bottom on display while he'd had a casual telephone conversation, watching her all the while. And after her time in the corner, she'd gotten off right there in his office. What was wrong with her that something like that had turned her on in the first place? She should call the police! But since she was the one who had stolen from him, that wasn't really an option. And what would happen tomorrow night? The hand spanking had hurt. It had hurt a lot. When she had gotten home, she had just tried a light tap with the cane on her hip and it had hurt much more than his hand had. How would she take seven strokes?
She was nervous all of Saturday, but he didn't come into the shop at all. In fact, when the time finally came and she arrived at the shop on Sunday night, she was alone. She carried the cane in a plastic bag, still embarrassed that someone would know what it is, would know what was about to happen to her. But here she was, alone in the bookstore on a Sunday night. It had an eerie feel to it with the few lights they left on overnight but she locked the front door and headed up to Mr. Corran's office. She checked her watch when she reached it. It was ten minutes to six. She had time to prepare. She knocked first, thinking he might already be inside, but no response came and she entered. Relieved that he wasn't yet there, she switched on the lamp, took off her coat and hung it up then went to his desk. Without thinking about what she was doing, she cleared off his desk and took the cane out of the plastic bag. She laid it down, running tentative fingers over it. She then straightened, checking her watch again. A few minutes to go. She looked at the mirror that hung on the wall behind Mr. Corran's desk and inhaled a deep breath, then exhaled it. She then unzipped her skirt and slid it off before doing the same with her panties. She had opted for the skirt knowing she might not want anything rubbing against her ass when he was through with it.
As she stepped out of both skirt and underwear, she cursed the red pumps he'd asked her to wear again, knowing it
was her own fault she was in this mess. She would never be able to wear them again. To do so would only serve to remind her of her embarrassing and painful punishment.
Folding her clothes, she set them on the seat of the chair he had used when he had spanked her on Friday night and went to assume the position required of her in the corner. At least half of her bottom was covered, she thought while she waited. She had made sure to wear a long sweater that fell to nearly her thighs.
* * *
Marcus purposely waited until twenty minutes past the hour before walking into the bookstore and heading up to his office. Since leaving on Friday night, he'd not been able to stop thinking about his pretty, submissive employee and how easily she'd bared her bottom and lain herself across his lap for a spanking. How obediently she had allowed him to lead her to the corner, to place her hands as he required and stand with her bare, punished bottom to the room. He had never been one to hide his more perverse desires from sexual partners and most were open to experiencing whatever he had in mind, but she, she was different. She was a true submissive.
He reached the top floor and walked into his office. Without acknowledging the penitent in the corner, he took off his coat and hung it over top of hers on the hook. He then looked at the desk, pleased that it was prepared to receive her, the cane lying on top just as he had requested, but he shook his head when his gaze finally fell on the girl in the corner.
"Turn around, Marlene," he said, hoping his displeasure was apparent in his tone.
She turned, her eyes wide.
"Are you in position as you were supposed to be?"
She nodded, "yes, sir, I…"
"Is your bottom bared?"
"Yes, sir. My panties are there," she said, gesturing with her head as her hands were still clasped behind her head like a good little submissive's hands should be.
"I'll repeat my question, is your bottom bared?" he asked as he rolled up his shirt sleeves.
It took her a moment to answer. "My sweater is too long, maybe…" she said, her tone more quiet.
"Bingo. Take it off."
"All the way off?"
He nodded. She hesitated, but slowly moved to pull the sweater up over her head, exposing milky white breasts encased in a deep crimson lace bra. Marcus' cock ached as her nipples hardened to dark points.
"Better. You'll take one extra stroke for that. Turn around and place your hands against the wall. Walk a few paces back and push your bottom out, legs together."
He watched her reaction, saw her swallow before he turned to retrieve the cane. One stroke at the wall. The rest she'd take bent over his desk.
When he turned back to her, he saw she was in position, her bottom protruding nicely to take her first ever cane stroke.
"Keep your gaze forward," he said, lining up the cane against the center of the ass. "Do not move until you're told to. You'll take one now, it will not count against the seven you're due and you'll remain in this position until you're called to the desk. Clear?"
"Yes, sir," she said, her voice trembling.
"Unclench your cheeks."
She did but he could see the effort it took. As soon as she had, he struck.
Marlene gasped then made a sound close to a whimper as she fisted one hand against the wall. He held the cane to her bottom and watched while a vicious crimson stripe rose over the once milky white skin. She made another sound before flattening her hand back against the wall and he saw a tear fall to the floor.
"We'll do another twenty minutes now that you're properly displayed," he said, just running two fingers over the line of what he imagined burned like pure fire over her ass.
"Yes, sir," she said, beginning to straighten.
"No, stay bent as you were," he said. "And know that when you don't follow the rules, the punishment will be that much harder, that much more embarrassing.”
"Yes, sir."
Marcus moved to sit behind his desk, adjusting his thickening erection as he did, wondering how he would get through the next twenty minutes. But then he turned to his computer and played the video that would have recorded what happened in his office on Friday night after he had left her to serve the rest of her time alone in the corner. What he saw there brought a wide smile to his lips.
* * *
Her ass burned. She'd have to take seven of these? God, she would die! But for twenty minutes, she stood just as she was, facing the wall, bent over just enough so that she was sure he had an eyeful of her most private parts, all the while that other thing that made no sense to her the same as it had been the other night: she was aroused. She felt the damp evidence of it between her thighs and hoped he couldn’t see it. This made no sense, at least not to her. But when she heard him push his chair back and rise, she set all thoughts of arousal from her mind. She knew the time had come for her caning.
"Come here and stand facing the desk, Marlene."
She straightened and couldn’t help but rub her bottom once as she turned to him. She then walked the few paces slowly and stood before the desk, barely able to look at him, instead, meeting her own reflection in the mirror against the wall behind his desk before lowering her lashes and focusing on the surface of the desk.
"Now bend over and lay your torso down, legs together, your back arched, your bottom pushed out to receive punishment."
"Sir," she began, turning to him. "I don’t think I can take the cane. Can you…I mean would you take me…" was she really saying this? "Can you take me over your knee and s…spank me with your hand? I really am sorry, I'll never steal from you again, I promise."
"You stole from me, Marlene, and now it’s time to take your punishment. I'm sorry but you'll have to take the cane tonight. Now bend over and let's get this over with."
Knowing it was hopeless, she nodded and turned to face the desk. She bent forward, laying her chest on it, fully aware of the sight she presented him with.
"Good girl," he said, but when she felt one of his hands pulling her bottom cheek out, she gasped and would have straightened but for his other hand suddenly pushing on her low back.
"Down," he said, his hand pinning her to the desk. "Did you realize I had a security camera in my office?" he asked, spreading her wider.
Oh no. No. He had seen her masturbate the other night. God, she was so stupid!
"You were a good girl and stood facing the corner just as you were told to and I'm proud of you for that."
She was a good girl and he was proud of her. Why did it matter? It shouldn't have, but those words somehow did make a difference.
"Stretch your arms out to the sides of the desk. They'll remain there until you're given permission to rise."
"Yes, sir," she said.
He pulled one cheek wider and she felt a brush of fingers too close to her sex. "Now what was interesting on that footage was what happened after that time was up."
Marlene squeezed her eyes shut and waited. Would he humiliate her more by laughing at her now?
"Were you aroused by your spanking, Marlene."
"N…no, sir."
He removed his hand from her bottom then and came to stand so close to her that she could feel his jeans brushing against her bare thigh, his shirt against her back as he leaned over her. "Your pussy is wet," he whispered against her ear, his voice a mere breath. One hand snaked back down to her hip, rose over the swell of one buttock and traced the cleft between her cheeks down once more toward her pussy, just brushing her back hole as he went. Marlene tensed all her muscles in response. It was her body's reaction and not a conscious choice. "This doesn't only have to be about pain," he said. As he said it, his fingers traveled around and to her clit, making her gasp when he squeezed it lightly.
Marlene exhaled and lay her cheek on the desk, her eyes closed.
"Good girl," he said, whispering to her. "You submit beautifully."
"Shh…" he said, pulling his fingers away and bringing them to her lips. "Open your eyes and look at me."
/> She did, unable to resist his command, already taking in the scent of her own arousal.
"Now open your mouth and lick."
Again, she did as she was told, watching his eyes all along, feeling the length of him as he pressed against her thigh.
"Ready to take your caning?"
"I'm scared."
"It will hurt but I won't harm you. I only intend to punish you for what you did. You'll heal and you'll learn and you'll surely remember. Now, are you ready?"
"Yes, sir."
"Ask me for it."
Her pussy leaked when he said the words and she felt her own submission as an almost tangible thing when the words left her lips. "Please cane me for stealing from you, Sir. I need to be punished."
"God, you are near perfect," he said, straightening. "Now face forward. You may watch in the mirror."
Without a word, she complied, processing the fact that he was as aroused as she.
"If you move," he said, tapping the cane across the center of her bottom, "the stroke will not count, understood?"
"Yes, sir."
"Good. Now count."
There wasn't much sound, more a whoosh of air before the cane connected with her bottom. He held it there and it took a moment for her to actually register the pain. When she did, her grip on the desk tightened. The thin stripe burned where he had struck just above the first, but more than that, a fire seemed to spread outward from the point of impact until it called a cry, or rather, an exhale, from her lips.
Remaining bent over, she looked up to meet his gaze in the mirror. His lips moved into a tiny smirk and he tapped the cane against her bottom. "The count, Marlene."