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Perfectly Imperfect (Men of Whiskey Row Book 4)

Page 17

by D. A. Young

  “Of course. Come have a seat and let’s catch up, Doc,” he offered, and they walked into the living room.

  Sidra pulled out three white ceramic platters and then opened the boxes of green beans and cauliflower. They hit her nose, and she braced herself at the aroma of the cauliflower. Slowly, she internalized it. That wasn’t too bad, she thought, pleased with herself. Next came the large plastic container of veal piccata, and her taste buds watered. Yes! She’d been waiting to eat this all day. She eagerly lifted the lid, and then it happened. The sight of the dish and the smell of lemon and capers filled her with sickening nausea, and she could barely control it as she slammed the lid back on the container and took off down the hall, past an alarmed-looking Casey and Dr. Laura for the guest bathroom, where she lost the war with her extremely sensitive stomach.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “I’m so sorry,” Sidra moaned dismally as she lay in bed watching Casey pour another glass of 7-Up then handed it to her which she eagerly downed. “I can’t believe I ruined dinner like that.”

  “It’s all good, darlin’. Want another slice of cheese pizza?” He glanced into the cardboard box.

  “There’s still some left?” she asked eagerly and slowly sat up. “Yes, please. I thought I ate the whole thing!”

  “Damn near. There’s one slice left, and I wouldn’t dare get between the both of you,” he joked.

  “So, Dr. Laura left? Think she’ll ever come back?” Sidra asked hopefully.

  “Definitely not for dinner,” Casey shuddered. “From the sounds you were making, hell, I wanted to leave with her, but somebody had to make sure whatever was inside of you hadn’t killed you.”

  “I see. So the scenario of me floating on a piece of wood in the ocean, and you holding it up would never happen?” Sidra frowned and swatted his arm when he laughed at her. “You are soooo lucky I like you, boo.”

  Casey crawled over to her and planted a soft kiss on her lips. “I ain’t lucky, darlin’. I’m blessed. Come here.”

  Willingly, she went into his arms and settled comfortably against his chest. “Why didn’t you tell me Doc was coming over, Sid?”

  “Because I didn’t know how you’d react, but it wasn’t just for you. I need her as well.” Sidra raised her head to look deep into his eyes. “I’m scared of what’s going to happen to us. I was so relieved when we left Granny’s house, but then not even five hours later, we’re in the worst fight we’ve ever had. It was scary and you were scary. I’d never seen you like that and honestly couldn’t say what you would have done. I just knew what I would do, and I don’t ever want to feel that way again.”

  Casey’s jaw tightened. “I can’t say or show you enough how deeply I regret that night, and you were right. I’m always tryin’ to get you to talk and open up, but I couldn’t. I was so ashamed of what happened to me when I was little, and I hate that I can’t control that feelin’. Seeing Mabel triggered some of those memories.”

  “Mabel? What happened to you, babe? Please talk to me,” she urged, watching as he struggled with himself. “I’m here for you, Casey. You have fears, and I have fears; if we’re going to work, we need to be able to confront them together and tell them to fuck off for good, baby. I got you and this. I trusted you; now it’s time for you to trust me.”

  Casey stared at the white ceiling as he listened to her words and the truth behind them. “Patrick was the devil incarnate. He hated that I was born and how small in stature I was. He constantly verbally abused me, and when Ma and the boyos weren’t looking, he would beat me just to hear me cry. Darby was big and solid, and he could take a beating while he stared defiantly at Patrick the entire time. I still think that Patrick bein’ gone from this Earth was the best thing that could have happened, not just to us, but himself. Darby would have killed him eventually. I’m pretty sure of it.

  I was a fast kid and could usually run and hide when things were about to go down. One day, he caught me unawares and decided to show me a lesson,” Casey said bitterly. “He said he’d show me that no matter how fast I ran there was no place I could hide that he wouldn’t be able to find me. He had a friend named Dipper who trained huntin’ dogs and was just as redneck as he was. He had pit bulls, bloodhounds, and mountain curs that were trained to take down anythin’ from a wild boar to a grizzly, and they were vicious. Patrick took me to Dipper’s cabin and bet him that I could outrun his best dogs for twenty dollars. There was no way I could outrun them dogs, but that sonofabitch convinced him I was somethin’ of a Flash Gordon. So, they bet on it, and Dipper pulled one of each dog from the breeds. They dropped me in the woods two miles from the cabin, and I needed to make it back unscathed.”

  Sidra stared at him in horror, but he didn’t notice; he was so fixated on the ceiling. “I ran my ass off and felt like I was gonna die but kept goin. The first time I lost, and Patrick told me I wouldn’t be losin’ anymore, but I was so mad that I hit him in the face, and for my defiance, he broke my arm in two places and then made me do the hunt all over again. He said if I refused, he’d have the dogs grab me by my injured arm. We weren’t leavin’ for a doctor until I earned him back his money. By the time we left, I’d made his money back and then some. I was delirious with pain and runnin’ a fever when we got to the hospital. Alexei was there for somethin’- I can’t recall, and when Patrick left to call Ma, he came to my room and asked me what happened. So I told him.

  When Ma and the boyos came, Patrick told them I fell out of a tree in the woods. Nobody believed him, but who was goin’ to defy him??? I left the hospital with my arm in a cast, and that night Patrick went out drinkin’ with his friends. The next mornin’, Ma got a call from him. He was in the hospital, and his leg was broken in two places. He said that he took a tumble down some stairs, but I knew what had happened to him. My suspicions were confirmed when he started whuppin’ me with soap bars in a sock,” Casey said with a sad smile.

  “I just love, Alexei,” Sidra sighed dreamily, and Casey tugged on her curls with a frown.

  “Hey now, there’ll be none of that! So anyways, word got out that I could outrun Dipper’s dogs, and pretty soon he was takin’ bets from these hicks who wanted to bet against me with their dogs. I became really good at it, but I dislike some breeds of dogs because of it,” he said and raised his pant leg and twisted his ankle so she could see the large scar there. “They would tear my clothes and bite me. This came from a pit bull bite as I hauled ass up a tree. It would be another month before I saw Alexei at the general store with my Ma. I let him know what was goin’ on, and he asked me for the men’s names. The day after that, no one placed any more bets, and I never had to do that again.”

  “What a bastard,” Sidra’s voice was shaking with anger for the pain Casey had suffered at his father’s hands. “I’m so sorry for everything that man did to you and your brothers.”

  “Yeah, he was, and he hated how much we loved each other! He used to try and make Jack and Darby fight each other, but they wouldn’t do it, so he took their toys and set them on fire. He hated how much Ma loved us and how she hated him.” Casey’s eyes shut tightly. “Sometimes, late at night, I’d hear him forcing himself on her and yelling at her to say she loved what he was doin’. Then I’d hear the slaps because she refused to do it. I hated how powerless we were, and in turn, sometimes I hated her for stayin’,” he whispered and his arms around her tightened. “For not bein’ strong enough to do somethin’ about him. I remember askin’ her to go to a friend’s party, and she said no, that I had to go to the laundromat after school. I got mad and said I hated her. That she was ruinin’ our lives and wished they would both go away…Patrick killed her that night. I’d give anythin’ to see her again and let her know I didn’t mean it! I was just so tired of it all. I was…just a stupid fuckin’ brat who wanted his way!”

  Sidra sat up quickly. “You were a child, Casey! Kids are supposed to act out occasionally. You couldn’t have known that was going to happen.”

  “That’s wh
at Doc says, but I’m still too ashamed to tell Jackie and Darby,” he said in a tortured voice. “Sometimes I just feel like I’ll never be free of him.”

  “No, Casey! Patrick doesn’t get to win,” Sidra fumed, her curls whipping back and forth as she shook her head and poked him in the chest. “You know why? Because I’m a demanding bitch who won’t settle for her man being anything but happy! You deserve it more than anyone I know, and I want to give it to you, but it has to come from within you as well. I used to think there was something so wrong with me that made Nero afraid to claim me, and my mother not insist that he do so, but after what happened at his home, and at the wedding I don’t. I think I got away easy compared to the disaster that is my half-sister. He’s really done a number on his dead wife, my mother, and Nina. I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life. It’s like trying to hold a fart in you know? Eventually, you’re going to feel the effect and so will everyone around you.”

  “What the fuck, babe?” Casey started laughing again as he pulled her close. Only his baby had the ability to make him feel good when talking about his fucked up memories.

  “I need us to work, Casey. If it doesn’t, then I want to at least be able to say I gave it my all before raising a baby by myself,” Sidra said seriously.

  “I’m all in, darlin’. I love you so…WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY?!” he shouted, sitting up with excitement and hugging her tightly to him. “Are you really pregnant?!”

  “Yes, you psycho!” Sidra wrapped her arms around his neck and laughed joyously as he rocked her in his exhilaration. “When I went to New York before the wedding, I missed my gynecologist appointment that was supposed to renew my birth control. So I took a test a couple of days ago. Very early stages, but I made an appointment to go back for an appointment— as an expectant mother. That’s the other reason I called Dr. Klaus. We need to deal with all of our issues before this little one gets here.”

  “WE’RE HAVIN’ A BABY!” Casey shouted. “I don’t care if it’s a boy or girl; I want it to look just like you but with my sense of stability. Now when are we gettin’ married?”

  “I want to wait,” she said firmly. “I want us to take our time and do everything right. Just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I need a ring right away.”

  “Bullshit!” Casey threw back at her. “You’re holdin’ out for your mother’s approval. We’re not waitin’. I need you to make an honest man outta me.”

  She didn’t respond to that; instead, she said, “Can you believe that we’re going to be parents? It scares the crap out of me! Look how great our family is at being parents! What if I’m not as good as Noelle and Avery?!”

  Casey rubbed her shoulders and smiled reassuringly at her worried expression. It was strange to see Sidra so unsure of herself, but he wouldn’t have it or her any other way. It meant that she trusted him more and more with her vulnerability. “Are you kiddin’ me? Our baby is gonna have a kick-ass mama who will make all the other mamas jealous. You’re nurturin’, lovin’, compassionate, and kind— all of which will hopefully thin out your other traits that are kinda…disturbin’. Our baby is gonna be the perfect blend of adorable, crazy, smart, and dysfunctional. She’ll be a cuter, hipper version of Wednesday Adams.”

  “I just want the baby to be healthy. I don’t care about the sex.” Sidra shuddered. “And size. THAT is something I am concerned about. Goodness, if I have to push a kid the size of baby Jack out, I’ll be bowlegged for the rest of my life!”

  “Baby Jack is really cute, though,” Casey said. “But you definitely have to eat your Wheaties in the mornin’ if you’re gonna engage with him. On my last visit, he wrestled a drumstick away from Ruby! She cried and demanded it back, and hell, even his own daddy was scared to take it from him!”

  Sidra laughed and Casey just couldn’t help himself. He grasped her chin to make her look at him. “We’re gettin’ married. Give in and accept it, Sid.”

  Sidra didn’t answer. She was too busy pulling off his tie and then unbuttoning his dress shirt as she moved to sit on top of him. “You know what’s happening right now?”

  Casey smiled slowly as he unzipped the back of her wrinkled dress. “I believe in actions. Show me, love…”


  Fuzzio’s was packed, and Dominick was chilling in his usual spot in the after-hours lounge as he declined offer after offer from the bevy of beauties carousing by his booth as he scrolled through his phone. His mind was focused on Sidra and her reconciliation with the lawyer. Over the past few days, he’d bitten his tongue numerous times in an effort to not make snide comments as she oozed happiness, prancing around the studio and working her magic for his album.

  A shadow fell over his table, and he was engulfed in a feminine oriental scent. Without looking, he put on his fake smile and said in a low voice, “Not tonight, hon.”

  “And why not? There’s nothing but space and opportunity here, Mr. Harris. Or can I call you Dominick?” the smooth, cultured voice inquired smoothly, piquing his interest. He looked up, and his eyes met a pair of large brown ones that belonged to a Hispanic beauty with a tousled black bob. Her voluptuous figure was highlighted by the figure-hugging white mini-dress she wore with impossibly high white heels. Although they’d never met, he recognized her immediately and wondered why she’d sought him out.

  “Dominick works for me, and what should I call you?” he drawled as she smiled and slid into the booth across from him.

  “You may call me Nina,” she said flirtatiously, and he smiled back at her, heart pounding as he waited to hear what she wanted.

  “Then Nina it is,” Dominick declared. “I believe you were going to let me know about an opportunity?”

  At first, she didn’t answer, as she was too busy scrutinizing her surroundings with contempt. He couldn’t really blame her. The lounge was one of D.C.’s best kept secret where musicians, politicians, and normal folk could be found intermingling in privacy, which was the number one rule at Fuzzio’s.

  “Why would someone of your stature be hanging out in a dump like this, Dominick?” Nina murmured scornfully.

  “Because I can. You don’t like it, you can tottle your pretty ass out of here in those ridiculous heels,” he said condescendingly, enjoying the way her glossy red lips tightened with disapproval. “If not, then tell me about this opportunity.”

  “Fine; I’d like to discuss your employee Sidra Barton and her boyfriend Casey Sullivan,” she said boldly. “I believe we can be of mutual assistance to each other.”

  Dominick considered her suspiciously as he tapped his phone impatiently. This woman was used to getting her way, and those who didn’t accommodate her could do nothing for her. She believed he could and would help her. The gall of these pretty hoes, he thought to himself with amusement. She wanted Sullivan for herself, which would make Sidra free of him if Dominick aided her. “I’m listening…”


  Dominick was in a good mood when he arrived home later that night. That Nina was one sick bitch. He would love to tell her how sick, but would refrain for now, just to see how far she’d go. Immediately, he went to the bar and poured himself a generous drink. As he sipped on Hennessy, he walked over to where his housekeeper usually set his mail and saw the large manila envelope that was addressed to him. It was slightly open which meant security had already inspected it, so he opened it and pulled out the black and white photos. The glass in his hand fell to the floor and shattered everywhere as the alcohol seeped into his gray suede boots. There were ten black and white photos in all. Each one more graphic than the last, and everything he hoped the world would never know about him. But where did they come from???

  Frantically, Dominick looked inside of the envelope and saw the small white paper stuck at the bottom. He pulled it out, and his eyes damn near fell out of his head as he read it.

  Greetings, Mr. Harris! We know your dirty little secrets, and soon the world will know them too! In order to prevent this from happening, please read t
he instructions below.

  He read the instructions with numbness and knew he would have to comply. The stakes were just too high not to. Secrets, not secret. Which meant they now owned him. Dominick sat down on the floor surrounded by the glass and liquor and for the first time in a very long time, he cried like a baby.

  Chapter Seventeen

  New York...

  “This is certainly a big step for you, ‘Sid Vicious’. Are you ready?” Ian inquired, enjoying the way her eyes flashed at him.

  After sharing her pregnancy news with Casey, they decided some changes were in order. He told her about his plans with the foundation, and they both agreed to buy a new place together. Sidra had decided to go forward with corporate deejaying and spent the last hour and a half going over branding and negotiations with Ian.

  “Stop calling me that, Gandalf,” she ordered, helping herself to another éclair from the pastry tray on his desk. “And why are there sweets at this meeting? I’ve already had two of these!”

  “Clearly, they are here to ‘sweeten’ your disposition, but they appear to be sugar-free,” Ian’s blue eyes twinkled as she scarfed the pastry down.

  “Did I ever mention how happy the sound of you being quiet makes me?” Sidra smiled as she looked over the contracts. “I happen to know firsthand that this firm is all about making its clients happy…”

  “Brat,” he said affectionately before taking a sip of his Earl Grey tea. “So, how goes it with young Sullivan? Things seemed a bit tense at the wedding.”

  “Everything is great. We’ve decided to move in together, and while I’m here, I’ll put my place on the real estate market,” Sidra announced excitedly.

  “Why not rent it out like your besties do theirs?” Ian asked curiously as he handed her an itinerary. “Take a look at this. I’ve arranged a place for you in Veuve Clicquot’s Polo Classic and VH1’s Save The Music.”


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