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Silver Blood

Page 23

by Tamara White

  I push an image into his mind, the thought of the shower when he gently washed me, taking care of me both emotionally and sexually as he did so. I push the feelings that went through me and watch as a slow grin curves his lips. He looks up to meet my eyes, his own filled with lust. "You're a telepath."

  I smile, proud of my efforts, and he shakes his head with a small laugh. "Just when we thought you couldn't get any more interesting, you go and discover your ability. Your parents are going to be ecstatic. There hasn't been a vamp with telepathic abilities in hundreds of years."

  My heart sinks at the realization it's just another thing that sets me apart from the others. I thought I had found my place among the vampires but this is going to be yet another reason for them to fear and hate me. I look to Britt, wondering if she knew, but she just shrugs. Clearly, she had no idea, otherwise she would have told me.

  My body sways, and I blink to clear my vision, but then I feel myself dropping to the ground. Britt tries to catch me, but my dead weight is too much for her. We end up tangled together in a heap on the floor, and Blaine has to pull her off me, so Nik can get me out.

  "Is she okay?" I hear Nik ask.

  Britt replies, but her voice sounds far away. "She's just exhausted. She's still new to using her ability and witch magic in one. We'll have to teach her how to separate the two, so she doesn't drain herself. Even I haven't gotten a handle on my ability. At least, she won't go through it alone. We'll be there with her every step of the way."

  I listen as she talks and remain silent, knowing the real reason I'm feeling faint has nothing to do with my telepathy. I'm still feeding small bits of magic through to Britt. I have no idea how I’m managing it, but I'm glad it seems to be working. She looks the healthiest I've seen her in days.

  Meron frowns down at us, giving me a long scrutinizing look and I fight not to fidget. "Guys, how ‘bout we take Brittany up to bed? She needs to rest."

  Each of the guys agree hastily and I smile. I can only hope my relationship with the guys stays that strong that they will want to spend every second with me, even years from now. Britt leans forward to give me a hug before Kellan, Torie, and Blaine lead her out of our room, waving farewell as they go.

  Meron lingers, though, offering up an excuse that he needs to ask Talon something. He waits until the door is shut before crouching down beside me, pressing a hand against my forehead, and closing his eyes in concentration.

  "What are you–?"

  "Quiet!” he commands, interrupting Dev. He does as he's told, sitting down and keeping his mouth shut while Meron does whatever the hell he's doing. I feel magic suddenly run through me and gasp. His eyes fly open, and I find myself staring into eyes as black as the night sky. The whites are encased by the black, and it takes a second for them to fade back to their regular deep gray color.

  "Emerald, I know you want to help Britt, but if you keep feeding her energy, you will die and possibly take your soul-ties with you."

  "No, I'm only feeding her my energy. The guys will be fine, and I'll come back if I die," I tell him stubbornly.

  He shakes his head sadly. "Sweetie, that's not how it works. Your soul-tie is designed to give you energy when you get low, which means it will drain from each of the guys, killing them one by one until you are all that's left, and it will eventually kill you, too."

  I look around at my guys helplessly before settling my gaze on Meron. "I can't just let her die."

  "And we won't, but we'll find another way. If you die, Britt may go dark again just to raise your body from the dead so she can throttle you."

  I bark out a laugh, knowing she would do it, too. I can just imagine her stomping around, mumbling under her breath about her plans to raise me just to kill me again.

  "I don't know how else to help her. Magic is a novel concept to me. I have no idea what else I can do," I admit, feeling tired beyond belief.

  "I know. I promise if there’s a way to stop this, we will. We’re happy to show you everything we’ve been looking into if that helps. Britt likes to think we'll just accept her wishes and let her die in peace, but that won't ever happen," he insists vehemently.

  I have no real idea how to shut my magic off, but I nod and close my eyes, imagining a cord between Britt and I, which I snip with an imaginary pair of scissors.

  The effects overwhelm me immediately, and I feel less drained. Which means Britt must be feeling tired again. I frown, worried. She shouldn't feel like that.

  "Good girl," Meron whispers, before pressing a kiss to my lips. "Get some rest, and we'll talk when you're up for it."

  He gets up, and Talon leads him to the door, while I sit here in Nik's lap, wondering what the fuck just happened.

  Meron kissed me, and none of the guys felt any jealousy? Is it some kind of cultural thing maybe, and I’m just reading into it? Like how the French kiss on both cheeks?

  After a moment, Talon comes back over to us and helps Nik and I to stand. "Come on, we're all going to bed to get some rest. It’s safe to say today has been a little much for all of us."

  Dev goes ahead of us, remaining uncharacteristically quiet as he opens the bedroom door, and then goes to the bed to pull back the covers for us. Nik and Talon stop by the bed, helping me strip down to my underwear and letting me crawl into the center. I snuggle into the pillow, closing my eyes with a deep sigh, and the sounds of them getting ready for bed around me lulls me to sleep.

  Twenty-Nine – Overprotective Father


  I roll out of bed, the need to pee driving me. It’s not until after I've relieved myself that I realize I woke up in bed alone.

  That's when I remember the whispered goodbyes as the guys left a couple of hours ago. They had to go on patrol and I’d been too tired to join them. They left me to get some more sleep, but now that I'm awake for the day, I decide to have a quick shower and then go talk with my parents.

  As I shower, I go over everything in my mind. I have to tell them about my ability, that I know. I have no idea whether to tell them about the magic from the witch, though, or about the fact that I seem to have magic swords that come back to me when called. Then there’s also the matter of the Alpha wolf who thinks I’m his mate.

  There's so much I wish I could talk to them about, but I know I can't. There's only one person I want to talk to right now, and without him here, I feel so lost.

  I get dried off and dressed before taking a seat on the bed I woke up in, playing with the burner phone in my hand. I dial and delete the number a few times before I finally press the call button.

  It answers on the first ring, and my dad’s voice comes through the phone. "Brent here."

  Tears well, and I let out a little laugh. "Hi, Dad."

  "Emmy? Oh, thank God! All Axel would tell me was that you were fine. You are okay, aren't you?" he asks, a thread of concern in his voice.

  "Yeah, Dad," I breathe in a hushed tone. I know there's no one here, but I can't help but feel like I have to keep this to myself. "I miss you," I tell him, just as a tear falls.

  "Oh, Emmy. I miss you, too, darling, but it’s not safe for us to be talking."

  "I know, I just needed to hear your voice. So much has happened, and I feel like my world has been tipped completely upside down. I don't know what to do anymore, Dad," I admit, my voice filled with fear and uncertainty. I feel so out of my depths right now.

  I came here knowing only I was some kind of cross between two species, but then I died and came back to life. Now, I also have witch’s blood running through my veins, making me a mix of three supernatural races. Is there even a word for that? Or does hybrid still apply?

  Then there's the curse Britt is dealing with. My best friend is dying, and she has practically gifted her husbands to me. It doesn't help that feelings are beginning to surface that I didn't believe were even possible. How long before I can no longer ignore them?

  And then, there's Lincoln. What do I do about him? Should I do as Nik suggested and get to kn
ow him, or just leave the matter it be?

  "A couple of weeks away, and you've already forgotten everything I taught you.” He chuckles through the phone. "You follow your heart, Emmy. No matter where it guides you. Love is the key to happiness, and if you aren't happy, then you aren’t in a position to help anyone else. Do you remember our exercises we used to do when we felt a panic attack coming? Well, I want you to take ten minutes right now and do your exercises."

  I hear Brendan's voice in the background before the sound becomes muffled. My father comes back a second later. "I'm sorry, Emmy. I have to go, but just do what I said. Listen to your instincts. And if that doesn't work, talk to Axel. I love you, baby girl," he whispers into the phone, before his voice is replaced by the dial tone.

  I throw the phone across the room, watching as it smashes to pieces. Then I put my head in my hands, taking deep ragged breaths.

  My heart hurts from all this crap! Why does there have to be so much animosity between vampires and wolves? Why can't we all just get along?

  Instead of getting myself down, though, I focus on my breathing exercises, clearing my mind and asking myself what to do next. When I used to struggle with keeping myself calm, this is what I would do to regain focus.

  After a moment, it all becomes clearer. I need to tell my parents about the magic. I will respect Britt's wishes for now, but soon, I know I will have no choice but to tell them about her situation. They may know of another way to help, and it will feel so much better to get some of this burden off my chest.

  With my mind made up, I leave my room, heading straight to my parents’ quarters.

  As I approach their room, I hear the sound of voices and slow my steps to listen.

  "Please, I know you haven't found another advisor yet. I can guarantee I won't let my feelings get in the way this time. Just give me another chance to prove myself."

  The familiar sound of Heather’s grating voice makes me cringe, and I hang back around the corner, wanting to hear more. Like why the hell is she back?

  "I've been with you for five years, my Queen. Where else will you be able to find someone with my knowledge?"

  My mother’s voice comes out stern, but with a slight edge of sympathy, and I can just imagine the pity in her eyes. "Heather, I understand you want another chance, but there are many things that have to be considered before I would give you your job back. If my daughter is around, are you going to let that it affect your job? What about Talon? He's happy with Emerald, and I can imagine that doesn't exactly sit well with you. What if Emerald gets pregnant someday? Could you handle seeing Talon fawn over her and the child they share?"

  My face blanches, and I have to calm my racing heart. Pregnant? Why the hell is she so keen on me having kids? Who would want to be tied down this early in a relationship? I want to have time to explore with each of them. I think we deserve that time to get to know each other. I don't want kids in general, but even if I did, it wouldn't be until I'd known the guys for at least a few years.

  I shake my head at how easily I got distracted and focus back on Heather as I poke my head around the corner. She's down on one knee bowing, while my mother looks down at her.

  Heather, of course, continues to speak. "Am I upset that I lost him? Yes, of course I am. But do I want him back? No." She sighs with a shake of her head. "At the end of the day, she's his soul-tie, the one he's destined to be with. I hoped that my love was enough, and over time he'd eventually love me back. At least, that's what I thought until I found my own soul-tie. But, fate seems to be playing with me because it turns out he's not satisfied with just me. So, the only options I have are to stay there and get treated like a sex slave along with three other women, or come back here and live, where at least I had a purpose and my life held some meaning. That's all I ask."

  My mother’s gaze softens, and I know she's going to give in and let Heather work for her again. That's when she catches sight of me, and I step out from behind the corner.

  "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. I'll come back later." I don’t wait for a reply, instead just turning back to leave.


  I freeze as the word is whispered through my mind, and it takes everything in me not to spin around and destroy this bitch!

  I know for a fact that it was Heather because her mental voice sounds just like her speaking one.

  Whether or not she knows I could hear her is a whole other problem, and not one I can handle right now.

  I straighten my shoulders and keep on walking, right back to my room. Once inside, I press my back against the door and close my eyes, letting a sigh escape me.

  As much as I try not to let her being back worry me, the feeling seeps into my bones nonetheless, radiating out of me in waves. Is she really back just for her job?

  "Em! Where the hell did you go? We came back to check on you and make sure you were fed, but you were gone!" Dev's voice has me snapping open my eyes. All three of them are there watching me with concerned expressions.

  My gaze lingers over Talon for a split second as I decide whether to tell him or not, and I know I have to be one hundred percent honest. I don't want lies to become a natural part of our relationship.

  "I'm sorry," I say quietly, stepping into Dev's arms to reassure him that I'm fine. "When I woke up, you were all still gone. I wasn’t sure how much longer your patrol would be, so I decided to go talk to my parents, and tell them all about my telepathy and witch powers. But," I put up an emotional barrier around my heart as I meet Talon's gaze, "instead I ran into Heather, who was there begging for her old job back."

  Talon goes still, and his gaze hardens as stares at me. "Do you think just because she's back, I’m going to leave you for her?" he asks through clenched teeth.

  I have to admit the thought did cross my mind. She clearly loves him. He admitted that it was just out of loyalty to a friend that he stayed with her, but I can't help but wonder if there wasn't something more between them. Why else would she have held on so tightly?

  I shrug my shoulders, focusing my gaze on his neck and refusing to meet his gaze. "Maybe. I mean, she would probably be better for you than a vampire Princess who has no idea what she's doing. She was obviously nice enough if you stayed with her for five years before I came into the picture. And let’s be honest, I’ve been nothing but a disappointment lately.”

  As I bare all my insecurities, Dev runs a hand up and down my back soothingly, while Nik just remains silent, standing a few feet away.

  After I finish, Talon stalks towards me, determined. I can feel his frustration build with every stride he takes until he's right in front of me, his eyes burning into mine.

  "I want you to listen carefully, Emerald, because if I have to tell you more than once, I am going to throw you over my shoulder and lock us away in a room for days until it really sinks in." I shiver at the heat in his voice, while Dev continues to rub his hands gently over my back.

  "You are the only woman I want. There is absolutely no one else." Talon’s lips slam down on mine, and I gasp, allowing him to slip his tongue inside to brush against my own, the desperation in his actions causing me to moan.

  He ends the kiss, pulling away to where I can see his eyes, which are flaring a bright red with his vampire. "I'm sorry about the past few days, and if it gave you reason to doubt me, Emerald. But I promise from this moment forth, I'll do everything I can to prove to you how much I love you and show you that you are the most important person in my life."

  I smile brightly as he bends down for one more chaste kiss. My heart swells at his words, and I wrap my arms around his neck, still feeling the way Dev presses against me. I love the fact neither he nor Nik seem bothered in the slightest by their friend kissing me.

  Talon sighs, pulling away and rests his head against mine. "Do you want me to come with you to tell your parents about everything? They really do need to hear it from you before someone else has the chance to tell them."

  "That would be great. I know it’s cow
ardly, but I don't want to be there when she is. Not without some kind of buffer at least," I admit, relieved by his offer.

  "All you had to do, sweetheart, was ask. I'd destroy the world for you."

  My cheeks flush at such a corny sentiment, but when I look up into his eyes, I know he meant every word of it.

  Nik takes a few steps closer and looks me over. "Are you sure? You can just wait until she's gone if you’d prefer."

  I shake my head, feeling resolved. "No, I want her to see Talon and I, together and stronger than ever. It will hopefully drive home the fact she isn't ever getting him back.

  Nik smirks and Talon hides his chuckles behind his hand, but I heard it anyway. I don't see what's so funny, though. If that bitch tries to pull some kind of childish bullshit in order to tear us apart, I may let my beast loose on her crazy ass.

  "Okay, off you go then," Nik encourages. Talon intertwines our hands, before leading us back to the place I just left.

  I sigh in relief as we get closer and I don’t hear Heather’s voice, but I'm not completely lucky. Felicia walks out of my parents’ room as we approach, closing the door behind her with a soft click.

  When she sees Talon and I, she offers us a polite smile. "I was just thinking about you, Emerald. I wanted to let you know that just because Heather is back doesn't mean I was lying before. I want to be friends, and I've told Heather there's no room for her in my life anymore."


  She smiles brightly at me. "Maybe we could go get coffee or have lunch together someday? I would love to get to know you more."

  "Uh, sure," I lie, faking a cheery smile. I doubt we could ever be friends. There are just some things you don't do with your boyfriend’s ex. It creates drama where there doesn't need to be any.

  She grins with happiness and leans in for a hug. I freeze, staying immobile until she lets go, offering Talon and I a quick goodbye before leaving with a spring in her step.


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