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Jarillo Sunset

Page 16

by Constance Bretes

  The waitress brought their food out, and Patrick said, “Okay, I’ll talk to you all later.” He turned and walked away.

  “Boy, lately he’s had a big chip on his shoulder. What is his problem?” Rosie said.

  Vincent turned his head around to look after him. “I don’t know what’s bugging him.”

  “He’s seemed preoccupied lately. Very reflective and thoughtful. I wonder what’s going on with him.” Jonathan glanced at Patrick sitting across the room and then looked back at his plate. Picking up his fork, he cut into his sausage.

  Chapter 15

  When the four of them arrived at the Renaissance Festival, they walked through the gated entrance. There was an eight-foot wooden fence that looked like it went all around the parameter of the festival. It reminded Char of a fortress that you’d find around a castle in England in the Middle Ages. Off immediately to the left was the entrance to the men’s bathroom and to the right was the entrance to the women’s bathroom.

  Everyone spoke in the old English Elizabethan style. A wench dressed in an Elizabethan era costume had a toilet seat in her hand and a pitcher of water. She came up to Vincent, Jonathan, Rosie, and Char, poured the water through the toilet seat, and kept saying, “Privy? Privy?”

  There was already a large crowd of people, and most were dressed in the clothing that was similar to what was worn during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. Everyone was lined up, waiting on the parade that would have the queen and king opening the fair and welcoming the people. First out were the court jesters, followed by the centaurs, magicians, a hunchback, and jugglers. There was a man walking in the parade that stood at least thirty feet tall. He was standing on poles covered with brown felt or velvet material with feet that looked like huge dog paws. Next to come were the swordfighters, the wizard, and poets. After that came the jousting knights, and the king’s men dressed in chainmail armor. There were children running all around, dressed in medieval clothes. Then, finally, the King and Queen arrived, marking the end of the parade and the opening of the events.

  Past the men’s bathroom on the left were adult games such as the Axe Throw, Star Throw, and the Knife Throw.

  Rosie challenged Jonathan. “You probably couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn throwing that axe.”

  Jonathan glanced at Vincent, who smiled and said, “Don’t look at me.”

  Jonathan then looked back at Rosie and replied, “I may not be able to throw an axe, but I can throw a knife.” He walked up to the knife throwing booth and paid for seven turns. Everyone stood back and watched as Jonathan threw the knives, hitting six dead center out of seven, and winning a mid-sized stuffed animal.

  Vincent and Char were walking along the rough terrain that was uneven and muddy, with tree roots sticking up above the ground. Another wench came up to Vincent. She had on an Elizabethan-style dress that was very low-cut in the front, showing her cleavage. She had glued two large styrofoam cups onto her breasts. Char grinned at Vincent as he looked at the wrench and murmured, “Hmm…”

  “Ale, my lord?” she asked.

  He shook his head no and looked over at Char with his eyebrows raised, a grin on his face.

  Soon they came upon a centaur and a hunchbacked individual walking around, begging for alms.

  They walked by the Drench A Wench and Soak A Bloke booths, and Jonathan challenged Vincent. “You used to have a good throwing arm, think you can ‘Soak a Bloke?’” he asked mischievously.

  Vincent laid out some money for four balls. If he hit the target, it would drop the bloke into the dunk tank. Vincent threw the first ball and missed.

  The bloke laughed and said, “Ye miss, ye miss, ye thro’ like a wench.”

  He threw the second ball, and it hit the target on an angle but didn’t sink the bloke.

  The bloke taunted Vincent, “Ye’re wench can throw better than ye.”

  Vincent snorted and threw the third ball, again just missing the target.

  The bloke said, “Let me have me wench show ye how it be done” and sent his wench out to show him a mock display of how to throw the ball.

  Vincent’s grin turned wolfish, and he said, “Won’t miss this time.”

  He dunked the bloke. Everyone around them started clapping, glad to see someone win at the game.

  A group of jesters came up and around Char, Vincent, Rosie, and Jonathan and other people that were walking alongside of them. They had bright red-colored clothing and eccentric hats in a motley patterns. Some were doing acrobatics, some were juggling, and some were even telling jokes and stories.

  One jester said, “Why do dwarves have such big nostrils? Because they have big fingers.”

  Another jester said, “An ogre walks into a bar with flint and steel. The bartender lets him in, but says, ‘Don’t start anything.’”

  Vincent and Char laughed at the bawdy and somewhat humorous jokes.

  The four of them got to the jousting area at the back of the festival and saw that a game was due to start in a few minutes, so they sat down, the men on the outside and Rosie and Char sitting next to each other in the middle. The knights all came out and were introduced to the audience, and everyone whistled and put their hands up in the air, yelling or woo-hooing, including Char and Rosie.

  After the jousting match was over and the knight was rewarded by the king, the four decided they were hungry. Vincent and Jonathan got roasted turkey legs, which were about ten inches long. Char and Rosie chose fish and chips with iced tea.

  After they ate their lunches, they were surrounded by magicians and dancers and fairies. They strolled on over to the artisans and looked at the jewelry, pottery, candles, and other art work that was made to resembled the era they were enraptured in.

  As they continued to walk through the festival, they happened upon the pavilion where the seats were cement and it sloped downward in a half-circle toward a center stage. They sat down and watched two plays, one a comedy and one a Shakespearean play.

  After the Shakespearean play, they walked by the human-powered swings and other rides that were human powered.

  Jon asked, “Do you want to try the swing?”

  Rosie and Char eyeballed the ride and looked at each other. Both shook their heads and said “no” simultaneously.

  They wandered upon a small group that was trying to extract information from another individual who had a young pet pig on a leash. They finally started to give up and began to walk away when suddenly a wizard standing in the group said, “I bet the pig could tell us what we need to know.” Someone from the small group then said, “Yeah, I bet the barbarian could talk to it also, they have the same intelligence.”

  Vincent looked at Char with a bemused expression on his face and rolled his eyes. Char started to chuckle as they walked away.

  By 4:00 PM, they had covered the whole area of the Renaissance Festival and were ready to leave. On the way home they decided to stop at Armadillo Steak House for dinner, and Vincent pulled into the parking lot.

  “I’ve never eaten here before, but I heard this place is really good,” Char said.

  “It is pretty good. We come here for special occasions, like birthdays and stuff like that.” Rosie opened the door and stepped out of the SUV.

  The wait for a table was an hour long, and they sat in the waiting area talking about the different things they’d seen at the Renaissance Festival.

  “I thought it was really cool, after the bloke kept taunting you about your throwing skills, that on the last ball, you dunked him.” Char chuckled.

  “Yeah, and all the people around us were glad too!” Rosie quipped.

  “I don’t know about you, Vince, but I felt like we were being tested by the two women we were with today.”

  “If we were, we must have done a good job. Otherwise they would be complaining or they would have walked out with someone else.”

  “What was the point of that woman with the two styrofoam cups glued to her boobs?” Rosie asked.

  “To advertise
d that they had ale? I don’t know.” Vincent shrugged and grinned.

  “You liked it too, Vinnie, I could tell,” Rosie accused.

  “I could arrange to do that too, if it turns you on,” Char whispered seductively to Vincent.

  Vincent chuckled. “You don’t have to do that to turn me on. Just being here with you is a turn on.”

  Char smiled sweetly at Vincent.

  The hostess called the foursome for their table, and they continued the discussion as they sat down. “I had to stop and really listen to what those people were saying,” Jonathan said.

  “What? You don’t understand the Elizabethan language?” Rosie asked as if shocked.

  “I don’t understand my own Navajo language—how would I understand some old-style English language?”

  “So, the Native American language for the Apache is Navajo?” Char asked.

  “Yes,” Vincent answered.

  “Do you speak it?”

  “I haven’t spoken it in a while, although I use tender Navajo words with Emily when I hold her.”

  “Aw, that’s sweet.” Char looked up at Vincent.

  “I think we all sweet talk Emily in Navajo,” Rosie said. “She’s such a beautiful little baby.”

  The waitress came to take their orders and after she left, they all sat quietly for a few minutes.

  “It looked like the band had a really large crowd last night,” Char said.

  “Yes, it’s been like that for months now. We usually get to use the Entertainment Center, but Jake’s been getting a lot of well-known stars to do concerts, so when they have one, we end up in the alcoves,” Jonathan said.

  “I’ve been trying to get Jake to sign us up at other casinos. I’d like to see us get into shows at Las Vegas and places like that, where we can expand our popularity base,” Vincent commented.

  “Do you think we have what it takes, Vincent?” Jonathan asked.

  “I think so. I think we’re ready.”

  “Well, it certainly helps that you’ve got Jennifer with you now. Is she done doing recording contracts and solo concerts?” Rosie asked.

  “I think she’ll go wherever Jake goes,” Vincent replied.

  “They make a lovely couple,” Char said.

  “I agree,” Rosie said. “I’m glad they got that stalking business taken care of.”

  “Oh? She had a stalker?” Char asked, surprised.

  “Yeah, that’s why she left the country for two years. He kept stalking her and apparently threatened her,” Vincent said.

  “How did they get him to stop?”

  “We were getting ready to play at the Apache White Eagle Entertainment Center and when Jenn came out on stage, the stalker was standing there with a gun pointed at her. He fired, but Jake jumped over the drums and pushed her out of the way, so the bullet just grazed her arm. Security was able to subdue the man and get the gun away, and then the sheriff arrested him. They also found out that he was the one who shot Jake a few years ago, which he did because Jenn was in love with him,” Jonathan explained.

  “So now he’s doing time for two attempted murders—Jenn and Jake’s,” Rosie finished.

  “I hope they put him away for good,” Char said, shuddering at the thought.

  “He got the maximum sentence allowed,” Vincent assured her.


  “Are you going tonight to listen to the band?” Rosie asked Char.

  Char snuck a glance at Vincent and then said, “Yeah.”

  “Cool. I have to work tonight.” Rosie sounded disappointed that she couldn’t go.

  * * * *

  After the bill was settled and they left the restaurant, Vincent took Rosie and Jonathan home. He and Char went to Jake’s studio to get his instrument. When they entered the studio, she was amazed at all the instruments they had, especially Jake’s drums. “Does he take all his drums?” Char asked.

  “No, it takes too long to set everything up. He usually takes a basic kit and a few extras.”

  While Vincent was getting his bass, Jake and Jennifer walked in to get the drums. “Hey Vincent,” Jake said.

  Jennifer gave Vincent a hug, then she turned to Char. “I’m sorry, I know I met you at my wedding, but I can’t remember your name.”

  “Char Johnson.” Char smiled and held out her hand, and Jennifer shook it warmly. “Are you going to sing tonight?” Char asked.

  “Yep, I’m singing again tonight!”

  “I just love your voice,” Char said excitedly, almost not knowing how to act, being in the same room as a well-known star. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be intruding,” Char said.

  “Not at all! Any friend of Vincent’s is a friend of mine,” Jennifer reassured her.

  Char then looked over at Jake and was amazed at how long his hair was. It seemed way longer than Jennifer’s, down past his waist and hips.

  Soon, Calvin and Jonathan came in to start packing their instruments. Just as everyone was about to leave, Jake asked, “Where’s Bruce?”

  They all shrugged, but just then, Bruce came flying in. “Sorry I’m late.”

  * * * *

  Everyone arrived at the casino about the same time. Char went and sat down at the bar while the guys set up their instruments and tuned them. When they were done, security came and stood watch until it was time for the band to start.

  While waiting, Vincent came over and sat down next to Char at the bar. He placed his arm behind her on the back of the barstool, then leaned down and whispered in her ear. “I’m so glad you came with me tonight. Are you going to be okay with this?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine.” She turned her face so that it was mere inches from his. She looked into his eyes and noticed that they seemed fixated on her lips. He leaned in closer and gently kissed her. He ran his fingers up and down her back, sending sizzling sensations all through her body. She couldn’t wait to get this man alone with her tonight.

  “You’re so sexy and beautiful. I can’t wait to get you alone tonight,” Vincent whispered.

  “I find you incredibly sexy and handsome, and I can’t wait for tonight either,” she whispered back to him.

  The band started to walk out to the stage, and as Vincent backed away, Char grabbed him gently by his shirt and pulled him toward her, giving him a sweet kiss on his lips, just as he had done to her. He smiled at her then slowly got off the stool and walked to the stage.

  The lights dimmed, and they introduced Jennifer Summers and White Sands. The crowd stood at attention as Jennifer came out on the stage and the band started the music for the first song of the night. After they finished the song, the crowd clapped and yelled for more.

  Char watched with excitement as Jennifer walked across the little stage, looking out into the crowd and talking into the mic. “Welcome, everyone! I’m so glad you could be here!” The crowd went crazy and it was almost deafening. “It’s great to be here tonight to sing for you and with this wonderful band White Sands.”

  Vincent looked over at Char with a slight smile that took her breath away. The crowd continued to clap and roar for Jennifer and the band, and she gave the nod to Calvin on the keyboards for the next song to start.

  After they did six songs, Jennifer told the audience, “This next song is a hit song sung by Jessica Carpenter, who is a good friend of mine. We both agreed that each time we did a concert I would do this song, and she would do one of my songs. The song is called Come By My Window.”

  Jake started the beat with the drums and the rest of the band chimed in as Jennifer sang.

  They performed several more tunes, then Jennifer announced they’d be taking a twenty minute break. They left the stage to head back to the private band quarters provided just for entertainment members with a fully stocked bar.

  Vincent waited next to the stage with the security man as Char left the bar area and walked over to go with Vincent to the band’s private quarters. Vincent reached out and grabbed Char’s hand as they headed to the room.

Vincent, the band sounded great,” Char said.

  He smiled. “Thanks. We try to put out as good as Jennifer does.”

  Vincent and Char walked into the private quarters and over to a secluded area and sat down. “I think you guys would do great if you were to go out and explore the world,” Char said quietly to Vincent.

  “I think we’d do pretty good too, but the problem is, most of us have primary jobs we’d have to give up in order to perform at larger venues and tour world-wide. It’s a lot to ask for band members to give up.”

  “The band could ride on Jennifer’s popularity.”

  “I agree. It would even be good for Jennifer as well, since she never really had a band when she was performing previously.”

  “How did she get the people to perform the music then?” Char wondered.

  “Apparently, her recording agent hired bands to perform with her.”

  Vincent leaned over and gave Char a kiss on her lips. Just then Jake and Jennifer came up to them. “It’s time to head back out to the stage,” Jake said with a lopsided grin as he observed Vincent and Char kissing.

  The band went back on stage, and someone had taken Char’s seat while she was gone, so she stood by the bar, looking up at the band. The crowd continued to roar and clap for Jennifer. When she came out on stage, she introduced the band.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce to you, Vincent Carter, on bass.”

  Vincent bowed, and the crowd clapped and roared.

  “Calvin Hathaway on keyboards.” She looked over at Calvin as he put on a face mask that had a big nose, glasses, eyes, and a mustache.

  The crowd continued to clap and roar.

  “Jonathan Mueller on steel guitar,” she said as she spread her hand out toward him, and he took a bow.

  “Bruce Spinner on flute.” She walked over to him, and he gave everyone a wave.

  She turned toward Jake. “And on drums is Jake Ackerson.”

  Jake gave a tad um on the drums as the crowd continued to clap and roar.

  Next, Jake and Jennifer did the duet Baby I Love Your Way – Freebird Medley as the crowd cheered and danced as much as they could on the small dance floor where there were row after row of people.


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