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Veteran: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants #2)

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by Flora Ferrari

  I had to stay strong. Mind over matter.

  But my body had already convinced my mind of what my entire being wanted. Him.



  Two months later

  How I hadn’t taken Ava right then and there on the mat during one of our training session, I still didn’t know. They say the Marines teach discipline, but there was no level of preparation for the discipline I needed not to cross the line with her. I wanted her more than I’d ever wanted anything. I wanted to tear up her contract and then tear into her.

  I’d teach her for free, all day and all night.

  She was young, but she was wise beyond her years. She told me during a water break that she was studying political science and criminal justice. She was interested in becoming a lawyer or possibly something in a similar field. She wanted to make a difference in other peoples lives. To stand up for those who couldn’t stand up for themselves. Whether they didn’t have the means physically or financially.

  She was so damn beautiful, but once I saw the beauty she had in her heart I was blown away.

  It was that desire to stand up for others that led her to me. First, she had told me, she needed to learn to stand up for herself. Feeling confident in her abilities to do that was the first step. And she was well on her way to achieving that.

  I always filled my other classes with plenty of students, keeping the last class of the day empty just for her. Partly because I knew it worked around her college class schedule better that way, but I knew there was another reason. The real reason. I wanted her just for myself. Mono y mono.

  Just her and I, but also as a team. We moved well together. Too well actually. As much as I tried to hide my raging cock, I could see she struggled with her firm and erect nipples. The more we each lost at this little game, the more the other won.

  I heard a knock on the door.

  “It’s open,” I said.

  Damn, she was so sexy. She came in with her bag. She was dressed beautifully, but in a few minutes she’d emerge from the locker room looking totally different. Ready to learn. Ready to get sweaty. Ready to play cat and mouse with me for the next two hours.

  It was heaven and hell at the same time. It turned me on like no other. Not just from the physical, but the mental aspect of how she’d try and counter my moves. She was getting much better, nearly always choosing the best defense and counterstrike moves. She chose unorthodox moves just enough that they didn’t become predictable, keeping a would-be threat on his toes.

  But all that rolling around was pure torture. I could see what I wanted so badly. Feel what I needed with each grab, twist, and turn. And I could even taste what consumed me when my face was positioned against her body.

  It was a constant reminder that this couldn’t go on forever.

  I knew I was older, but I could see it wasn’t going to be a problem for her. Her youth invigorated me. Her beauty overtook me. And her enthusiasm for learning and for life inspired me.

  “We need to talk about your clothes,” I said after training.

  She gave me a worried look. A look mixed with embarrassment that maybe they smelled or something else unladylike.

  “In a real fight anything the attacker can use against you, he will. Your clothes, while comfortable, are too loose. Your shirt could easily be pulled up over your head, eliminating your vision. Your pants could get twisted and wrapped providing additional leverage.”

  She stood calmly. Waiting for me to continue.

  “These clothes have served you well for our training so far. But it’s time to go to the next level. You’re ready.”

  The way she looked at me and held her body told me she was ready to hear more.

  “You mentioned that tomorrow morning you don’t have class. Be here at nine and we’ll get you some new clothes. Some clothes that will take you to the next level.”

  “Yes, sir,” she said.

  Damn. My cock twitched at her words.

  Fuck it. You don’t need clothes. We’ll just do without. Skin-to-skin.

  The thought sent my heartbeat racing. My erection strained the fabric of my shorts. I could hear the movement of my cock struggling to break free of its cage and find its way into her.

  I had to have her. I can’t keep doing this to myself.

  “See you in the morning,” I said.



  I knew these self-defense classes were going to kick my butt, but I had no idea that the biggest challenge was going to be keeping my hands off the instructor.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about him.

  He had told me from the beginning that the most common mistake beginners make is they want to stand and throw punches. He told me how it’s a recipe for disaster and how most fights wind up on the ground. Before I knew it our legs were locked and he was challenging me to escape his powerful thighs. And that was less than ten minutes into our first class.

  This sexy man was driving me crazy.

  I had exams coming up, but all I could think about was a man who was the same age as some of the professors who were supposed to be teaching me. Little did they know I was getting a real education at the gym.

  All this exercise was making me so much hornier than usual. But not just for anyone. Only for him. For Jack.

  The way he looked at me like I was this innocent little thing right before he swept me off my feet, both literally and physically, with his moves.

  I was all for girl power, but this man’s presence, and his dominance, made me want to go back to traditional times. I could suddenly see the advantages of barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.

  But that wasn’t the life for me. I would rather rise to his level. Learn from his experience. Work with him…to become his equal.

  And better yet to teach him a few things. His gym was a lawsuit waiting to happen. All the places and ways where someone could get hurt. I could help him with that. I knew the way his gym was laid out added to the rugged masculinity of the place, but you never know who’s going to walk though the front door. I could help protect him from somebody out for a quick buck.

  And tomorrow morning would be the time I could tell him. Tomorrow morning. I already knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep. I’d probably pass out around five in the morning. I wouldn’t be able to sleep just thinking of him. Imagining his stories. The things he did when he was active duty. The ruggedness with which he did them.

  The way he owned his enemies and the way that I wanted him to own me.

  To swoop in like a knight on a white horse and give me the real man experience.

  But it wasn’t just an experience I was after. As crazy as it first seemed, I could picture myself with him long-term. I had never been treated so well. I had never learned so much. And I had never felt so good about myself. And it was all thanks to him.

  My self-confidence had grown by leaps and bounds. Partly from my training, but equally from the encouragement, positivity, and praise he heaped on me.

  Boxing metaphors aside, if felt amazing to have someone in your corner. Someone backing you no matter the odds. No matter the opponent.

  Mistakes I made were forgotten as quickly as they were made. He was always forward-looking. Always focused on the future. A future that more and more every day I hoped included him.


  As soon as she left the gym I headed for the shower. I turned the handle all the way to the side, making the water as cold as possible. I stood letting the shock cool me. But there was no shock, and there was no way I was going to cool down anytime soon.

  I took ten deep breaths to relax myself. Not happening.

  God, all I can think about is her.

  I reached down and took my cock in my hand. It was still hard. As hard as it had been that first moment I saw her. That first moment she walked into my gym. The more time passed, the more I wanted her. This was real. This wasn’t going away soon…this wasn’t going away ever.

  I had to release t
he pain. The longing and desire of not having her. The pent up emotion from being so close to her during our time together, but not being able to take that next step. Not wanting to cross the line of professionalism.

  Screw professionalism. There were no rules when it came to the way I felt about her. Her age? Don’t care. That she’s my client? Toss it out the window. Nothing mattered, but having her. Owning her. Making her mine.

  I closed my eyes and stroked. My thoughts immediately snapping back to just a few minutes earlier. When I was on top of her. Our bodies covered in sweat, and so close together. Our skin touching. I had her pinned and she was trying to execute an escape. She couldn’t…my size alone was challenging enough, my skill and power were the clincher.

  The more she struggled the more aroused I became. It was like I had her in my net. She was there for the taking. All I had to do was reach out and take what was mine.

  And better yet the more she struggled the deeper she looked into my eye. She knew resistance was futile. She knew there was no way out, and even if there had been she wouldn’t have taken it. There was no place else she’d rather be than right there. Under me. Feeling my power. Taking only what I allowed.

  But then I let reality go and the fantasy kick in.

  I’ve got her pinned on her back. I quickly flip her over and she’s face down on the mat. My hand slaps her ass hard and yanks down her shorts. I reach down and pull out my cock.

  I’ve got one hand on my cock and the other on the back of her neck. Keeping her in place. She’s not struggling anymore. She’s given in to what we both desire.

  “You want this,” I say. It’s not a question.

  “No,” she says. “I need this.”

  The words I’ve always wanted to hear.

  “All of it,” she says. “Give me all you’ve got.”

  I can’t control myself. I slam my steel rod of a cock into her tight pussy causing her to moan. The echoes fill the gym. But there’s no one there to hear her. No one to save her, but me. To save her from what she knows and to teach her what she wants so desperately to learn. To show her what passion really means. To demonstrate the true benefits of experience. To pass on my seed to her.

  I’m pumping and pumping, but her tight pussy is too much.

  “Fuck,” I’m cumming, she yells.

  It happens so fast that it sends me over the edge too. I ram my hips into her three more times and let loose an avalanche of creamy whiteness.

  And then just as I’m about to collapse on top of her I snap back.

  I look down at the shower wall just in time to see the monstrous load of cum sliding down the tiles. I’m surprised I didn’t shoot a hole straight through the concrete.

  Just imaging taking her in such an animalistic way was beyond intense. I couldn’t imagine how having her in the flesh was going feel. And I wasn’t about to wait any longer.



  I’d never been on a motorcycle before, especially one that was so sleek and powerful.

  I could feel his muscles flex as he maneuvered the bike where he wanted it to go. It was like his mind was wired to the machine. Like he owned it. Like he was inside it.

  It was exactly how I wanted him to be with me. Owning me. Inside me.

  The women who worked at the mall were extremely attracted to Jack. I could see how they looked at him. How they talked to him. Their body language.

  But he didn’t even notice. His only focus was on me.

  We were in an upscale shop that sold the top brands. He told me to pick out whatever I liked.

  I had asked for suggestions and he told me how certain clothes can impact certain maneuvers. Even though I’d been with him in many of those exact same maneuvers before, it felt different to hear him say them. To talk about them in such a peaceful way outside the gym. He could have been talking about dancing or ballet. He had spoken about that before. How self-defense was like tango. You needed a strong lead. Either you were the leader, or your opponent. If you took the lead you determined the next move. If your opponent took the lead, you could use that aggression against him, more like a judo throw placing you in position to switch from defense to offense.

  But I had no defense when it came to him. My walls were down, my gates open. I was ready for him to invade and take everything he wanted. To teach me what I didn’t even know I was missing.

  He was patient with me. I took a long time looking at so many items. I was fantasizing about what we could do in each one.

  I was especially interested in the white combinations. The sweat surely making them transparent. My hard nipples popping though, the outline of my vagina visible.

  Would he be able to control himself? Would he want to?

  No and no.

  I saw the way he looked at me. It was only a matter of time. And I was hoping not much more time. I was so hungry for him. I had to at least get this pent up energy released so I could think straight. So I could try and focus on my exams. I had one of the highest grade point averages in the entire university. I didn’t want it to dip. I couldn’t afford to lose my partial scholarship.

  “And now, fighting out of the white corner, the Girl with the Twirl, the Mamma with the Bomba, Aaaaava.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh as I slid into the bottoms inside the changing room. The way he pretended to announce my arrival for a real match as he stood just outside the changing room was pretty funny, but it also invigorated me with a sense of power. Made me feel like I could do anything.

  Apart from the physical that’s what I really appreciated about him. He just had this way of invigorating me. No challenge was too big. He never made a mountain out of a mole hill, and he never saw a mountain which couldn’t be conquered. It was always a forgone conclusion that it could be done with hard work and discipline. But he made it fun. It never felt like work.

  As someone who studied all the time to be on even a partial scholarship, I really appreciated his discipline. I couldn’t deny at times I did wonder what it would be like to be a trust fund kid. Everything paid for with plenty of extra walking around cash…just skating through college until landing a job that was lined up years in advance thanks to your parent’s connections. Good for those kids, but that wasn’t my life. I had to grind, just like he had to and continued to do so.

  It was go time. I felt my pulse quicken as I reached for the curtain separating the changing room from showroom floor.

  “Ava,” he said. His baritone voice sending shivers down my spine. The sound of his authority hitting me right in my lady bits.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “Let me see you.”

  Suddenly I became a bit self-conscious as I felt the pressure of trying to please him. Then I remembered the lessons he had taught me. Do your best and forget the rest.

  I had come a long way already. My body was firming up, but still keeping all the curves he admired. I was getting to the point where I could fend off an attacker if that unfortunate moment arrived.

  Do your best and forget the rest. I heard his words again. With my hand still clinging the curtain I pulled it open quickly, announcing my arrival.

  Just as the curtain pulled right, his jaw dropped down.

  “Wow!” he said.

  I felt so feminine in that moment. I had taken this might warrior and brought him to his knees. I had done that. The sight of me. I felt my cheeks redden and I wanted him to push aside the clerk and take me right there. Rip off those brand new clothes and ram his cock deep inside me as we watched ourselves in the changing room covered in mirrors.

  “Will this one get the job done?” I asked.

  “That one will cause your opponent to faint from a hundred yards away. They won’t even be able to attack such a work of art. Just like how Paris was spared in World War II.”

  It was a bit of a stretch, but it made me feel good anyways.

  “We’ll take it,” he said.

  The clerk nodded.

  I spun around to show
him the back. He just buried his head in his hands. He raised a finger and motioned for me to go back in and change.

  He couldn’t take any more of this torment, and in doing so he made me feel like a million bucks.

  When I came out of the changing room he was still standing there. He stepped forward, closer to me.

  “You have no idea what’s going on in my mind right now. The things I want to say to you.”


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