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Diamonds and Spurs [The Callens 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Melody Snow Monroe

  His lips trailed down her chin to the hollow of her throat. Forcing all objections from her brain, she let her body feel and enjoy the way he treated her with something close to adoration.

  “Darlin’. It’s rather hot. Mind if I take off my pants?”

  She, too, was warm. Once more she was faced with the decision. Even though their tent was at least fifty feet from the others, the women would hear every moan and groan. Mandy wasn’t sure she was capable of making love quietly.

  Go for it.

  “I’ll join you.”

  “Is that an invitation, darlin’?”

  She swallowed. “Yes.”

  “We have to be quiet. Can you do that?”

  No. “I can try.”

  “You’ve had a hard day. Is your butt sore? Or your inner thighs?”

  What did that have to do with making love? “You have no idea.” As soon as she opened her mouth, her comment registered. Was he talking about anal sex? She wasn’t sure she was ready for that. “I meant it.”

  He chuckled softly. “I’m sure you did. I need to know where to start the massage.”

  “Oh.” She hoped he didn’t know what she’d been thinking.

  He rolled her onto her stomach and straddled her. Vince was wearing pajama bottoms and a long-sleeved T-shirt, but he didn’t take either off. Hmm. The two-inch air mattress wasn’t thick enough to support both, but she didn’t mind the roots pressing into her if it meant she could make love with Vince. The warmth from his inner thighs along her waist and hips relaxed her.

  His strong fingers began at her shoulders and rubbed out the tightness.

  “That feels wonderful.”

  “I’m just beginning. I have big plans for making you moan.”

  She’d never be able to keep quiet. “Go for it.”

  Her forehead might have been resting on hands, but she could picture Vince smiling. His hands told her. When he finished with removing the tension from her shoulders, he slipped his hands under her T-shirt and stroked her back.

  Boldness grabbed her. “You want me to take off my top?”

  “Does a bull buck?”

  The man had a knack for making her laugh. “You’ll have to move.” She needed room to roll over.

  He lifted onto his knees, allowing her to flip over. His head nearly touched the top of the tent. The only way to get her shirt off was to sit up. He’d placed a headlamp at the back of the tent and pointed it away from the campsite to prevent shadows. The glow allowed her to see everything about him. He must have taken his shirt off when she was facedown. Nice.

  She propped herself on her elbows but needed more room. Vince lifted her shirt over her breasts.

  He grinned. “I thought you could use the help.”

  “You’re right.” She dropped back onto the mattress and lifted her hands above her head. “Pull.” The moment he removed her shirt, the cold air pebbled her nipples. “It’s chilly.”

  “Won’t be for long.” He planted his hands on her bare tits.

  He was right. Warmth spread down her body. “You have hot hands.”

  “Only for you. Mmm. Darlin’, you are one fine woman. I’ve been dreaming of your breasts, your body, and of exploring your mind from the second I saw you in the barn.”

  She silently laughed. “Why do I think you just added on the mind stuff?”

  “Smartie.” He leaned over and kissed her, his tongue demanding entrance. His hands slipped off her breasts and replaced them with his naked hard body. She swooned.

  His feet slid backward until their lengths matched. The top sleeping bag pooled around his waist, but being cold no longer was a concern. His hard cock dug into her pubic bone. As if he could sense her discomfort, he moved down two-inches, still giving him lots of kissing room.

  He tasted all man, a sweet combination of chocolate and coffee. Their tongues swirled and twisted, battling to explore the other. When he pulled up for air, she threaded her fingers through his hair and pulled him down for more. He lifted his head and, using his teeth, tugged on her bottom lip. His playful and sensual touch made her body sizzle.

  “Didn’t you promise to take care of the soreness in my thighs?”

  “Trust me. I haven’t forgotten. We’ve got all night.”

  Perhaps he was trying to keep her from worrying. “Are you really planning to stay up so you’ll be ready for the boogie man if he should come?”

  He nabbed her chin and licked his way down to the hollow of her throat. “I will do whatever it takes to protect you.”

  Gone was the joking manner. In its place was a man intent on keeping his promise. She hadn’t seen this side of him, but she liked it. Hell, she loved it.

  His cock ground against her body, but the pressure disappeared as he lowered his hips and captured her nipple in his mouth. With his other hand, he palmed her breast. The first pull had her twisting beneath him. She closed her eyes and tightened her jaw to keep from making any noise. She wished she could let loose and moan and groan, but she’d be totally embarrassed tomorrow if everyone knew they’d made love.

  “You are so beautiful.”

  His compliment sounded sincere, so unlike Craig’s. Being herself was much easier when other people accepted her quirks and failings.

  “You are, too.” That slipped out, but it was the truth.

  “You are so overdressed. I thought you said you wanted to take off your pants?”

  “After you take off yours.”

  Vince leaned back on his knees and tugged down her bottoms. “I will in a sec.”

  He dragged his backpack near and withdrew a condom from the side pocket.

  “You planned to seduce me?”

  “Shh. Hell, yes. As I said, I can’t get you out of my mind.”

  That worked for her. She grinned. He moved to the side and the two of them removed the rest of their clothes. She wished the light in the corner had been brighter, as his cock was shrouded in shadows.

  Her wet nipples had puckered, and she wrapped her arms over her chest to keep warm. He pulled the sleeping bag over his shoulders, slid her arms to the side, and returned to the business of adoring her breasts. With one swipe of his tongue, goose bumps rippled up her arms. She shivered and he palmed her shoulder to warm her. With her free hand, she clasped his biceps and squeezed, loving the texture of his skin and the way the muscles moved even as he breathed.

  Vince dropped his mouth to her belly, dragging the blanket over his head as he travelled. “So much of you I want to taste. So little time.”

  She tucked the bag up to her chin. Seeing his back lift and drop the bag prevented her from knowing exactly what he was about to do. When his thumbs parted her lower lips and his tongue swiped her pussy, she moaned and immediately clamped a hand over her mouth.

  “I heard that, young lady.”

  The whole camp probably heard his comment. “Shh.”

  He nabbed her clit, and her mind splintered. Perhaps it was the forbidden nature of the act, but every sense heightened. He licked and sucked. She lifted and bucked. She clenched her fists, digging her nails into her palms to keep from making a sound. No way could she remain still once he impaled her. Part of her wanted to urge him to give her his cock now, but the other half adored the way he incited a riot in her body. He plunged a finger in her wet opening, and her stomach tightened. She milked his finger.

  He curled the meaty digit that was pressing on her most sensitive spot, and her back arched. She wrapped her legs around his shoulders and lifted her hips. Her head thrashed.

  Vince crawled up her body and kissed her. “How would you like to ride me?”

  Craig was Mr. Vanilla. Missionary style was his only option. “Music to my ears.” This way she could control the speed and drive him crazy. “I want to suck on your cock first,” she whispered.

  This time, Vince groaned. “Be careful. It’ll be like riding a bull. You’ve got maybe seven seconds before I toss you off.”

  That brought a giggle up her throat. T
hey changed places, and she straddled him. He pulled the coverlet over her shoulders, and she slid backward until her hands and mouth were on him. He seemed thicker than Cam, but a smidge shorter. Both were massive, but from the amount of juices she was spewing, he’d fit nicely.

  Although she was unable to see, his cock was an easy target. She cupped his sac and grabbed the base. She devoured him. He slipped his hands under the bag and cupped her shoulders.


  That one word said it all. He was on the edge and wanted her. Not wasting any time, she dove down on his cock and ran her tongue around in a circle. His grip tightened, and she sucked harder.

  “Enough.” Vince lifted her shoulders. Foil ripped. With practiced precision, the condom found its mark before she could ask to do the honors. “Ride me, darlin’.”

  “My pleasure.”

  On her knees, she grabbed his cock. Instead of immediately taking him inside her, as her body was screaming for her to do, she pumped his cock a few times. Vince clamped a hand on her wrist. “You’re about to be thrown.”

  She swallowed a giggle. “I’ll be good.” Or not.

  She placed the head of his cock at her opening, but only lowered an inch. Her eyes popped open at his size. She’d misjudged him. He held her hips, but she wanted to be in control. With an even descent, she dropped down on him, stopping only to catch her breath. Every time she forged ahead an inch, she pulled up half the distance.

  “You’re killing me, darlin’.”

  Smiling, she relaxed her muscles and ate him up until he’d completely filled her. Her breath came out fast as his cock stretched her insides. She leaned over to kiss him. Her tight sheath clamped down hard on him. His nails dug into her skin.

  She cupped his face and kissed him with abandon, and he returned the kiss with equal fervor. Vince broke the connection.

  “As much as I want to spend an hour kissing you, my cock won’t let me.”

  He tightened his grip on her hips, lifted his own, and drove into her. Her walls fluttered and her breath spiraled.

  Gone was her ability to control the movement, but having Vince take over made for a richer experience. She pressed her hands on his shoulders and widened her legs to capture every inch of his power.

  She leaned forward, and her clit received a delightful surprise. His cock pressed against her sensitive nub, and her world turned upside down. He lifted his head and met her lips halfway. They nibbled, licked, sucked, and kissed. The erotic, scorching kiss invaded her body and tumbled straight to her heart. She needed him like she needed the fresh air to survive.

  “Mandy, Mandy, Mandy.”


  Her muscles burned as he plowed into her. His cock grew and pulsed. Fire raced through her body, and she couldn’t take it any longer. “I’m coming.”

  “Me. Too.”

  She fell on his chest and pumped her hips hard as he drove his cock deep into her one last time. His seed pummeled the back of the condom, and he slid his hands higher and pulled her close.

  Her heart rapidly fired as his lips tugged on her earlobe. As exhausted as she was, she wished her body would let her go another round. Now that he was in her blood, she wanted him again. And again.

  The image of Cam popped in her brain. What was she to do? She wanted both.

  Lilly’s words filtered back to her. “You are aware he and Cam share their women.”

  She had all tomorrow to think about what she really wanted.

  You know what you want.

  The horses snickered and whinnied. She was tossed on her side in a flash. Vince sat up.


  “What’s wrong?”

  “Someone’s here.”

  Her heart tripped in her chest and her stomach lurched. Had Craig found her?

  Chapter Twelve

  “Shh. Something alerted the horses,” Vince whispered.

  He scrounged around the tent for his clothes. Mandy helped find his boots. Once dressed, he grabbed his knife and his gun. Now he wished he’d brought an extra weapon for Mandy.

  “Be careful,” she said, her voice wavering.

  “Don’t come out no matter what.” He prayed she’d obey.

  “Yell if you need help.”

  He almost smiled. “What can you do?”

  “I’ll scream. You’d be surprised what ten women can do when they put their minds to it.”

  God, she was amazing. Most would be whimpering. He unzipped the tent. His headlamp was on his forehead, but he didn’t turn it on for obvious reasons. No matter how lightly he moved, leaves and sticks crunched. The horses had calmed, but that didn’t mean the danger had passed. A wolf, a deer, a possum, or a man could be near.

  Damn. With one ear listening for a disturbance at camp, he walked down the path for five minutes. Nothing jumped out at him. Vince turned on his headlamp and scoured the landscape but saw nothing. Maybe it had been a snake or something that made the horses antsy. He had just turned back when someone screamed.


  Then his heart spiked and plummeted to his stomach. As he sprinted toward camp, his legs turned to lead. Shouts sounded. His imagination went wild. Someone had found her.

  “Mandy! I’m coming.”

  Light flickered from the camp, but it wasn’t in the location of the fire pit and it wasn’t from flashlights.

  Fuck. The acrid stench of smoke hit him and he moved fast.

  He passed the horses tugging on their reins. He had no time to soothe them. As he rounded the bend, his heart stopped. Fire licked the side of his tent.

  “We need water, everyone,” Trinity shouted.

  The women had crawled out of the safety of their sleeping bags. Trusty Trinity was tossing water on the tent and Mandy was naked, scooping up dirt and throwing it on the flames. Vince raced to her side. As soon as he saw she was okay, he removed his shirt and popped it over her head.

  “You good?”

  She sniveled. “Yes. I think.”

  More water arrived, and they successfully doused the fire.

  Leaves rustled up ahead. Crap. He hadn’t thought to check the path in the other direction. “Someone give Mandy some clothes. I’ll be right back.”

  The women converged on her. She’d be fine, he told himself, at least physically.

  He wanted to find who’d started the fire. From the sounds up ahead, none of the women in the group were the culprits. Horse’s hooves sounded and Vince slowed. He pictured the paths leading in that direction. Too many options existed for escape. Even if he charged back to his mount, he’d never catch the guy.

  Defeat burned a bitter taste in his mouth. The attack was wrong on so many levels. The only good thing was the attacker might not have wanted her dead. If he had, he could have easily strangled her or shot her.

  The plan to lure him away from the tent and then attack had worked. Dumb, Vince.

  He should have seen it coming. All of the women had their headlamps blazing. Trinity had another fire going. No doubt she used the fire paste to start the fire in a hurry. Mandy sat in a ground-hovering camp chair with the women all huddling around her, rubbing her shoulders and talking softly to her.

  As soon as he arrived, they moved to the side. He knelt. “Tell me what happened.”

  Mandy inhaled. “As soon as you left, I got under the covers to wait for you. Then I heard leaves rustling next to the tent. I figured one of the ladies had woken and needed to pee.”

  Sally stepped forward. “I was about to.”

  “I’d turned off the lamp in the corner, thinking I’d be more of a target with it on.”

  He should have thought of that. “You’re right.”

  “My eyes were closed when I smelled smoke.”

  Trinity spoke up. “I heard Mandy scream just as I was returning from using mother nature’s facilities.”

  “You see anything?”

  “Just the flames.”

  He couldn’t believe the arsonist had outsmarted him. “Then

  Mandy sniffled. He wanted to comfort her so badly, but he believed if she told her story, she’d feel better.

  “First I screamed. Then I grabbed my water bottle that was outside our tent and yelled for everyone to get up. I tossed it on the fire but that didn’t put it out. It happened so fast.”

  “You did the right thing. Your quick reflexes saved you.”

  Mandy placed a hand on his wrist. “I didn’t think. I reacted. I raced out of the tent naked. My thoughts jumbled. All I could think of was to contain the fire. The poop shovel was leaning against the tree. I grabbed that to dig the dirt, but it didn’t work well.”

  One of the ladies waved her empty bottle. “I poured mine on the flames.”

  They all deserved a medal. “Thank you all. I don’t think he’ll be back tonight.”

  Mandy’s fingers tightened her grip. “Do you think we should head back?”

  “If he was a hired hand, he did what he was asked to do. Scare you. If he wanted you dead—” He waved a hand. “Never mind.”

  Two of the women gasped. Way to go. Vince stood. “Ladies, this has nothing to do with you. Trust me. Go back to sleep. Trinity and I will take turns keeping watch.”

  Mandy didn’t move.

  Trinity rubbed Mandy’s back. “Sweetie, you go with Vince and snuggle tight. I’ll keep the first watch.”

  He trusted Trinity. He’d seen her shoot a gun, and she was damned good. He handed her his weapon. “You want this?”

  “Thanks, but I got my rifle in the tent. Keep Mandy safe.”

  He had every intention of doing that—now and forever.

  The idea of forever shook him. Sharon had burned him, but in truth, his cock had made him say he wanted that woman. Mandy was a different story. She was good through and through.

  “Come on. Let’s get some sleep.”

  “You’re serious? I can’t sleep. Besides, part of the sleeping bag caught on fire.”

  He held out his hand. “Let’s check. Come on. You can’t sit out here all night. You’re not dressed for the night air.”

  She let him lift her to a stand. Her legs buckled when she stepped. On instinct, he picked her up and kissed her cheek. She smelled of smoke. Whether it was from the tent fire or the campfire he couldn’t tell.


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