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ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Completely Obsessed (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance)

Page 55

by Charlotte Sloan

  And then, after what seemed a lifetime of this torment, Mark's tongue hit my sweet spot, and I began to moan with orgasm, my spine arching and my buttocks clenching, every inch of my flesh seeming to convulse and to tighten, then to slacken and unravel as I slowly drifted back down. The waves of climax like some destructive force, and yet the agony, I knew, only just beginning.

  He pulled his face from between my legs, leaving my cunt in piece for little more than a moment before getting onto the main and devastating attraction. He slid out of his pants, allowing them to go toppling to the floor, and followed promptly by his underwear. I was astonished by the sight of his massive, veiny prick, throbbing and erect and so maddening to look at that I wished I could put that fucking monstrosity in a frame and hang it up on the bedroom wall.

  But just as I accustomed myself to its visage it disappeared, inside myself of all places, where it could be put to its full and furious use. Mark put his hands on my legs, and pushed them up, up, up, up, pinning my ankles around my ears, and causing me to quiver with anticipation as he proceeded to mount my stretched out anatomy. He slid his pelvis up onto my own, the scorching heat of his cock feeling absolutely glorious as it seeped through my body like a damn drug.

  I braced myself, then, and let out a tremendous gasp as he began to penetrate me, piercing the sopping wet, sensitized lips of my gash with his sharp and engorged tip, stretching me wide apart, and sinking so devastatingly into me that I thought I might die before he even truly got started. Inch by inch by inch of his immensity came cleaving apart my beaver like there was no tomorrow.

  My body struggling to contain all of it as he stuffed the last few millimeters inside me, tears practically beginning to stream down my cheeks as he at last pressed down lodged deep into my gash, and the stillness that followed at the moment of his completed entry unlike anything I could have imagined.

  And then, he tore into me without mercy. There were a few long, slow strokes to limber me up, but there was no real preparing me for just what he had in store for my cunt, the vicious pounding and thrusting and fucking, churning me up so devastatingly that I thought there might not be that much left of me by the time all was said and done.

  I moaned passionately, my body devastated by the severe force of his thrusts, every nerve on fire, and my anatomy so overwhelmed by him that when the moment came, I sure as hell knew it was going to be a bad one. And sure enough, with one final, intense strike, he slammed his cock up into me, nearly striking my innermost core with his engorged tip and holding himself in place.

  His shaft throbbing inside me, an imminently spilling over the edge. Pulse after pulse after pulse of his hot, molten sperm came launching up into me, filling me up to the brim, and setting me over the edge with pleasure. Orgasm ripped through my anatomy with redoubled force this time around, leveling me to no small end and causing me to scream forth at the very top of my lungs.

  In spite of my many, many inhibitions about all of this, I felt somehow so enamored my Mark and so desirous of his body that I simply couldn't believe it, and by the time he pulled out of me I had made up my mind about something that was, in fact, rather quite drastic.

  Chapter 2

  I left Philip after that night, moving in with Mark almost immediately, on what you might tend to consider little more than a whim. It was sudden, yes, not so much the breaking up part as the moving in with a complete stranger whom I'd fucked one time, and about whom I knew practically absolute zilch. But, quite frankly, I was sick and tired of all Philip's experimenting, and I realized after the night of the cuckolding that the only thing that was keeping me tied up in the relationship was a lack of other options.

  In so many ways, what the two of us had once shared, felt as though it had gone largely stale so long ago, and any chance at revitalizing the hollow shell of our love seemed like it would be little but a vanity. Mark, for as little as I knew about him, seemed to fulfill a need in me that I'd almost forgotten I had at all after so many months spent with Philip. In fact, I felt very much the same way with him as I had when Philip and I had originally started dating, and I felt as though some sort of vitality had been restored to me with even the faintest application of Mark's touch against my skin.

  It felt so fucking wonderful to be wrapped up in his arms, and I think from that first touch onward I felt a conviction that Mark was wholly the write person for me to have in my life. Of course, Philip and I had shared a history together, but I was just too exhausted by him to see the cons of our relationship outweighing the pros any longer. I needed this change desperately, and given that Mark had an apartment to himself and seemed enthusiastic about the idea, it seemed like it was the best solution for all involved for me to move in with him.

  Philip, of course, was unhappy about it, perhaps devastated even, although he didn't let his emotions show all that much either way. As far as I was concerned, his priority needed to be getting his shit together, and realizing that he was a lot to deal with for any woman he hoped to be with. And though I was certain he could find someone somewhere who would be up for the sort of kinks he so desperately craved, I most definitely was not that kind of woman.

  Sex with Mark, after so much of Philip's bullshit in the past, was absolutely wonderful. The two of us largely confined our love to the basic “vanilla” guidelines within each of our comfort zones. Instead of outlandish new toys and convoluted sex devices, Mark took care of my pussy by simply utilizing what he had, emphasizing skilled technique over Philip's series of zany novelties, and in doing so endowing me with the sort of mind-boggling romance that I had for so long craved.

  Not to mention, in case you hadn't noticed me saying so, Mark had a pretty big wang on him, and I felt as though that largely aided in our bedroom proceedings to no small degree...

  At any rate, things seemed to be going well between the two of us for quite some time. Though I'd doubted that I could find another emotional connection like that which I felt with Philip, and in fact that had been one of the major things prompting me to keep our dead relationship alive for as long as possible. I felt as though Mark and I shared a largely similar chemistry. He and I actually enjoyed doing things together, both in and out of the bedroom, and for the first couple of weeks, at least, it felt as though the decision to leave Philip had been one of the best I'd made in some time.

  And then I missed my period...

  I hadn't even realized it at first, and when I did there was, of course, that initial shock of doubt. I quickly calmed myself, though, with the knowledge that the birth control I was on had this sort of effect on me, causing my periods to grow far lighter and, often times, missing me altogether. It must have just been one of those months, I decided, and was able to forget about the matter easily enough for the most part.

  It was a little bit less simple to ignore the gradual swelling of my belly, or the engorgement of my breasts and the expansion and darkening of my nipples, or, for that matter, the morning sickness or the insatiable appetites for pickles and ice cream.

  Naturally, this presented any number of problems... Not least among these was the fact that, much to my disgrace at the time, I couldn't say with any real degree of certainty which of the two of my most recent lovers was responsible for the planting of his seed in my womb. I tried to calculate the moment of my realization as closely as I could and work backwards, but for the life of me there was no way for me to be certain which of the two men, Mark or Philip, had impregnated me.

  I mean, I'd had sex with Philip in the shower the very night before my first time fucking Mark, and particularly given the fact that I hadn't even taken definite note of the date of my first missed period, there was just no way for me to tell which of the two of them must have swollen my gut.

  I tried to pretend, for Mark's sake that that the baby must have been, and though he responded with a bit of expected anxiousness at first, he at last seemed to warm up to the idea of being a father, and began to grow enthusiastic about the prospect as the weeks rolled al
ong. But I just couldn't shake the notion that I might just be lying to myself and to him as to the baby's true parentage, and I knew deep down that having him raise this child without even letting Philip know was the wrong thing to do.

  Damning the makers of my failed birth control all the while, I at last forced myself to phone up my ex-boyfriend. Inviting him over to Mark's apartment, and sitting them down for what I felt certain would be an incredibly unpleasant discussion. Suffice it to say, however, things didn't quite go as I'd expected them to once the three of us were all seated in the living room.

  Understandably enough, Mark seemed just the least bit pissed about the fact that I'd hidden the possibility of Philip being the real father from him. I mean, he should reasonably have been able to deduce this on his own, but my feeding of the myth had still more than likely been the wrong thing for me to be doing all that time. And Philip, well, you can bet that he was astonished at the fact of my pregnancy, and he seemed to be a bit hesitant to accept its very fact given the recent nature of our falling out. I don't think he wanted to dig up old bones, as it were, and get himself re-involved in the life of a woman who'd left him so suddenly- even if he did have it coming to him...

  But then something strange started to happen...

  As the discussion wore on, the atmosphere in the room began to thicken with this sort of heated, erotic tension. Like, I don't know if it was my pregnant hormones, or else the situation itself that was causing things to heat up in this way- and by situation, I mean the competitive nature of two men trying to decide whose little wrigglers had successfully impregnated the body of so fine a female specimen as myself...

  But at any rate, something or other led to the three of us sort of levitating toward one another, and an almost makeshift family unit to form between the strange and unlikely triad.

  And finally, somehow or another, Mark and Philip were finding themselves engaged in a threesome with a six-month pregnant woman...

  My head was spinning as the two of them passed me back and forth between the two of them, unable to even fathom what it was I was getting myself into. Yet finding that I wanted it quite desperately all the same. I savored the way in which they ravished my swollen body with what almost might be considered a holy reverence, their unmistakable desire for me kept only in check by the fact of my delicate pregnancy. I was sandwiched between the two men's warm bodies in an agonizing fashions, Mark in front of me and Philip behind me, kisses being pecked hot and wet all over my lips and my cheeks and my chin and my neck.

  They began to peel me out of my clothes, their sweaty palms sliding all over me as our forbidden romance progressed, and me, all the while, moaning with delight at the burning of their touch. The exposure of my naked body taking entirely too long for me to withstand, and yet the speed of our progression causing my head to spin all the while. The fabric of my maternity dress and my frankly uncomely stretch pants came fluttering down onto the floor, and each man took on a respective role in denuding me of my lingerie.

  Philip unhooked the clasp of my bra from between my shoulder blades and slid the straps down along my arms, at last peeling the cups from my presently gigantic titties and tossing the thing to the floor. He cupped his fingers into my breasts from behind and I moaned with desire for the two of them, and all the while Mark hunkered down beneath my pregnant belly, and peeled the lacy fabric of my panties down, down, down off of my legs.

  I stood completely naked between the two of them now, and they themselves began to undress as well in order to join me in this primal state. As muscle was unveiled beneath the sliding of fabric, then, they reconvened around me in sandwich fashion once again, their hot cocks dreadfully beautiful as they pushed up against my bare flesh, and Philip's erection in particular driving me wild as it slid up and down between my trembling, sweaty buttocks.

  The three of us formed into a circle, and began to kiss in a sweet, agonizing daisy chain. Mark's lips were on mine, his tongue jousting and licking my cheeks and gouging toward my windpipe, and then mine were on Philip's a reunion I could not possibly have imagined as being as sweet as it was. His once-familiar flavor like some incredible nostalgia as it came pouring back into me.

  And then, Lord help me, Philip's lips were suddenly on Mark's, nearly knocking the fucking wind out of me, surprised as I was by the two men's apparently heretofore hidden bisexuality, and the sight of the two of them rolling their tongues into one another and their dribbling cocks jousting together entirely too much for me.

  I stood back and watched the two of them ravish one another's naked bodies for some time, playing with my pregnant pussy to the sight all the while. And then, when the temptation became too strong for me to handle, I squatted down between the two men, my ass inches from the floor, and I seized hold of each wobbling penis as the two of them kissed up above. I began to masturbate the two of them simultaneously, my wrists stuttering along their engorged shafts and the sight of their bulging tips tapping up against one another almost entirely too beautiful.

  Then, as jizz began to flow steadily from each man's tip, I leaned in, parting my jaws wide, and allowed my lips to dissolve around the shaft of Philip's engorged cock.

  I took turns sucking each man off in tandem, deep-throating each immense shaft to the extent my neck would allow. Gouging my fucking windpipe with their monstrosities, and then switching to the opposite partner. Their penises became quickly coated with a thorough film of my saliva and the bile from my throat, and it didn't take long at all with my masturbatory efforts for the two of them to return their focuses rather promptly to yours truly.

  Soon, Mark was sprawling his body out across the bed, and Philip was carefully laying my pregnant self out on top of him. Mark seized a hold of me, and began to kiss me passionately, my head spinning and my toes curling at the notion of what was going on down below. Philip was seizing a hold of Mark's erect penis, sliding and pumping the skin of his shaft in his grip, and then pulling it back, angling it just so, and pushing it into my body. I gasped as Mark's cock came grinding up, up, up, up into the deepest fathoms of my pussy, heat strobing through my anatomy and sweat beginning to pour along my overwhelmed body in torrents.

  Then, once Mark was fully inserted, I was spared very little agony as Philip came clambering onto me shortly after, mounting me from behind, and adding his own cock to the collection now being pushed into my body. The long, curved blade of his shaft came sliding into my cunt atop Mark's the two of them vaginally double penetrating me, and stretching me out so fucking wide I could hardly stand it. Combined, the length and the girth of the two men's cocks were an absolute tour de force, and by the time Philip touched down inside of me, I felt as though I could scarcely breathe from the abundance of sensations.

  The two men proceeded to tear into me, showing me very little mercy after having treated me with such excessive delicacy up to this point in time. I savored the sliding of their shafts up against one another through the hot pink medium of my cunt, the two of them grinding and thrusting and fucking me to a pulp. Slap after slap after slap of their pelvises up into me for minutes on end without pause, until after some ungodly period of time things were at last brought to fruition.

  The two men crammed themselves into me at full blast, and began to ejaculate, pulse after pulse after pulse of their hot sticky sperm deluging my inner anatomy, coating every nook and every crevice, and setting me over the edge. The dual planting of their seed up into my pussy seemed as sure a sign as any of their willingness to share in the upcoming parenting responsibilities regardless of whom the real father happened to be, an as I shot through the heavens of orgasm, trembling from engorged tit to toe, I felt as safe and secure in these two men's arms as I could ever have imagined possible.

  Compromise can be such a beautiful thing...


  Triple Temptation


  Danny sat motionless on the sofa, staring straight ahead of him and sipping on a glass of wine. His hands trembled slight
ly with the passing of the moments, shot with nerves at this point as he was, but determined to get to the bottom of just what was going on with his wife. Of course, he already had a reasonable enough picture of precisely what was happening, but there was an understandable need for certainty on his part.

  A means of guaranteeing that his own thorough investigation was fool proof, and a pressing desire to have everything in order before jumping down her throat with any sort of unfounded accusation. That, of course, would have been disastrous, and as frustrated as he was at her actions, there was something deep down inside him that almost wanted to doubt that which he knew, without any reasonable objection, to be the truth.

  As far as that went, his investigation into the matter left little room for wonder or second-guessing, aside from that which was instinctual and unavoidable by human nature. Rationally speaking, anyway, there was no reason for him to disbelieve that which he had rooted up in his efforts, it was simply a matter of giving her one final, gracious benefit of the doubt to be sure. So great had his love for her once been and how devastating it would be to see it all come crashing down with the revelation he hated to believe.


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