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ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Completely Obsessed (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance)

Page 65

by Charlotte Sloan

  Curled up at home knitting and watching bad day time talk shows I was surprised to hear the doorbell ring. This was the kind of apartment block where you politely pretended not to co-exist. And it wasn’t like I could afford online shopping so I was surprised me doorbell even worked.

  Heaving myself awkwardly out of my chair I walked heavily to the door, pulling it open to reveal none other than the father of my child, Senator James Chilton.

  “Sasha!” He greeted me with cheerful relief, “I heard you left and I had to come and find you and persuade you to return to politics, you’re too good to be lost to it over the indignity of Kramer’s office.”

  I didn’t reply and waited for his eyes to shift off my face. A second after the words had left James’s mouth he took in all of me - all of me - and his came to rest on the small basketball sized very visible bump under my dress.

  “Oh” He said, lost for words.

  “Oh, indeed,” I replied weakly, placing a hand protectively over my belly.

  James recovered, looking at my belly and up to my apprehensive face and he spoke with kindness, “Is this why you fled the Hill? Sasha a baby is not a life sentence, we can work this out. If your baby’s father won’t step up, I will. You can have baby, career and love.”

  I broke into a smile at James’s despairing hopeful face. Not being able to hold back any longer “James, this baby is yours.”

  I cupped my belly and shyly looked up at him, unsure. James’s face broke out into a huge handsome grin and he took me in his arms and put a strong hand on my stomach. He drew me in for a warm kiss. Pulling away he kept his face near mine, our noses almost touching and his smile said it all.

  “Sasha,” he said, “I was hoping that the baby was mine, but I didn’t want to get my hopes up and presume.”

  “Well,” I replied, “If you want to step up it’s your baby you are stepping up to. I wanted to hide to protect you but I guess now you know.”

  James looked serious, “Honey my career doesn’t come before love or my principles. I’m not the Alison Kramer’s or Fletcher’s of the world. I fell in love with your application then with you, I thought we were on the same page about lines being silly. I was wrong to not recognize you didn’t feel in a position to take that risk, or that I didn’t convey I could handle any blowback. But I’m here now and trust me, everything will be fine, I’ll make it so. There is no one else in my life but you.”

  I smiled with relief and leaned into his strong embrace. No longer a secret baby on the way but a baby between two people in love finding their way, whatever challenges the scandal may throw up. I took James by the hand and led him inside.


  I took James by the hand into my small yet comfortable bedroom. Our faces met and we kissed, pushed apart unlike before by my swelling belly which held the results of our last intimate encounter.

  There was less fire and ripping clothes off than last time. This was a mature, calm, warm burn. My body felt inflamed with desire. Pregnancy had altered my body and hormones and made me lust after a strong protective man. The changes in my body aroused me. My breasts were huge and sensitive and ached to be touched, my nipples tender. My bottom had blown out into curvaceous round mounds longing to be squeezed by firm fingers. Where I carried the baby…my belly was round and hard and the weight of the baby sat low, squeezing my private parts. I felt like I both needed to go the bathroom and to orgasm.

  I arched my back as James kissed me. The tension I carried in my back was eased as James walked me over to my bed and pushed aside the pillows, carefully helping my unwieldy body to lie down. James stood, looking down at me as I lay flustered with my dress hiked up and my belly heaving.

  He spoke, “You are so beautiful right now. Beautiful in a different way to how you were in my office.”

  I glowed and replied, “You are even more handsome to me as the father of my child.”

  James grinned and moved onto the bed, careful not to bump me. He was trying to be so careful around me, as if I could break and he had to treat me like a delicate china cup lest his baby be bumped.

  I reached for him and pulled him into a firm embrace, “its okay, James, I won’t break. You can touch me, don’t be afraid.”

  “God you’re so round,” James sighed as his hands, tentative at first, explored my body. “I love it.”

  His hands went straight to my round swollen belly. He ran his hands over my roundness lightly at first, then firmer as he grew confident when he looked at me in query and I nodded encouragement. Smiling he cupped my belly at all angles, exploring the tautness of the skin. A hand found its way to my full soft breasts and I reached down to touch his hardness.

  “Oh!” I gasped as the baby began to move inside me.

  I grabbed James’s hand and placed it firmly on my stomach where I felt the tumble and kick, “See!” I said excitedly, “feel that! That’s our baby!”

  “Wow!” exclaimed James as our hands held over the furry of kicks, causing a look of wonder of his face.

  “Sasha,” James said lustily, “I want you…I want to have you while you carry our baby and every day after.”

  I reached for my Senator and kissed him passionately, “I want you too,” I replied with desire.

  James helped me out of my dress, as he had helped me out of my clothes before. But slowly this time, awkward over my large stomach. I was more impatient with James’s obstructions to me getting to his body. I had been living in this body for months, I felt comfortable and confident in expressing my desire. I helped yank off James’s clothes and soon we were naked and flushed together, lying in each other’s arms kissing and touching.

  James pushed a hand between my legs, struggling a moment to find the best way around my new body. Kissing me his fingers found where they remembered. I was wet and wanting, so long untouched. His fingers found me and explored me, looking for new sensations and changes as my hands made for his thick cock. I wanted to feel inside me what I remembered so vividly, what had given me pleasure like I hadn’t had before.

  “I’m ready…” I murmured into his mouth, reaching again for him, urgently wanting him to relieve the built up ache inside me.

  “Are you sure?” James asked with tender concern.

  The cocky brazen lover of the office had been replaced by a tender considerate lover. I loved both equally, wanted both equally. I needed to guide James into finding his style in the new context of my swelling stomach and tender breasts.

  I turned on my side and motioned for James to spoon me, “We can do it like this,” I said with direction.

  James kissed my neck and ears and moved into position behind me. My body heavy and awkward, his strong and muscled. Soft and taut, strong and firm. We found our fit and James brought his cock to the entrance of me and pushed in with a firm, seeking thrust. I moaned and grabbed his hands and brought them to my swollen breasts, they just needed to be touched.

  “That’s it Sasha,” James whispered in my ears, “feel your Senator giving you what you need, filling that ache.”

  I moaned and pushed back on him, my rounder ass pushing softness against him that caused him to cry out in pleasure at the sensations of my changed body. We found our rhythm, a new rhythm, and began to make love. His thick cock stroked in and out of me, taking and giving pleasure. I thrilled to the familiar feel of being filled, being stretched. I felt filled over all, with swollen breasts, belly and ass and a swollen member inside of me.

  James rocked his body back and forth with mine, thrusting his cock in and out of me steadily. Not teasing this time, but giving. Giving to me a release from the ache of desire and for him the release of built up frustration over missing me. He kissed me throughout, on my shoulders, my back, my neck, my ears. It sent shivers up and down my spine and into parts of me that hadn’t felt that way months ago in his office. Everything had changed in my body, it was like having sex for the first time, but with someone whose body I knew.

  Our cries of pleasure mingled toget
her in the air. He gripped me tighter, his hand firmly across my belly as he picked up the pace of his thrusts, taking me firmer, harder. I cried out in pleasure, enjoying it, comfortable in myself and my secret pregnancy. He took me over and over, growing in confidence at my evident pleasure.

  He cried into my ear, “I can’t wait any longer…I have to…”

  And he reached around, reached beneath my roundness to my private space. His fingers found my clit and began to rub it like he had discovered how back in his office. He plunged his cock in and out of me as he insistently rubbed me to climax, causing me to buck back against him heavily and cry out in long denied pleasure.

  “That’s it…” he encouraged as he felt the pleasure run through me.

  He took me then, hard, wanting, with determination for his own release. His cock thrusted in and out, in and out until he gripped me tight to him, one hand on my breast, one on my hip, and he released into me, released what months ago had put a secret baby in me. The joy from him was obvious, from his groan of satisfaction to the pleasure I felt course through his body.

  He shifted his body out of mine and I sat up to turn around to face him. Every movement was a new one, compared to before. No longer was I a limber young thing who could flip around to face a lover. We snuggled in bed, looking at each other. My belly sat between us and James stroked it softly, hoping to feel a kick again of his baby.

  He stroked my roundness as he spoke, “You don’t need to keep this a secret, Sasha. This is our baby and the baby was made when two people connected. There is nothing wrong with that.”

  I shut my eyes for a moment, the pain of the last lonely few months returning, “James…you say that from a position of power and wealth. People may forgive you for your scandals. I thought it was best to stay quiet to protect your career as well as mine. But staying with me and committing to this baby is quite different.”

  James raised an eyebrow and looked puzzled, “How so?”

  I sighed and grabbed his hand to put on my belly, “Well, I’m not your kind. You’re a Senator, I am the daughter of a welder and nurse. Ivy League versus community college. You’re meant to date models and then wind up with a society beauty who is classy and perfect by your side.”

  James laughed and my feelings felt injured, “Oh Sasha, that may be the way for some in my world but not for me. My parents have one of those kinds of marriages and they are miserable. I never wanted that for myself, some trophy wife and fake marriage. I’ll date who I want, thank you, and that someone is you.”

  Joy and relief flooded through me, everything I had been holding back. This was more than a fantasy realized, this was a life becoming real. A baby. A lover. A life together. A secret no more.

  James moved down the bed and kissed my belly and looked up at me, “Sasha, will you marry me?”

  Taken back by his question my heart soared, “Yes, James, of course I will!”

  James grinned and dropped kisses all over my round belly, where our baby lay curled up inside safe in the knowledge it was a secret no longer.

  I pulled James up to me for a lingering kiss, before breaking off, “It’s a boy.”

  James smiled, ecstatic, “A mini me! You can have the next mini me, a girl.”

  I laughed, taken aback, “Are you planning baby two before we have even married or seen the arrival of number one?”

  James laughed wickedly, “Hey I’m a politician, I have big plans and I plan ahead. First stop, Senator, next stop, the White House. First stop, a mini me for me, next one for you and the third one can be for the nation.”

  I laughed and kissed my man knowing all was going to be right in the world for the three of us.


  College Affair

  “Now, Zoe, please be good for me while I get us all packed up and ready for the road trip, Mommy has work to do unfortunately.”

  I smiled to my cooing six-month-old baby girl as she rolled around happily on her blanket where we had been having play time. Zoe was the centre of my world, a world that had once been focused on nothing but getting onto the tenure track in the academic world. Looking down at my gurgling ball of happiness I couldn’t believe how narrow my world had once been. From staying up late searching for the perfect sentence for an essay, to being up all night warming bottles and settling cries.

  After finishing college I had moved to a small town ninety minutes away from where I had studied, which had houses cheap enough for my modest inheritance from my late parents. I moved after finding out I was pregnant. A small group of local moms had helped me out with some baby items, along with a few traditional women who most certainly did not.

  I sighed at the task ahead of preparing us for a road trip and looked around our happy little home. I was proud of what I had achieved on my own with limited means. The house was a single front wooden home with a green roof, white paint, and a little garden that I tried to tend (and failed at most days) and a bright interior of soft yellows and creams. Despite struggling budget wise, one luxury I never scrimped on was fresh flowers from the local market, it was difficult being a single mom and sometimes I just needed cheering up. When spending the careful five dollars for a bunch I told myself a happy mom is a good mom.

  Zoe and I were packing for her to go and stay for the evening with my old college roommate, now a mom of her own who hadn’t gone the grad student route but married after our undergraduate years, while I attended a conference at my old college, Harwood University.

  In between everything I had managed to write a published essay in a Slider Magazine on my former studies material, consumer fashion, and I had been invited to a conference on the topic of consumer behavior and fashion. People from the academia world and the fashion industry were flying in and it was big moment for me to be invited, given how small the audience for Slider Magazine was and for my article.

  I had spent the last six months juggling between being a single mom, trying to breastfeed, failing miserably, grappling with the mommy wars and all the while trying to retain some semblance of my former career and past life and tonight was my night to revel in it all. I felt in Zoe’s case, seeing her mom make something of herself was the best present I could give my daughter. Especially seeing as her father couldn’t be in the picture to provide that while I stayed home all day with her, which some days I seriously wanted to do forever. Well, until my brain craves adult conversation.

  My passion to continue with my career was what was leading me to the conference tonight. I may have had to disappear after grad school and give my future academic career away temporarily, but I hadn’t given up on it completely. Creative consumer fashion and developing theories, ideas, case studies and more in how to see fashion companies produce clothing in a better way was my driving dream.

  One I had given away to some extent when I had Zoe, but Zoe as a name meant life and to me life meant more than just being a mom, it meant being a person who was a mom and that person, to me, is someone who believes where there is a will there is a way - a way to have a career and be a mom.

  I had been really lucky to have studied under the notorious Professor Ben Arbour, former luxury fashion company CEO turned rebel against the whole industry. He held a position at our small liberal arts college lecturing and researching in consumer affairs and fashion while making a big noise in a small place.

  His op-eds were on everything from exploitation of models to the notions around ‘Paris Thin’ to sweatshops and had been featured everywhere from the New York Times to CNN. That he had left behind a career that had made him rich, celebrated and cool, to come to a college town to comment on it all from an academic perspective made him the ultimate former insider turned outsider. On campus it also certainly helped he still loved fashion - just not some parts of the industry - and he still dressed like the former male model he ruefully admitted to having been in his younger days.

  Ben Arbour. I looked down at Zoe gurgling on the blanket as I tickled her tummy. Zoe Callister, my daughter. Zoe Arbour
. Our daughter. Ben and I had had one ill thought out fling but Zoe, my life, was anything but ill thought out in being here in my sunny living room with its comfy second hand couches and hand me down blue rug from my parents, a rug I had dragged from one dorm to another to one shared apartment to the next.

  Ben. Six foot, rakish dark hair, lean muscular build gone a bit more Dad bod in his late thirties, clear blue eyes that hide what they are thinking when they don’t want to be expressive. Eyes that are expressive when they want to be in a way that keeps you captive and looking at them. Eyes that pleaded with me not to leave when I said I couldn’t possibly take up a position on his research team after finishing grad school. Because I was having his baby. Not that I could tell him that. Eyes that now firmly looked up at me from my baby on the rug, Ben’s eyes in our daughter.


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