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ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Completely Obsessed (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance)

Page 87

by Charlotte Sloan

  The sooner Colt dropped me off, the better. He could go his way to hunt down the part he needed and I could work on getting on with my life. In any case I could use some time away from him so I could spend less time obsessing about him and more time obsessing about my hopeless future.

  The employment office was located on the second floor of a large concrete building, surrounded by a few dozen other tall buildings. The white fluorescent lit walls and dated office furniture looked as bleak as my job prospects. And the women I met with said pretty much the same thing. Or more specifically, there were no openings for someone with my skill set, unless I wanted to apply to any of the retail positions currently open. I did not. Not yet, anyways. So instead I spent some time updating my resume and searching through jobs ads, just in case.

  When I had accessed all the services I could I made my way back out into the late afternoon sun. Pulling out my phone I located the nearest Starbucks. It was only a couple blocks away and I had plenty of time before Colt was supposed to pick me up. I walked there quickly so I could take my time getting back, enjoying the rich smell and creamy taste. Nothing like a latte to curb the disappointment of coming away with not a lot to show for myself. At least I got back out there and tried.

  There was a bench half a block down from our meeting place and I sat. The streets weren’t very busy at this time of day, only a handful of people in sight. I shivered against the feeling of loneliness. I had become all too accustomed to that feeling. When I was young the city seemed like a wonderful place, so full of excitement. But having taken a closer look I realized it was just a bunch of regular people doing the same regular things as everyone else. Nothing special.

  A throaty rumbling broke through the hum of city traffic. I turned to see Colt’s truck ambling its way towards me and I found myself smiling. As much as I hated to admit it, knowing I wasn’t alone here was a welcome feeling. I stood and met Colt at the street, ready to go home.

  Even though I didn’t feel like being stuck in the truck with Colt trying to figure out what his angle was, it seemed better than the loneliness I felt outside. Hopping in, I caught Colt’s stare and smiled. A peace offering for the ride. And perhaps a small apology for being such a bitch to him today when he had been nothing but kind and friendly.

  He returned the smile. “How did you do?”

  “Not so great. There was nothing available right now, unless I wanted to mop floors.”

  “How about we hit up the drive thru. I’ll buy you an ice cream if it’ll make you feel better.”

  “Deal.” I laughed. Even when we were kids Colt could always make me laugh. Even if I didn’t want to.

  Picking up a burger and an ice cream cone, we headed out of the city on our way home again.

  “This is great.” Colt said, stretching his arm across the seat again. “Just like back in the day.”

  I stopped mid-chew and gapped at him. Was he nuts? “We’re not 17 and this wasn’t a joy ride.”

  “But I thought that’s why you wanted to come along with me.” His voice was a little too innocent.

  “I did not want to come with you, but you left me with no other choice, other than give up on my plans to get out of my mom’s house. You’re one of the last people I wanted to see today.”

  “What are you talking about? I thought you had a great time last night.”

  “Last night just proved what an asshole you could be. It’s not bad enough you had to dump me and cheat on me when I told you I wanted to leave. You had to add insult to injury and make me feel like a floozy when I came crawling home. So no, last night was not a great time and I have no idea why you would think otherwise.”

  “That’s not what last night was about. And I know you had a fantastic time because you told me so.” I creased my brow, trying to remember what his funny little mind could be interpreting as a good time, but coming up empty. I shrugged and shook my head. “In the truck, on the way home. Right before you left that drool streak on my window.”

  I turned and looked beside me to see the one imperfection on his otherwise spotless window. That would explain why I couldn’t remember the ride home.

  “What did I say, exactly?”

  “I’m not sure I should say. You’re starting to get mad again. And as we established yesterday, I know you well enough to know when to stop.” His grin infuriated me but I turned my attention back to my supper, choosing not to play his game. Colt knew I hated being taunted, but today was a new day and I was determined to drop it.

  “I meant what I said last night, though.” His voice was low, seriousness creeping in. A whole lot of images flashed through my mind about last night, but I couldn’t seem to recall him saying much.

  Not able to show restraint twice in a row, curiosity got the best of me. “What part?”

  “The part about you being stronger than what you’re making yourself out to be. I think if you took some time to look around you would see that things maybe aren’t that bad.”

  “I really don’t think you have the right to tell me what I should do.” I felt shitty enough as it was. I didn’t need Colt judging me too.

  “You’re right. I don’t. And maybe that’s for the best because if I did I would never have let you go in the first place and you would have hated me for that.”

  “You’re probably right. But you didn’t seem too broken up about it at the time.”

  Colt heaved a sigh, “I’ve spent every night since regretting that decision, wondering if I should have come with you. And damning myself for being so stubborn. All I know is I never should have let you go.”

  Unexpected tears stung my eyes and I turned away from him so he couldn’t see. I wanted to be angry with Colt. Blaming him was easy and gave me the freedom to leave with no regrets. It was also the excuse I needed to lay the fault at his feet. Hearing him say he regretted how things went took some conviction out of it. It made me question if I ever should have left in the first place. I wasn’t expecting that from him and I didn’t know how I felt about it, so I didn’t say anything. I sat quietly in the deepening darkness until the lights of town began casting shadows in the truck. The last few miles seemed to drag on.

  We pulled up to my house, the lights dark inside. Colt put the truck in park and I hesitated. Turning to him I searched his face in the dim cab. His arm had never left the back of the seat, though he wasn’t touching me anymore. Blue eyes cut through the dark, looking back at me with questions of his own.

  “Did you really mean what you said?”

  “About regretting letting you go? Absolutely.”

  “Why did you never tell me?”

  “I felt like an idiot after things ended. Then you left right away. And I guess I was still a bit…“


  He smiled. “Maybe a little. By then too much time had passed, you were following your dreams and I couldn’t take that away from you.”

  I looked away from him, my fingers picked at a thread on my jacket. “When I left I thought I knew what I wanted. I don’t think I want it anymore.”

  “I’ve always known what I wanted.” Warm fingers slipped down from the seat onto the back of my neck, shivers sprawling down my spine. The fire from his touch soon followed the same path and culminated low. The memory of his hands touching me in my most tender spots fueled the fire until I began to crave it all over again.

  I moved into his touch. His hand on my nape pulled me close to him. His lips touched mine and my body responded in kind, leaning in to him. The current that passed between us wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy and Colt gripped my hips and pulled me to him. I swung my leg over his and settled on his lap, our lips never more than a breath apart. His tongue queried and I parted my lips, deepening the kiss. Colt’s hands roamed upwards until they were covering my breasts and I pushed into his hands, loving the way he plucked at my nipples; the way he groaned his approval against my lips.

  I fought with my arms of my jacket, suddenly suffocating under the weight
of it. Never close enough, my skin burned for Colt’s touch. Once free I reached for him, allowing myself to feel him under my hands. I explored his arms, shoulders, and into his hair.

  Beneath me his growing excitement began pressing into me and I ground into him, carnal lust unleashed. I leaned back, allowing Colt to trail his fingers under my camisole. I saw the fire in his eyes as he tugged it up. I was anxious for his hands on my breasts, I leaned away from his body further until my back pressed into the horn, the loud honk startling me from the blind passion. Colt laughed and pulled me close.

  Kissing my lips once more he said, “I think our front seat sex skills are out of practice. Should we take this inside?”

  I nodded and dismounted from Colts lap. Making our way into the house and giggling up to my room seemed like old times.

  Behind a locked door Colt stalked me to the bed until the backs of my legs hit the edge. His hands caressed my cheeks before trailing down over my shoulder. Caressing his way down to my waist, Colt pulled my camisole slowly up, exposing my skin to his eyes. I lifted my arms and let him pull my shirt free.

  I reached for the front of his shirt, tugging it up his body and discarding it. Colt watched me, his eyes giving away the hunger he felt. He reached for my pants next, crouching down as he pulled them off, applying a kiss to each thigh, my stomach, the swell of each breast. He left me standing in front of him in only my bra as he shucked his own pants.

  He moved in close to me and ran his hands down my back, unclasping my bra and guiding it down my arms. Colt brushed his fingers over the peaks, already stiff from anticipation. His skin was touching mine and my body was overcome with arousal.

  I laid down on the bed and watched Colt track me with his eyes, greedy with desire, before he followed after me. I welcomed the weight of his body as he settled between my legs, his thick erection insistent against me. Colt bent down over me, sweeping a soft kiss across my lips as the tip of his cock pressed into me. I welcomed the way he stretched me, the way my body ignited, the way he remained close as he pushed all the way in. His intense eyes never left mine.

  Colt began moving above me, slow and rhythmic, his hips pumping into mine. With each of his motions I raised up to meet him, drawing him deeper. My fingers pressed into his shoulders as heat rippled through me. The connection that passed between us, a promise of trust, was a balm to old wounds. Unable to resist his perfect lips, mere inches from mine, I lifted my head and captured his lip between mine. Colt groaned and he thrust into me, an urgency to his drive.

  The ripples radiating through me gained in intensity. I brought my legs up, wrapping them around him and my sex tightened as I reached my release. My fingers dug into Colt’s shoulders, gripping onto him as I let the ecstasy consume me. Above me Colt’s eyes closed, his features becoming rigid before a groan tore from him. He thrust into me hard, burying himself deep. After he was spent he remained above me, inside me, until he opened his eyes once again. He grinned down at me and I laughed, pushing him off of me. Unfazed, Colt snuggled in close to me, head resting on my chest.

  “These make for a great pillow. Never take them away from me again.” His muffled voice said.

  “Can’t you ever be serious?” I laughed.

  “I’m always serious when it comes to your tits.”

  “At least one I have one thing going for me.” I began mindlessly tunneling my fingers through his hair, more relaxed than I had been in a long time.

  Colt looked up at me, waving his hand dismissively. “I don’t know why you’re being so hard on yourself. You’d see what I do if you stop feeling sorry for yourself.”

  “What do you see?”

  “I see you for who you are, who you’ve always been. You’re smart and beautiful, but mostly you’re strong. Way stronger than you’re making yourself out to be.”

  “I mustn’t be that strong because I still can’t resist you.”

  “That’s different, though.”

  “Oh really? And why is that?”

  “Because you love me.”

  “You’re crazy Colt Miller. I don’t love you.”

  “Of course you do. You told me so last night.”

  My hand in his hair stilled. “What? When did I say that?”

  “On the way home. You were in a drunken half-awake state, but it still counts. But don’t worry, I love you too.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Really. Why do you think I played our old song on the jukebox at the bar? Or why I couldn’t resist torturing you in the bathroom? Or why I wasn’t able to stop touching you since I saw you?”

  “How can you say you love me? I have no job. I live with my mom.”

  “That didn’t stop me from loving you in high school. Besides, that stuff doesn’t matter and it never has. Not to me anyways.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me that before?”

  “Because it mattered to you. And I was such a mature and thoughtful gentleman that I didn’t want to hold you back.”

  “Oh, right. Too bad it’s doesn’t seem like we’ve come very far since then. You’re still going to have to sneak out of my mom’s house in the middle of the night, and I’m still not responsible enough to keep track of my keys.”

  “I think I can remedy one of those problems.” Colt said, grinning. He reached over the side of the bed and picked up his jeans. Rifling through the pockets he pulled out a key chain.

  “My keys! Where did you find those?”

  “You dropped them at the bar last night when you crashed into that table.”

  “You’ve had them this whole time?”

  “I came over here with the intention of giving them back to you, but you were so mad. I figured I should hold onto them for a little while, as insurance.”

  I smiled at the resulting groan from my fist making contact with his ribs. I settled back down onto the bed and waited for Colt to stop gasping for air.

  “How else was I supposed to get you to spend any time with me?” He wheezed.

  The telltale sound of the front door squeaking caused us to pause. Still clutching his side, Colt settled back against my chest.

  In a whisper, Colt said, “Don’t you think we’re old enough now that we don’t have to sneak around?”

  “Nope. House rules are the same as they ever were.”

  “Well, if your mom decides to kick you out you could always come live with me.” Nestling in closer he said, “On second thought, maybe you should anyways. I could really get used to sleeping like this.”

  I just smiled, too exhausted to argue about anything else tonight. Colt draped his arm across my waist and I realized that even though I was about as far from where I thought I would be in life I had never been happier. And that Colt would never let me live it down if I told him he had been right all along. It didn’t matter where I lived, as long as I knew who I was. It took me leaving to realize this is where

  I belonged.


  Obsessions Unleashed

  Chapter 1

  Good God, what had I just done?

  My head was still spinning, trying to catch up with itself, but so dazed and disoriented that the prospect of genuinely doing so seemed next to impossible. Sunshine poured in through the windows as I sped my way through the unfamiliar hall, clothes pressed up against my naked flesh in a makeshift effort at preserving my own modesty, though at this point I felt certain there wasn't enough shame left in me for it to really matter all that much.

  I was extremely conscious of my exposed backside as I jostled through the house, and about halfway down along, I realized just too late that it should have been this that I was covering, given that it was what I was exposing to the man in my wake. Accordingly, then, I took both my sports bra and shorts and pressed them up behind me, knowing, just as well, that this slight preservation of decency really didn't matter either.

  He had, of course, seen everything already, not to mention gone a hell of a lot further than that, and nothing I could do after the fact
could possibly compensate for that now that all was said and done.

  When at last I managed to slip away into the stranger's bathroom, I slammed the door shut behind me. My head light and my chest heaving with anxiety, and the afternoon light still coursing through the tiny bathroom window. It just didn't seem right, it still being daylight... This sort of thing wasn't supposed to happen at all to a girl like me, and if it did it sure as hell shouldn't be taking place in the middle of the damn day.

  If this had had to happen, it should have been in the dark dead of night, the blackness covering up all the things I was doing wrong, and creating a mood fitting to the seedy, inappropriate actions that had taken place only moments before.


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