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Into the Blackness (Blackness Series Book 4)

Page 15

by Norma Jeanne Karlsson

  “So what happened with Avery?” I ask leaning against the tailgate.

  “Just what Dane said,” he says quietly, not meeting my eyes.

  “And what about what Kat asked?” He blushes again and stares at his feet. “Eyes up here, Cole. You’re man enough to do it, you better be man enough to admit it and talk about it like an adult because that’s adult shit.”

  His soft blue eyes snap to mine and I see a bit of maturity sparkling behind them.

  “I’m not in trouble?” he asks softly.

  “For what?”

  “For you know…” he trails off unable to say the words.

  “Should you be?”

  “I don’t know. Everyone does it. It’s like kissing people do it so much.”

  “So she’s goin’ down you because you want it or because that’s just what you think you should be doin’?”

  He shrugs.

  “Cole,” I urge him.

  “It just kinda happened. I was curious and then she was just doin’ it,” he huffs.

  “Is that all that happened?” I ask, hoping like hell that’s all that happened.


  “Cole, I’m not your father, but I’m responsible for you and I give a shit about you. I was fifteen too so I know what it’s like. I fucked up plenty at your age and I wish someone woulda talked to me before I made those fuck ups. You’re too young to be goin’ that far with a girl you just started seein’ a few weeks ago. It’s tempting to just get sex over with, but that’s the wrong way to go about it. Find a girl you wanna share that with and make it special. I don’t expect you to be a monk. I’m not sayin’ wait for marriage or college even. I’m sayin’ you get one shot at firsts in life and you wanna be able to look back at that shit with pride not shame. You don’t look proud right now, bud.”

  “You’ve been more of a father to me than mine ever has been. I’m sorry I’ve disappointed you,” he says dejectedly.

  “I’m not disappointed in you. I’m proud of you for havin’ the courage to stand here and listen to me. I’ll only ever be disappointed in you if you break our rules. You remember what those are?”

  “No lying, no disrespecting, no drugs or alcohol and if there is drugs or alcohol and we get in a car are asses are grass. Oh yeah, and Aunt Kay says if we don’t keep our rooms clean she’ll empty the garbage in our beds and make us sleep in ’em.”

  I chuckle because I didn’t know the last rule. Cole chuckles slightly too, breathing a sigh of relief I’m not mad at him. I clap him on the back before moving off the tailgate.

  “Nick?” he calls as I walk away. I turn and see a reluctant look on his face, so I return to stand in front of him, peering into his soft blues.

  “You can say anything to me, Cole,” I reassure him as I notice he’s clamming up.

  He takes a deep breath and then clears his throat.

  “My parents don’t tell me that they love me. I don’t think I can remember them ever sayin’ it when I think about it. But I tell Aunt Kay all the time and she tells me even more. And I just…I just want you to know that I love you too,” he whispers the last part.

  “Love you too, bud,” I say pulling his head to my shoulder roughly with my hand in his messy blond hair.

  Tentatively, his arms wrap loosely around my ribs until I pull him tighter against my chest and he squeezes in return. I look across the parking lot to see Trish Booker staring at me with an odd expression on her face. I hold her gaze for a few beats before slapping Cole on the back a couple times.

  “Let’s get some ice cream and go home and watch a movie,” I say softly as he wipes his face discreetly. I know he was crying and I don’t give a shit. There are kids in the world who have it way worse than what he’s had, but he still hurts. His pain is no less important.

  “Let’s watch something where a lot of shit gets blown up,” he suggests with a grin.

  “Good plan,” I reply as I see Kat climbing out of the passenger’s seat.

  “Everything okay?” she asks sweetly, looking at Cole.

  “Just gettin’ the birds and bees talk, Aunt Kay,” he jokes, moving into the backseat.

  Kat quirks a brow at me.

  “Let’s go get our ice cream so I can go home and practice birds and bees shit on you,” I say, causing a chuckle to bubble out of her throat.

  I put her back in the SUV before climbing behind the wheel and heading to the ice cream shop, which is packed and erupts in applause as Jake enters. Kat sits in my lap and we share an ice cream cone while the boys sit with us bantering and fucking around like they always do. None of them pay any attention to the girls in the corner. Avery fucked with their boy so the rest of the pack is guilty by association. I like that and Kat loves it based on the satisfied grin on her lips as she watches our boys with pride. Our boys…fuck, I love that.


  The Booker family walks into the ice cream shop as we’re finishing up. Bradford runs up to our table almost tipping it over as he crashes into it.

  “Jake, you were awesome tonight!” he squeals.

  “Thanks,” Jake responds with a kind smile.

  “You did great off the bench too,” Bradford says to Cole. “Coach Ross should start you instead of Grant.”

  “Thanks, kid,” Cole says with a big grin.

  “It really was a fantastic showing, Jake,” Trish agrees excitedly.

  “It certainly was,” Tony pipes in, the three of them hovering above us. I notice Tony’s gaze settling on Kat’s cleavage for a moment before moving away. Trish catches it too and winces a little before throwing on a dazzling Stepford smile.

  “Thank you,” Jake says politely.

  “Where’s Annabelle tonight?” Kat asks in her fake voice that I hate hearing, but marvel at every time.

  “She’s at home with Sarah,” Bradford replies. “She’s our new nanny.”

  Ah, a new nanny. Why don’t the women here take care of their own children? I grew up in the mob and in the streets. The women I grew up around took care of their children or if they worked a grandparent or aunt or a cousin, somebody in the family helped out. None of these women work and none of them take care of their children. Maybe I’m old fashioned, but it makes me fucking sick.

  “That’s nice, sweetheart,” Kat coos at Bradford.

  “Can I come over and play tomorrow?” Bradford asks Kat.

  “That’s up to your parents.”

  “I don’t think so, son. You have a lot of activities that will fill the day before your father and I are out for the evening,” Trish responds without the coo that Kat offered the boy.

  “Ah, man,” he complains, receiving a stern look from his mother and immediately stops.

  “Hey, Bradford, you think your coach would let us come hang out for a while at your next practice?” Jake chimes in.

  “Yeah!” Bradford replies excitedly.

  “That’s a very kind offer,” Trish says, irritation hidden on her face. If I didn’t know any better I’d think she doesn’t want my boys around her son.

  We’ve offered multiple times to have him come over and shoot hoops with the boys or watch practice, always to be met with a polite decline. Seeing it in person instead of relayed through Kat, I recognize the disgust. I saw that enough as a kid. I was never good enough to play with the “regular” kids from school and their parents weren’t so subtle in making that known.

  “When’s your next practice, bud?” I pipe in.

  “Tomorrow at two.”

  “I’ll make sure the boys are there. I should get my family home. Glad you could make it out to support the team,” I say to Tony standing Kat up out of my lap.

  “I’ll see you Monday,” Kat says to Trish.

  “Yes. Perhaps we could have lunch after the meeting if you’re available,” Trish says in her scary Stepford voice.

  “I’ll check my schedule and get back to you. With the boys off next week for Thanksgiving I’ll be busy.”

  “You can surely leave
them on their own for a lunch date,” Trish scoffs.

  “Of course I can. I just prefer to be with them when they’re home,” Kat says with annoyance in her voice though covered well enough, I know I’m the only one that picked it up other than Jake.

  “You could use some help in the home anyway. It can’t be easy to run a household full of strays.” Her fake as fuck persona just slipped.

  “Trish,” Tony warns in a growl. “I’m sorry, Nick. She doesn’t always think before she speaks.”

  Wow, that was belittling. Kat would cut my nuts off if I ever apologized for her behavior and then demeaned her in public…not that Trish doesn’t deserve that or worse for what she just said.

  “Kat, I—” Kat cuts Trish off, turning to face the boys.

  “You’re not strays. Do you understand me?” Kat rumbles at them.

  The boys nod, but I can see shame on each of their faces, Jake’s included. That breaks my resolve to keep my mouth shut.

  “It’d be wise to keep her on a shorter leash if she can’t behave in public, Tony. Let’s move, boys,” I command.

  Kat sweeps her arms around Jake and Cole, stomping away without another word.

  “I apologize again,” Tony says, holding his hand out to me. I grasp it firmly, showing my displeasure. Bradford looks horrified at his mother but not surprised. Trish is studying her feet intently.

  I give Tony a chin lift and then wring Dane and Sawyer around their necks, moving us out of Stepford’s fucked up reality and into the safety of our family fold.

  “You all right?” I ask as we approach the SUV.

  “She’s a fuckin’ bitch. Always has been. Jacked up thing is, she’s tight with our parents,” Dane says in an annoyed tone that speaks volumes.

  “You’re not strays. You have a home with us as long as you want it. Don’t listen to her or anyone else that says otherwise. In fact, if someone else pops off at the mouth like that you tell me,” I instruct letting them go so they can get in the backseat.

  I can see Kat sitting in the car fuming. I’m surprised the car’s not full of smoke.

  “Aunt Kay’s fuckin’ pissed,” Sawyer points out before climbing in.

  “So am I,” I say in a grunt.

  Sawyer chuckles and shakes his black hair before saying, “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  I offer him a grin before closing the door behind him.

  “I almost punched that bitch in the mouth,” Kat seethes as we slide into bed.

  Things were fine with the boys by the time we got home. We watched The Expendables 2 and ate candy and popcorn down in the home theater before heading to bed. It’s like once we’re all in this house we can each relax easier than we can out in the world of Maybelle. Kat kept her happy mask on for the boys and in moments like that I’m glad she can. They don’t need to feel guilty for her emotional reaction, which is what would happen.

  “I’d like to see that,” I say pulling her to my side.

  She rolls over half on top of me so she can look into my face.

  “You think I fucked the op up? I couldn’t keep quiet. I should’ve just smiled and walked away, but if I did that would’ve told the boys I agreed with her.”

  “You didn’t fuck up. Tony was pissed and made it a point to try to smooth shit over with me. I’ve worked my way in good with him. If you’ve fucked the relationship with her, I’d be surprised. She’ll probably be here in the morning with apology muffins. Use it to your benefit when she grovels,” I say running my hand through her silky golden locks.

  “Tony was pretty brutal with her. Well not brutal, but that was rough to watch even though I was fuckin’ pissed. I guess he runs shit too,” she says teasing me.

  “I don’t run shit like that. I’d never disrespect you like he did. I’ll always have your back and we’d never be in a situation like they were tonight because you’re a good person. My wife would never say something that horrible to a bunch of kids.”

  “No shit I wouldn’t,” she scoffs. “And I’d cut your balls off if you did what he did.”

  See, I know her and how she works. I snicker at the thought.

  “Good to know, Sunshine,” I purr flipping her to her back beneath me. “Let’s do something more productive with my balls.”

  “You want me to show you what I know about suckin’ dick?” she asks playfully, threading her hand into my boxer briefs, stroking my hard cock slowly.

  “Hell yes,” I groan.

  Kat flips me to my back and removes my underwear before cupping my balls in her hand, settling between my legs. I prop one arm behind my head to watch the show. I’m prepared for the usual licking and teasing woman usually do and thusly shocked as shit when Kat licks her palm strokes me a few times and then pulls the majority of my dick into her throat.

  “Fuck!” I shout, my eyes bugging out of my head.

  Kat moves up and down my cock with her cheeks hollowed, forcing down more of me. She gags a couple times, but powers through, seemingly enjoying the challenge. With one hand massaging my balls and the other steadying me at the base, Kat finally fits the entirety of my dick down her throat and then pulls off with a giant gasp from holding her breath to get there.

  I’m silent because I have no words. Kat offers me a seductive grin and goes back to work, fucking my dick with her mouth, bouncing it off the back of her throat with tenacity. I feel my orgasm building at the base of my spine and my toes curl.

  “Kat,” I warn, but she keeps at it. Playing with my sack and sucking me deep. Moments later I shoot my load and she swallows every drop. My entire body jerks as she licks and kisses my deflating dick until she’s satisfied with her job.

  “Nightie off,” I command in a gruff voice.

  Kat removes it immediately and sits next to me awaiting further instruction, which turns me the fuck on even more. I sit up and scissor off the bed. I crook a finger at her as she walks to me on her knees.

  “Turn around. Chest in the bed. Knees tucked up under you,” I grunt in caveman style speech.

  Kat bites her plump bottom lip and does as instructed. I run my fingers through her folds, which are drenched before slowly sinking one finger inside her. Kat hisses with pleasure as I work her, curving my finger against her front wall. I add a second finger and pick up the pace. She presses her hips back begging for more. So I give her more. I work her clit with my thumb and drag my teeth down the curve of her ass cheek. That’s her undoing. Her body tremors and bucks, screams of ecstasy muffled by the mattress.

  I don’t let her come down before sliding in. I want to slam into her, but Kat’s tight and I refuse to hurt her. Her entire body is quaking in ecstasy as I anchor myself, gripping her hips. My dick is bottoming out inside her at this angle so with each thrust her body jolts with pleasure.

  I pick up my pace and pound harder when her moans indicate she’s about to come again. With powerful long strokes, I pull her toward me by her soft hips as I surge forward. Fuck she feels good. I knew the moment I saw her body would it mold to mine perfectly. I didn’t know it could be this good though. The silkiness of her skin, the curve of her hips resting in my palms like only my hands were meant to hold them, her scent intoxicates my lungs and her cries of passion make me dizzy with emotion. The realization that this is real and I’m finally feeling something good and pure for the first time in my life, makes my heart hammer and my dick surge.

  Her hands fly out, fisting the sheets as, “Nicky,” moans from her throat. It’s my undoing. And while I had planned to pull out until we figure the whole birth control thing out, I don’t. I fill her to the brim loving it in a primal way.

  My chest is heaving as I bend and trail kisses down her spine. She tastes like sweat and something sweet that’s just Kat. It’s the best thing I’ve ever tasted…other than her pussy, which is becoming a new obsession.

  “I swear to God I felt your dick in my stomach,” she mutters.

  I laugh quietly as I pull out. Kat groans in protest which makes me glow i
nternally. I have absolutely turned into a primitive being that should cause me shame, but fills me with something else resembling pride.

  “Let’s clean up, Sunshine,” I say, patting her perfect ass.

  “No. Can’t walk,” she grunts.

  This causes a full laugh to rattle my chest as I move to the bathroom. I hop in the shower and do a quick rinse-off before returning to find Kat missing, the bedroom door open wide. I hurriedly drop my towel and tug on my pajama pants before sprinting from the room, a feeling of dread crawling up my spine. I burst into the office and scan all of the monitors for anything unusual.

  Kat comes on screen pushing open the back door with her gun drawn. FUCK! I grab my weapon out of the gun safe and fly down the stairs. Kat’s nowhere to be seen, so I move outside securing the door behind me and move around the perimeter.

  “Don’t move,” I hear Kat command and quicken my pace in the direction of her voice.

  When she comes into view, I see her holding aim at the back of a figure a few feet from her.

  “On your knees,” she orders.

  The figure swiftly complies and Kat hastens her steps. I follow. I haven’t announced my presence, but I know I don’t need to. She knows I’m here. The figure is small, I’m guessing a female. If this is Trish Booker, shit is going to get complicated.

  Kat moves around to face our trespasser while I keep my gun trained on the back of her head. Definitely a woman now that I’m close to her. When Kat gets in front of her she immediately drops her weapon, confusing me.

  “Nick, lower your weapon,” Kat says softly. I pause a moment until she catches my eyes and I see that we’ve misread the threat. I move from behind the woman and stumble to find a girl looking at us terrified and shaking from head to toe, barely dressed.

  “It’s okay. We’re not gonna hurt you,” Kat soothes, taking a tentative step toward her as the girl jerks away in fear.

  “My name is Kat Johnson and this is my husband Nick. Do you need help?” she asks taking another step. The girl’s eyes are wide and panicked. She’s going to run at any moment.

  The girl holds Kat’s eyes for a long while not saying a word, only panting in fear. I keep completely motionless other than my eyes scanning for another threat. It’s cold outside and I’m shirtless, Kat’s wearing my button down from earlier and the girl is in some kind of nightie, inappropriate for her age from what the moonlight is showing.


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