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Midnight Secrets (Midnight Dynasty Book 4)

Page 5

by CR Robertson

  I casually moved my attention away from the doorway Lucrezia had moved through. “I’m going to let that comment slide once because you care about her. If Lucas ever found out that you let one of his daughters anywhere near blood diamonds and the men involved in dealing them, he would use your intestines to hang you. She asked for help, she’ll get it.”

  The sound of footsteps echoed down the hall, followed by Lucrezia. She was dressed in a black suit and a deep maroon silk blouse. A design that had to have been created by her adorned her throat, an accompanying bracelet at her wrist.

  “Let’s go.” I grabbed her elbow on the way past and propelled her down the hall.

  I was tall, but Lucrezia came to my shoulder in her heels, a floral scent emanating from her hair in waves as it moved around her. It was the type of hair that deserved to be wrapped around my fist as her lips were wrapped around my dick.

  My black Audi sat outside and I directed her to the passenger seat, holding the door open until she was inside. Her skirt slid up as she settled herself in the car, revealing a tempting flash of thigh.

  Fuck me. At this rate, I would be going into a meeting with an erection.

  Francis stood at the top of the steps glaring down at me in disapproval. It was his job to keep her safe, but we were as trained as he was in counter manoeuvres and had been protecting ourselves from an early age.

  “Thank you for doing this for me,” Lucrezia said in a low, husky voice when I got in the car.

  “No worries, that’s what we’re here for.” The car purred into life and I hit the accelerator because I didn’t want to analyse what I was feeling right now.

  That was the problem. From the moment her shapely ass sauntered into the restaurant yesterday, Lucrezia made me feel. I’d turned off emotions a long time ago, and she’d somehow found the switch to turn them on.

  Last night, the others were able to detach themselves from the situation, yet I found myself needing to comfort her when I saw her vulnerability as she lifted those muffins out of the oven. She was good at masking her emotions, but I’d spent a long time learning to read people until it became automatic.

  “Tell me what it is you actually need,” I said to divert my thoughts from the dark pathway they were on. “Quantity of stones and quality. We’ll see what we can sort out for you.”

  Her tongue swiped along her bottom lip and her hands clasped in her lap. I listened as she described the pieces she intended to make, asking questions along the way. Listening to what she’d already achieved was impressive, but it also made my blood boil. Her vendors had been taking advantage of her inexperience in business and her profits were minimal for the amount of work she was putting in.

  After I went home last night, I spent a while researching the jewellery industry and who was on my contact list who could help. It had given me a few ideas for this morning. I deliberately parked far enough away that they wouldn’t be tipped off to my presence, putting sunglasses on as I slipped out of the car.

  Lucrezia was even paler than before, her top teeth biting into her bottom lip. I grasped her chin and forced her head back. “In business, we show no fear and never once do we display our inexperience. They can scent it like blood in the water. Understand?”

  She slowly nodded and her spine straightened.

  I took her hand and tugged her into walking. She stiffened beside me and I watched out of the corner of my eye as she took several deep breaths before her body relaxed. I’d deliberately touched her, because she needed to be comfortable close to me before we reached our destination. If they thought she was mine, they could shit their pants that they’d been messing with her.

  The wooden doors to Billingham’s swung open and I strode inside as if I owned the place. It was a trick I picked up from Jordan over the years. People tended to treat you the way you presented yourself.

  “Can I help you?” the male behind the black marble reception desk asked, his eyes darting between me and Lucrezia.

  “I have a meeting with Mr. Billingham this morning,” Lucrezia replied in a low tone.

  His eyes darted to me again. “And you, sir?”

  A grin spread across my face at his expression. “I’m with her.” I nodded in Lucrezia’s direction.

  It was only when the infamous Mr. Billingham arrived to greet us that I bothered taking my sunglasses off. He knew exactly who I was considering that I was my father’s right hand. He would be foolish not to know who he was dealing with.

  “Miss Black, pleasure to see you again. Mr. Blackwood, what can I do for you today?” His smile was fixed in place but I didn’t miss the swallow after he said my name.

  I deliberately lifted Lucrezia’s hand that was still in mine and kissed her wrist. Her body stiffened at the touch of my lips, but she never fell out of character. “I was in town at the same time as Lucrezia, so decided I’d come along before we go out to lunch.”

  His lips pursed for a brief moment before his smile got brighter, which meant that he got the message I sent. That smile was born from nervousness and that little demon living inside me thrived on that shit.

  “The stones are set up for your inspection, if you want to follow me.” He held his hand toward a door beside the desk that was designed to look like a wooden panel on the wall.

  A variety of stones were laid out on velvet display pads on the solid wooden table in the centre of the room. Lights illuminated the pads so that the diamonds sparkled temptingly.

  Nigel waved Lucrezia toward the table. “Please take a look.”

  I pretended not to take an interest, instead wandering around the room. Nigel watched me from where he stood, never once paying attention to Lucrezia. The stones had obviously been set out before we arrived this morning. His reaction to me being here said they were poor quality he was trying to offload onto Lucrezia since he’d been playing hard to get.

  “What do you think, sweetie?” Lucrezia lifted a diamond with a pair of long tweezers and held it out to me with an eyepiece. Her eyebrow arched in challenge.

  I deserved it after kissing her wrist earlier. Two could play at that game. I stepped in behind her so that I was looking at the diamond over her shoulder, my arms under hers. She froze as my hand covered hers to angle the diamond. I didn’t even bother looking at it.

  “Are these the best diamonds you have, Nigel?” I asked. “Because if they are, then your quality has definitely dropped and I’m disappointed.”

  Lucrezia leaned back against my chest and my breath caught.

  “I have no idea what you mean,” Nigel said from behind me.

  I put the diamond down and turned to face him, my hand on Lucrezia’s stomach to manoeuvre her around. “Seriously?” I asked. “Father will be pissed that you’ve been trying to scam someone under my protection.”

  His eyes darted from us to the trays on the table. “Maybe I can see if we have an alternative out the back.”

  “Forget it,” I snapped. “I have a list of other suppliers that will be able to accommodate Lucrezia.”

  He held his hand up. “I’ll get Mark to bring up some other trays.”

  “Your contract with the Council is terminated,” I informed him and watched as he blanched back. “Lucrezia came to you on our recommendation and you have disrespected us. Have a pleasant day, Nigel.”

  I didn’t wait for a response, Jordan would make his opinions known later. The threat of the wrath of the Council was enough to make Nigel step in front of the door as if to block us from leaving.

  “Have a pleasant day,” I said, glaring at him. “Move because I have no problem opening the door over the top of you.”

  Before coming here today, I had already decided that Lucrezia wouldn’t be doing business with this lowlife. He was a necessary evil in my world, but that didn’t mean he had to pollute someone as pure as Lucrezia.

  He reluctantly stepped away from in front of the door.

  “Next time you decide to try and rip someone off, you might want to reconsider,” I th
rew over my shoulder on the way out the door.

  My arm around Lucrezia’s waist propelled her forward, because I could almost sense her panic at me destroying the deal she’d tried to set up. I didn’t stop until we were down the street and around the corner to where my car was parked.

  “That was the only contact I had,” Lucrezia said when I released her, turning to stare in the direction we’d come. “I had already started to create the fastenings and chains.”

  I spun her until her back pressed against the door of my car and my hands landed on either side of her. “Nigel will have someone watching us right now. Smile and pretend that everything is perfectly fine right now.” I lowered my head until the tip of my nose grazed her ear. She smelt divine enough to make the tastebuds of the celibate flood.

  Her hand grasped my waist and her head canted slightly to the side in submission that made me want to control her. My knee pushed between her leg and I desperately tried not to notice how her body fit against mine. Her other hand landed on my chest.

  “Is this okay?” she asked in a low tone.

  Her innocent touches were more seductive than a thousand trained subs. My blood burned in my veins, all the way down to my dick who was twitching with interest. She had the power to bring a man to his knees with her naivety. I counted in my head until I felt the danger had passed before reluctantly pushing myself away from her.

  “Get in the car, Lucrezia.” I opened the door and stared pointedly inside the car until she took the hint and climbed in before I walked to the other side and got in. My hands gripped the steering wheel to stop myself from touching her.

  “Are they gone?” Her teeth bit into her lip and she stared at me with those huge, wide eyes that felt like they could bore into my soul.

  “Yeah, I saw a movement from the corner of my eye.” That was a lie, but our performance would have been enough for no one in that organisation to fuck with her again.

  “Ash?” I finally looked at her directly. “What am I going to do about my collection?”

  A smile curved my lips and I winked at her. “All sorted. We’re heading there now.”

  Her brow wrinkled in confusion and I started the car to move us out into traffic. The supplier I was taking her to was legitimate and owed me a few favours for insightful tax information I’d helped him with. I’d called him this morning on my way over to Lucas’s townhouse and he was setting up a display to see what would suit her style. He told me that different designers have signature cuts they tend to gravitate toward, and after he saw her first choices, he’d know what she would want.

  Most places that held valuable items were hidden behind bland exteriors, and that included where Seth kept his imports. His warehouse held a lot of different goods since he had his fingers in a lot of juicy pies.

  “Ash!” He wandered down the metal staircase from his office when he saw my car arrive. “And this must be the mysterious lady you need my help for.”

  “Thanks for sorting this for me with such short notice,” I said, shaking his hand.

  “No hassle, man. You’ve dragged me out of a few pickles in the past.”

  “Seth, this is Lucrezia. She’s a jewellery designer branching into different markets, hence why we’re in the market for some specific stones.”

  He smiled at Lucrezia, but didn’t touch her since my hand was gripping her arm. “Good to meet you. Follow me and you can tell me what you’re looking for.”

  Twenty minutes later, Lucrezia had laid out her rough designs and we were surrounded by a fortune in precious stones. Her taste was impeccable, and her knowledge deep and honest.

  “Do you have a market for these?” Seth asked.

  “There are a few jewellery stores I had my other pieces in. They said they’d be interested in a more upmarket collection.”

  “And when do you need them for?”

  “Immediately,” I replied. “Lucrezia has a slot in the International Jewellery Show in a few months and we need some of the pieces ready for then.”

  Her mouth dropped open and I deliberately didn’t look at her because I definitely had something I could put between those lips.

  Seth whistled lowly. “Lucky girl. Spots in the IJS are like hen’s teeth. You must be seriously talented to have received an invitation.”

  Lucrezia’s cheeks burned and her head dipped to allow her long black hair to cascade over her face to cover her embarrassment. I sat and flicked through emails on my phone while the other two debated over settings and stone size until diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds were set out in a rough pattern for her designs. I felt the heat of her stare on me and glanced up.


  “I’m not sure how many pieces I need for the show.”

  I sent a text to my contact and my phone pinged a few seconds later. This favour was going to cost me and he was loving the fact that he held a little power over me. “He says to start with ten signature pieces and then have some secondary pieces as well to show to private collectors and trades people.”

  The girls had substantial trust funds, but the value sitting on the table was phenomenal. This was my world and I’d dragged Lucrezia into it. I knew exactly what was bothering Lucrezia since everything so far had been low key.

  “Seth, can you organise me an account for these and I’ll sort everything out?” I asked. He knew my money was good and it was how we’d always done business.

  “Ash!” Lucrezia’s eyebrows nearly disappeared into her hairline.

  Seth smirked and walked away, shaking his head. He probably thought she was my mistress and I was getting my dick sucked for this.

  “What? You want to be taken seriously, then aim big. This gets you seen. Jordan has organised the tech wizard he uses to have your website up and running by this afternoon. He needs the images of some of your past work to put on there.”

  She stared at me for several moments before she slowly began to shake her head. “This all feels surreal,” she confessed. “I never imagined my work at the IJS. Were you serious?”

  “As a heart attack. I know one of the people who organise it. He traded a favour for getting your stuff on display.” I finally gave her my full attention. “This is how the business world works.”

  “I thought I could get noticed by putting my jewellery into some exclusive stores,” she confessed in a low tone.

  This was where Lucas had fallen down. He kept his daughters locked away from the world for their own protection. If they’d been boys, they would have been taught the way of business and how to navigate it. No one would have considered trying to rip her off the way Nigel had with the diamonds.

  Protection was noble until it actually hurt the person and left them vulnerable.

  I took the seat beside Lucrezia. “The business world spins from a central point, and everyone within a certain field is connected to it. The more successful people are closer to that point and that means that they have access to all the resources readily. Those on the outside have to work harder with less results.”

  She chewed the side of her lip. “Does talent count for nothing?”

  “Sure it does, but it won’t be what got you noticed. You could design a hundred diamond necklaces that a hundred women wear on nights out, but the exposure is limited. Those hundred necklaces marketed right will get millions of eyes on them and people willing to pay to get their greedy little hands on them. The IJS does that.”

  “Are you going to tell Papa?”

  A dark grin tipped my lips up. “This can be our dirty little secret.”

  The flush that appeared on her cheeks when I winked at her made my dick twitch in my boxers. Lucrezia Black was fast becoming my ultimate fantasy.


  Chapter Seven


  Ash had to be a warlock or magician because he was weaving a spell over me that made it difficult to breathe, even as my heart beat double time and a lump formed in my throat. Over the years, I’d tried to imagine him as the worst
type of man who used women and threw them away. Sitting here, surrounded by diamonds, he was still the most beautiful thing in the world.

  He didn’t have to organise this for me. Technically, he didn’t need to help me at all since I asked Xavier. Yet he sat here, guiding me, and making me feel special. He allowed me to be the real me without hiding different parts of myself. I didn’t even feel the need to explain my business or why I chose it. Ash merely took all the facts and rearranged them in a logical order.

  “Don’t forget to design a piece for yourself,” he said, picking up a sapphire to examine it.

  “Me?” I squeaked.

  His gaze met and locked with mine and everything else dissolved into insignificance. “The designer is part of the collection. People need to know who you are, so the ultimate showpiece should be decorating your throat.”

  Panic reared up inside me at the thought of all those people watching me. “I don’t think I can do this.”

  His fingers grasped my chin and everything inside me stilled. Ash tilted my head back until all that was in my vision were his deep blue eyes. “You can do it, Lucrezia. This is what you trained and prepared for.”

  “I’m scared,” I finally admitted. “Will you be with me?”

  As soon as I said the words, I wanted to grab them and shove them back into my mouth so no one would hear them.

  Ash’s head canted slightly to the side as he studied me. “There’s nowhere else I would dream of being. Now, pick the rest of your stones so we can get you home before your Papa realises that you’re missing.”

  I blinked, realising that I hadn’t thought about Papa or Catarina for hours. My teeth began to gnaw at the side of my mouth in my usual worry habit until Ash’s thumb brushed over my bottom lip. It was the most erotic thing that had happened to me in my entire virginal existence. When he pressed me into his car earlier, my panties got tight and damp. Right now, there was an inferno ready to erupt down there. How did he do that with just a thumb?

  His gaze held me captive and I couldn’t look away, even if I wanted to. His fingers gave me a gentle squeeze and he moved away to talk to Seth in the background. My heart thudded a tribal beat in my chest, even as I tried to focus on what was in front of me.


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