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The Dividing Line

Page 11

by Victoria H. Smith

  After the girls were in, Derrick and I took our places in the backseat. Lacey’s aunt stared our way while we buckled up, and her gaze didn’t leave until we finally pulled away.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I was forced to hold any questions I had about the situation with Lacey’s unwanted visitor until the next morning. I didn’t really have much of a choice seeing as how Lacey was within earshot of Derrick and me in the car and at the ice cream parlor. When we got back, things weren’t much different. I intended on speaking to Derrick first thing in the morning before Lacey woke up. The night was lonely without her, and the first thing I did was take a peek at her resting on the pull out sofa.

  My goddess was sleeping soundly, snuggled up on her pillow with a subtle smile gracing her lips. I wanted to kiss her, but I couldn’t risk waking her. Some light talking came from the kitchen, and I went there instead, hoping it was Derrick. Indeed one of the speakers was him. The other was Gladys, and the two went silent the moment I entered the kitchen. Gladys was in her bathrobe, washing dishes, and Derrick sat at the table with a bowl of cereal in front of him. He was wearing black dress pants and a white collared shirt. I recognized the outfit as the one the workers at the country club my parents were members of wore.

  Gladys smiled at me. “Good morning, Drake. Sleep well?”

  I took a seat at the table across from Derrick. “Like a baby. I could get used to my new digs.”

  This statement caused her beautiful smile to widen. She looked so much like Lacey when she did that. She dried her hands and got out milk and a bowl for me. “There’s more cereal in the pantry if you don’t want Cheerios.”

  I grabbed the box in front of Derrick. “This should be fine. Thanks.”

  She nodded at me, glancing at Derrick just briefly before leaving the two of us at the table.

  I didn’t fill my bowl, wanting to deal with something a little more important before I ate. I faced Derrick. “So you want to explain to me what the deal was last night?”

  He wiped his mouth with his paper towel, then got up and put his bowl in the sink. He turned, leaning back against the sink. “Not with my ‘cus in the other room, and I don’t think you should concern yourself with it anyway.”

  My eyes widened at the statement. “Not concern myself? Last I checked, anything that has to do with Lacey is very much my concern.”

  He raised his hands, hushing the air. “Look. I get it. I do. But in this case, it’s best just to leave it alone. Believe me. I do need you to do me a favor though.”

  If it had to do with Lacey he didn’t have to ask. “Of course.”

  “Mama and I were just talking and we think it’s best to keep Lacey out of the house as much as we can. We don’t think he’ll be coming back, but we don’t want to take the chance. I need you to distract her. Just keep her out until she heads back in a few days.”

  I didn’t have to ponder the request. “Done.”

  “What’s done?”

  Lacey stood at the kitchen door, pushing her hand through her messy curls.

  Derrick pushed off the sink, his look casual. “Nothing, ‘cus. We’re just talking about work stuff.” He gazed my way. “Everything is good to go with the garage job. I’ll give you more details later.”

  I nodded in understand, and he approached Lacey, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

  She frowned. “Are you leaving?”

  “Yeah. Gotta head into the country club. I’m sorry, but I won’t be around much the next few days.”

  She didn’t allow her disappointment to reflect on her face. I knew that she wouldn’t let herself be sad in front of him. She’d only be positive for his sake. That’s just how she was. “It’s okay. I understand.”

  He handed her his keys. “Y’all can borrow my car today if you need it. I’ll be using Mama’s since she’s off.”

  He gave me a very concentrated look, and I knew the use of the car was to aid in the plan. He left the two of us in the kitchen and Lacey came over to me. I opened my arms to her, propping her up on my lap. I made sure to give her the morning kiss I wanted to give her earlier, lingering my tongue on her sweet lips.

  She smiled, sighing before she pulled away.

  “I missed you like crazy last night,” I said, brushing my lips against her neck now.

  “Mmm.” She moaned lightly. “I missed you too. Perhaps we can head upstairs… Kiss a little bit. I’m sure my aunt won’t mind me up there during the day.”

  As good as that sounded, I knew that wouldn’t be a good idea. I had to get her out of the house and heading up there meant there was no going anywhere. I was about to tell her that when she pulled away, putting her hand on my chest.

  “After this morning of course,” she said, continuing her previous statement.

  I narrowed my eyebrows. “What’s this morning?”

  “I’m shopping with Margot and your sister. But then after that…” She moved her hands up my chest, kissing my neck. “I’m all yours.”

  I fought the low groan burning in my chest and lifted her from my neck. I was proud of myself. I was stronger than I thought. “How about I take you girls around? We’ve got Derrick’s car, and I don’t mind.”

  She cocked her head, eyeing me. “Are you sure? We’re going to do some heavy shopping.”

  This didn’t sound amazing, but I didn’t want to risk Lacey being out of my sight. In fact, I couldn’t risk it. She would be locked to my side until she left. It was the only way I could make sure whoever this ex was kept his distance.


  The next couple days were a blur of shopping malls and girly giggles. I was asked my opinion on everything from how my girl’s ass looked in her jeans to if the purse she picked up would coordinate with the stuff she had in Paris. I, of course, nodded to everything positive and quickly shook my head to everything negative. I didn’t have to lie though. Lacey looked good in everything. I was pretty much an accessory to the ladies and carried their bags while they shopped. The trips really brightened up Lacey’s experience in Chicago and kept her mind off her trip back to Paris. I was grateful she was having a good time. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t jump on the ‘good time’ bandwagon. Mostly because I was constantly looking for someone I had never seen before. This ex of hers could be any guy giving her the eye longer than politely acceptable, any man lingering to hold the door open for her when she entered a store, and I was very aware of that.

  I was able to loosen up a bit and have a good time when Lacey and I finally separated from the girls. It was just the two of us the day before she flew back, and I quickly took advantage of the fact. She walked me around her neighborhood, her hand in mine. She pointed out all the places she used to hang out. The basketball courts. The skate park. Yeah, my girlfriend used to skateboard. Pretty frickin’ cool. We went past her high school, an old building that didn’t necessarily have money thrown at it like the private schools I went to, but still had a sense of comfort. I wondered how things would have been if we went to school together. Grew up together. Lacey laughed when I asked her.

  “I don’t know. I was pretty popular. I probably wouldn’t have given you a second glance.” She winked at me.

  I quickly smacked her ass, then gave it a squeeze for good measure.

  She yelped, giggling as she tried to get me back. Of course she didn’t, and I wrestled her against my side. We walked a few more steps when any smile she had fell from her face.

  My heart skyrocketed the moment I saw the expression. Thinking I knew why, I looked around discreetly. “What is it, Lacey?” I asked, fearing the worst.

  Had this guy found her?

  I didn’t see anything peculiar during my gaze, but the minute I calmed my nerves, the reason for her alarm flashed in front of me like a giant stop sign.

  We were coming across a cemetery.

  Lacey stood frozen, stark still and eyes unblinking.

  In silence, I went behind her, wrapping my arms around her
tiny waist. She was shaking a bit and I held her tighter. I didn’t push her, wanting her to make the first move. I didn’t need to question if this was the cemetery that her mama was in. Her body language said it all.

  In the end, she took my hand. She simply smiled and guided me to walk with her.

  I didn’t question her at all.

  We walked in silence, going in the opposite direction of the cemetery. We traveled a few blocks before we came across a park. The sun was starting to set, but the area was still heavy with activity. Laughing kids were all around. Some with parents and some just playing with other kids.

  I took charge then and led her to the swings. She sat on the first one. Though there was another available, I went behind hers. I surprised her with a kiss on her cheek and her gentle laughter that sounded when I did made me want to give her anything. Anything in the world to make sure I always heard that wonderful sound.

  I pushed her swing, the giggling of other children the only other sound. Eventually, the area cleared and it was just the two of us. She gripped my hands, and I slowed her pace down. When the swing stopped, she tugged on my hands, wrapping my arms around her.

  I nudged into her neck and she laughed again. I’d never tire of that.

  “Thanks for um—” she paused, running her hands along mine, “how you dealt with my meltdown back there.”

  I came around and took the vacant swing next to her. Turning, I slipped her hands into mine. “You didn’t melt down. Your reaction was perfectly normal.”

  She chewed on her lip ring, staring down at the dirt below her sneakers. “So you don’t think I’m pathetic? A terrible person for not being able to see my mama?”

  I sighed, rubbing my thumbs on the tops of her smooth skin. “I told you everyone deals with their grief in different ways. You just weren’t ready yet. One day you will be.” I kissed the back of her hands. “And I’ll be there with you.”

  Her smile was small, but it was there. Sighing, she gazed down at our hands. “I can’t believe I’m leaving tomorrow. It feels like I just got here.”

  She did just get here. We both did. And we both knew that time was limited. The clock had almost sounded. Our time together was almost up. I was aware of that fact but allowed myself to deny it the last couple of days. If I didn’t think about it, I wouldn’t have to come to terms with the fact that she was leaving; that she’d be gone.

  She got up and approached me. She pushed her hands into my hair, and I rested my head against her stomach, placing my hands on her hips. I closed my eyes and didn’t move, allowing myself to memorize how she felt in my hands; how her own touch sent electrodes flowing throughout my entire body through the small pressure points of her fingers. I was relishing in the combined feeling of us. I think we both were.

  “What am I going to do without you?” she whispered.

  I lifted my head and brought her into my lap. “What you do best. What you were born to do, and that’s to make everyone hear you. Like you did to me before I even saw you.”

  This made her smile and she nudged her head against mine.

  “Now, let’s stop talking about this,” I said, sneaking a kiss onto her cheek. “And figure out how we’re going to spend our final night together.”

  Her lips lifted, but not for long. “I don’t think it’s going to happen, baby. I’m sorry. I was hoping that maybe we’d get some alone time at the house, but my aunt’s always at home.”

  She was right about that. I wouldn’t have put it past her aunt if she took off work the entire time Lacey was here, if only to patrol the house. She was on guard just as much as I was. Not that we could tell Lacey that.

  She pushed her hand through my hair. “I’d say we could meet tonight after she goes to sleep, but I don’t want to go behind her back.”

  I was afraid she’d tell me this. She wanted to respect her aunt. I understood, and really, I agreed. I owed a lot to the woman. I also wanted her niece though, so playing by the rules wasn’t ideal. I looked up at her. “I get it. I do. If I let this go would you be open to something?”

  Curiously, she lifted her eyebrow. “What?”

  “Maybe the possibility of some… active phone conversations?” I waggled my eyebrows.

  Her golden cheeks went pink at the suggestion. Brushing her fingers at the base of my neck, she chewed on her lip. “How about I’m not making any promises, but I’m also not saying no.”

  I definitely wouldn’t argue with that answer. I braced her back. “I’ll take that.”

  She licked her lips, and I had to have a taste. I pressed into her back, urging her to come to me. She did, leaning in, but some giggles across the way caused her to pause. The small school-aged children playing in the sandbox snickered our way, making us both laugh.

  “Looks like we have an audience,” I said, shaking my head.

  Lacey rose from my lap and placed her hands on her hips. “Well, I prefer to keep my shows onstage.” She held her hand out to me. “You ready? I’m hungry.”

  I took her hand and brought her into my side. “We passed a hot dog vendor on the way in. You want one before we head back?”

  She chuckled lightly behind her hand, and I eyed her, failing to get the joke. She dropped her hand. “That was Polish sausage, baby.”

  “Even better.” I grinned. “I haven’t tried those before.”

  She kissed my cheek. “I love you so much.” She tugged my hand. “Come on. We’ll get you your first Polish sausage.”

  We got to the large stand and stood in the line before a huge silver grill that sizzled various veggies and sausage. After we got our sausages, making sure they were loaded to the brim with fixings, we looked for a bench. Lacey found one, and I told her to take it while I went to get some ketchup and mustard at the condiment bar next to the stand. She couldn’t believe I could load anything more onto my Polish sausage, but I told her I wanted the full experience of my first encounter with the meal. This made her laugh, and I told her I’d only be a minute.

  I was dressing the sausage when some chanting took my attention. There were four kids that looked to be around my age. Two girls and two guys. One of the guys was in the middle with the other three surrounding him. He was breakdancing to the music of an iPod with mini speakers they had on the bench. The tunes from it took me by surprise. It was clearly hip hop, but it wasn’t in English. It sounded like an Eastern Asian language, but I couldn’t determine which one since I didn’t speak them.

  The other guy pumped his fist while the kid danced. One of the girls was really into it as well, rooting him on behind her hand, but the other one just sat on a bench. She didn’t really seem like she was part of the excitement. She was reading a book, keeping to herself.

  Suddenly, she looked up like she knew she was being stared at, her long black hair surrounding dark eyes.

  I gazed away quickly at being caught staring. There was urgency behind my hands as I put the condiments on the Polish sausage. I wanted to watch the kid dance a little more, but doing so seemed kind of awkward now since I was caught gawking a moment ago.

  When I looked up, the girl’s eyes were still trained my way. She was smiling at me. Probably to make the whole thing less awkward. I tipped my chin at her then went back to Lacey.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I knew nothing was going to happen between Lacey and me tonight. I did. We pretty much settled it at the park that we wouldn’t be seeing each other intimately before she left. I wasn’t happy about it, but I wrapped my head around it. So imagine my surprise when I got her text at around two a.m. It was three words.

  I want you.

  Those three words literally sent a jump into my dick. Balling the sheets in my fingers—and I had to admit, fighting back a few tears—I did what I had to do.

  Lacey baby, you can’t say things like that with the way I’m feeling right now. I’m trying so hard to be good, and you’re killing me.

  Her response to my text was instant. Oh.

/>   Then she sent another. Sorry.

  But it was the final one when my hard-on went completely soft. Goodnight.

  I couldn’t imagine that one word could pain a man to the point of mental breakage. But in that moment, I came pretty damn close. The next few moments following her text message were a blur. I tried. I really did. The phone had actually made it back onto its charger. The room had actually gone dark when I turned off the lights to signal the end of my night. The covers had actually made their way up to my chin as I snuggled in to doze off and forget about her. That tight, sexy body. Her perfect, round ass. Those voluptuous breasts, and the sensation of her cool metal barbell against my tongue as I drew one of her pierced nipples into my mouth…

  I want you, too. Bad.

  How and when my cell phone arrived in my hand I didn’t know, but now, I was dropping it to my bed in defeat after the text I just sent my girlfriend. I was a weak man. I really was. The device quickly made it back to my grasp when she sent me another text.

  Oh. Thank God. I was afraid I was starting to sound a little… She pinged in another text. Horny.

  Oh, Jesus. I was in trouble.

  I can’t sleep, Drake, she continued, messing with my endurance even more. I keep thinking about how I’m leaving tomorrow. How it will be so long until the next time.

  The air left my lips in small breaths.

  I couldn’t even check-in online to my flight earlier without getting distracted. I kept thinking about your hands on me. Touching me.

  I wanted to cry. What was this girl doing to me? How did I even respond to that? She saved me from that with her next text. But it wasn’t a text. It was picture. And good God if I didn’t run downstairs and take her right then. Her sexy ass was in nothing but a piece of black lace. What were those things called? Teddies? Whatever the hell they were called, the outfit had my mouth watering. Why did she choose this trip to whip out the heavy artillery? She’d never worn one of those for me before. I bet it was supposed to be a surprise before she left. Damn the frickin’ world!


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