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Lola & the Millionaires: Part Two

Page 14

by Kathryn Moon

  “Wes, please,” I whispered.

  “I know, sweetheart. I wanna see you falling apart just as badly as you do,” Wes growled.

  His fingers hooked into the waistband of my leggings and underwear, pulling them down as I wiggled to help, but he didn’t bother pulling them all the way, leaving my thighs pressed together. They were barely over my hips when he lost his patience, fingers sliding against my wet sex, his growl reverberating against my neck. With my thighs trapped, Wes’ fingers had to squeeze against me, stroking the lips of my pussy and swirling over my clit.

  I tried to work my clothes down my legs, but Wes lifted his head and caught my eye, the strong lines of his face firm as he gazed down at me. “Leave it.”

  His eyes held mine, watching me as he forced his hand hard against my sex, pressing to my opening, just barely able to hook inside. My mouth parted on a gasp, and Wes purred as I squeezed around him.

  “S’tight like this, huh?” he asked.

  It was, and Wes’ already thick fingers felt even more so inside of me. I nodded, whimpering as I licked my lips, and Wes covered me again, his thumb finding my clit as he stole soft sipping kisses from my lips. I wanted to ride his fingers, spread myself open for him to take, but he had me trapped. And instead of feeling scared, all I felt was relief. I was with Wes, I was safe. All he wanted was to make me feel good.

  Wes’ cheek nuzzled against mine, his teeth nipping at my earlobe and sucking it softly. “Stay, sweetheart. Don’t leave. I know you need to think, but just stay,” he whispered in my ear.

  His hand nestled closer, fingers sliding deeper to stretch me open as his thumb brushed against my clit, sparks of heat and licks of pleasure chasing every slide and swirl.

  “Wes, I—” I might’ve said yes in that moment, let him lull me into a sex-drunk acceptance, but Wes dove down and covered my lips with his, tongue plunging and fucking my mouth as his fingers did my pussy.

  I moaned and raked my fingers through his hair, did my best to rock into his touch as he drove me high, higher, right to the peak.

  “Come for me, sweetheart,” Wes mumbled against my lips, and then he hunched and nipped my shoulder, the introduction of a bite.

  I stiffened and cried out as the orgasm claimed me in a sudden snap, Wes’ fingers fucking me through the fall until I was trembling. I tugged on the hand he held pinned and he let me free, trailing kisses over my jaw and lips and the bridge of my nose.

  “Fucking beautiful,” Wes murmured, nuzzling my cheek.

  “Undress, gimme, I wanna—” I was wobbly-legged and winded from release, but I tugged on Wes’ shirt and fumbled at his belt buckle.

  “Mm, wait,” Wes said, catching my hands and rolling to the side. “I want to too, but if you’re still feeling like you need to go, then I need this to happen later.”

  I stalled, lying on my side with my leggings around my thighs, and one of my breasts popped out between my bra and sweater. Wes, glancing down, seemed to realize the same, righting my bra and smoothing the sweater as he leaned in for another kiss.

  “Sorry, I’m not trying to hold sex over you, honestly. I just…I don’t want this to happen while you’re thinking of leaving and all I’m trying to do is convince you to stay,” he said.

  I puffed out a breath and collapsed, eyes lifting to the ceiling. Fuck. Or no fuck, in this case. And Wes was right—if we had sex right now, I’d feel twice as confused afterward, no matter how sweet it was. My eyes slid to Wes and found his own focused on my sex, a kind of proud happy glaze over his face that made me smile.

  “You’re right.” I lifted my hips and pulled my clothes back up, grimacing at the feeling of cool damp panties. I needed a quick change now before I left too.

  “I’ve got one issue with you going though, sweetheart,” Wes said, frowning and opening his arms to make room for me on his chest. “You can’t fucking stay at your apartment alone.”

  “Ah, yeah, I thought of that,” I said nodding. “I know where I want to go instead.”



  The Plaza looked different than it had a year ago, glossier and buffed up. Baby had mentioned that they’d remodeled the upper stories while making a sort of pack-family house on one wing, but I hadn’t realized how much it would change the place. If it weren’t for the familiar neon signs, I wouldn’t have recognized the LNH Plaza as we pulled up. Relief hit me as we turned into the drive. It was a little easier to pretend that this was an entirely new building and not the one I'd been to on the back of Indy's bike.

  I’d managed to talk the entire pack out of dropping me off, another source of relief when we pulled into the parking lot to the LNH Plaza to find it surprisingly busy, even for nearly midnight on a Tuesday night. I didn't want to do the long and uncomfortable goodbyes in front of a crowd. Rake was sulking at home with Cyrus as company. Matthieu had let me leave with a snarling kiss, his hands fisted like claws against my back as I’d slipped away. Caleb had kissed me goodbye with a look of pure injury written over his beautiful face, nearly giving me a change of heart.

  In the end, it was Leo and Wes in the front seats of the car, Leo’s eyes taking in the line of motorcycles.

  “You’re not worried about dealing with alphas?” Leo asked, twisting in his seat to face me.

  I shrugged. I totally was. “I’m trying to look at it like…kind of a test. I need to exist in the world, outside of the bubble of just where I feel safe, right?”

  “Right,” Leo said, somewhat reluctantly.

  “Baby says to pull around to the back,” I said, glancing at the text on my phone.

  Wes circled the Plaza to the back, where I was surprised to find a little vegetable garden in a gated area, and a small collection of cars. There was also a small seating area on the bar end, where a group of leather-clad bikers were sitting and smoking. At the center of the building, in front of an open door, stood Baby with her alpha, Scorch.

  I waved out the window, my eyes popping as Baby glared at the car, specifically at Leo in the passenger seat. Whoops, what had I missed telling her when I asked if I could come stay?


  “I’ll be back to the house soon,” I said before Leo could continue, leaning to the front seat and kissing his cheek. He turned his head, reaching back to hold my face for a more thorough kiss.

  “You better,” he whispered. “And you don’t have to be ready for everything, okay? Fuck, Lola, I wish we could’ve just erased dinner altogether.”

  “It isn’t just the conversation at dinner. And this isn’t a break on the relationship,” I said, stroking Leo’s cheek. “This is me going to hang out with my friend for a few days. And to think a lot about the relationship, and to hopefully get over this big ass wall in my head about belonging. I’m just overdue for some girl talk.”

  He sighed and leaned back, offering me a half-hearted smile. “I can’t argue with girl talk.”

  “If it hadn’t been for Indy’s break-in, I wouldn’t have been at the house every night, right? I’m just catching up on the breathing room.” I was feeling more level after my time with Wes, more like I owned myself again and less like I was hosting a parasite version of me from the past. But I was sticking to my request for space, and with the Howlers seemed like the safest place to find that space at the moment.

  “That omega looks like she’s about to take a tire iron to my car, sweetheart,” Wes said.

  I leaned back and found Baby still eyeing the car with suspicion.

  “I love you,” Leo said with an urgency that made my heart ache.

  “Leo, baby, I love you too. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay?”

  He nodded, and I grabbed one last stamp of my lips to his before turning and taking the same from Wes.

  “Be good and be careful. Still gonna have a driver take you to and from the Stanmore every day,” Wes said.

  I almost protested, but he raised an eyebrow in warning and I nodded instead. “You got it. I’ll talk to you both so
on.” I grabbed my duffel and tried not to see the silent plea in Leo’s eyes as I slipped out of the back seat.

  Baby’s thunderous expression vanished as I emerged from the car, and she bounced on the balls of her feet, arms spread wide. I ran into her hug, squeezing her tight in my arms before I’d realized that even this had been impossible for me months ago. I was improving, the pack was right. I just needed to feel it for myself.

  “Bullet can shoot out their tires for them now if you want, we've got a signal,” Baby muttered in my ear and nodded to where Bullet was waiting in the patio area.

  “Babe! I’m not mad at them,” I said, leaning back and giving her a bemused smile.

  She frowned in confusion. “You’re not? Then why the sudden decamp to us? Not that I’m not glad to finally have you here.”

  “Come on, you two. Let’s get inside, and I’ll make you both a drink before you get into it,” Scorch said, standing back and ushering us inside.

  “I should’ve introduced you to Leo,” I said as we moved up the stairs.

  “Honestly, your message seemed kinda dire, and I probably would’ve punched him in the face. I thought they’d like, not hurt hurt you, but like, emotionally distressed you,” Baby said, catching my hand.

  “I emotionally distressed me,” I said, shaking my head. “It’s…it’s a whole thing.”

  “Well, you’re more than welcome here. We’ve got an open studio apartment right now with a nice pullout couch, or a guest room in the pack house.”

  “The studio sounds nice,” I said. As much as I was happy to get this time with Baby, I wasn’t sure I was ready to shack up with her and her six guys. Especially since the Plaza wasn’t nearly the size of my- the pack’s house.

  Look at you, getting all used to mansions, I thought.

  “Ooo, good. That’s where we set up the cocktails and face masks and stuff. Also, I figured you probably don’t wanna hear us going at it like rabbits at night,” Baby said with a shrug.

  “Baby girl,” Scorch growled at our backs.

  “What? I’m loud. Whose fault is that?” Baby threw over her shoulder, and I caught Scorch puffing with pride. She stopped on the landing, a short hallway going off to our right with two doors on either side and one just ahead. “So the studio for you is just here on the left, and that door is the one to our whole homestead, and you can feel free to knock anytime. Door on the right is just the stairs down to the bar.”

  The studio was small but bright and clean, and there was a little table by the window with a basket full of what I suspected were some of Baby’s own personal stash of spa materials. In the half kitchen, a large collection of liquors and mixers waiting on the counter left my eyes the size of saucers. Was Baby trying to give me alcohol poisoning?

  “You should see the ice cream collection in the freezer,” Scorch said, grinning at me. “The budget she gave Books when she sent him was intense.”

  “I thought we were like…you know, doing the thing,” Baby said with a shrug.

  The thing girls did for a bad breakup. I shook my head and went to sit on the couch by the door, tucking my bag into the corner of the room. “It’s nothing like that. Although, don’t get me wrong, the ice cream can definitely stay.”

  “She likes gin and citrus, but you can get fancy for us,” Baby murmured to Scorch before coming to join me. “So what did happen?”

  “Umm…we were having dinner tonight and…god, I don’t even know how it happened. But one minute, I was asking for a ride to my apartment, and the next they were talking bonds and me joining the pack, and I totally freaked out. It’s… There’s more to it than that. My head is in a weird place right now, but that’s the gist.”

  I wasn’t sure what kind of bartender Scorch was, but he seemed to be having fun sniffing the contents of bottles and aimlessly adding them together. I needed to be careful of how much of that I drank since I still had to be at work tomorrow.

  “Isn’t that kind of nice though? I mean, I thought you were already sort of becoming part of their pack,” Baby said.

  “I was. I am. I just…I think I’ve been waiting for them to change their mind.”

  “Have you changed your mind?”

  “No! No, but…” My eyes flicked to where Scorch was finishing up tall glasses with a healthy amount of ice. He turned from the counter and brought them to us on the couch as I hesitated to continue.

  “All good, baby girl?”

  “All good, alpha.”

  Scorch nodded and passed us each a drink. “I’ll leave you to it. Glad to have you with us, sweetheart,” he said to me.

  I winced at the reminder of Wes, whom I was already missing, and nodded as he left. Baby was sipping on her drink as I turned back to her, and I stalled by trying my own. Oh no. It went down like fruit juice, but immediately made my chest tingle with warmth. We were going to get so plastered.

  “So I am a little bit biased against people who find their pack and then fight it,” Baby said slowly, watching me carefully. “Jonah, Scorch, dug his heels in for way too long. So tell me what the hold up is for you.”

  I groaned and leaned back against the arm of the couch, letting my head fall back. “Um…okay. Let’s just go backward. Last night, I watched a video that Indy took of me. A night I don’t…I didn’t remember.”

  “Oh, Lola.” Baby’s hand raised to cover her mouth, eyes immediately filling. “No...”

  I sat up and nodded. “Yes. And that wasn’t even the only thing that happened.”

  One moment at a time, piece by piece, I unloaded. Poor Baby probably heard what I was supposed to be taking to the therapist. Somewhere in all of the revelations, I forgot that Baby was tangled up in this history of mine, mixed in with everything awful that had happened with Buzz and Indy. By the time I’d rolled that ugly red carpet all the way back to my dad, Baby was bundled up on the couch, sniffling like mad.

  “I should’ve never left you at the bar. God, I shouldn’t’ve let you leave with Buzz and Indy when you came here,” Baby cried.

  I winced and shook my head. “Honestly, I… You called David and his text was the first thing I saw the next morning, and it just suddenly hit me in that moment that I could leave. I honestly thought that if any alpha was paying any attention to me at all, it was good. I wanted to be sucking it up. And then…and then it was just too much, and I grabbed that lifebuoy and ran. I don’t know if you’d told me to stay when I came here, that I would’ve had the sense to listen.”

  “I don’t blame you for avoiding me, or avoiding the alphas after all of that,” Baby whispered. “I mean, alphas are… It is intense, I know. And I feel out of control too sometimes.”

  “It’s not so much that high that I mind, but the fact that sometimes I feel like someone who just…can’t say no to them?” I said, taking a long gulp of my drink, relaxing as it leached away the tension of the conversation.

  “Is that how it is with your pack? Do you just give in?” Baby asked, making my heart clench that she thought of them as mine.

  If I was honest with myself, I thought of them as mine too. “I think it’s what I’m still afraid of. But no, with them I just…I did hold myself back and so did they, but everything about them is just…right. It’s not giving in, it’s just that they keep offering me what I’ve always wanted.”

  Baby wiped glossy tears off her cheeks and mustered a smile, leaning forward and swatting my leg. “Lola, that’s good.”

  “I know,” I said, quickly nodding, my own bottom lip trembling as I thought of the men I’d left in Uptown. “But I can’t shake the worry.”

  Baby sighed and shook her head. “This whole thing…Jonah’s mom was an omega, and she left his dad’s pack after she had him. She wouldn’t bond them. The situation you’re in right now makes me think a lot about how it was for us when we first met. I was sold on this pack the way your pack is on you. He kept waiting for me to change my mind.”

  I blushed and ducked my head. Seemed…familiar, yeah.

nbsp; “I do wish I’d been a little more patient with him,” Baby said. “You can’t help that feeling you have that says it’s going to hurt worse later. But at the end of the day, the only way to know if something will last is to let it last. If it didn’t feel right, you wouldn’t have made it this far, and I think it’s good to trust your instinct when it comes to pack.”

  “I hear you,” I said.

  “I’m not kicking you out or anything. You can stay as long as you want. But if being here gives your head room to talk you out of what you know is right? Then you better turn your ass straight around and go back to that delicious omega of yours. And Mr. Wes. How is Mr. Wes, by the way?”

  I laughed and hummed. “Umm…also very delicious. Secret gentleman.”

  “You smell like him,” Baby said, waggling her eyebrows. “Don’t think I didn’t notice. Makes me feel like getting all close and cozy with you,” she said, feigning a seductive look and rising up to her knees and crawling over the length of the couch to me.

  “Swear to god, Baby, if you dry hump me,” I said, pointing a finger at her in warning. But I was grinning and glad for the break in the heavy conversation.

  She snorted loudly and shook her head. “Trust me, one of the guys would bust down the door if they felt me getting frisky in here. Dunno if they’d save you or just watch, but we’d definitely be interrupted. Aromatherapy face masks?”

  I sighed and nodded. “Definitely face masks.” I shook my empty glass and eyed Baby. “Am I gonna be hugging the toilet if we have another one of these?”

  “Fuck if I know what Jonah put in ‘em,” Baby said with a shrug. “Vitamin C and magic? I’ll text him. He said he’d play room service as long as there weren’t any fights in the bar tonight. Hey,” she said, stopping me on my way to the basket. “I love you, Lo. I’m really glad you’re here, and I’m really happy you’re giving that pack a chance to treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Even if it is fucking terrifying.”


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