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Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Page 784

by <unknown>

  Humming sounds immediately filled the room. Many Nascent Soul Stage Cultivators did not expect Jiang Hailiu to be so optimistic about the issue.

  However, Jiang Hailiu, as the Speaker of the parliament, doubtlessly boasted an excellent view of the overall situation. His stance regarding the war against the Blood Demon Sector before proved his strategical prowess, too.

  All the Nascent Soul Stage Cultivators held their breath and waited for his presentation.

  Chapter 1197: Balance of Life and Death! |

  "As the saying goes, when a snipe and a clam are locked in combat, the fisherman will take advantage of both of them. In the fight of two behemoths that are the Imperium and the Covenant Alliance, the federation is nowhere close to being the fisherman, but there will still be room for to breathe."

  Jiang Hailiu's opinion was more or less the same as Zhou Yifu's theory before the meeting. "If there was only one super force named Imperium of True Human Beings at the center of the universe, they would be able to gather all the resources and soldiers to crush the secondary forces at the edge of the universe. With the three Sectors we've got, it is naturally far from enough to compete with hundreds of Sectors.

  "However, the greatest enemy of the Imperium is the Covenant Alliance. The two parties are engaged in a magnificent war at the center of the universe. It goes without saying that neither of them will spare too many troops to deal with the 'bumpkins' who are living in a 'slum'."

  Jiang Hailiu's self-mocking metaphor raised a round of laughter. The atmosphere in the hall was more or less relaxed.

  After a smile, Jiang Hailiu continued. "Most of the information we have about the Imperium of True Human Beings is from the 'star child'. The star child also told Li Yao, Luo Xingzi, and the other Cultivators in the battle that the Imperium of True Human Beings' policies were quite 'lenient' and that if they were willing to cooperate with the Imperium, the Flying Star Sector would be granted high autonomy, provided that the Flying Star Sector submitted population, resources, and experts incessantly.

  "His words might not be entirely ungrounded. The Imperium and the Covenant Alliance are having an evenly-matched, life-and-death war. For the war, both parties are trying their best to collect workers and resources from more Sectors, which they can devote to the inferno of war. The side that gathers more people, resources, and experts might secure the final victory!

  "Then, the purpose of the expedition army of the Imperium is obvious.

  "They are not here for a long conquer but to plunder people and resources as quickly as possible to deal with the real important war between them and the Covenant Alliance.

  "Therefore, the expedition army that we are going to be faced with in one to two hundred years might not necessarily be the strongest troop of the Imperium of True Human Beings. They are more likely to be 'slave catchers' or 'raiders' who are here to look for 'cannon fodder'!

  "We don't need to destroy the army completely. We only need to let the Imperium realize that the resources to be consumed in the war will far exceed the benefits it will gain after defeating us. If so, the Imperium is likely to retreat from the war as it is obviously not a good bargain!"

  After hearing Jiang Hailiu's analysis, many Nascent Soul Stage Cultivators were cheered up.

  They had thought that the expedition army of the Imperium of True Human Beings would be a devastating catastrophe, but on second thought, war was always an extension of politics, and what mattered most in politics was benefits. Nobody would wage a war that would give them nothing.

  Magnificent as the Imperium of True Human Beings might be, it would definitely be exhausting and consuming to project an immense expedition army to millions of lightyears away. The Imperium might be evil, but they were definitely not stupid. What was their purpose?

  Cannon fodder! They were going to the federation to collect cannon fodder that could be dedicated to the war with the Covenant Alliance later!

  It meant that, as long as the expedition army of the Imperium was heavily struck by the federation, and the Imperium came to the realization that the yields of the war would not cover its investment, it was very likely that the federation would retain its independence!

  "The federation, of course, will not be content after winning the insignificant war of defense. It will only be a beginning point for us!" Jiang Hailiu said thoughtfully. "War is the best catalyst for a civilization and the most convenient approach to learn from others. If we can really weather through the stormy attack of the expedition army of the Imperium, our civilization will certainly make a giant leap ahead!

  "At the center of the universe, the Imperium and the Covenant Alliance are now engaged in a fierce war. The Imperium must've developed a lot of tactics and magical equipment targeting the Covenant Alliance, and vice versa.

  "If the federation has the opportunity to learn how the two universal behemoths fight each other, how they bite each other's throat and dig out each other's heart, we will definitely be able to grow into a new behemoth, too!

  "You might think that I am too whimsical, but we don't need to grow into the size of the Imperium or the Covenant Alliance. It will be sufficient as long as our comprehensive capability is only one tenth theirs.

  "As long as the Imperium and the Covenant Alliance are on par with each other, they will be like a balanced scale. Then, even if we are nothing more than a feather or a blade of grass, we will have the chance to influence the balance!

  "We will only have one rule, which is to help the weak and to suppress the strong. If the Covenant Alliance is strong and the Imperium is weak, we will join with the Imperium against the Covenant Alliance. If the Covenant Alliance, as a new power, lacks momentum and the Imperium is on the winning side, we will work with the Covenant Alliance to fight against the Imperium!

  "All in all, we must keep the balance between the two super forces and prevent either of them from dominating the competition. We will let them bleed in the prolonged war while we learn their most advanced arts, skills, and technologies, until our claws and teeth are sharp enough and our feathers are complete. By then, we will be the top players in the sea of stars!

  "In short, the federation is hopeful. The three Sectors are hopeful! Fellow Cultivators, as long as all we walk forward together with a firm belief, not only will we be able to resist the invasion of any enemy, we will even march to the center of the universe where humanity will be illuminated in its true glory!"

  Jiang Hailiu's blood-boiling speech raised a round of applause. All the Nascent Soul Stage Cultivators and demon emperors were thrilled.

  As a super expert, did any one of them not have the ambition to travel in the vast universe? Were any of them willing to be stranded at the desolate area at the edge of the universe and regarded by the super forces as 'bumpkins'?

  Also, after they learned that countless ordinary people were still being savaged by the Imperium and the Covenant Alliance at the center of the universe, even their beliefs would not allow them to stand by and watch.

  We are the most rightful heir to the 'Star Ocean Imperium' spiritually! We are the last guardians of humanity! Let's march to the center of the universe and revive humanity to its former glory!

  Including Li Yao, all the Nascent Soul Stage Cultivators, whether they were battle-type or not, were breathing fast and roaring the same thing in their hearts.

  As for the demon emperors, they had even more complicated feelings.

  Maybe, they could not understand the whole meaning of 'humanity' yet.

  But 'marching back to the center of the sea of stars' was a dream that had haunted their ancestors for ten thousand years and had leaked into their blood!

  For ten thousand years, demons had been on a losing streak. They had lost one home after another, and finally, the Blood Demon Sector was one of the last worlds of demons.

  Even when the Blood Demon Sector was slightly stronger than the Heaven's Origin Sector in the past, every demon emperor in the Pantheon of Demons had been well aware that
'marching back to the center of the sea of stars' was just an impractical fantasy!

  But right now, if they worked together with the Star Glory Federation, there was a chance, however slim it was, to go back to the center of the universe.

  Although they would be under a different banner, a different identity, and even a different appearance, they would still be going home after all!

  For a moment, all the demon emperors were looking at each other and breathing heavily.

  "What Fellow Cultivator Jiang said is very true. I also feel that the federation is very hopeful. In fact, the capability gap between the federation and the Imperium or the Covenant Alliance might not be as huge as we imagined!" Zhou Yifu, the historian, spoke again.

  "It's true that we have only grasped three Sectors, while the Imperium and the Covenant Alliance, which are looming at the prosperous area of the universe, are perhaps in control of hundreds of Sectors!

  "But the ratio of capability between us is certainly not as simple as 1:100!

  "I wonder, have you ever heard of theory that the territory of every country is limited? Due to the complexity of communication, transportation, and information processing, even the most enormous empire can only be expanded to a certain point, just like even the strongest primeval beasts couldn't grow unlimitedly. They must stop developing when they are large enough. Otherwise, they will very likely collapse because of their own weight!

  "According to the definition in modern cosmology, a Sector is an area with concentrated resources and within the reach of normal cruising methods at a sub-light speed.

  "In the same Sector, a sub-light speed or an even lower speed would be enough for transportation. The communication of resources and population is relatively easy. The control of the government is the most effective, too.

  "As for different Sectors, the transportation can only be conducted through space jumps. Not only will it consume tremendous resources, the journey can also be highly perilous. The vehicles are often caught in the turbulence in the four-dimensional space and gone forever!

  "Sub-light methods instead of space jumps? Then, it will take more than a hundred thousand years to cruise between two Sectors that are a hundred thousand lightyears away from each other, not counting the expansion of the universe itself!

  "Think about it. Today, we are only gathering the experts from the three Sectors and having a meeting, and we already have to resort to the space communication array, which burns innumerable crystals every second. Due to the interference of the higher-dimensional space, the signals are delayed several minutes or even longer!

  "Then, even if the Imperium of True Human Beings and the Covenant Alliance both boast hundreds of Sectors, how much control will their rulers have over those Sectors? How can the Empyrean Terminus Sector, capital of the Imperium, enforce absolute control over another Sector hundreds of thousands of lightyears away?

  "The vaster a country is, the weaker its control over the frontier and the higher the internal friction of the country will be. Most of the resources of the country are not wasted on the wars against foreign forces but on the vast land of the country itself. In the end, it is not necessarily the foreign forces that cause the fall of the country but its own immensity and the redundant, clumsy bureaucratic system that is designed to cope with the immensity. It is a law that works both in the ancient times and right now!"

  Chapter 1198: History as a Mirror |

  Zhou Yifu was most familiar with the fall and collapse of the Star Ocean Imperium. He spoke confidently when he was talking about the history of this period. "Judging from the relics we have excavated and the historical files left by the Star Ocean Imperium, the means of communication and transportation of the Star Ocean Imperium across different Sectors were not essentially different from ours. Their starships might have been larger and possessed a higher speed, and their spiritual beacons might have been more densely distributed, but that was all.

  "Based on the technology of the Star Ocean Imperium, in fact, the territory that was really in the Supreme Emperor's control had just been the dozens of Sectors around the Empyrean Terminus Sector. As for the Sectors that were further away, his control over them plummeted!

  "In order to address the problem, same as most monarchs in history, the Supreme Emperor adopted a system of enfeoffment.

  "But the enfeoffment system has its own fatal drawbacks, too.

  "If the central government controls the local government too strictly, the local governments will be highly inactive and even detest the central government.

  "But if the central government gives more autonomy to the local governments and allows it to develop on its own, it will be very possible that the leadership will be rendered ineffectual by recalcitrant subordinates. The local governments might be a threat to the central government one day!

  "The Supreme Emperor's solution was to copy his genes and create twenty 'clones' with ultimate secret arts. The twenty clones led the most elite forces of the imperium and founded twenty Guilds of Provenance, which governed the strategic locations at the frontier of the imperium.

  "The so-called Guilds of Provenance were just another form of a fief!

  "By logic, as his clones, they should have been even more loyal to the Supreme Emperor than his children were. There should not have been a problem at all.

  "However, as everybody knows, when the Supreme Emperor launched the Hundred-Million Lightyear Expedition, trying to destroy the last remaining force of the demon civilization, ten of the twenty clones—including the Blood God, the commander-in-chief of the expedition army and the strongest clone that he poured his own soul power in—betrayed him!

  "Eventually, the expedition failed, and the imperium collapsed. The universe entered the post Star Ocean Imperium era!

  "Many legends and tales have it that, in the Hundred-Million Lightyear Expedition, the Blood God was bewildered by the extraterrestrial devils before he slowly degraded into a devil Cultivator and directed the Armageddon Rebellion, causing the fall of the imperium as the Mad Armageddon!

  "Such a story is definitely most suitable for teenagers and middle-school students.

  "However, since all the fellow Cultivators are excellent persons in the Nascent Soul Stage, such a theory is definitely not convincing enough for you.

  "The reason for the Blood God's betrayal is very simple. It's just the contradiction between an aggressive local warlord and the central government.

  "In the thousand years of the Star Ocean Imperium' rise, the Blood God, as the Supreme Emperor's strongest clone, was fighting in the frontline all the time. While his amazing capabilities were honed, he also gathered a loyal, magnificent army and many trustworthy allies who fought side by side with him!

  "After the territory of the Star Ocean Imperium gradually stabilized, the Blood God's fief was the cold and bitter land that bordered on the last territory of the Demon Beast Empire. In order to survive in such a place, the Supreme Emperor had to give the Blood God more autonomy so that he could act expediently.

  "We can assume that, during the hundreds of years of war, the clones who fought at the territory of the imperium as the Blood God had long turned into warlords who reigned over their own 'independent kingdoms'. They were very satisfied about the current situation.

  "Once the last remaining forces of the demon civilization was cleared, there would be absolutely no need to keep such 'warlords'. The ambitious Supreme Emperor would certainly cancel the power in the hands of the twenty clones and even rid them of their fiefs. Their sects might also be migrated to the Empyreal Terminus Sector for better control.

  "When the rabbits are gone, the hounds will be useless. The logic is obvious for us, for the Supreme Emperor, and also for his twenty clones, of course.

  "It was something unbearable for the clones who had turned into warlords!

  "Therefore, ten of the twenty clones rose up and fought against the Supreme Emperor with the Blood God as their representative. It was not just the Blood God's
own scheme but the irreconcilable conflict between the central government and the local governments!

  "Even if the extraterrestrial devils were truly involved in the matter, they must've participated in a different way. The extraterrestrial devils didn't corrupt the Blood God into the Armageddon Rebellion, causing the division of the expedition army and the collapse of the imperium.

  "The Blood God and the other clones must have had such malicious thoughts toward the Supreme Emperor for a long time, fearing that the Supreme Emperor would take away their power, and therefore rebelled while they still could!

  "They knew that they were incomparable to the Supreme Emperor and the forces that were loyal to him. That was why they allied with the demons and the extraterrestrial devils, destroying the expedition army and the Star Ocean Imperium!"

  Zhou Yifu's brand new explanation about the Imperium of True Human Beings cast the spacious hall into silence.

  However, no Nascent Soul Stage Cultivators argued with him.

  Everybody there was an adult. The simple theories that 'Cultivators are good, devil Cultivators are bad, and the Blood God was good until the extraterrestrial devils corrupted him' could only fool middle-school students. Naturally, they were not very convinced.

  Zhou Yifu's explanation about the conflict between the central government and the local governments and that between the emperor and the warlords might be the truth of what happened ten thousand years ago.

  Scratching his goatee, Zhou Yifu continued. "If you consider history as a mirror, you will see your own fate in the reflection. Why can't everything that has happened to the Star Ocean Imperium happen to the Imperium of True Human Beings again?"

  "Fellow Cultivator Zhou, are you suggesting that the Imperium of True Human Beings might also be faced with the conflict between the central government and the local governments?" Jiang Hailiu asked solemnly.


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