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Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Page 1310

by <unknown>

  "Hahaha. What an idiot. Why did you become a live streamer when you were so weak? You could've evaded it if you moved slightly to the left!"

  Zhao Xiaofei slapped his thigh and laughed wildly, commenting on the situation in great excitement.

  On the third picture, a female live streamer who was barely wearing anything was writhing and moaning in the mud, begging for help pitifully like a wounded cat. In front of her was another streamer who was grinning hideously. Through the crystal cameras on both of them, it would be possible to appreciate what was going to happen next from different angles. But it was a shame that the most critical parts had all been blurred into gray mosaics. One had to pay a certain amount in tips to disperse the mosaics.


  Zhao Xiaofei began to breathe heavily. The effect of the 'energy pill' seemed to have flowed from the upper half of his body to the lower half. Without any hesitation, the 'bonus' that he earned after working for two days and two nights without any rest was given away as a tip, and his hands went to his pants beyond his control.

  The air of the small, narrow shed was filled with the stench of sour sweat, smelly feet, and something like shrimp sauce. The breaths, wild laughter, and roars of his workmates were echoing now and then, too. Zhao Xiaofei, however, completely forgot the world around him. His entire world was the fair, shapely body on the light beam.

  After five minutes, Zhao Xiaofei completely loosened and collapsed, like a dead fish that had been blown to the beach.

  His account was completely empty now. Not only was he unable to pay for the tipping and the private channel, he could not even pay the basic fees to keep the public channel playing. The crazy, bizarre worlds on the light beam were gradually dimming.

  His brain, on the other hand, was even emptier than his account. All the effects of the energy pill seemed to have been ejaculated together with those other fluids. The fatigue that had been piled as high as a mountain immediately collapsed and buried him inside, making him unable to move.

  Before he fell into darkness, Zhao Xiaofei secretly made up his mind to ask Laowu the Smelly Feet for a few more ultimate energy pills so that he could work hard and try to earn double bonuses.

  Then, instead watching the women's thighs and drooling like a loser, he would take a wild gamble with the double bonuses!

  He was told that He Laozhi of the third shift had gotten quite lucky a few days back. The man had wagered the money that he earned after a month of overtime on a rookie streamer whom nobody had hopes on. But as it turned out, the rookie who had just begun his career passed five tests in a death match. He Laozhi won so much money that he enjoyed himself in the city for quite a few days before he returned. After he got back, he would point at his groin whenever he met someone and declare cockily, "Do you see it? It is swollen now because it has been used too much."

  Zhao Xiaofei was only seventeen years old. He wanted to know what the feeling was to use it until it was swollen.

  Even He Laozhi, the well-acknowledged idiot, had his day and won such a great amount of money. He was much smarter than him. There was no way why he could lose, right?

  He had carefully analyzed the rules of the eighty-one betting options on the Heavenly Eye Stream Platform, and he had also selected a few very potential streamers.

  He should have won a lot of money today. But he had himself to blame for his lack of determination. After all, nobody stuck his eyes to the two plump, shivering things.

  He had never done it for real with a woman, not even one from a virtual world. What would it feel like exactly? Certainly much more satisfying than his callused hands, right?

  In fact, Zhao Xiaofei had once considered being a 'live streamer'.

  He was told that after one was admitted into the training camp for the live streamers, not only would they have whatever food and drink they wanted, they would be given however many women they needed. Even if the women were virtual, they could barely be recognized!

  However, when he thought of the pictures where countless steamers fell apart or were chewed into a pulp by the ferocious beasts, the fire in Zhao Xiaofei's heart and pants perished immediately.

  He certainly would not do such a stupid thing!

  His life right now was not half bad. Although his work was tiresome, and he might be whipped every now and then, and there were occasionally collapses and explosions, he could keep his belly full. Also, there were certain rules that spared him of the insecure life where the fittest survived, like the Land of Sins. Every once in a while, he could even have some fun in the virtual world.

  Hehe. The sinners of the Land of Sins were the real miserable ones. Compared to them, his life did not seem bad at all. He was actually rather happy!

  However, Zhao Xiaofei was not going to pity the sinners just because of that.

  He was told by the foreman and the boss that all the sinners were the most violent criminals and the enemies who tried to sabotage the peace and unity of the great Imperium. They had themselves to blame for what had become of them.

  As long as the miners worked dutifully and made contributions to the great Imperium and the civilization of mankind without complaint, they would not need to worry about ending up like the sinners. The Imperium would do its best to ensure their safety and happiness.

  "They deserve it…" Zhao Xiaofei mumbled in a low voice, and there was no telling whom he was referring to. Crossing his sticky hands on his chest, he began to snooze in great satisfaction.

  Chapter 2045: City of Skeletons! |


  A fireball that looked like magma collided with a skeleton lizard almost five meters long, making the creature dance wildly in the red and green flames.

  But the creature's vitality was exceptional. Although its flesh and blood had been burnt into charcoal, falling from the bones, it was still waving its monstrous tail in spluttering noises as it lunged at Li Yao and the rest of them.

  It was not until the Fist King used up a whole ammunition belt of the machine gun that the creature finally shook and collapsed on the ground after being blown into a beehive. But it was still cramping hysterically on the ground and extending its claws toward Li Yao and the rest of them. Han Te and Liu Li's faces were so pale that they almost shouted aloud.

  It was what happened just half a minute after they returned to the surface.

  As far as their eyes could reach, the whole of Liberty City was occupied by ghostly shadows and scary howls. Skeleton lizards were jumping up and down everywhere, and they were swallowing a few bandits in every lunge, chewing the victims into broken meat before spitting them out mixed in acid and venomous fog. The turbulence of blood flooded in every dilapidated street of Liberty City.

  Countless bandits were screaming under the savaging of the skeleton lizards.

  "What kind of monster is this?"

  "We can't hold it anymore. Let's run!"

  "Ah! Argh! Shoot me! Shoot me right now!"

  The bandits were roaring, only to be pierced by the javelin-like tongues the next moment and pulled back to the broken buildings. When they 'flew' into the air again, they had already been reduced to bones and blood.

  Li Yao even saw two skeleton lizards attacking a super heavy crystal tank from two directions.

  Their heads that had split into 'man-eating flowers' bit the armor of the tank hard and pulled in opposite directions, thereby tearing the crystal tank in half!

  A third lizard skeleton took advantage of the weakness to sneak in. Like octopi, their bodies were extremely tensile; all they needed was a hole no larger than a fist for them to squeeze in easily and begin a slaughter.

  In front of the brutality and rapacity of the skeleton lizards, most of the bandits became helpless lambs.

  Only the few heads of the bandits and the most infamous thugs could retreat while resisting the skeleton lizards' attack.

  Li Yao and his companions were naturally the most eye-catching ones in the hellish slaughterhouse.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  One of the skeleton lizards crawled out of the deepest gap inside the debris and bit the Fist King's left arm while the Fist King was changing the magazine for the machine gun. But the Fist King simply stabbed his left arm into its neck, and his right fist turned into a gray mist and swallowed its head entirely, smashing it into a pulp before it had the opportunity to 'split'.

  Hiu! Hiu! Hiu!

  Xiahou Wuxin was maneuvering almost a hundred flying swords at the same time, which turned into a thunderous net of swords. The spiritual shield of any skeleton lizard was as fragile as glass in front of his sword net. Their limbs and heads were all dissected perfectly like an autopsy.

  Even Xin Xiaoqi, Han Te, and Liu Li were able to crush the skeleton lizards with the help of Li Yao's soul without alarming anyone. Several of their shocking attacks were hindered, disrupted, and resolved by Li Yao.

  "There are too many of those b*stards for us to kill!" Xiahou Wuxin bellowed and cut the long tongues of another three skeleton lizards that came at him as fast as lightning with his flying swords. His voice was already shaking, and the brilliance of his flying sword was unsteady.

  "We cannot escape on our own. Even if we flee out of the range of Liberty City, we will still be locked onto by Manjusaka. It will be practically impossible for us to escape into the underground world again. So, we have to join other bandits and run out of the city in the crowd in order to fool the sky!"

  Passing the initial panic, Xin Xiaoqi regained her previous cleverness. She had travelled in the Land of Sins for twenty years among the major gangs and notorious bandits. To some extent, she was even more experienced at escaping than her master, Xiahou Wuxin.

  In fact, they did not need to say anything because the other bandits were all approaching them.

  Under the hunting of the skeleton lizards, those who had survived to this point were all the elites of the sinners and the best of the bandits and thugs.

  Even though they might have been fighting each other bloodily a moment ago, everybody suddenly shared a sense of community under the simulation of such a terrifying and gruesome scene.

  "Why has the City in the Sky thrown so many monsters to hunt us? What the f*ck have we done wrong? Isn't attacking the Elysian Worlds permitted by the City in the Sky?"

  "It has nothing to do with the attack of the Elysian Worlds at all. Don't you see that the defenders of Liberty City have also been swallowed by the monsters?"

  "With everything coming to this point, stop thinking about 'why' and try to figure out a way to get out of here!"

  The bandits all brought out their best techniques, paving shocking paths of blood in the middle of the skeleton lizards and the mountains of corpses. A lot of the bloody paths were vaguely approaching where Li Yao and his companions were. Very soon, a group of almost a hundred people had gathered. They were about to escape to the edge of Liberty City, which used to be the first defense line that was ravaged by Great Iron City at the beginning.

  Right then…

  Huchi… Huchi… Huchi…

  In the middle of the overwhelming smoke, a black shadow almost ten meters tall gradually showed up, and a gigantic mask of bones was wearing a hideous smile in the smoke.

  "What's this?"

  "What a big one!"

  All the bandits and thugs were shocked.

  One of the crystal tanks could not control its speed and charged at the black shadow directly. Seeing that it was impossible to dodge the creature, it simply accelerated, hoping to brush past the black shadow.

  But out of everyone's expectations, the black shadow spat out a mouthful of acid that enshrouded the crystal tank. In less than twenty seconds, the vehicle was reduced to a cluster of scrap metal that was similar to vomit.

  It was not until this moment that the black shadow finally revealed its full self unhurriedly. The body size of the skeleton lizard was at least three times larger than the regular 'minions'!

  At this moment, shadows were moving nonstop behind everyone. Countless skeleton lizards were catching up.

  Although they were temporarily stopped by the storm of bullets that the bandits and thugs sprayed out, the bullets would run out sooner or later.

  'Fist King' Lei Zonglie and Xiahou Wuxin looked at each other and lunged at the skeleton lizard king at the same time.

  Pu! Pu! Pu!

  The skeleton lizard king spat out four clusters of acid, only to be dodged by the two of them narrowly and turn into four pools of venom on the ground from which white smoke popped up.

  Xiahou Wuxin's hundred flying swords darted at the skeleton lizard king's eyes brutally, while the Fist King took the opportunity to jump at the enemy's back. Thorns and hooks extended out of his iron feet and grabbed the skeleton lizard king's unbelievably tensile skin. He stuck the machine gun into the creature's back and opened fire fiercely.

  At such a close distance, any spiritual shield was useless. Blood and broken meat were immediately splattering everywhere.

  Under the excruciating pain, the skeleton lizard king was bent into an enormous worm as it jumped and hit things randomly, trying to get rid of the Fist King. But it only managed to knock away the Fist King's gun, which made the Fist King's four arms stab into its wound and snatch its flesh.


  The skeleton lizard king's head also split into an enormous man-eating flower. But the degree to which its neck could rotate was limited after all, and it could not bite the Fist King however it tried to turn its head. It could only wave its long tongue and shoot at the Fist King on its back blindly.


  The long tongue with sharp thorns indeed pierced into the Fist King's chest. But the Fist King was not made of flesh and blood. His iron body was an ultimate product carefully produced by Li Yao. Not just a tiny hole, even thousands of holes would not completely deprive him of his combat ability.

  The Fist King simply took the opportunity to grab the creature by its neck and spin it in opposite directions as if he were wringing a towel. The creature was in such agony that it could barely scream.

  Xiahou Wuxin moved forward and cut off its tongue. When it was mad under the insufferable pain, almost a hundred flying swords darted into its eyeballs and throat at the same time!


  While the beast's whole body was tightened because of the pain, the Fist King finally found its spine and strangled it brutally, mincing it into pieces. The enormous creature slowly collapsed to the ground.

  Seeing the toughness of the Fist King and Xiahou Wuxin, and probably because they recognized them, the bandits nearby all cheered for them in embarrassment.

  The Fist King and Xiahou Wuxin looked at each other. Although they had been sworn enemies half a day ago, and although one of them was an experimental spiritual puppet and the other was a dog for Manjusaka, they sensed the same rhythm in their equally scorching eyes.

  Li Yao, pretending to be a beast puppet, was not relaxed at all. Instead, he grew more and more anxious.

  He stared at the black fog in front of him.

  Almost five gargantuan shadows were approaching them slowly. They were all dead beasts of the same level as the 'skeleton lizard king' just now.

  Right then, the Fist King, Xiahou Wuxin, Xin Xiaoqi, Han Te, Liu Li, and the other bandits and thugs around all sensed the expansion and approaching of several animalistic airs. Their cheers became frozen breath.

  The one skeleton lizard king alone took the Fist King and Xiahou Wuxin, who were the top experts in Liberty City, such a long time to kill.

  If a couple more came, would they stand any chance of survival?

  There's no choice now!

  Li Yao's soul had almost been compressed into a black hole the size of fist. He was finally prepared to bring out all his strength without caring about anything.

  Even though such a decision might expose himself to Manjusaka or even allow them to evaluate his strength, he did not seem to have a second option.

  The narrow and long metal limbs of th
e beast puppet 'Tarantula' were deeply folded, and dim redness was beaming from the crystal cameras, turning the entire world into a complicated swirl of data, while Li Yao calculated the most perfect routes and patterns to attack quickly at the center of the swirl.

  Right when Li Yao was about to go on a killing spree and fully release the daunting damage of the Divinity Transformation Stage…


  He suddenly sensed that a certain weird quake was coming from the depths of the earth.

  Chapter 2046: Earthly Dragon! |

  It did not feel like an explosion or a natural earthquake but more like an artificial earthquake with a fixed pace and rhythm. The source of the quakes moved very quickly upward and was arriving at their feet in no time.

  Thinking quickly, Li Yao calmed down his anxious soul again and sent a message to Han Te and Liu Li's heads, asking them to stay alert and hold on a while longer. He also remotely controlled 'Fiend Star', the tracked spiritual puppet, from the Tarantula and lay next to the two little fellows dutifully.

  In the setting that they had made up, the profession of the two little fellows had been changed into 'puppeteers'.

  It was a profession to control spiritual puppets and beast puppets and to coordinate human beings and machines. The puppeteers were to their spiritual puppets what the sword Cultivators were to their flying swords. They were indispensable for each other.

  Therefore, it was perfectly reasonable for Han Te and Liu Li to stay close to the two war machines.

  After Li Yao reminded them of everything, a lot of bandits and thugs whose senses were keen had felt the quakes from beneath the ground.

  Including the Fist King and Xiahou Wuxin, all the sinners were greatly nervous, fearing that some other terrifying monsters would pop up from the underground world.

  But out of their expectations, the skeleton lizards around them were circling in agitation or craning their necks to shriek, with their heads slightly shivering.


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