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Hard To Fall (Sliding Home Book 3)

Page 3

by Elizabeth Perry

  I know that’s the truth. And I can’t even begin to tell you how fucking much this team means to me. We are a family, and these guys are like my brothers. But still, I can’t expect everyone else to watch my kid. I’ve got to figure out a solution.

  “Isaac’s supposed to be in school until the end of next month. So now, I’ve got to pull him out of school and completely mess up his routine. Plus, to top that shit off, remember the meeting that we had with his teacher?”

  They both nod.

  “Well, his teacher pissed Audra off in our meeting. So, she got her fired.”

  “What in the fuck is the matter with that woman?” Jake frowns, before shaking his head. “She’s seriously so fucked up in the head.”

  “Don’t I know it.”

  “Dude.” Eric shakes his head. “I’m so sorry. She’s such a bitch.”

  It’s always the same response, because there is really nothing else to say about it.

  “I’m sorry, man,” Jake agrees. “Not all women are like that, though. Someday, you’ll find someone who isn’t a crazy bitch. I promise.”

  I snort.

  “I’m all set with women. I swear to God, I’m never falling in love again. There’s no way that I could trust anyone, not after the way that Audra’s burned me and continues to burn me at every turn. Plus, who in the hell would want to be with me? They’d be signing up to deal with Audra’s crazy ass. No one in their right mind would do that. And I can’t handle another crazy chick.”

  They both look grim as they nod their heads, and Eric signals for another round of shots.

  “I’m surprised that Brock hasn’t texted me.” Eric glances at his phone. “I figured after practice today, he’d be the first one trying to get drunk tonight.”

  No kidding.

  This season, we signed on several new rookies, one of which is a first baseman like Brock.

  Grant Mann is young, but the kid has some skill. He’s also known for being quiet and doesn’t have his picture blasted all over the internet like Brock does.

  Brock has been on thin ice for a while now, but even though it’s preached to him weekly, he just doesn’t seem to get it.

  He’s on Coach’s shit list for sure. And if he’s not careful, he’s going to end up getting replaced.

  “Dude. I thought that he was gonna snap today at practice. Did you see how red his face was when Coach pulled him off the field and put Mann in his place?”

  Jake shakes his head. “If he doesn’t get it together, he’s gonna screw up our whole season.”

  “Right? We need him.”

  Both Jake and Eric nod in agreement.

  “Damn right we do.”

  We down our shots and order another beer. I vow to myself that this will be the last one of the night, when a figure off to my left catches my eye.

  And as my head turns, my stomach drops.

  “Oh, fuck.” I mutter, as Jake and Eric both follow my gaze.

  “Oh, damn.” Eric’s eyes widen. “Who’s that?”

  I swallow hard as my eyes roam over the beautiful woman, who is seating herself at the bar.

  “That’s Isabelle.” I continue to stare at her. “That’s Isaac’s teacher. Or, was Isaac’s teacher.”

  “That’s Isaac’s teacher?” Jake raises his eyebrows. “How come I never had teachers that look like her?”

  He’s not kidding.

  I also never had a teacher who looked like her. It’s probably a good thing too, because I never would have learned a damn thing.

  With her rocking body, huge brown eyes, and exotic features, she’s hands down one of the most beautiful women that I have ever seen.

  She probably fucking hates my guts right now. I know that I would, if I were in her shoes.

  “Fuck,” I mutter, feeling torn between wanting to go and talk to her, and wanting to run right out of the bar.

  “Are you going to go and talk to her?” Eric asks, and I instantly shake my head.

  “No. I don’t think so. She probably wants to kill me. My crazy ex-wife is the reason that she just lost her job.”

  “She just lost her job,” Jake repeats, before grinning wide. “Right. So that means that she probably needs a job. And you friend, are hiring.”


  “You’re hiring.” He shrugs. “You need a nanny. She needs a job. Seems like the perfect fit. She already knows Isaac, right?”

  “Right, but she’s a teacher. She may be really offended if I offer her a job as a nanny. They’re not exactly the same thing.”

  “So? Hire her to be his teacher too. You’ve got to pull him out of school, right? She could homeschool him on the road.”

  Another round of shots are delivered, and after downing the liquid, the idea seems to sound even better.

  “You know what, Jakey boy? You might be on to something here.” I glance over to the bar, where Isabelle sits, chatting away with another woman.

  “See? I’m more than just a pretty face.” He grins, making me roll my eyes.

  “That’s something that Brock would say,” Eric groans, and Jake flips him the bird.

  “Fuck you, man.”

  Hire Isabelle.

  That’s a damn good idea, at least to my semi-drunken self.

  Sober me would think differently, since looking at the woman inspires way too many dirty thoughts in my mind to imagine being in a hotel room with her.

  I mean, come on.

  The woman is fucking beautiful.

  But, I mean, how hard could it be to keep my hands off her? Sure, she’s beautiful, but I know how to show restraint.

  I’m not even looking to get wrapped up in a woman right now, anyhow.

  The last one fucking wrecked all of that for me.

  This is a damn good idea, and it’s going to work out.

  Now I just need to figure out a way to get her to agree.

  Chapter Three



  I jump again, the same way that I did the other night when he came up behind me, scaring the shit out of me.

  The only difference is that, this time, I don’t knock my glass over but only because my glass is currently empty and waiting on a refill.

  “Oh my God,” my sister Arielle gasps as she turns in her seat. “Holy shit.”

  I simply roll my eyes before turning around, glancing at Ryan.

  “Please, leave me alone.”

  “Isabelle, please listen to me. I am so sorry…”

  “You’re sorry? It’s a little bit late for that, don’t you think? Maybe you could have come to my defense this morning and told your crazy ass ex-wife to settle the fuck down!”

  I’m shouting and causing a scene, but I literally do not care.

  I’m fucking livid right now. So fucking livid, that if I had a full drink, I would likely toss it right in Ryan’s face.


  “No.” I wave my hand, trying to shoo him away. “Leave me alone.”

  “Isabelle.” Arielle kicks me hard. “What is your fucking problem? Do you know who he is?”

  My drink and my shot are placed in front of me, and as I roll my eyes at my sister, I quickly slam my shot.

  Ryan chuckles, and it only causes my anger to grow.

  “Yeah, I know exactly who he is. He’s the asshole who got me fired.”

  Arielle’s eyes widen as she glances between the two of us.

  “Belle, ok. But, this is Ryan James. Standing here, talking to you.”

  “Well, I wish that he wasn’t,” I mutter, before turning around in my seat and facing the bartender.

  “I am so sorry, please forgive my sister. She’s drunk right now. I’m Arielle, and I’ve got to tell you, I am one of your biggest fans! So is my dad. He would literally shit himself if he knew that you were here, in this bar, talking to us. Do you think that I could have your autograph?”

  “What?” My attention snaps to my sister, who is busy digging through her purse for he
r pen.

  “No.” I swat at her. “No, no, no. Dad would not want the autograph of the piece of shit who got his baby girl fired. No.”

  “Ah, no offense, sis, but yeah. I think that he still would want his autograph.”

  I’m now glaring daggers at my sister, who still, doesn’t seem to care one bit.

  Ryan reaches up and runs his hand through his dark hair.

  It shouldn’t distract me from my anger, really, it shouldn’t.

  But dammit all, it does.

  My eyes catch sight of that delicious six pack that is visible only as he raises his arm. And then of course, I glance down, to another place that protrudes a bit too much from his jeans.

  I mean, for real. Who wears jeans that show off…

  Ok. Damn.

  The windsock conversation comes back to me, and I swallow hard.

  Judging by the way that his jeans fit him snugly right there, I’d say that there is a lot of truth to that statement.

  I blink.

  “I had nothing to do with getting you fired, and I promise you, I didn’t even know about it until after it happened.”

  “Ok, but you heard her talking about it at our meeting. So, you did know that she was making threats.”

  “You have to understand, Isabelle. Audra makes threats all the time. I didn’t really think that she would follow through on that one. It was a bit extreme, even for her. I’m so sorry.”

  “You are sorry. You’re a sorry excuse for a man. I mean, do you even have a pair of balls? Or does your ex-wife still have your set tucked into her purse? Because I’ve never…”

  Arielle kicks me even harder this time, and I yelp.

  “Ouch! Why…”

  “Again, please excuse my sister. She’s having a really rough day, which I’m sure given the circumstances, you can understand. She isn’t usually like this, and if you’re still willing, I would love your autograph.”

  I cringe before flipping my sister my middle finger.

  “This is insane,” I mutter before shaking my head. “I’m the one being rude? The man was responsible for me getting fired, Arielle. How are we not focusing on that right now?”

  “She forgot to take her meds today.” Arielle shrugs at Ryan. “Will you please just sign that?”

  I roll my eyes before turning my attention to Ryan.

  “Ryan, meet my sister, Benedict Arnold.”

  Ryan chuckles and takes the pen that Arielle hands him before grabbing a napkin.

  “Should I make this out to Benedict, or Arnold?” he jokes, and Arielle groans.

  “Make it out to Miggy, please. That’s our dad. He will literally be on cloud nine.”

  “Why would Dad want this assholes autograph, anyways?” I turn my attention to Ryan. “Why does my dad want your autograph? Who in the hell are you?”

  “I’m Ryan. You already know that.”

  “Right. But, what are you even famous for?”

  “So fucking cute,” he mutters, and I just continue to glare.

  “I’m not that famous. I just play baseball.”

  “Not that famous?” Arielle snorts, as she stares up at him with starstruck eyes. “You are so famous! You’re totally the shit. I can’t wait for your season to start. The Rays are my favorite team, and my dad and I are always watching you guys. He’s going to be so excited.”

  “Ah,” I mumble. “You’re a baseball player.”

  “Yes.” He nods.

  “It’d be way cooler if you were a football player.”

  I don’t even know why I’m being such a raging bitch to him when deep down I know that it’s not actually his fault that I lost my job.

  But for real. Can’t he stand up to his ex? He could have totally saved my job. He could have told her to simmer the heck down when we had our conference. But instead, he allowed this to happen.

  Ryan just shakes his head.

  “Damn. Tell me how you really feel.”

  I exhale, before shaking my head.

  “I don’t really want to. I’m done being nasty. I just want to sit here and get totally shit faced. I would like to wallow in peace over the fact that I am, yet again, twenty-eight and jobless. Oh, yes, and that I still live at home with my parents.”

  “What if I told you that I had a job for you?”

  He could pull a million strings at that school, and they still wouldn’t hire me back. When I was called into the office today and fired, I pretty much lost my shit.

  I was that crazy person that you hear about on the news, waving my hands around and screaming obscenities at the school board.

  I’m pretty sure that not only was I fired, I was also banned from ever stepping foot on those school grounds again.

  “I’d say that it’s too late. I think that the superintendent filed a restraining order on me.”

  He chuckles.

  “Not at the school. I’m hiring. You would be working for me.”

  “What?” My attention snaps to him, and Arielle’s jaw drops open.

  “Listen, sicko. I don’t know what kind of position that you’re hiring for, but I’m not interested. I am not that kind of girl, so, yeah. No thanks.”

  “No!” he exclaims before bursting out laughing. “Not like that. Geez.” His face flames.

  “You really think I’m that guy?”

  “To be honest, I have no idea what I think.”

  He shakes his head.

  “Audra, my ex decided to plan a four-month long vacation with no notice to me. As of tomorrow morning, I have to pull Isaac out of school for good. Since my season is just starting, he will be traveling with me.”

  “So, you need a babysitter.” I roll my eyes. “No thanks.”

  “No. I mean, yes, I do need a nanny. But I also need someone who can teach him the rest of the kindergarten curriculum. I don’t want him falling behind for next year.”

  He has my full attention.

  “Now, I totally understand that this is short notice, because I have a flight that leaves at nine AM tomorrow. This job requires traveling, although I will tell you that it’s on a private plane with nice accommodations. I can figure out this week if you need time to think about it, but I really hope that you consider it. Isaac adores you. It would be the easiest adjustment for him.”

  Of course, this hits me in the heart.

  I adore Isaac, and honestly, after what I witnessed from his parents, the poor kid needs consistency in his life, and he needs someone who is calm and collected who cares about him.

  Right now, I’m not feeling very calm or collected, but I do care about Isaac. And, let’s face it;

  I need a damn job.

  “If I took this job, which I don’t know that I would, what are we talking about for money?”

  “Name your price.” He holds out his hands and shrugs. “You tell me, Isabelle. What do you need to make this happen?”

  “It would be for four months?”

  He nods.

  “A hundred thousand.” I smirk, as Arielle nearly chokes on her drink. I smile to myself, over the obnoxious amount of money, when out of the corner of my eye, Ryan nods.

  “Ok. Fine. A hundred thousand dollars split into four monthly payments. Does that sound good?”

  “Wait, are you serious?”

  “As a heart attack.” He nods.

  “You’re going to pay me twenty-five thousand dollars a month to be your nanny?”

  “And teacher, yes.”

  I contemplate this for a second, as Arielle’s eyes flick between the two of us.

  “Alright, fine. It’s a deal, but on one condition.”

  “Name it.” He smiles wide.

  “You have to understand that I am not sleeping with you. My vagina is pristine, and it does not need to be turned into a windsock. I’ve heard about you.” I glance down at his package before my eyes snap up to his.

  His face immediately flushes, before a slow, easy smile spreads across his lips.

  “So that’s what you and
Sheila were talking about the other night.”

  “Yep.” I nod, as more word vomit flows out of my mouth. “I heard that you made Isaac’s last teacher whistle like a windsock. I’m not going down like that. So, keep that monster in your pants, and we have a deal.”

  “Oh, my god,” Arielle groans, which honestly, I’m probably going to want to die tomorrow when I remember the things that I said tonight.

  But right now, the alcohol has made me not give a single fuck.


  He holds out his hand, taking mine in his before shaking it.

  I try to ignore the way that my entire body heats from his touch, or the way that my heart begins to race in my chest.

  But, I’ve got to be strong here, and not allow myself to fall into this kind of temptation with him.

  I mean, for real. This is a serious situation.

  I do not want to be a windsock.

  Chapter Four


  I’m waiting patiently at the gate for Isabelle, even though I’m a bit nervous that she isn’t going to show.

  After discussing a bit more with her last night, we both decided that her being able to get home and packed in her condition and to the airport by eight am was going to be a stretch.

  Since our game isn’t until 7, I was able to grab her a flight that left at one.

  But, her flight already landed, and it’s well after four. I’m beginning to think that she ditched me.

  Just as I’m about to turn around and leave, I see her, moving slowly towards me.

  Her face is pale, and she looks about ready to keel over.

  I immediately rush to her side.

  “Oh, fuck. Are you ok?” I grab her bags from her before looking her over. “You look awful.”

  “You are so charming.” She groans, before shaking her head. “And I’m fine. At least, I’ll be fine.”

  “A bit hungover?”

  She shakes her head.

  “No. I get a bit airsick.”

  I tilt my head, and look at her, as she flushes.

  “I’m afraid of flying, ok? Flying gives me anxiety, which then leads to panic attacks. I’ll be fine, I just need some fresh air.”

  “Done.” I grab her bags before wrapping my arm around her waist, hurrying us towards the exit.


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