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Hard To Fall (Sliding Home Book 3)

Page 5

by Elizabeth Perry

Ryan’s team is currently on the field, and for a moment, I allow myself to stare at Ryan, who is standing a few feet in front of third base.

  He’s squatting, with his glove almost on the dirt, watching the batter intently. Every time a pitch is thrown, I notice that he moves suddenly, as if almost in sync with the pitcher.

  “That batter just got the bunt sign.” Avery leans over and tells me, before nodding towards Ryan. “That’s why he’s moved up so far.”

  “Ah. I wondered.” I nod, before looking back at her.

  “Which guy is yours?”

  She nods towards the catcher.

  “That one. The catcher. Eric is my husband.”

  “Do you travel with him all of the time?” I ask, hoping that she says yes so that Isaac will always have another kid to play with. And perhaps, she may always have an extra blanket to share with me when needed.

  “Right now, yes. But after the baby comes, I’m not sure how that will play out.”

  “When are you due?”

  “Not until August. Not nearly soon enough.” She sighs, before rubbing her hand across her stomach.

  I can’t help the ugly twinge of jealousy that overtakes me as I stare at her stomach.

  My ex and I tried countless times to have a baby. Finally, after five miscarriages, we went in and saw a specialist, who delivered the news that would forever rock my world and cause my husband to finally leave me.

  Although, if I’m being honest, him leaving was a blessing in disguise.

  “Congrats.” I tell her, and she smiles.

  “Thanks. It was kind of a surprise, but a happy one. Once the baby comes I doubt I will travel with Eric too often, but I guess we will see.”

  She smiles at me again before turning her attention back to the game.

  I do the same, trying to watch intently so that maybe I can learn a thing or two.

  But honestly, the only thing I learn is that Ryan is even hotter on the field than he is in real life.

  And as my eyes scan the crowds, and I see the crowd of female fans chanting his name and flashing their chests at him, I can’t even fight the cloud of jealousy that takes over me.

  I mean, for real.

  It’s like twenty degrees outside, and these women have their boobs hanging out. Not for extended periods of time or anything, but still.

  It’s disturbing.

  I watch as his eyes connect with one group of women, and my eyes narrow as I watch him stare at them for a moment too long before a slow, sexy smile spreads across his lips.

  I sigh in disgust before pulling my eyes away from him.

  “Is that normal?” I point across the stadium to the group of women, and as Avery follows, she frowns.

  “Good freaking God. Seriously? Already? It’s freezing out here!”

  She grunts in disgust before shaking her head.

  “Unfortunately, yes. Women like that are at every single game. Every single practice. It’s pretty fucking pathetic.”

  “You can say that again,” I mutter as jealousy again fills my veins.

  I have no reason to be jealous, none whatsoever.

  Yet, here I am, which is absolutely ridiculous.

  Ryan James will never be anything more than my boss. It’s not like I would even want that, anyways.

  But for some reason, unbeknownst to me, the sight in front of me pisses me off.

  Perhaps it’s a good thing that I’ve witnessed this today though, because this vision only reinforces what I already know.

  This is why I need to keep this strictly professional with Ryan.

  Obviously, he is the kind of guy who has women shoving their boobs in his face all the time. A man like that isn’t looking for something serious, and no way in hell would I allow myself to just be another notch on his belt.

  Or another windsock in his past.

  No freaking way.

  “I’ll be honest, those types of women are exactly why I was really hesitant to marry my husband. It’s hard as hell to witness stuff like that, day in and day out. It’s even harder to know that it’s going on when I’m not here.”

  “I can’t even imagine,” I tell her honestly, because I can’t.

  I couldn’t deal with having women stripping for my husband every day. It would make an already difficult relationship that much harder.

  “Yeah. It pretty much sucks. Trust is huge in any marriage, but being married to an athlete puts even the most trusting woman on edge.”

  My eyes narrow as I focus back on the field.

  My mind wanders back to Ryan’s ex, and I just shake my head.

  Maybe I was being too hard on the woman. I mean, behind every crazy ass woman, there is always a man who made her that way.

  Ryan might not be as innocent as he seems.

  “So, this must be the photo op listed on the itinerary,” I mutter, more to myself than anyone else, but Avery overhears and grins.

  “Yep. You can thank this babe for the itinerary.” She jerks her thumb towards Laci who blushes.

  “Listen, I like a plan, alright? And if we didn’t have a plan, it would be chaos. Do you like chaos?” She frowns at Avery who simply shrugs.

  “Well, I do not like chaos. I used to be the manager for this team,” she explains to me, glancing over my shoulder at the guys who are standing on the field, talking to the reporters.

  “They were a hot mess back then. Brock is still a hot mess, but the rest of them have gotten their acts together. Anyhow, the itinerary was my idea, and even though I don’t work for the team anymore, I still handle the itinerary and travel arrangements. But that’s more because I refuse to let a man choose my hotel.” She shudders and understanding dawns.

  “Oh, I get it. Ryan told me that I would have a schedule in my email from a Laci Matthews. That must be you.”

  She beams. “Yep. In the flesh.”

  Just as fast as her face lights up, it falls, before her eyes darken and she frowns.

  “Fucking for real? The families are out here. There are kids around. What in the actual fuck is the matter with these women?”

  As I turn, I catch sight of a group of women who have somehow made their way onto the field and are currently trying to swarm the guys. One of them has her shirt lifted almost completely off, with her hands pressed onto her breasts as she makes lewd gestures at them.

  I instantly understand why Brock is such a hot mess because he looks like he’s in heaven. He’s totally ignoring the reporter talking to hi as he stares at the women with a sick smile on his face.

  A disgusted sound leaves my mouth as my eyes connect with Ryan, who isn’t staring quite as hard as Brock is, but he is definitely watching the show.

  I grab onto Isaac and cover his eyes with my hands.


  “Let’s play a game.,” I tell him, before turning him to face me. I look down at Jacks, who is standing right next to Isaac.

  “Who can keep their eyes closed the longest?”

  “What?” The reply in unison.

  “I bet that you boys can’t keep your eyes closed for two full minutes. The winner will get a dollar.”

  “A dollar? Yes! I can totally do that!” Isaac beams, and Jacks does the same.

  Avery mouths a thank you to me as Laci storms through the crowd, moving damn fast for a very pregnant person, as she beelines for the women.

  She’s too far away for me to hear what she is saying, but whatever it is, it works.

  Their faces fall, as they glare at her, but in an instant, the women scatter like cockroaches in the light.

  Ryan glances one last time at the women, before turning his attention to me.

  Sick bastard.

  I glare at him before turning my attention back to Isaac and Jacks.

  “What’s the matter with you?” I ignore Ryan’s question as we make our way through the tunnel and back to the hotel.

  Honestly, I really don’t know what is the matter with me, but right now, I’m totally disgusted with the

  I mean, come on.

  I just watched a few scenes that were disturbing as fuck, and now he’s asking me what’s wrong?

  I don’t know why it bothers me so much, but it does.

  I guess it’s because for a second, I thought that Ryan was a nice guy. It just goes to show you that my judgement pretty much sucks.

  “Nothing.” I lie, avoiding all eye contact.

  “Did you enjoy the game?”

  “Yes.” I continue to keep my eyes focused forward.

  Isaac is skipping along next to Ryan, chattering away, his mouth going about a million miles a minute.

  In his hand, is the dollar that he’s clutching proudly, as if he were holding a precious gem.

  Jacks ends up back at Isaac’s side, and the two of them take off running, just a few feet ahead of us.

  “Isaac,” Ryan calls out. “Don’t get any further ahead of me than you are right now.”

  Isaac doesn’t respond, but he stays put.

  “Listen, I’m not sure what is upsetting you, but it’s pretty obvious that you’re mad about something. Did I do something wrong? Did something happen with Isaac?”

  Ryan reaches out and touches my elbow, but I jerk it away before the all too familiar tingles can take over me.

  “Isaac was great during the game. He mostly sat by Jacks, but he listened very well.”

  “Ok, so then what? What gives?”

  I shrug.

  “Nothing. I’m just cold.”

  “Just cold, she says,” he mocks. “You’re totally full of shit, Isabelle, but fine. Be that way.”

  “Alright, fine. You really want to know?” I stop walking and spin to face him.

  “I’m totally disgusted by you. I mean, I signed up to watch your son and to teach him. I did not sign up for having to come up with games to keep him from seeing his dad ogling a bunch of slut bags. Honestly, I feel like I should be getting hazard pay. Because after what I witnessed today, I feel like I need a few antibiotic injections. I’m totally grossed out.”

  “What?” His eyebrows raise before a knowing look crosses his face. “Oh. That.”

  “Yeah. That.”

  “Isabelle, I’m really sorry…”

  “You are really sorry.” I cringe. “So obviously, I’ve never been around a guy in your position, but that was disturbing. And if that is what I signed up for? Count me out. I’m not going to spend my days shielding a five-year-old from his father’s whorish ways.”

  Ryan bursts out laughing, which only pisses me off more.

  “Oh, wow. Tell me how you really feel.”

  “Trust me, I would, if little ears weren’t in earshot.” I glare at him before turning on my heel and continuing to stalk down the tunnel.

  Ryan doesn’t say anything else, in fact, he’s completely silent during our walk.


  Screw him.

  Chapter Six


  I pause in the doorway before sighing and turning back around.

  “Isabelle.” I knock on her door without a response.

  Fuck that. I know that she’s in there, and I also know that she’s avoiding me.

  I guess I can’t really blame her. I’m sure that her mind is blown after witnessing what she did today.

  But I also know that she now thinks that I’m a shitty human being, which for some reason, really fucking bothers me.

  “Isabelle. Would you please open the damn door?”

  “Go away, Ryan.” She calls out, making me bang on it again.

  “Jesus! Would you please stop banging on my door like the FBI? Don’t you have a dinner to go to? That’s what the itinerary says!”

  I can’t see her face, but I already know from the sound of her voice that she’s smirking.

  And for some reason unbeknownst to me, I really want to see that smirk on her face.

  “Listen, Isabelle. We need to talk. And if you’re not going to open the door, then I guess we will just talk through it.”

  “I don’t want to talk to you. I don’t want to catch anything.”

  “Seriously? What are you, twelve?”

  She’s fucking exasperating, yet I love the way that she gives me shit.

  I’ve never really been around someone like her before. Someone so honest that it’s almost brutal.

  And I fucking love it.

  “Twenty-eight, actually. Thanks though. I’m going to take that as a compliment.”

  “You can take it however you want. For the record, I am STD free, not that it matters or is necessary information that you need to know to do your job. But I do feel like I need to explain myself, so here goes.”

  “I’m listening.”

  Pain in the ass…

  “I’m sorry that you had to see that show today. I’d like to tell you that it won’t happen again, but that would be a lie, and I’m not going to lie to you.”

  “I couldn’t care less about the women. I care more about the way that you reacted to them. Keeping your son busy while you stare at half naked women was not part of the agreement.”

  “I wasn’t…”

  The door flies open and I’m met with a very annoyed looking Isabelle. She folds her arms across her chest and glares at me.

  “Seriously? Didn’t you just say that you weren’t going to lie? I watched you stare at them with a twisted look on your face. And I will not occupy your son while you get busy with some two-dollar hooker. I’m not trying to cockblock you, but you’re going to have to catch STD’s on your own time, not on mine.”

  I can’t even help myself. I burst out laughing, which of course, only seems to make her angrier.

  “Oh, you think that’s funny?” Her arms fly up as she waves her hand angrily in my face. “You think that this is a joke? You have a lot of nerve laughing right in my face.”

  She glares at me and starts to take a step back into the room, ready to slam to door shut again, when I quickly stick my foot out.

  “Listen, I’m sorry, ok? You’re just really cute when you’re mad.” Her eyes widen, and her breath catches as the words leave my mouth, suddenly shifting my attention from humor to something else completely.

  “What did you say?”

  “I’m sorry,” I repeat, far more softly this time.

  Her eyes fly up to mine, and they lock. My heartbeat accelerates in my chest as we continue to just stare at each other, both seemingly frozen in place.

  Why does she have to be so beautiful? Seriously, I could get lost in those big brown eyes of hers.

  I know that I need to pull my eyes away, but I just can’t seem to make myself do it.


  “Isaac,” she finally says, before shaking her head. “Where is Isaac?”

  “He’s with Eric and Avery.” I remain frozen in place. “They already went down for dinner. I was waiting for you, waiting to convince you to forgive me and come and eat dinner with us.”

  She swallows, and my eyes move down to her neck.

  “I was just going to eat here and figure out a lesson plan for tomorrow. Isaac and I really need to get to work.”

  “No one likes to eat dinner alone.” I manage to smile, even though my heart continues to thunder in my chest.

  Seriously, what in the hell is going on with me?

  Obviously, Isabelle is beautiful, but I see beautiful women all the time and I’ve never had my body react this way.

  I feel like a high school boy who has literally no game, not that I need to have game here.

  I am Isabelle’s boss. That is one line that I will not be crossing, and no way am I looking to get involved with a woman anyhow.

  I’ve been way too damn burned to ever go down that road again.

  “Honestly, dinner will be really low key. It always is. Plus, there is a full bar.”

  “A full bar?” She bites her lip. “But I probably shouldn’t be drinking. I’m on the clock.”

  “You’re officially off the clock. I’m free for the r
est of the night, so I will handle Isaac. Plus, you can have a few drinks around him. Just, no tequila. He doesn’t need to hear about windsocks.” I smirk at her, and she rolls her eyes.

  “Do you have to bring that back up again?”

  “I’ll bring it up as many times as I have to, if it’s going to make you smile and blush at the same time, like you are right now.”

  “Pig.” She mutters, but shrugs. “Fine. I’ll come to dinner, but I’m still disgusted by you.”

  “Noted. And for the record, I wasn’t staring at those women because I wanted them. I was just more surprised that they were willing to be half naked in the bitter cold.”

  “Yeah,” she deadpans before following me towards the door. “They’re real troopers.”


  “So, Isabelle. Do you ever think about how many kids spank banks you’re in?”

  I squeeze my eyes shut before exhaling loudly.

  Brock never ceases to amaze me.

  “Um, well, not exactly,” Isabelle stammers. “But I teach kindergarten, so I highly doubt that I am in any.”

  “True. Although, I’m pretty sure I had a spank bank in kindergarten.”

  I open my eyes in enough time to see Isabelle’s mouth drop open and her cheeks heat.

  “Brock,” I growl, and the asshole simply shrugs.

  “What? Why are you getting so mad, Jamesy? It’s natural for boys to fantasize about their teachers. If I had a teacher who looked like her, you can fucking bet that I would have been beating my meat to her face.”

  Isabelle’s face flushes, and a stifled laugh leaves those sweet lips of hers.

  “Oh, my god.” She giggles, before shaking her head. “I can’t even…”

  “Believe it, baby.” Brock grins. “You are one hot tamale.”

  “Alright. That’s enough,” I growl, cutting my eyes at him.

  He’s been doing this all night, throughout the entire dinner. And to be honest, he’s sitting way too fucking close to Isabelle for my liking.

  I’ve kept my cool and of course, kept my eye on him, waiting for him to try to make a move on her, which I would of course, stop immediately.

  But he hasn’t.

  Instead, he’s made comment after comment on how hot Isabelle is, but the spank bank comments are pushing the limits.


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