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Crimson Sunsets

Page 3

by Lacee Hightower

  The strange thing was, she didn’t think I recognized her. Her eyes said it all.

  Should I tell her? Fuck, I didn’t know.

  Would she even remember? Christ, probably not.

  How I hadn’t put two and two together on who ‘Coco’ was when Jackson spoke of his sister, showed my level of idiocy. Yet, the nickname had thrown me.

  Jackson was the District Attorney for Dallas County, doing only God knows what on the side. A DA’s salary range was easily obtainable online. Jackson’s lifestyle proved he exceeded that ladder by a long shot. Nevertheless, a club regular and one of Venture’s original members, we were anything but close. I personally didn’t even care for the uptight fuckwit, but he was an outstanding attorney, along with one of the strongest Doms I knew. One of the most demanding I’d come across in this business, he showed very little mercy on his subs. A quick recollection of his special locked room made me grin. I wondered if his little sister had stumbled across that yet. Thoughts of introducing her to the palm of my hand tightened my dick even more. Though, those days were over. I’d hurt someone once. I wouldn’t give myself a chance to make that mistake twice.

  Dressed and ready, my focus was on one thing—getting a long delicious taste of her amazingly wet pleasure and filling her warmth with my full cock.

  Jesus, why was my mind even wandering that direction?

  We were simply two old friends reconnecting literally.

  Nothing more.

  Keep telling yourself that, Wisely.

  Chapter Five


  Moving to Texas was meant for one thing only—closure from Bruce. Not running into Justin.

  Only a kid when I knew him, he was a handsome fantasy in the make-believe life of a teenage girl.

  Now he was grown. And hot as sin. Confident and sure, two qualities that tripled my heat level. And that look he had when he smiled with his eyes.

  That look.

  Along with the deep sensual rasp to his voice that gave me crazy ideas of his lips brushing my neck, whispering in my ear as his hard erection brushed my sex.

  The bathroom was still humid and smelled like him. The glass door bled condensation from his shower, which I assumed was his second of the morning. Something was sexy about that. My hands inadvertently reached for my tightened breasts, squeezing my nipples between my fingers, the rush between my legs only intensifying as I visualized the hands touching me belonging to him.

  “What the hell?” I whispered.

  As much as I wanted to tell him who I was, I wouldn’t. Feeling like this was the last thing I needed.

  Thirty minutes later, dressed in my favorite ankle jeans and a simple off-white lacy top, I put on brown, three-inch booties and stuck some large silver hoops through my pierced ears.

  Justin was standing in Jackson’s kitchen, his eyes locking on mine as he slid his cellphone into the pocket of his jeans. My stomach turned nervous flips as his glare sliced through mine. Simple distressed faded denims were tight and hugging his ass to perfection. Along with what I knew he carried upfront, he looked absolutely good enough to inhale. His black Henley was unsnapped at the top, hugging his wide shoulders and showcasing his flat stomach, while the pushed-up sleeves displayed the edges of sexy artwork on his arms. Square-toed boots covered his feet. Shit kickers. I’d never really liked them. Today, they took on a whole new meaning.

  The simple fact that I knew very little about this man didn’t keep me from feeling I’d give my right arm just to reach out and touch him.

  He stared at me with amusement. “You okay, Coco?”

  Shit. I have to stop staring.

  I nodded.

  He placed a hand firmly on my lower back right above my ass. Such a simple move, yet one that set off every live wire in my body.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off him, that same shit-eating grin covering his amazing face—the one he’d flashed me when he caught me red-handed checking out the amazing amount of whatever the hell he had going on between his thighs the first time. And the second.

  Heart-stopping. Stupefying. Beautiful.



  Did he say something or am I just hearing my hammering pulse?

  He winked, his eyes beaming with a hidden smile.

  “You ready?”

  “I am,” I answered quietly, the simple response lodged deep in my throat.

  I snatched up my purse sitting on the counter beside the cinnamon rolls I’d picked up from 7-11, squeezing the chain-linked strap against my shoulder like it could give me a sense of strength. Justin glanced down, his palm still brushing the small of my back while the area between his eyes thinned.

  “Is your brother fucking three?”

  “No. They’re mine,” I shrugged. “And the icing is the best part. I never eat the rest.”

  “That’s honestly something I can say I’ve never seen anyone do before.” Justin shook his head teasingly, his bright white teeth shining through the enormous smile on his face, stabbing currents of what felt like a battery-operated charge galvanizing my skin.

  “You smell amazing by the way,” he whispered against my neck, pressing his hand into my back and leading us to the front door. Insane chills sprinted all the way down to my toes from his warm breath, painfully intense in my nipples. Every element of this man bled power and sexuality, arousing everything inside me I swore I wouldn’t allow.

  “Even if you are only three, and waste the main part of a perfectly good cinnamon roll.”

  He reached around my waist and grabbed the door. Jesus, he was the one that smelled like heaven.

  The sound of his agate gray Porsche 911 was loud and sexy. He’d grown up needy and poor, but there was definitely nothing impecunious about him now. How much did a car like that even cost? Plush burgundy leather seats were lined with gray trim, the smell similar to how I envisioned a rugged terrain. I lowered myself into the seat, inhaling the scent of the expensive upgraded leather.


  They boarded up this water town

  Ain’t nobody hangin’ round

  Another grey September day

  Was I crazy to think she’d stay

  Jesus, that song gave me chills. Justin’s long fingers tapped against the steering wheel.Who was that singing? I liked it.

  A diner? Justin was backing into an end parking spot at a small, brightly blue-painted eating establishment of some sort. He jumped out and quickly opened my car door, reaching for my hand.

  “After you.” He flashed that smile again. “Donna’s Diner has some of the best breakfast in the city,” Justin said as we were seated in the blue and black booth. “I’m a little partial to the mom and pop kinds of places though.” He raked his fingers through his hair, clearing his throat. His blue eyes didn’t budge as his gaze caught mine. “I’m pretty certain they have outstanding pastries, too.”

  “Whatever.” I laughed. “Hey, what was the music you were playing in the car?” His eyes went wide.

  “Jason Aldean. I take it you’re not familiar with his music?” I nodded. Not much of a country music lover, rock music flowed through my bloodstream.

  “How have you really been … Hartley?” Brows lifting, only a slight smile covered his thick mouth as our eyes locked. Suddenly, we weren’t sitting in the middle of a crowded eatery. There was only us. Two long lost friends who had never really had the opportunity to know each other, but always wanted to.

  He didn’t forget me.

  “What?” I whispered. “You’ve known who I was this whole time?”

  “How in hell could I ever forget you, sweet thing? Did you really believe I didn’t recognize you?”

  With a quick shake of his head, he held a hand out across the table. I laced my fingertips through his, returning the slight squeeze. Billows of blue flooded through his irises while his pupils dilated into passion.

  “Why don’t you tell me what you’ve been up to all these years and where Jackson got the name
Coco from? That has to be an interesting story.”

  I looked him straight in the face, a little apprehensive about fessing up to how I got the silly nickname, and especially admitting that my long-time boyfriend had cheated on me for years, but decided what the hell. I’d go with it.

  “My nickname,” I giggled. “Pretty silly, I know, but I was a finicky eater growing up. I wouldn’t drink milk or eat cheese, or much of anything else for that matter.”

  “The cinnamon rolls. Was that one of your hang-ups, too?” His heart-stopping eyes were smiling at me again.

  “Hey, now,” I responded, narrowing my eyes.

  “God, this is so embarrassing … but Jacks convinced me that his hot cocoa laced with vanilla tasted exactly like our mom’s chocolate chip coconut cookies. He’d mix it up for me when he was home and stir it exactly one hundred times saying that was his own personal magic trick to make it taste good. That’s where the nickname came from. Silly, isn’t it?”

  “Are you still a finicky eater?”

  “No. Not really.” His eyebrows lifted teasingly.

  “And sadly enough, I dated the same guy since I was a freshman. Bruce Shirley. Did you know him?” Justin shrugged.


  “I moved in with him after high school. I shouldn’t have done that. He cheated … a lot.” I stared into my water, too ashamed to look anywhere else. “It just kind of became routine. We should have ended things years ago.”

  “Hey, look at me.” I glanced into his blue eyes as he reached for my hand. He felt sorry for me, the last thing I wanted.

  “Don’t feel bad for what he did, Hartley. He’s nothing but a pathetic loser.”

  “No. It’s just that, I mean, there are so many beautiful women. They’re everywhere. It’s impossible not to…” He tightened his grip against my hand.

  “Why would you make excuses for him, sweet thing? He’s a cheating fuck. Don’t you know how beautiful and desirable you are?” With a fixed stare, his eyes were still. “If you were mine, I wouldn’t even know a man from a woman, a cat from a dog, day from night. I’d only know that small row of freckles on your face. Those brown eyes that change color when you’re anxious. There wouldn’t be anything else.”

  I couldn’t move, my sex clenching tightly as his words shot straight through the alive area between my legs.

  “Hey, I’m sorry if I stepped over a line. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. You just deserve so much better.”

  “It’s okay,” I whispered.

  “Things always happen for a reason, Hartley. And I can’t take my eyes off you.”

  Slivers of emotion filled my eyes. How was I supposed to respond to that? Before I could figure it out, he was leaning his long torso across the table and crushing his lips against mine, thrusting his tongue inside and kissing me … and kissing me … and kissing me some more.

  My chest hammered, while the area between my legs blistered heat as he threaded his long fingertips through my hair and ravaged my mouth with his agile tongue. Sweet Jesus.

  Finally, he sat back. My lips swollen and bruised, my chest palpitated, knowing my nipples were like darts underneath my thin shirt.

  “Have you ever been kissed like that, Hartley?”

  I nodded. “No.” Bruce was a good kisser. He was. But not like that.

  “Did he make you come?” Well, hello. Nothing like getting straight to the point.

  I grabbed my water and pulled the straw to my lips, drinking about half the glass. Self-conscious and unsure, Justin was staring straight in my eyes. Just like he’d done when he was naked, he acted like what he was asking was just ordinary talk.

  “Did he, Hartley? Was he a good lover?” This was uncomfortable. I rolled the glass of water between my hands. Right now, it was my security blanket.

  “I don’t know,” I whispered, shaking my head in disbelief at his blatant questions. Bruce wasn’t a bad lover. He kissed okay. He was nice to look at. I really hadn’t ever thought about whether or not he was actually good at what he was doing. I loved him. Wasn’t that what mattered most?

  “That’s what I thought,” he whispered.

  The waitress appeared with two plates covered with eggs, bacon, sausage and hash browns. Perfect timing. A bowl filled with huge biscuits sat on the tray, while a thickly iced cinnamon roll rested on a plate beside it.

  “Don’t forgot those biscuits, Janet. And that nice cinnamon roll for the beautiful lady here.” He laughed, pushing the monstrous pastry toward me.

  “Wouldn’t think of it, sweetheart,” the waitress responded with a wink.

  I returned the smile as she topped off my water, suddenly thinking about my mother, even though I didn’t know exactly why.

  “Can I get you two love birds anything else?” Justin’s focus was knifelike as his eyes burned through mine, my nipples again thickening with arousal. That kiss alone could give me more than anything Bruce ever did. Maybe even an orgasm that didn’t involve me being on top. I’d had plenty of those with Bruce. I’d even had one with the only other two guys I ever slept with. I never thought that much of it, other than it was just one of my faults.

  “No ma’am. I believe we have absolutely everything we need here, Janet.” His eyes still pierced mine as he spoke to the waitress that he was clearly on a first name basis with, my breath deep as I fought coming down from the way his mouth felt on mine.

  “A cinnamon roll? I think maybe you like sugar just as much as I do.” I rolled my eyes at the massive pastry.

  “I love sugar,” he said teasingly, a huge, dimple-laced wicked grin encasing his face.

  Christ on a cracker. Butter my butt and call me a biscuit.

  My throat suddenly tight, I croaked, “Jackson said you own a night club. That’s so cool.”

  My heart was beating out of my chest. I had to say something. Anything to change the subject of my past sex life.

  “Yes. I do.” He reached for the freshly poured steaming cup of coffee and took a long drink, his jaw clenching. Did I hit a nerve?

  “I’d like to visit sometime if that’s okay.” More misgiving covered his face as he brushed off the subject.

  What the hell? Did he own a gentleman’s club?

  “Eat up sweet thing,” he said with a sensual wink, reaching for the pepper.

  Jesus, I loved it when he did that.

  Chapter Six


  “Thanks for the breakfast. Those biscuits were amazing.” Justin pulled out his wallet, tucking a way too large bill underneath the receipt on the small clipboard. Wow.

  He slid from the booth and reached for my hand, tangling our fingers together. His warm hand felt … nice.

  Nearly two hours had passed. It was almost noon. Hand in hand, we walked slowly back to the car. Strangely opening up to him about my personal life, I’d told him things only Jackson and Mandy knew. He hadn’t given up much on his present or past life.

  The ride back to Jackson’s was quiet. Neither of us said much. Why had he gone silent?

  He pulled in front of my brother’s apartment building, the loud engine of his Porsche the only sound filling the tension in the car.

  “Here we go, sweet thing.” He jumped out, rushing to open my door. His facial expression was soft and friendly.

  “Aren’t you coming back in?” He stared straight ahead, his left eye twitching just a little.

  “Okay. Then, I guess I’ll see you around.”

  Too much information about Bruce was definitely a turn-off. Or maybe he was involved with somebody. Just because he said he wasn’t didn’t mean it was true. But my God, that kiss… My heart raced as our eyes met, the look on his face making me anxious. He reached for my cheeks, holding them between his two large hands as he rubbed his thumbs over the corners of my lips. The look on his face seemed withdrawn. Emotion marred his eyes. He looked confused.

  “I’ve always wanted to do that,” he breathed. With a nod, I leaned my cheek into his fingers, the thought th
at he may be somewhat tender and affectionate making my hint of a smile linger. “Hartley.” His eyes penetrated mine, his fingers still brushing my cheeks.

  “I wanted you that first day … when I saw you cringe at ole Mr. Barker after he announced he was going to teach us the basics of a rotary saw. Jesus, I’ll never forget the look of horror on your face. You were cute as hell. I wanted to take you and kiss you senseless right then and there. Nothing’s changed.”

  “Then why don’t you?” His gaze drifted, his hands dropping from my face.

  “Justin, are you trying to tell me you’re married?”

  He glared at me with unreadable eyes. My breakfast suddenly felt unsettled as my stomach wound into knots.

  “No … I’m not married. Never have been.”

  “Makes two of us,” I whispered.

  “Listen, Hartley. I want to be upfront with you. You deserve that much. ”He glanced up, frowning, blowing out a long breath as he placed both hands onto my shoulders.

  “I don’t love, sweet thing. Not even you.”

  Who said anything about love?

  “What does that mean?” I asked.

  “It means that I’m selfish. I only take possession. And rule. I play the game until I’ve gotten what I need out of my system. Then I forget—and walk away. I’ve always been that way. It’s all I have, Hartley.” His stare was piercing, his blue eyes narrowing. Beautiful and soft, there was an untold story behind them. One he didn’t intend on sharing.

  “Things were rough growing up. Things you wouldn’t understand. Things I would never burden your beautiful soul with. Especially when you’re on the rebound from a bad relationship.”

  I sucked in a deep breath, fighting the threat of disappointed tears. Spot on about the bad relationship, I didn’t even know if I was capable of trusting after years of infidelity. The only thing I knew was cheating. But the bigger than life queasiness in my belly from his kiss still swirled like an overdose of erotic deliciousness. If I’d ever felt that with Bruce, I couldn’t remember. Something about this man from my past had me hotter than I’d ever been. My imagination was running wild, with the continual pounding between my thighs unstoppable. The clear blueness in his eyes only made it stronger.


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