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Indirect Lines: Halle Shifters, Book 5

Page 13

by Dana Marie Bell

  Barney shook his head, even though Casey Lee couldn’t see it. “She’s out, and claimed.”

  Casey Lee whistled low. “Thought you were gonna wait on that until after this mess was cleared up.”

  “My Bear wouldn’t stand for it.” And neither would he, but he didn’t need to tell Casey Lee that. “I’ll be in town late tonight. I’ll expect a status report when I arrive.”

  “Can do. Mr. Barnwell has been more than accommodating, but he’s the only one we can say that of. Everyone else is avoiding us.”

  “Well, they won’t avoid me.” He leaned back in his chair, listening for the sound of his mate moving about as he contemplated his next move. “I tell you what. Let me think on the plane, and we’ll discuss what we’ve come up with once I get back. I have a lot to tell you two as well.”

  “Will do. Want us to pick you up?”

  “It would be appreciated.” He could hear the shower turning off. Heather would be out any moment. “Time for me to go. I have a wet, naked redhead to play with.”

  Casey Lee groaned. “Man, I want a mate too.”

  “Be careful what you wish for, buddy.” Heather had his full attention. Talking to Casey Lee was no longer an option. “Bye.”

  He barely heard the other shifter’s farewell. Heather was coming into the room, wearing yesterday’s jeans and one of his T-shirts. It was so big on her it fell to her knees. Her damp hair made parts of the T-shirt transparent.

  He slipped sideways in his chair and tapped his thigh. “Come sit for a minute.”

  She walked over to him, eyeing him warily. “I’m kinda sore.”

  That made him want her to sit even more. “I’ll heal it, sweetheart.”

  She bit her lip but sat, curling her arms around his neck. “Good morning, Barney,” she whispered.

  “Good morning, Heather.” He kissed the tip of her nose and sent tendrils of healing energy toward her. The tissues of her pussy were inflamed from their lovemaking, so he healed the overly stretched muscles, redirecting the excess blood flow. He soothed away the pain, and her soft sigh was his reward.

  “Thank you.” She snuggled in, her head against his shoulder. “Do you have your flight booked?”

  “Yeah, and Casey Lee and Derrick are picking me up at the airport.” He ran his hand down her back. “I’m going to take a shower. You want to cook here or go out for breakfast?” He wasn’t sure what was in his fridge or even if it was edible.

  “I’ll take a look.” She sat up with a smile. “If I find something alive in your fridge we’re going out.”

  “Make sure you slam the door shut. We wouldn’t want it creeping under the bed.”

  She shuddered in horror. “Thanks for that image, you butt munch.”

  He patted her rear as she stood. “Keep saying that, and it might come true.” He grinned at her, making sure she could see his fangs.

  She shook her finger at him. “Be a good boy, Boo-Boo, or no more honey for you. I’ll lock the picnic basket so tight not even Houdini could get in.”

  He threw his head back and laughed as he made his way into the bedroom. Man, he’d never thought to have a mate like her. She was feisty as hell.

  He showered quickly, not wanting to leave her alone any longer than possible. Once dressed he headed back into the kitchen to find her leaning against the refrigerator door. “What’s wrong?”

  “Do you have a flamethrower?”

  He tilted his head, curious. “Why?”

  “Because the fungus on your…cheese, I think? Tried to eat me.” She looked utterly horrified. “And there was something kinda orangish in there.”

  “Orangish? As in an orange?” It wasn’t like he’d been eating here a lot recently. Several of Frank’s waitresses knew him on a first-name basis.

  “Nope. It wasn’t round. It was kind of…” She waved her hands around. “That shaped.”

  “Oh.” That made absolutely no sense. “So. IHOP?”

  “Works for me.” She glanced behind her. “After we chain the door shut.”

  He shook his head, amused at her antics. “Get your shoes on. I’m going to call Artemis and make sure he can keep an eye on your wandering Hobbit ass while I’m out of town.”

  She stuck her tongue out at him and made her way back to the bedroom. He picked up his cell and called Artemis.

  Before he even got a chance to say hello, Artemis spoke. “I can do it.”

  “Do what?”

  “Watch your mate.”

  Fucking smart-ass Tiger. “How the hell did you know I was calling you about that?”

  “Don’t worry about it. She’ll be safe. I won’t leave her side. Drop her off at her parents after breakfast.” Artemis hung up before Barney could question him any further.

  “So? Do I have a bodyguard?”

  Barney nodded. “An extremely freaky one.”

  She started to laugh. “He’ll fit right in.”

  “Good point.” He put his arm around her and led her to the front door. “C’mon. I hear some pancakes calling my name.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Barney had left her at her parents’ just as he’d been told to do by Artemis. Now the white Tiger was lounging on her parents’ couch, complaining that he was hungry. Her mother was busy making sandwiches for the walking stomach, while Heather sat in the recliner, desperate for something to do. “Ugh.”


  “I feel like I should be doing something to help Barney.” And not shopping for a house, no matter how fun that sounded. The riddle was an itch under her skin now that her mate was out of sight. “I know he didn’t get a lot out of Dr. Howard, but what about Hope?”

  Artemis’s head turned toward her. “Hope Walsh?”

  Heather nodded. “Has anyone spoken to her?” She was pretty sure Hope was so far out of the loop she didn’t even know it existed. “She might have an insight the rest of us don’t.”

  “Wanna go chat with her?” Artemis sat up and gave Heather’s mom a huge smile as she carried in the plate of sandwiches. “Thank you, Mrs. Allen. This looks great.”

  “You’re welcome, Artemis.” Stacey Allen ruffled his dark hair. “You eat up now. You’re going to visit Hope and Sarah today?”

  He blinked up at her in that lazy, cat way he had. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Good. That girl could use some friends.” Mom pointed to the platter of sandwiches. One was already in Artemis’s mouth. “Eat, before the Tiger gets them all.”

  “Yes, Mom.” Heather grabbed a sandwich and began nibbling. “Can we go after lunch?”

  Artemis nodded, not even pausing before he stuffed another sandwich in his mouth. He muttered something that was utterly garbled by meat and bread.

  “Ew.” Heather wrinkled her nose. “Happy to know you like salami.”

  Artemis winked at her and swallowed. “I wanna move in here.”

  “Sorry, I’m taken.” Heather giggled. “But I can introduce you to my sister Tiffany.” Tiffany would kick his lazy butt from here to Sunday and back again.

  “Is she a cute little redhead like you?” Artemis looked hopeful.

  “Nope. Short dark hair, blue-green eyes and an attitude that makes Rambo look like a Mouseketeer.”

  “Oh, a challenge. I like those.” Artemis winked and grabbed one more sandwich before standing. “Let’s get out of here and go see Hope.”

  “Thanks, Arty.”

  He growled, the sound utterly feline. “Don’t even go there.”

  “It’s okay.” She patted his arm. “Everyone knows you’re a total BAMF.”

  “Bamf? What’s that?” Mom was carrying two travel mugs, probably full of her homemade iced tea.

  “Bad-ass em ef’er.” She wasn’t going to say the whole thing in front of her mom. That was just asking for an ass-kicking.

bsp; “Hmph.” Mom shooed them out the door with their mugs. “Be safe, both of you.”

  “Yes, Mom,” they echoed.

  Artemis pulled her over to his car, a cherry red sports convertible. “Climb in.”

  “Thanks.” He held open the door for her. “What kind of car is it?”

  He beamed with pride. “A vintage 1969 Firebird.”

  “Oh. Sweet.” She didn’t know much about vintage cars, but this one looked oh so pretty.

  “It’s my baby.” He slid behind the wheel and put on his seatbelt. “I had to fit it out with a three-point harness so it’s legal, but otherwise I’ve tried to keep everything the way it was in ’69.”

  When he started the car the engine freakin’ purred. “I see why you like it.”

  He laughed. “It’s why I borrow my sister’s car whenever I go on a date. I don’t want anyone messing with my baby.” He slid the car into gear and roared out of the driveway.

  Heather held on to the seatbelt for dear life. So much for keeping her Hobbit ass safe. Artemis Smith was an insane man behind the wheel. Any second now her brains were going to be splattered all over Main Street.

  Usually it took fifteen, but with Artemis behind the wheel, blithely ignoring things like speed limits and red lights, it had been more like ten. She got out of the car on shaky legs, eager to be on solid, non-moving ground. “I think I’ll take the bus back.”

  Artemis shrugged. “I’d say it’s your loss, but I’m just going to toss your ass into my car anyway.” He patted her head. “So enjoy the ride. Pretend you’re at an amusement park.”

  “That can kill me.” Heather strode past him and to the Alpha’s front door. “I hope Sarah’s here.”

  “Why? You need to talk to her?” Artemis reached over her head and knocked on the door.

  “Not for me, for Hope.” She plastered a smile on her face as the door cracked open. “Hi, Emma.”

  Emma nodded, patting the baby she was holding on the back. Little Felix could lift his head now, and was staring at them with curiosity. “I was wondering when either you or Barney would show up here.”

  “Heard he’d talked to Dr. Howard?” Heather accepted Emma’s silent invitation to enter the house.

  “And that means someone needs to talk to Hope as well.” Emma led the way into the family room, with the great stone fireplace. Hope was there, seated on the sofa, sipping something that smelled like chamomile tea. Sarah was on a chair opposite her. “Hope, Heather’s here to talk to you.”

  Hope nodded. “Jamie warned me you’d be by.”

  Sarah gasped.

  Heather blinked, confused as to why Sarah looked so shocked. It sounded good to her. Mates should talk to one another, even if Hope wasn’t quite ready for her mate to claim her. “Oh. I’m glad the two of you are talking.”

  Hope smiled secretly. “It was a shock to me, but…he makes me feel safe.”

  “Good. Your mate should do that for you.” Heather settled on the sofa next to Hope. “So did he tell you why I’d be by to talk to you?”

  Hope nodded. “I don’t know anything about the riddle, or prophecy, or whatever it is.”

  Artemis slid his hands in his pockets and stood behind Sarah’s chair. He could see the front and back doors from there, so he’d probably positioned himself that way to protect Heather.

  The effect on Hope, however, was astonishing. The smiling woman began to quiver, the scent of fear strong in the air. She seemed to shrink in on herself, her shoulders tightening, her hands shaking around the tea cup.

  Sarah stood and put her arm on Artemis’s biceps. “Artemis, would you mind going to the kitchen and getting us something to drink?”

  The Tiger didn’t say a word, simply sauntered past them, ignoring Hope completely.

  Once he was out of sight, Hope relaxed. “I’m sorry. I still have trouble with men around me.”

  She sounded so sad, so defeated, Heather couldn’t help herself. She hugged Hope tightly. “I felt the same way for the longest time, but my mate helped me a lot.”

  Hope sagged in her hold. “What happened to you?”

  Heather bit her lip. “When I was young, around ten, I was attacked by a group of men who tried to force me to shift.”


  Heather could tell Hope had no idea what that meant, but before she could inform her Sarah stepped forward and took Hope’s hands between her own, cup and all. “A shifter doesn’t experience their first shift until after puberty starts. So they tried to force Heather into puberty so they could…” Sarah left the rest out of her explanation.

  “Oh my God.” Hope shuddered. “I was sixteen when I was taken. At ten? That must have been horrible.”

  “My cousin Alex saved me. He’s a gentle giant, but when he’s pissed, he’s a killing machine.” Heather could still remember the rage on Alex’s face as he decimated the other Bears. “I wound up more afraid of him than my attackers for a while, and I still have nightmares where they manage to finish what they’d started.”

  “I’m surprised you can allow men around you at all.” Hope put her head on Heather’s shoulder. “That’s why I’m not with my mate now. I can barely stand Max, and I know he’d never hurt me.”

  “Because I’d hurt him,” Emma replied. She’d been a silent witness to everything.

  Hope’s shoulders shook on a silent laugh. “I think he’s safe.”

  “We’re working on reducing her fear.” Sarah squeezed Hope’s hands. “She’ll never be fully rid of it, but if we can lessen it, that would be wonderful.”

  Heather stared at Sarah’s hold on Hope. “What about the nightmares?”

  Sarah sighed. “I think someone else is helping with those. Right, Hope?”

  Hope simply smiled, a light blush appearing on her pale cheeks. “He keeps the monsters at bay.”

  Heather jolted. “The mate dreams? You actually talk to Jamie through the mate dreams?”

  Hope nodded. “Isn’t that how it works?”

  “Not most of the time, no.” Sarah patted Hope’s hand and pulled back. “It does for me and Gabe, though. We thought we were the only ones until we met you.”

  “Does he mention Marie at all?” Heather was hoping that Jamie had told Hope something that he wouldn’t tell Barney.

  Hope nodded, her expression full of sorrow. “We’ve discussed her. We both believe that Marie was… She was supposed to be…” Hope closed her eyes. “She was ours.”

  “Marie would have been Hope’s mate as well. It was meant to be a tri-mating.” Sarah thanked Artemis for the cup of tea he handed her. “If Jamie had died as well, she’d never have even a chance of becoming well. She’d never be able to endure the touch of a man again.”

  Hope chuckled, but it lacked humor. “But I would still have had the option of women.” Her words were bitter. “I’m glad the man who killed my mate is dead.”

  “I’ll let Ryan know. He’s the one who killed him.” Heather leaned her head against the top of Hope’s. “He’ll be happy to know he helped even a little bit.”

  Hope sighed. “That’s not why you’re here, though.” She was watching Artemis, distrust all over her face. “You want to know about the riddle.”

  “Yeah.” Heather sat up. “Do you know how it goes?”

  “No, and I’m not sure I care.” Hope held up her hand, stopping Heather’s next words. “It can’t have anything to do with me. I wasn’t even around, remember?”

  “Two becomes one, one becomes three.” Heather took a deep breath. “I think two becomes one is Marie dying.”

  “Then how does one become three?” Hope scowled, still watching Artemis rather than Heather.

  “I’m not sure, but I’m positive it involves you and Jamie somehow. He doesn’t want to hear it, but…” Heather shrugged. “Nothing else fits.”

��s shoulders sagged, her short blonde hair barely long enough to cover her temples. “I’m so tired of everything. I just want it all to end.”

  Sarah immediately focused on Hope. Heather watched as Hope’s shoulders slowly straightened, the despair sliding away. “You’re going to be all right. Jamie would tell you the same, and you know you can rely on him.”

  “I do,” Hope whispered. “I just wish things had been different.”

  “I hate to ask this but…” Sarah glanced between Heather and Hope. “Could you have another mate?”

  Hope shook her head. “No.”

  Artemis spoke softly, as if trying to keep Hope from being even more frightened than she already was. “Wolves will have one, maybe two mates. Never more. That’s not the answer.”

  And since he was the white Tiger, Heather was inclined to believe him. He knew something he wasn’t telling, either because he was an ass, or because he couldn’t.

  So maybe she could test her theory out while Artemis was there to hear it. “Could the answer be pregnancy?”

  Hope grimaced. “I never got pregnant with Salazar. I’m not sure I’m capable.”

  Artemis said nothing, his expression remaining blank.

  Hope patted Heather’s arm. “If I think of anything that might help, I promise I’ll tell you.” She bit her lip. “Are you certain the first half of the riddle is me and Jamie?”

  Heather nodded. “Yeah, I am. No one else does, except maybe Barney, but I’m positive.”

  Hope smiled, and for once it looked like a happy expression. “Then maybe you’re the key mentioned in the rhyme.”

  “I guess so.” Huh. Maybe she was the Fox. “Then Barney knows what to do.” And his obsession with the white shifters, Hope and Jamie’s bond…it was all tied together after all. “We’ll have to trust in him.”

  “If you don’t mind, I’ll trust in Jamie.” Hope’s smile faded. “He’s all I have.”

  “No.” Heather hugged Hope hard. “You have Halle now. We protect our own.”

  “Amen,” Emma whispered. “Preach it, sistah.”

  Hope’s soft laugh was all the reward Heather needed.


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