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Indirect Lines: Halle Shifters, Book 5

Page 22

by Dana Marie Bell

“I know that a number of you have no clue what the hell makes the white shifters so special, or why someone would want them dead.” He held up his hand to stop the flow of questions that were suddenly being flung at him. “I want to reassure you that the Leo is now aware of this plot, and is asking us, as the brothers and sisters and families of these precious members of our Pride, to be careful. Be vigilant. Until this is settled, no one is safe.”

  “Who’s doing this?” A voice somewhere from the college crowd bellowed.

  “Yeah, who do we have to kill?” one of the Bear clan, Keith maybe, shouted at Max. “Because they aren’t touching another member of my family ever again.”

  Barney smiled as Max looked toward him. “Barney, would you mind coming over here?” He gestured toward Barney. “James ‘Barney’ Barnwell is a Hunter, and has been working on this problem since we first discovered it.”

  Barney joined the Alpha, keeping Heather close to his side. He hadn’t been able to let her go since seeing her name on that damn list. While he knew she’d never be the white Fox, seeing it had jarred him badly. “I can answer that.” He nodded to Max, who nodded back. “There’s an investigation ongoing, but until we know who is behind it, there’s not much I can tell. I do know that one of the perpetrators is the Ocelot Senator, Kris Jennings.”

  Complete silence. “The Senate is doing this?”

  The fear behind that question was understandable. “We don’t know.” He so did, but he wasn’t going to point the finger at the entire Senate when he was willing to bet it was only a few of them involved. “As far as I know, she acted alone. She is currently being held by the Leo’s Special Forces, who are questioning her further.”

  More whispers.

  “Kincade Lowe is at the head of this investigation,” Barney continued, speaking a little louder to be heard over the continuing chatter. “I’m going to be working with him on this closely. This warning is more than important, as we have a bigger concentration of white shifters in Halle than has been seen in centuries.”

  One of the college students raised her hand. “Why do white shifters even exist? What’s their purpose?”

  He smiled. “Once upon a time, the white shifters were the Senate. They advised the Leo through their contacts with the spirit world, and sometimes the Leo acted on that advice, depending on whether or not it was important to all shifters. The Leo guides and guards us all, while the Senators are supposed to do the same for their individual species.”

  Chloe Williams looked shell-shocked. They hadn’t bothered to tell her what her new status would eventually be. Her mate was whispering in her ear and holding her close.

  Julian just smiled, like he’d known something like this was coming. He probably did, the smug bastard.

  Barney acknowledged another raised hand. This was beginning to remind him of a press conference rather than a Pride gathering. “Yes?”

  “How do we know who needs protection?” It was a girl, standing alone, just off the group of college kids.

  “Those of mixed lineage, like half Bear, half Wolf.” He pointed toward Tabby, who was holding her baby. “Wren Bunsun, for example.”

  The girl looked at Tabby. “The one with the green hair?”

  “No. The baby.” Barney held up his hands as some of them cried out in horror. “Yes, Wren Bunsun is a target. Alex and Tabitha are well aware of it and are guarding her closely.” He felt Heather snuggling closer to him. “The attack that nearly killed Chloe Williams was, we believe, due to her having a Bear father and a Fox mother. Why her, and not her brother Keith or her sister Tiffany, is still something we need to figure out.”

  “But we will,” Heather said, surprising him. “Once we’ve fully grasped the key, we’ll know what to do and who to protect.”

  The key. His Heather really had been the key that opened the door. It was up to Barney to figure out where it led. She’d been right all along. He’d have to tell her, even if she would hold it over his head for the rest of their lives.

  “Anyone with mixed blood, even if it was your grandparents, needs to come forward and let Max know,” Barney continued.

  “I’ll make sure you’re protected.” Max gestured toward his Marshal, Adrian Giordano, and the Marshal’s Second, Gabriel Anderson. “We’ll arrange protection for all for all of you, even if you do not join our Pride.”

  “Why are you doing this?” One of the college students stepped forward. “You don’t owe us protection.”

  Max smiled. “The moment you entered the college you entered my territory, with my permission. It’s up to me to ensure your safety until such a time as you rejoin your Pride, Pack or family group, or strike out on your own.”

  Gabriel Anderson spoke next. “We’re giving you a special number to call if you encounter any trouble. It will bring the wrath of God down on whoever is attacking you, so use it wisely.”

  “It will only be given to those of mixed lineage, like Chloe, Heather and Wren, whose parents will hold the number for her,” Adrian added. His mate, Sheri, was in the crowd, her seeing-eye dog at her side. She wore a hat and sunglasses, her arms covered by a light shawl. She was an albino and would burn easily in the sunlight.

  “When we have more information for you we’ll be letting you know via a newsletter we plan on setting up. All of you are required to subscribe to it.” Emma was speaking, her throaty voice reaching every part of the meadow. Her own power began to swirl around her, more than a match for her Alpha’s. “You will be checked up on regularly. You will respond when we text you. I don’t care if you’re in the middle of the best fu—”

  Max’s hand slapped over his mate’s mouth. “Children, dear.”

  She removed his hand, glaring up at him even as she changed what she’d been about to say. “Happy fun times of your life, you will respond. Do you understand me?”

  “Because if you don’t respond,” Max added gleefully, “the entire Pride will turn out to look for you.”

  The college students looked horrified. The Bunsun-Williams clan looked relieved, while the Pride seemed to take it in stride. If one of their own was in danger, and they responded, no questions asked.

  “Be aware that Rick Lowell of the Red Wolf Pack, Grace Benedetto of the Philadelphia Lion Pride and Nick Consiglione of the New York Coyotes are also giving a similar speeches to their Packs and Pride. All across the nation, the word is spreading.” Max stared at his people, and Barney could see the determination in the Alpha’s gaze. “I’m sorry this is necessary, but in order to make certain some are safe, we all need to be vigilant.”

  Gabriel had some of his cops, also shifters, start handing out flyers. “On this sheet is the URL for the newsletter. Those of you with mixed blood will receive a separate paper with the emergency number listed on it. Please keep these in a safe place. Don’t let any humans get hold of either of them.” He glared particularly at the college students. “Not girlfriends, boyfriends, buddies you’ve known since kindergarten. No one.”

  “If you’re mated and he or she is not present, feel free to share the information,” Emma added. “But only with them.”

  “Barney?” Heather tugged on his arm. “Do you think all of the mixed-blood shifters will come forward?”

  He shook his head. “Hell no. Some of them won’t believe it, while others will try to hide, thinking they’re better off on their own. Some will think this is a trick to expose themselves to the ones killing them.”

  She closed her eyes wearily. “They’ll be killed.”

  “More than likely, yes, unless we can get them to believe.”

  “Everyone, if you have any further questions, please direct them either to Gabe, Adrian or Barney,” Max yelled. The murmurs of the crowd were becoming louder, almost drowning out the Alpha’s words. “Their emails are on the flyer we just handed out to you.”

  “What?” Barney grabbed a flyer from a passing c
op and stared at it. “Fuck my life.”

  Heather giggled. “Welcome to the Pride.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Heather was on her way to work. Things hadn’t become normal again, not by a long shot, but Barney was far too busy with his own work to stop her from going to her own. She was looking forward to a nice, relaxing day of tattoos and bullshitting with the girls. It felt like a lifetime had passed since she’d done that.

  She pulled into the parking lot of Cynful, careful to park under a streetlight. Mrs. H, the owner of the building, had placed a large H on the streetlight, telling Heather it was her spot. Mrs. H didn’t like it when Heather, the youngest of the Cynful girls, had to leave at night, as she was the only one whose mate didn’t come to pick her up. This was Mrs. H’s way of protecting Heather, and Heather was grateful for it.

  She got out of the car and checked to make sure she had everything with her. Her sketchbook she’d shoved in her oversized purse, along with some drawing pencils. She hadn’t been in the mood to take her entire kit with her, so she’d only brought the basics.

  Smiling, she turned away from her car, clicking the button on the key to make sure it locked. She heard the telltale beep-beep and looked up, ready for her day to start.

  Only to have it stop dead in its tracks.

  Jamie Howard stood not five feet from her. His hands were loose at his sides, his feet shoulder-width apart. He was dressed in worn jeans and a gray tank top, and on his feet were a pair of work boots. His gaze was fixed on her, his eyes pure silver, as was his hair.

  The white Puma had come to speak to her, and he was scary as hell.

  “Good afternoon, Heather.” Jamie spoke softly, but there was a menace in his tone, a chill that struck her to the bone. His expression cynical. “I have a message for your mate.”

  “Oh?” She tried to remain calm, but her heart began to race as she stared at Dr. Howard.

  He smiled. “Don’t be afraid.” His tone was soft, almost soothing, but the menace pouring off of him negated any sense of safety she might have had. “I won’t hurt you.”

  Her back immediately stiffened. “But you’ll hurt my mate?”

  He tilted his head, the gesture cat-like. His Puma must be riding him hard. “Only if he gets in my way.”

  “You were at the meeting two days ago?” Barney had told her he suspected Dr. Howard was hidden somewhere, either in the crowd or among the trees ringing the meadow. He hadn’t bothered to try and find the man because he didn’t view him as a threat.

  “Yes, I was. I heard what my Alpha had to say.” His hands twitched, and she saw his claws emerging. “The Leo acted too quickly.”

  A chill ran down her spine. “What do you mean?”

  He looked away with a grimace as his whole body shuddered. “I don’t give a fuck how many of you die.” His tone was cold. “None of you matter to me.”

  “Hope,” Heather whispered.

  He glared at her. “Hope.” That shudder racked him again. “Nothing can happen to Hope.”

  “She’s not of mixed lineage, so she should be safe.”

  He laughed, and there was no humor in it. “But I am.”

  “And she could be used against you.” Heather nodded. “I understand.”

  “Good. Then you’ll understand what I’m about to say.” He stared at her, his silver eyes glittering with sudden rage. “I’ve been forced to step in sooner than I’d planned, thanks to your mate and the Leo. Things will escalate much faster than either anticipated, all because they let the cat out of the bag.”

  “We thought—”

  “I know what you thought,” he interrupted roughly. “If we put what was shadowed into the light, then they’ll be helpless.” He tsk’d. “Guess what? All you did was piss people off. Worse, some of those who are giving out the warning the Leo so carefully crafted? They’re going to use it as an excuse.”

  “To do what?”

  “Kill that which they don’t understand.” His expression became dull, almost lifeless. “People like me. They’ll do the work of those Senators for them rather than help those in need.”

  “Max is different. Halle is different.” Heather took a step toward Dr. Howard. “We won’t let anything happen to either you or Hope.”

  That dull, lifeless look disappeared, replaced with a smile that was almost gentle. “You’re so young. So naïve.” It took only two steps for him to reach her. He touched her cheek, his claws scraping across her skin. “They will bleed you dry just to get to your mate.”

  She stood perfectly still even when his claws came dangerously close to her eyes. “I’ll help protect Hope. And you. No matter what.”

  He shook his head and took a step back, his hand finally leaving her face. “You’ll try, but you’ll fail. I’ve seen it.” He looked haunted. “No. It’s going to be up to me to act now, before things get too far out of hand and the whole world loses what you’re fighting for.”

  “What do you mean?” He knew something he wasn’t telling.

  “Do you understand what it is the spirits are fighting for?” That cynical look was back on his face. “Do you even have a clue?”

  “The white shifters talk to the spirits. Through those shifters, they can communicate with the Leo, giving advice and orders to the rest of the shifter world.”

  His brows rose. “Very good. But that’s not all.”


  “Like all politicians, they’ve hidden something from you. Something very important.” Dr. Howard leaned toward her, touching her face once more. “You see, if all the white shifters die, the line of the Leo dies. And if that happens, the death of the shifter world is inevitable.”

  Heather’s eyes went wide. “What?”

  He nodded, standing so close she could feel his breath on her cheek. “Our children will be born human.”

  “Holy fuck. We lose our animals.”

  “Now you understand how stupid the Senate is being?”

  “They don’t know, do they?” Heather couldn’t even see Dr. Howard anymore. She was too caught up in following the thought he’d implanted in her. “To them, it’s just a way to gain control of us.”

  “And because they can’t hear the spirits, they have no idea what will happen if that connection is lost.” Jamie stepped back again, releasing her. “And the fight will be here, in Halle, where the white shifters are gathering for a final stand.”

  She stared at him, horrified. “More of them will come seeking shelter.”

  “And Max. Max will wind up taking care of them all.” He frowned, looking at the ground. “I have no choice but to step in and keep the white shifters safe.”

  “Because you are one?” Heather tried to sound sympathetic, but really, he was still scaring the fuck out of her.

  “No.” He lifted his head, and she could see tears in his eyes. “Because Marie would want me to.” He turned on his heel and began to leave the parking lot. “Heather?”

  “Yeah?” God, he was hurting so badly, and there was nothing she could do for him.

  “If you die, stay dead. And if anyone brings you back, slit your goddamn throat.” He turned and looked at her one last time. “Because living without your other half is living in hell.”

  And he was gone, disappearing between the buildings as if he’d never been there.

  “Whoa.” She stepped back until she could lean against her car, breathing heavily. Her hands were shaking as she called Barney. “Guess who just visited me?”

  “The Ghost of Christmas Past?” Barney shushed someone who yelled out his name.

  “Jamie Howard.”

  Silence. “I’m on my way.”

  Before she could stop him he’d hung up.

  Suddenly being alone in the parking lot didn’t feel like a good idea. Rubbing her arms to chase away the chill, she sprinted around t
he building and to the front door of Cynful.

  She yanked it open, setting off the bell at the top, and dashed inside. Cyn was there, looking startled. Behind the curtains she could hear the buzz of a tattoo gun. Little Wren was on the counter next to Cyn, whose claws were out.

  A spate of Spanish was hurled at her before she could take a breath.

  “Hi.” Heather waved her shaking hand at Cyn. “Jamie Howard stopped by to say hello.”

  Cyn picked up the baby carrier and put it behind the counter. “Is he still here?”

  “No, and I don’t think he’d hurt Wren.” She held up her hands. “Let me tell it all once Barney gets here, okay?”

  Cyn nodded. “I’m calling Julian. Glory’s off and Alex is working with your mate on setting up the training grounds.” Bunsun Exteriors had offered to set up various training routes for the Hunters and the Special Forces, using plants and hardscape to mimic conditions in other parts of the country. Some of it would be done in a building that someone else was designing via Kincade Lowe’s specific requirements. Other parts would be outside that building. And Alpha Lowell of the Red Wolf Pack had given permission for “weekend getaways” at his lodge, where they’d train among the mountains and in snowy conditions.

  Cyn picked up the phone, speaking quietly. Heather sat in one of the waiting chairs, still trembling from her encounter.

  Cyn came around the counter with the baby. “Here. Watch her. I’ve got to go speak to Tabby.”

  Heather smiled down at the sleeping infant. “Will do.”

  The baby was making some kind of sucking, puckering face. Her little hands were fisted and her little brows furrowed. Her pink knit cap was askew on her head and her adorable black curls were visible. Heather smiled down at her little cousin and touched the baby’s cheek. It was so soft, so vulnerable. “Hello, little one.”

  The baby sighed and relaxed. She watched Wren sleep until Barney and Alex came barreling through the front door.

  “You okay?” Barney asked quietly as he crouched down in front of her.

  “Yeah, I am.” She’d had a little bit of time to relax. Jamie Howard had been warning her of what was coming. He hadn’t been threatening her. He’d been helping her. “Dr. Howard is…intense.”


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