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Page 5

by Alexa Rynn

  I rolled my eyes. “Well, that’s not our problem. If a girl wants to believe one thing when you tell her something else completely that’s her issue, has nothing to do with me.”

  My brother chuckled between more chewing. “That attitude right there is why you always end up with the crazy ones. How many stalkers have you had this year? Around twelve?” He shook his head. “Remember that one that showed up at mom and dad’s house in New Jersey?”

  It was true, I didn’t have the best track record when it came to getting rid of girls but it wasn’t exactly my fault. I explained what it was up front and most of the time they still had trouble understanding what I was talking about after the fact. They always seemed cool about it in the beginning but once our clothes were off and I was done getting off it was another story.

  Most of the time ignoring them worked but once in a while you got a real needy one that I had to be real harsh with. And even then, sometimes, once in a great, great while you got an, even more, needy one that didn’t care how much of an asshole you were to her, she still thought you meant you wanted to be with her.

  Those were the ones who turned into stalkers.

  And stalkers could be dangerous in our life; they were always hanging around, popping in at the worst possible moments and fucking things up.

  “Okay,” I admitted, laughing along with my brother. “I’ll admit, she was kind of a bad one, but let’s not jinx anything here. I’ve been in the clear for a few months now, hopefully, no one else comes popping back up.”

  “Hopefully they do,” Brick mumbled between laughs. “I’m sorry but it’s pretty hilarious. Me and the brothers take bets on how long this one will last.”

  “Oh, I’m so glad you take pleasure in my misery,” I told him, faking hurt by placing my hand over my chest and shaking my head. “It means so much to me.”

  “Oh, we do, trust me.” He pushed a few pieces of paper away from him and looked back across the room at me. “But to answer your initial question, no, nothing out of the ordinary came up. Our money is way up, though, if that counts for anything.”

  I smirked. “It always counts.”

  “Of course,” he huffed. “Money and pussy are the only languages you speak.” He threw the now empty bag of chips onto the floor and went in search of more food.

  “Not the only languages,” I told him, lifting my shirt up and pulling my gun out of my waistband and setting it down on the table. “There’s a third.”

  “Violence isn’t a language,” he chuckled.

  I laughed back, harder. “We both know it’s the only language that actually works.” I started to take my gun apart, checking and rechecking the chambers.

  “You gearing up for something?” Brick stopped what he was doing and turned to look at me with his eyebrows raised, another signature move from when we were kids.

  I glanced at him and sighed. “You haven’t heard anything about Trevor’s club? They’re just silent?” There was no way they hadn’t heard about what had happened to Trevor last night by now. Sure, they could be in mourning but it was more realistic that they were prepping for something, maybe an attack.

  My brother shook his head. “Nothing but I wouldn’t worry about it, Trevor was one of them, but he was a newbie, if they have anything planned, we’ll be ready for them.”

  My thoughts immediately went to Harper.

  Even if they left the club alone, who knew what they would try to do to her? I was sure word had spread already about the confrontation that had taken place in the middle of the city over some girl.

  Only Harper wasn’t just some girl but they had no way of knowing that. Unless they found her and started digging around. The results could be disastrous.

  I couldn’t let anything happen to her, she was my responsibility. I had helped create the situation that she was in and now I was going to have to defend it until my last breath.

  Her face flashed through my mind; so innocent.

  Of course, the image of her on her knees popped in there, too. But that was something I couldn’t control. Ugh, the size of that mouth and throat. I had wanted to fuck the shit out of her right then and there but I had held back, knowing she probably wasn’t ready for that. I had to contain myself; I wanted to break her in slowly. The look on her face when she had seen the size of my cock flashed between my eyes and I couldn’t help but smile. She had looked so scared; I loved making her handle all of me. I loved making her take all of me in her mouth while she looked up at me with those pretty eyes.

  Just the thought made my cock twitch.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Brick asked, frowning as he tore me out of my sexual daydream that involved Harper going down on me. “Why do you have that look on your face?”

  I made my face turn to stone. “What look?” I tipped my beer back and downed the last of it, determined not to make eye contact with my baby bro, sometimes he knew me too well for his own good.

  “That look,” he narrowed his eyes. “The look you get when you’re thinking about her.” He dropped the open bag of popcorn he had started to eat down on the table, letting it fall with a thump. “Breaker, what did you do?”

  I rolled my eyes and groaned. “Not the whole I know you’re thinking about her lecture again. You always think I’m thinking about her and you’re always wrong.” I didn’t expect Brick to understand what I was feeling inside of me, hell, I didn’t even understand it most of the time. I just knew that he wasn’t there that night and there was no way he could really understand the rage and confusion that had been living inside of me ever since.

  “Not the whole ‘I’m never thinking about her’ speech when everyone knows that you are thing again,” Brick shot back, not letting me get away with any of my shit.

  I sighed and walked back toward the fridge for another beer.

  “Breaker,” Brick said now, concern and warning in his tone.

  I swung around, frustrated. “Can’t you ever mind your own damn business?” He was lucky he was my brother because if anyone else had asked me so many questions about my life on a daily basis it would have been one of the last things they ever did. Everyone knew people who asked too many questions were a little too curious about our world.

  Brick looked at me with serious eyes. “Breaker, you need to stay away from her. It’s only a matter of time before they come looking for her here, and if you lead them right to her then all this time and effort would have been for nothing.”

  I turned my back on him and glanced out the window, taking in the view of the city below me. Brick wasn’t telling me anything that I didn’t already know in the back of my mind. I knew he was only looking out for me but sometimes, no matter how right you knew someone was, you got sick and tired of hearing it.

  “Breaker,” he warned. “You can’t have anything to do with her.” I could hear him moving closer to me, his thick boots shuffling back and forth on the carpet of the large room.

  “I know,” I told him.

  Below me, cars honked and people shuffled in every which direction, desperate to get to wherever they were headed. Sometimes I wondered what it would be like to be them, to be normal, and not have to worry about the things that came along with this life.

  But I had chosen it.

  And thinking about it in any other way was a waste of time.

  Brick stayed silent for a second before letting out a soft sigh. “Breaker, you killed her father.” The words felt like a knife through the heart, the same way they did every time I thought about them or Brick reminded me of them.

  “I know,” I snapped. “You don’t need to remind me.”

  And he didn’t.

  I reminded myself every single day.

  *The end. Want to know when part two comes out? SIGN UP FOR ALEXA RYNN’S MAILING LIST HERE!




  Copyright 2016 Alexa Rynn, all rights reserved.

  No part of this work may be reproduced without written consent of the author. This book is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  This book is for a mature audience only due to strong language and strong sexual conduct.


  Chapter One


  The bar was pretty dead that night which was the first thing that rubbed me the wrong way. It wasn't unusual for guys from the club to want and meet me out for a drink. It was a super public gesture after all, and if they were trying to prove they had nothing to do with a crime they would want to be seen. Unless they were married… sometimes the married ones wanted to avoid public altogether.

  Still, the bar had been too dead.

  The door slammed shut behind me and the image of a coffin being pushed shut flashed through my mind for some reason. Something about it had felt… completely wrong.

  But Ace had texted me, asking to meet him here, just like I'd done a million nights before. He was one of the safest clients I had. So, where the hell was he?

  "You must be Grace." A man approached me from the right.

  I jumped a little and then cursed myself. Two years into this you would think I'd know not to show any fear by now. I forced a smile. "Do I know you?" The guy was about twice my size, dressed in all black with longer blonde hair. I searched his arms for tattoos, for any signs of who he was or what motorcycle club he was affiliated with.

  I had never seen him with any of the Red Sin members before but that didn't mean much, they had a lot of members. Plus dozens more on guest or probation periods.

  It was no use. No flesh had been exposed.

  Another warning?

  He smiled. "I'm Fire, Ace sent me. He should be here any second, he got caught up doing something." He looked me up and down, his eyes pausing on my short skirt. "Can I get you a drink?"

  Ace was never late. Not once in the last year.

  I glanced around the bar. "I'm not sure anyone is working."

  Fire chuckled and placed his hand on my back, guiding me further into the room. "That's okay, I ordered you something already." I noticed a pink liquid sitting on the edge of the bar.

  Who knew what was in it.

  The door to the bar swung open and I glanced behind me, hoping I would see Ace but it was a few other guys. Relief washed over me for a second, this was Red Sin territory, and if this guy wasn't with them they would know. Both dressed in black, they paused by the door and stared at us.

  "I was starting to think you guys weren't coming." There was an edge in Fire's voice, an annoyance that told me the guys were going to pay for being late later on.

  "Sorry," the first man said. He was older, bald with a long skull tattoo starting at his chin and wrapping around his neck. "You know we wouldn't miss this. Wouldn't want to let Ace down."

  He and the second guy shot each other an amused look and then Skull turned around and clicked the lock over on the door. Stupid, how could I have been so stupid? I had spent months avoiding situations just like this one.

  "Ace usually discusses it with me beforehand if it's going to be a group affair." I tried to keep my voice calm, the sooner they realized I was on to them the sooner they would stop being polite.

  "Oh, I'm sure it just slipped his mind." The third man said. They were all right behind me now, too close. "Here, let me make you more comfortable."

  He yanked my jacket off me roughly then tossed it onto the bar. "Damn, no wonder everyone goes crazy for that ass." He slapped it through my skirt.

  "Let me see," Skull demanded. "Oh, yeah, that's nice." He gave it a squeeze while he and the other guy chuckled. "I bet it would look even better with my tongue between those cheeks." More laughing.

  I pulled away from their touch.

  "Gentleman," Fire snapped. "Where are your manners?" He looked from them to me and then down to my ass. He took his finger and traced it along the outline of my tank and bra. "You'll have to excuse my friends here, they are still learning about how one should address a woman such as yourself."

  His fingers felt like slime on my skin.

  "So how should we address you?" Fire continued. "Do you prefer slut or whore?" The two other guys busted out in fits of laughter. Fire glanced at them, happy that they were hanging on his every word.

  They were done playing nice.

  I knew it was a long shot but I made a run for it anyway. Skull had me by the back of my hair within seconds and slammed my back against the bar. "Where do you think you're going, bitch?" He leaned down and licked me across the face, grinning.

  Fire turned to the other guy. "Get the shades." The guy scurried off to close the blinds. "Let me see her, Skull," Fire snapped, coming closer to us. "Remember the rules, I get to have my fun first."

  Skull backed away, looking impatient.

  Fire got closer to me and pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. "Are you going to fight?" He leaned in closer to me and whispered. "I love it when they fight."

  I tried to control the water forming behind my eyes.

  I pushed him off me and lunged for my jacket on the other side of the bar. "YES!" Fire screamed, snatching me by the neck and yanking me back. "YES! FIGHT, BABY, FIGHT!" He laughed loudly, an evil and thrilling look in his eyes. "THAT GETS ME SO HOT!"

  He shoved his crotch against me to prove his point.

  "Whoa, look at what we have here, boss." Skull had searched my jacket and found the small gun I carried on me. "Looks like our little whore was going to try and shoot you."

  Fire looked at the gun then back at me. "Is that so? Were you going to try and shoot your daddy, whore?" He smacked me across the face and when I gasped he laughed then did it again. "What's wrong? Isn't that how you like it? Rough and hard?"

  The guy who had been closing the blinds reappeared and shook his head. "No, remember, boss, she's a fake whore. Word on the street is that all those rumors about how crazy she is in bed are just that… rumors.” He moved closer to me. “I’m not so sure, though, she needs a little test run.”

  He was right, but I didn't know how he knew. I didn't care that from the outside it looked like I was sleeping with an entire MC. The truth was a hell of a lot less thrilling.

  Red Sin members paid me to pretend that I had been with them at times they were really off committing crimes. Or to be seen out with me at times they knew for sure certain things would be taking place.

  It was pretty smart, actually. I'd gotten tons of members out of jail time because of it in the past few years.

  Fire nodded. "Only a bunch of frauds would allow that. That's why she fucks around with a bunch of pussies, if she came over to The Misfits she would know what it felt like to fuck around with some real men."

  Dread came over my body as I realized they were a part of The Misfits, the rival gang of most of my clients. I had made the decision to only mess around with members of the Red Sin from the beginning. It just made sense. They had been the biggest and fasting growing MC gang in the state.

  "You're part of the Misfits?" I somehow found words.

  "That's right," Fire said. "And what's a better way to spend a Friday night then fucking the shit out of Red Sin's whore in one of their bars?" They all laughed again.

  "Now turn around and take it like a good whore," Skull yelled.

  Fire grabbed me and swung me around, pushing my face down on the hard surface of the bar. It was only then that I saw Earl, the owner, tied up and gagged bloody in the corner.

  Fire yanked my skirt up and pulled my panties down to my knees. "I'm not sure you've ever had a cock this big before, bitch, hope you don't cry too much." Then he paused. "Oh, who am I kidding? I hope you do!"

  They all laughed and howled and I heard Fire's belt buckle jingle as he undid his pants.

  "I call next," Skull announced.

  I struggled and Fire knocked me in the back of the head so hard th
at the room started to spin. I couldn't believe this was happening, all those years of avoiding situations exactly like this.

  And now it was over, all over.

  Chapter Two


  "Oh my God, baby, yes. YES. YES!" The blonde leaned over the balcony and shook her ass up and down in the air. "Your dick feels so damn good in this pussy, baby."

  I had railed this chick all damn night and she still wanted more. Not that I was complaining but she talked too damn much. Just let me get the fuck off and shut the hell up. Clearly, I was dominating that pussy or she wouldn't have cum four times already.

  I dug my cock harder into her and she gasped. "Oh, Cutter, you're bad."

  Yeah, no fucking kidding.

  She talked too damn much. I knew she wasn't a good girl when I brought her upstairs from the bar but my options had been slim and I had been too fucking horny to go home and jerk off alone. She didn't have the whole innocent thing going on, she had the whole desperate thing down, though.

  She opened her chicken mouth again and I put my hand over her mouth, stopping her from saying another word. At this point, I was never going to cum if she didn't shut the hell up.

  She moaned against my hand, totally into what I was feeding her. I tightened my grip and plowed my throbbing bulge deeper into her, imagining that she was a good girl who was giving me a part of herself she rarely gave to anyone else.

  The image was enough to set me over the edge and I pulled out, exploding all over her ass with one final thrust. When I was sucked dry, I pulled back and opened the sliding glass door, heading back inside without waiting for her.

  I grabbed my jeans off the floor and pulled them on then threw my leather jacket over my t-shirt. Time to get the hell out of there. Whatever her name was appeared at the back door, giggling. "That was so great."

  "Uh-huh," I said, even though it had been average.

  She stepped inside and grabbed her panties off the floor, pulling them up over her skinny thighs. "So, when can I see you again?" She glanced around the room then took her bra off a lampshade when she spotted it.


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