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Executive Assistant

Page 13

by 12 Author Anthology

  "Give me a minute, Tony. I’ll be right out." His eyes sparkled with mischief as he backed out of Rochelle's wet opening. When she thought he would pull all the way out, greed caused him to ram his cock inside again. The sensation of him buried to the hilt inside her center sent a wave of aching desire through her and raised a gasp from her throat. Porter muffled the last part of her moan with his hand and gave her a look that said if she craved more, she could make the drive to his place. The cat and mouse game he played only intensified her appetite to have more of him.

  The forbidden feeling of what they were doing and loving the thrill had Rochelle squeezing her legs around his waist. He moved deep in her, a few strokes caused her to close her eyes and curl her toes. After a few thrusts, Porter leaned his forehead against her chest and stopped moving. With a slow sigh he clutched her tight against him and they had to stop right now or ruin the celebration happening down the hall. The evening's festivities were important and they both had a professional image to uphold. After all, the daughter to the co-CEO who shared half the business with Porter had been just as important. Especially since she controlled the company's financial management team. Rochelle reluctantly untwined her legs and allowed Porter to ease her to the ground, still leaving his cock inside her throbbing sex.

  "Time to go," Rochelle whispered against his two day old beard. For good measure she laid a kiss on the scruffy cheek.

  Flustered, Porter pulled away and flushed the toilet for sound effects. He turned the bathroom sink on and took that time to pull the condom off his softening shaft. He carefully wrapped it in a piece of toilet paper and buried it in the waste basket. Before her eyes, she watched him take deep breaths with both hands on the counter, trying to concentrate on losing his semi-hard on. She had a feeling he'd spend most of the night trying to keep the slight bulge hidden from everyone.

  Rochelle caught Porter's gaze in the mirror. His reflection had a wicked smile on his lips like he’d done something mischievous. A quick glance of the bathroom floor proved she didn’t need to look for her ripped panties, as he'd obviously had them tucked away somewhere in his suit. A quick pat of his pants pocket caused her to shake her head and flash him a naughty smile. This little conundrum might make her come by his place for more. If she hadn’t known any better, Rochelle would’ve assumed he'd only meant to give just enough to make her yearn for more. If they'd had the time Porter would've made her come but it wouldn't have been enough to sate her for the night.

  What are you doing? Remember this will probably end badly for the both of you.

  She'd stood him up a year ago, on the most important night of his career. She'd left her fantasies and hopes to wither and die, all for the sake of the man standing outside the bathroom door.

  Porter cut the water off, dried his hands and adjusted his pants. She looked him over and wondered how on earth she snagged his attention. Sharp as a tack and mature as seasoned wine, his classy characteristics had always drawn her to him. Also, in all her trails of sexual escapades, he had been the only man that fucked her senseless. Guess that was one of the perks for dating someone older. However, it still rained on her parade. Other than the secrets she kept from her father, Rochelle still fell into a sour mood every time she thought about Porter's lack of commitment. Perhaps he'd always see her as a young woman, naïve and aimlessly infatuated by him. That had been what she'd been in the past and she hated herself for it now. She'd done a lot of growing up over the past year. Perhaps tonight Porter had noticed. Maybe this had been a peace offering but it came with a lot of warfare. For her sense of wellbeing and her father's sanity, she put a no-go label on Porter Brice.

  As if sensing the change in her mood, Porter stepped up and laid a rough kiss on her lips that left her gasping for air. With this retreat from the bathroom, Porter turned the light off and closed the door behind him. As she stood in the darkness contemplating her situation, she decided she couldn't go through this again. She would never have another secret relationship with Porter. The blackness settling around her in the bathroom kept anyone outside the door from seeing her reflection in the mirror. However, even in the darkest moment a ray of light shined on the doomed road she started strolling down again. This night would only serve as the appetizer for many more rendezvous to come. After graduating college three years ago, Rochelle became Mercury's chief financial officer, working closely with Porter and her father. She and Porter had been intimate for a total of two years now, not counting the past year of hiatus. They'd been careful to make sure people wouldn’t pick up the scorching vibes that passed between them. She not only ran the risk of shattering her father's professional relationship with Porter but their personal one as well.

  After all, Rochelle had been sleeping with her dad's best friend.


  "Where have you been, Ro?" Rochelle allowed her father to pull her up to the front of the crowd. He'd been excited to make the announcement to the hundred corporate associates waiting eagerly. Rochelle already heard the written statement but her show of support was more important than the cheers soon to come. "I feel like my most important people are the ones harder to keep close."

  "What do you mean? I'm checking everything out behind the scenes. You know Patrick likes to get heavy on the champagne. Someone had to tell the single ladies to swing wide to avoid him."

  Her father flashed his brilliant smile and shook his bald head. "What would I do without you? I'm on round up duty. After the announcement, it’s cake time, and it seems like people are straying. You’d think they’d hang close to taste that chocolate monstrosity." Her father was done bitching by the time he shuffled them both to the front of the gathering crowd. Rochelle sighed in relief when no curious gazes landed her way. Everyone had their eyes on her father or the mammoth-sized chocolate cake that took up a quarter of the serving table. People did want the cake, and judging by their lingering gazes, they were impatient to dive into it.

  Porter had been the one to purchase the extravagant cake. Today was his first day back from out of town and he felt compelled to contribute to the celebration in some way. Before the party, Rochelle had made herself scarce. At the time she hadn't been ready to face him: he might ask why she hadn't showed up at his going away party last year. That night they were going to publically been seen as a couple and her father would know they'd been intimate. The press would be there, snapping photos of everyone as Mercury became one of Texas's top awarded logistics company.

  She'd chickened out, like a cowardly little schoolgirl. She couldn't face her father as a grown woman or stand by the man she'd come to love. Plus, it didn't matter, the fling she and Porter had before were nothing to be taken seriously. Her father wouldn't approve, plus Porter had left to spend a year in Chicago. He never asked her to go with him, but the nagging thought that he was okay with being seen publically together confused her. Was he ready from them to step out of the darkness? Was she?

  Why would Porter be okay with announcing their rough-and-tumble sessions to the world? He hadn't proclaimed love or the desire to make them exclusive. She often wondered if that was his way of doing so without words. It didn't matter, he should've said something or told her that God and everybody was going to be at the good-bye party.

  At the time she wasn't ready, so she'd only given him a four word voicemail that said, "I can't do this."

  Her lackluster explanation rang pretty clear in her mind every time she thought about him. She wished she could take those words back, even though it probably didn't mean much to him when she walked away. She pushed thoughts of her past choices away, since they wouldn't do any good now.

  Her father stepped up to the podium and Porter stood beside him, both imposing and full of pride. Just like the man standing in front of her, the memories of Porter Brice refused to be pushed down and buried. They came roaring back in full vivid color and detail, causing phantom sensations to radiate through her body. She fought off the resilient yearning as her father prepared to share the posit
ive outcome of Chicago.

  "As you all know, our second CEO, Porter Brice, spent a year in Chicago digging us some roots up north. I'm pleased to announce our latest successful endeavor in Chicago. In a few months, we'll have transportation lines branching out of our depots and driving regional over two-thirds of the nation." A few ‘woot’ calls and yowls broke the silence of the hushed crowd, causing a few chuckles. Her father smiled proudly and looked at his partner. "Though I'm an old man compared to you, your young ambition is what drove this company to expand further than I ever thought. Thank you, Porter, for keeping Mercury flourishing in these hard economic times."

  Porter blushed, and Rochelle clapped along with everyone else.

  Porter's sharp blue eyes found her and his smirk lifted in the same moment his hands joined in the applause and he turned to face her father. Porter stepped away so her father could have the spotlight. Stepping close, Porter's new location put her dangerously close to him. His signature scent and too-fresh memories of how his cock penetrated her in one deep thrust caused a familiar ache to spike between her legs…a merciless ache that wouldn't subside unless he filled her and made her come.

  Rochelle avoided his eyes, knowing that gazing would only cause more intensity between them. He was like a damn addiction. Every inch of her screamed to look at him but if she did, she'd make that journey to his house later and finish what they started. She didn’t plan to continue forward. Rochelle couldn’t lose herself in him like she had a habit of doing.

  "Cut that cake already," Ava the marketing manager said before flipping her long brunette hair.

  Rochelle forced a smile. She never liked Ava. Call her petty but it had everything to do with the small fling the woman had with Porter years ago. Other than her father believing Ava was a major factor in the business, the woman was a pusher. She always pushed employees into doing things they weren’t comfortable with. There were more anonymous complaints on Ava than any person in the company. Why the woman still had a job within the company had been beyond Rochelle's understanding. She would've fired her a long time ago. Hell, even Porter said he would've terminated her but her father liked Ava's work ethic for some reason.

  Just due to their little past shenanigans, Porter mentioned Ava's position should be given to one more deserving. He called their office fling the time period where he'd lost his mind. Embarrassed about their past relationship, Porter admitted that his biggest worry had been that rumors would start if people suspected they were an item again. He put the warning out there, in case Rochelle heard rumors and thought them to be true. Rochelle often wondered what Porter had even seen in Ava, since they were nothing alike. Their different races were a major giveaway but even Porter seemed too good for Ava. Porter owned half of a prospering business, and reminded people of a ruthless viper when he negotiated. He wasn't one to put up with Ava's stunts of control. Porter was loyal and dedicated to his work, where Ava came to work fighting hangovers more than most. It also couldn't be cheating, at least not on Porter's end. Rochelle couldn't see him straying outside a relationship. When they screwed on a regular basis, he was up front and told her that he wasn't going to mess around with anyone else. Rochelle believed him and felt inclined to give him the same respect.

  No doubt, Ava's bitchy attitude probably shut their past relationship down. In fact, as Rochelle watched Ava cram her way into the cake line she was sure about it.

  She had never asked him exactly what happened between him and Ava or his ex-wife. She somehow felt it wasn't for her to know. They weren't really exclusive and didn’t plan to move into more serious territory. That didn't stop Porter from sharing bits and pieces anyway. He'd told her his marriage fell apart due to them growing apart from marrying young. If Porter shared it all one day then she'd listen. She wasn't going to go digging up hurtful things that didn't matter anymore. When Porter's separation happened Rochelle had been away at college. Her father said that Porter had been depressed following the bitter divorce. He'd almost backed out of the company and lost some financial ground that set the company back. She'd been furious with him, though she barely knew much about him at that time. That is, until she graduated and came to work for her father. Her father forgave all of Porter's slip-ups and since he didn't hate Porter, she couldn't either. No, you two became fuck buddies and now you're secretly in love with him, nothing serious.

  Well that’s what she kept trying to tell herself.

  Claps and cheers rang out as people stuffed their faces with cake and toasted to Mercury's future again. The starter business that might not take off fell away to a thriving corporation that her father built with a man she loved. Three years ago, Rochelle had gotten her masters in financial management, hoping to join in the Mercury family. Growing up with her mom and her new husband three states away caused Rochelle to miss a lot of time with her father. She rectified that when she moved to Arizona eight years ago. Porter already fit the place as an adoptive child to her father. All four years of college, jealousy speared hot at the mere mention of his name. Since she had all those twisted feelings about Porter, Rochelle wasn't sure she'd find that solid happiness. It had seemed like the only stable thing she had was her goldfish. Herman.

  Well, now that wasn’t true.

  She had an all-you-can-screw buffet standing beside her, clapping louder than everyone. However, the time had come when she must accept no less than what she desired out of life. Love, marriage, a family, but getting love out of Porter had been like pulling teeth and there wasn't a stable future there. He made it clear that nothing serious would ever come from their romps of passion. It’s why she made the decision to end it a year ago. How would she ever find Mr. Right when she kept screwing around with Mr. Right Now?

  Chapter Two

  Rochelle stared off into the twilight. She leaned on the rail watching the sunset and trying not to feel sorry for herself. People were thinning out as the celebration came to a close. Rochelle wondered if she ever found Mr. Right, would she have a beautiful wedding like her stepsister Tammie? Probably not, even though the thought of never wearing a wedding dress made her become nostalgic. She had no idea if she'd ever get married and she definitely had no eligible suitors. She hardly even had time to get out there and try to find someone.

  A flute of champagne appeared in her line of sight and she took it with a smirk when familiar cologne accompanied it.

  "I hate parties," Porter said, leaning on the rail beside her.

  "It’s for the company, how can you say that?" Rochelle slapped his arm playfully. She dropped her hand before anyone could see her flirting touches and whimsical grin.

  Porter finished off his champagne in two gulps before speaking. "I hate this one the most, it cost the company a pretty penny. Catering, wine, the rentals of…things for a hundred people took a big chunk." His tone was serious but the smile implied he was joking. "Mainly, I hate parties because it reminds us solitary people that we are truly alone."

  "Mr. Brice." Rochelle stood up straighter which caused him to face her fully. A smirk crossed his lips as he glanced at her cleavage. God that handsome face, that mouth she kissed a thousand times threatened to suck her down the forbidden road again. She tore her eyes away before she got ensnared again. "You have no problem in the female department. You could’ve just as easily asked one of the many women you have in your Rolodex to be your date."

  He looked down at his empty glass and swirled it as if there was something in it. "I didn’t want to bring a date. My date’s already here."

  Rochelle felt a thrill at his words but she had to hold strong. She rolled her eyes and lowered her voice. "I ended things for a reason, Porter. It would kill my dad if he knew. I—no, we—can't do that to him."

  "I’ve been thinking, what if—"

  "Port?" They both turned to see Ava step out onto the balcony in her peach two-piece suit. It annoyed Rochelle when she called him Port and judging by Porter’s sour expression he hated the nickname too. Of course, it could've just been tha
t he hated the interruption.

  "What's going on out here?"

  Rochelle jumped in before Porter said something that would give them away. "We were just reminiscing about how Mercury started from nothing and became what it is today."

  Ava cooed like a pigeon and clutched her fingers together in pleasure. She flicked a hand to move the thick lock of hair from her shoulder before speaking.

  "Oh, Port, I think we did a good job with the changes. Mercury doubled its profits and we're becoming a leading name in import/export carriers." She leaned onto the rail between them and seemed lost in thought. Porter's face softened a bit as if the company's financial turnover took the sting of her presence away.

  It seemed like a private executive moment. Ava took control over the situation, as usual. All conversation had to be centered on her thoughts and musings. Rochelle thought about slipping back inside and made a step towards the club house. A stern look from Porter told her to stay put. Being alone with Ava was the last thing any sane person could handle. It took double the efforts with Porter because of their history. Usually when they were left alone arguments started and they ended with Ava yelling and ruining a good moment. Plus, her father gave Rochelle recon duty to make sure nothing like that happened. Yet, for some reason Rochelle couldn’t help but feel that Ava had a sixth sense about her ex-lover’s affairs. Whenever Ava leveled those scrutinizing baby blues on her, Rochelle felt the woman knew all the dirty little secrets she and Porter tried to hide.

  "We did do good, Ava. Mercury is definitely on the maps now."

  Ava sighed as if content, then turned to Rochelle and gave a big smile. "I thought you'd bring a date."

  Rochelle shook her head. "Uh, no."

  "I thought your father mentioned you had a new beau?" Pusher. Ava would dig until she exhausted the person she interrogated. "Someone named Nathan. He was ecstatic that his baby girl mentioned a guy. I think he believes it's serious." Ava cut a look at Porter when he snorted. Ignoring her gaze, he tilted his flute to take a drink but frowned when he noticed it was empty.


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