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Executive Assistant

Page 21

by 12 Author Anthology


  A bleary-eyed Kim met her at the door. “Hi,” she squeaked, grabbing Laura’s arm to practically drag her inside. “Thanks for coming.” She sniffled as she dead-bolted the apartment door behind them. “I’m so glad you called.”

  “Hey, what are friends for?” Laura said, feeling sorry for her. “What’s going on? Are you sick? Can I get you anything?”

  Kim’s round hazel eyes sported dark hollows beneath them. She wore a fluffy pink housecoat and matching slippers, telltale signs that she hadn’t the strength, reason or motivation to get dressed for the day.

  “Oh, Laura,” she whimpered, tears welling up and spilling onto her cheeks. “I’m not sick…but today I almost wish I were dead!”

  Laura’s arms went around Kim’s tiny frame. “Hush now, nothing could be that bad…tell me.”

  Kim spoke between sobs. “Bad enough,” she said. “How could something so good go so wrong?”

  “Take your time,” Laura said, patting her back. “Get it all out.” She motioned Kim to a chair.

  Kim sat, and looked at her with an expression of abject misery. “I…I got f-fired two days ago. My God, I can’t even believe the words coming out of my mouth. Fired! I never thought it could happen.”

  “It happens. Doesn’t make it right,” Laura said.

  “Well, the dumb thing is…it wasn’t even a performance issue. It was about…” Kim grimaced and turned her face away. “My sexual behavior.”

  Laura raised an eyebrow. Didn’t see that coming. “Like what? As in sexual harassment?”

  “I guess so, but he led me on! I didn’t do anything I thought he didn’t want.”

  “Are you sure? Maybe you just got the wrong signals.”

  Kim sniffled some more, wiped her nose with the back of one hand. “I don’t know. I’m so confused, and hurt, and…pissed off! Not to mention unemployed.”

  “Who is this man? What happened, exactly?”

  “His name is Cooper Hendricks. He started with the company six months ago, but got promoted. Now he’s the Director of Human Resources. I swear, Laura, the way he looked at me that first day he moved into our building, I thought he could see right down to my underwear. And that smile…holy fuck! What a hunk. I couldn’t help but be drawn to him. He kept passing by my workstation, telling me how nice I looked.”

  Laura frowned. “That’s not really a signal, Kim.”

  “I know, I know. I thought maybe he was just a big flirt, in general. But I didn’t see him behaving this way toward anyone else. Not at first.”

  “Then what?”

  “I was flattered. I started finding excuses to drop by his office. He always invited me in, had me close the door. Wasn’t that a signal? Anyway, I guess I got a little silly. I started bringing him home-baked cookies, and volunteering to get his coffee. He never told me to stop, so I thought he enjoyed it.”

  “He probably did. Did he…suggest anything, on those occasions?”

  Kim thought for a moment. “You mean, sit on his lap, rub his back, stuff like that? Not really…he just... looked at me with those intense eyes, and I’d melt. Sometimes he’d ask for help using our intranet, or to send him certain documents. He’d lean over really close; he has the sexiest cologne. I thought I’d have an orgasm each time I smelled it. I wanted him bad.”

  “Go on.”

  “There’s this room in our building. Kind of an employee lounge, with couches and vending machines. People don’t go in it much, but I noticed he went there around two o’clock every day. I started showing up then, too, just to talk to him. Well, we did more than talk. Sometimes I would massage his neck; he often got headaches, he said, and would go to the lounge to de-stress. And other times…” Kim hesitated.

  “Other times?” Laura prompted.

  “Other times, well, one thing led to another. We started kissing; then he’d squeeze my tits. I’d put my hand inside his shirt, and his would go up my skirt. Eventually…I even gave him blow jobs a few times.”

  “In there? Wow. Did you…do anything else?”

  Kim paused. “God help me, yes. But we went back to his office. Did it right there behind the door, standing up. Am I a bad person?”

  “Absolutely not. He’s in a position of authority; he should never have touched you. How did it end up?”

  “I thought I’d won the big prize…thought he wanted a serious relationship with me. But after a few weeks, he wasn’t in the lounge every day like before. I still went to his office once in a while, but it wasn’t the same. Then the worst part, I’d see him going off at lunch with other women.” Kim sniffed, and Laura could sense a storm of tears building again. “He never even asked me to lunch…not even once! Bastard! Next thing I knew, they terminated me for sexual harassment.”

  “I’m so sorry, Kim. That must have been awful.”

  “Awful, yes, but then I just got mad. I went on the internet. I found a person called ‘The Terminatrix,’ who sort of…gets revenge on people. For a fee. I thought I might get back at him somehow. Maybe that’s crazy…not sure if I should go through with it.”

  “What would you want done?”

  “There’s a job posting for his executive assistant. I thought, if I could get someone really sexy to apply and get an interview, she could make him come on to her, then report him.”

  Laura pursed her lips in thought. “What if he’s into more than one woman at a time? I bet that would get him fired even faster.”

  Kim’s red-rimmed eyes swelled big as saucers. “Oh, no. Do you think so? I don’t think so…you think he’s into threesomes?” Her mouth gaped open at this thought, then she started crying full-on again.

  Oops, Laura thought. Didn’t mean to make her feel worse! “Kim, don’t cry. I’m sorry I said that. Let’s just find out, shall we?”

  “What do you mean?”

  Laura sighed and fixed her with a serious stare. “Kim. I’m the Terminatrix.”

  Chapter Three

  Re: Employment Opportunity, Executive Assistant, Emerson-Bennett Financial

  Name: Laura Dunn

  Occupation: Office Professional

  Experience: 10 years with major banking institution

  Laura munched on an apple as she filled the blanks in her fake resume. She couldn’t guarantee an interview, but she’d promised Kim she’d try her best. No sense going halfway, she thought. If I’m going to fake it, fake it good.

  She pressed send from a nondescript webmail account. A few days later she received a reply from Emerson-Bennett, asking to schedule an interview with Mr. Hendricks. Kim could barely contain her excitement when Laura called her with the news.

  “Gee, Laura, I hope you get him good. I’m nervous, and I’m not even the one going to the interview!”

  “Don’t worry, Kim. I’ve long ago detached my personal life from my job. I have no emotional investment in my work, other than delivering satisfaction for my clients.”

  “Really? Admit it, you must get a teeny bit of a thrill from getting even.”

  Laura smiled. “Okay, you got me. More than a teeny bit. As the Klingons say, “Revenge is a dish…”

  “Best served cold,” Kim finished for her with a laugh, then sobered. “This is a lot to ask of you. It’s risky…very risky. You never said how much you charge. I need to pay you like any other customer.”

  Laura took a deep breath in. “You can pay me when Hendricks gets what he deserves.”


  With an hour to spare before going into the interview, Laura stopped for a coffee to settle her nerves. Despite what she’d told Kim, a face-to-face was different than scamming someone from the safety of the internet. As it turned out, the coffee shop she’d visited on the way to Kim’s wasn’t far from the Emerson-Bennett tower. As she pulled into the familiar drive-thru, she thought again about the white Lexus, and the gorgeous creature driving it, who’d bought her a coffee in a random act of kindness.

  If she saw him again, she thought, she wouldn’t miss
her chance to get to know him. Life was too short to beat around the bush. She’d fuck that masterpiece in a heartbeat! But for the moment, she would have to be satisfied with fucking Cooper Hendricks’s career.

  As she rode the elevator up in the Emerson-Bennett building, she rehearsed the lines she would say, what pose she might strike while in the interview to make him take the bait. She wore a low v-neck, royal blue knit dress that buttoned down the front, which flattered and accentuated her curves. Short skirt, stiletto heels, and her blond hair down and loose over her shoulders. The bastard wouldn’t know what hit him.

  She stepped off the elevator into the reception area of the human resources department. The admin girl greeted her with a prim “May I help you?”

  “Laura Dunn. I have an interview at 3:00 pm?”

  “Hello Laura, please have a seat. I’ll let Mr. Hendricks know you’re here.”

  “Thank you.” Laura took a chair near the reception desk while the girl skipped off into the corridor. Vaguely she wondered who this one might be fucking. Who knew, the whole place could be rampant with interoffice love affairs. She practiced crossing her legs in the most seductive way possible.

  “This way, Ms. Dunn.”

  The admin led her to a corner office. Very private, Laura thought. And convenient. She clasped her portfolio case with her fake resume and reference letters a little tighter as she entered the spacious room. So spacious, she couldn’t see the man’s desk upon first glance. A couch, two armchairs and a low table occupied the area directly inside the entrance. Turning to the left, a desk sat in an alcove at one end of the room.

  The man behind it looked up and rose from his chair.

  Curly dark hair framed his face, which broke into a gleaming smile between ruggedly cute dimples. He adjusted the designer glasses he wore, as though not quite believing what he saw.

  Laura couldn’t quite believe her eyes, either. Before her stood the pay-it-forward coffee angel. Her body felt stiff as a stone pillar, though her heart raced and the blood it pumped pulsed loudly in her ears.

  He held her resume in one hand. He glanced down at it then locked eyes with her again. “Laura Dunn?” he asked. “What a coincidence, it’s good to see you again, especially now that I have a name to go with the pretty face. You enjoyed the coffee?”

  Dear God. With a line like that she wouldn’t have time to seduce him; he was already way ahead of her.

  She forced her lips to move. “Mr. Hendricks. Yes. A coincidence. I enjoyed it. The coffee.” Embarrassment crept up her neck as she heard her words issue forth in staccato, rapid-fire sentences. She must sound like an idiot.

  He crossed the room, closing the office door as he moved toward her, his eyes traveling up and down the length of her body. “You certainly have an impressive…resume.”

  “Thank you.” The dress seemed to be having the desired effect, though it worked two ways. Her nipples hardened as he surreptitiously looked down her neckline. Damn. This was going to be difficult.

  When Hendricks came within a few feet of her, the cologne that Kim had described hung tantalizingly in the air between them. His gray suit jacket and crisp white shirt fitted him perfectly, accentuating his broad shoulders. Black slacks draped easily over his slim hips, the hems just grazing the tops of his expensive shoes.

  Laura took a step sideways, and so did he,the two of them were almost circling each other like prey and predator. Even through his stylish lenses, his sky-blue eyes seemed to penetrate her very soul. Holy hell. She wished he’d penetrate her with a lot more than his eyes. “May I sit down?” she asked, her voice lowering to almost a whisper.

  The blue eyes blinked, and unlocked the trance they’d both fallen under. “Of course. How about here,” he said, gesturing to the couch. “Can I get you anything before we start?”

  Laura admired the plush black leather, and seated herself in a slow, deliberate manner, crossing her legs just as she’d practiced. Leaning over to place her portfolio on the table, she looked up at him with a knowing smile. “I don’t think so.”

  He lowered himself into one of the armchairs opposite her, his eyes remaining fixed on her exposed cleavage. “All right, then. Uh, tell me about yourself.”

  Laura paused before answering, letting silence do its magic. “I’m very, very good at my work,” she replied. “I have some…references, if you’d like to see.” Her hand smoothed over her bare thigh before reaching out to touch the portfolio case.

  Hendricks’ lips twitched in the beginnings of a smile. “Yes, I’d very much like to see your…references.” He shifted his feet, spacing his knees a little wider apart. Laura recognized the primal gesture, pleased that she was getting to him.

  And he was getting to her. Despite her cool exterior, her insides fluttered like laundry hung out on a windy day. God, how long could she keep up the charade before jumping his bones? It’s what she’d come for, yet she wanted it for completely different reasons now. How could she honor her friend, and still have a chance at this man she’d admired from afar? He didn’t seem like the kind to be as callous and cruel as Kim said. She found herself praying it wasn’t so…praying that Cooper Hendricks was another person entirely.

  She pulled the fake letters out of the case, and instead of sliding them across the table, stood and walked around to his chair. Bending down at his side, she handed him the papers at eye-level. As he took them from her, Laura observed his well-shaped and manicured fingers, imagining them exploring her tits, and the folds between her legs. Her pussy went wet at this thought.

  Laura pointed to the signature on the letter with one long, red-lacquered fingernail. “This is from the vice president of the bank.”

  Hendricks cleared his throat. “I see.” He obligingly read the letter, or at least pretended to. She rested her hip on the cushioned arm of the chair while he did so, ensuring that their bodies touched. Even through layers of clothing, the connection blazed a sexy heat. She bit her lip, mustering the strength to continue. Wait…wait…wait. He has to make the move, or the whole plan is screwed.

  “A glowing recommendation, indeed,” Hendricks commented after a moment. His shoulder rested firmly against her thigh, and the sheet of paper vibrated in his hand. “Can you tell me more specifically about the projects mentioned here? Which of these are you most proud of?”

  His nervousness struck her as a surprise. The office Casanova, nervous at the presence of a woman? Strange. She hesitated, calculating her answer. “I can show you.”

  He swallowed, and swiveled his head in her direction. “I’m not sure what you mean by that,” he said in a quiet tone. “Perhaps you could explain further?”

  Laura remained still, waiting for some signal. After an unbearably long moment, he reached for her hand, drawing her off the arm of the chair and around in front of him. As she faced him, her eyes betrayed the longing in her. In a breathless instant, he pulled her into his lap. Her knees split apart to straddle him, and she landed hard against his groin. His arms went around her back, holding her in place as they met nose to nose. Her heartbeat thundered in her ears, the scent of his heavenly cologne imparting a death blow to what remained of her self-control.

  “Miss Dunn,” he said, his voice low and rough, and his lips just millimeters from hers. “What can you show me?”

  Chapter Four

  As Laura faced him with her thighs pressed on top of his, and her crotch rubbing the fabric of his pants, she could feel the hard bulge of Mr. Hendricks’s growing erection. Her pussy throbbed and her nipples ached.

  He slipped off his glasses, then slid his hands down her back to rest on her buttocks. He rubbed her ass cheeks in a slow circle before his fingers found the hem of her skirt that now bunched up around her hips. He pushed the material up above her bum, revealing the pink satin panties she wore.

  “Show me,” he whispered, his eyes burning blue and searching hers. She felt paralyzed in their searing gaze. He closed the tiny distance between their lips and kissed her, his hot, we
t tongue invading her mouth, consuming her as a hungry man would devour a meal. Laura felt weak with desire, wanting nothing more at that moment than to succumb to his desire and his will. Her hands found their way into his dark locks, entwining her fingers in their luscious curls.

  She kissed him back with equal force, sirens blaring in her mind like fire engines, yet she could not stop herself. She ground her pelvis against his swelling cock, rocking forward with each push as they sat locked together in the awkward armchair. He groaned in his throat, and his hands moved to frame her jaw, breaking the intense kiss.

  “This is so wrong,” he murmured. “But I wanted to fuck you ever since I saw you at that traffic light. So I’m going to fuck you right here, right now. Say yes, or say no.”

  Laura trembled, closing her eyes, barely able to resist or speak, knowing she faced a critical turning point from which there would be no return.

  “Yes…” she gasped. He rose from the chair, carrying her with him. He sidestepped the glass table and moved to the couch across from them. He hefted her body into the air as though she weighed nothing, spun her around and deposited her on her knees on the black leather seat cushions. Her hands grasped the back of the couch as she pitched forward, her breath heaving.

  She knelt there, with her skirt hiked, ass in the air and legs apart, giving him an unobstructed view of her crotch with its now-sodden pink panties. His hand reached out and stroked her pussy through the wet material.

  “Good answer,” he said. “What you have to show is very nice.”

  Laura inhaled sharply, his voice and touch arousing her to heights she’d never known before. She felt near fainting, her conflicting emotions tearing at her lungs, swirling stars forming in her field of vision. His fingers pulsed her already-throbbing clit. She was going to come whether she wanted to or not.

  Her panties slipped past her hips, gliding down the skin of her thighs. His hands caressed her bare buttocks and the backs of her legs. She could feel her muscles twitching, threatening to give out and collapse. His belt buckle made a faint tinkling noise, followed by the release of a zipper.


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