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Drake [The Texas Senator's Sons 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 4

by Hennessee Andrews

  Regan grimaced and poured them both a cup. “Eugene is giving a press conference today.”

  “Right. It has something to do with the reporters at the gate. I didn’t want to be nosy and ask. I thought it was a PETA thing.” Alex accepted the hot cup of coffee and thanked her.

  Regan laughed. “Not PETA. I wish it were.” She stopped and became quiet. “There is a lot going on right now, and we have just kept it between us.” She paused, hearing the stairs creak. “I’ll bring you up to speed later.” She pointed up.

  Alex nodded, realizing it had everything to do with Drake. She wasn’t one to keep up with politics, and she didn’t read the paper much. The last year she managed to eat, sleep, and study. Being away from the university the last three weeks had really distanced her from everything going on in the world. She had immersed herself in the ranch, and helped to establish a vaccination program.

  Everything began to add up now, the reporters, and then Drake showing up a day later. Alex’s father hadn’t been happy about her taking the internship at the Radcliff Ranch to begin with. She ignored him. His reason was political, and politics was her least favorite topic. The unnerving feeling twisting in her gut about the upcoming press conference she knew nothing of, and the fact it concerned Drake bothered her. She wished she’d have listened to her father at least once so she might understand what was going on. It wasn’t her nature to butt into business that was not her own. Of course, she was curious about the reporters, but she figured if the Radcliffs wanted her to know, they’d tell her.

  Drake waltzed in, greeting them both with his dazzling smile. He was a city boy in city clothes, dressing in jeans, a designer tee, and loafers. Underneath the labels was a gorgeous body, rippled muscles, and…

  Regan laughed, pulling her out of her thoughts as she watched Drake walk by with her mouth falling open. “What’s so funny?” She turned her attention to Regan.

  “You, eating Drake up with your eyes,” Regan whispered in her ear, giggling again as she poured the scrambled eggs into a bowl.

  “I’m not. No, I wasn’t—” Alex stammered.

  “I know what I saw.” Regan waved a hand of dismissal and smiled.

  Taking a sip of her coffee, Alex shut up. She couldn’t speak properly, and now she had been busted.

  “It’s okay, you know.” Regan smiled, hugging her around the shoulder.

  “What?” Alex looked at Regan, scrunching her eyebrows up, questioning her.

  “To appreciate a good-looking man, but I must warn you. He has a lot going on, and I really know nothing about his character,” Regan confessed.

  “Oh, no need to warn me. I’m not interested,” Alex lied, ending the conversation by picking up the bowl of biscuits and the butter, and headed to the dining room.

  During breakfast, Alex picked up on a number of things. For starters, there was tension constantly between Drew and Drake. Periodically, Drake would glance in Drew’s direction with anger lashing out of his sparkling blue eyes. Drew, on the other hand, kept his lips in a firm line. Alex knew that look. It was the look he gave before all hell broke loose.

  Last night at dinner, Drew had told her that Drake was trouble and to be careful around him, but didn’t elaborate. She wanted to ask why, but had picked up lately on a considerable rise in stress in everyone on the ranch, and it all started when Drake showed up. Hmm. The wheels in her head began to turn. Her curiosity got the better of her. Was Drake in some sort of trouble? Or was he trouble, making headlines? She was already aware of the mess the family went through a couple of years ago. Who couldn’t help but know with headlines on every newspaper talking about the senator’s sons hitting strip clubs with the FBI involved?

  Regan had told Alex the entire story, not that she needed to, but Regan truly wanted her to know and understand what really happened. Alex developed a great respect for all of them. They had endured a lot in recent years. Her father, well, he reminded her of the headlines when she took the internship and hadn’t let her forget it either.

  Glancing over toward Drake, she noticed him watching her, grinning as he sipped his coffee. Who are you really, Drake? I’ve never heard of you. He’s been away at college or something. Maybe he left home at a young age and joined the circus. No, those didn’t fit. She looked away from him, but felt his gaze upon her, heating her up and making her breaths grow shallow. When her cell buzzed in the back pocket of her jeans, she was relieved, gratefully so.

  “Excuse me.” She rose and made her way to the back door. Outside, she looked at the display. Great.

  A deep breath involuntarily pulled into her lungs, and she expelled it before answering. “Hi, Dad!” She tried to sound enthusiastic.

  “Is that bastard really at the ranch like the news says?” her father asked, skipping the formalities.

  “Who are you talking about?” Alex wasn’t sure what he meant.

  “Drake Chandler. Is he there?”

  “Yeah,” Alex answered with an annoyed tone. Her father was impossible at times.

  “Stay away from him. Better yet, come home. We’ll find another ranch for you to intern at.” Her father’s voice came across gruff and heated.

  “What? No! I like it here.”

  “Honey, the Radcliffs aren’t good people, and this proves it, just like I said before.”

  “I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.” She rolled her eyes, glad he couldn’t see her.

  “That Drake is the love child from the senator and his mistress. Don’t you watch the news, Alex?”

  “No, actually I don’t. I’ve been working and studying.” Love child?

  “Well, let me tell you, I’ve never been happy with your choice of internship, and now I want you out of there.” He talked to her like she was a young teen again.

  “Whoa, wait a minute. If you haven’t forgotten, I’m twenty-four, therefore an adult. I appreciate your concern, but you’re way off base about these people. They are great, and I’m so glad I chose this ranch.”

  “Sweetie, I just worry.” Her father calmed some. “Drake comes from a well-to-do family, one that believes that the world is theirs for the taking. Fucking oil bastards,” he finished with an aggravated tone.

  “Dad, I know you want to protect me and want what’s best for me, but I need to be here. I want to be here. I promise. I’m fine. I’m learning a lot. Really, I’m in the best place I can be.” She explained it to him for some unknown reason and face-palmed her forehead. Her father was a good man, but a little overzealous when it came to politics.

  “Please, just steer clear of him. He’s trouble, honey,” he stated softly with concern in his tone.

  “I’ll be fine, Dad. I love you, but I’ve got a lot of work to do this morning.”

  After ending the call, she glanced into the dining room through the window. No wonder she’d never heard of Drake before. Wow, talk about a shocker. But really, was she in any position to judge someone? No, but it would do her well to steer clear like her dad suggested. Drake was trouble with a capital T. More than likely, he also carried a lot of baggage.

  * * * *

  When everyone cleared out of the dining room, Damon sat across the table from Drake. “The press conference is today.” He sipped his coffee, apparently waiting for Drake’s reaction.

  “Yeah, I know.” Drake didn’t know what exactly his father was planning on disclosing about the affair with his mother, or really if he would at all.

  One part of him hoped that he would claim him as his son. The other part wanted him to deny the affair so he could go back to his life, his carefree life. Then it dawned on him. His carefree life wasn’t so carefree. It was a waste overall. All the partying and chasing women, it was getting old. Being here on the ranch, watching his brothers with women they truly loved over the last couple of days was refreshing and nice to see. Even though Drew was an ass to him, he wasn’t to Liv. She beamed with laughter and smiles, kissing him sweetly on the cheek at breakfast. It made him yearn for more,
to have more than just materialistic items.

  “He’s going to disclose everything, Drake. Are you ready for that?” Damon had a worried look on his face.

  “I don’t know, man.” Drake looked away. This was what he wanted, brothers and a family, a place where he could be himself, and despite everything be accepted. He was a long way from being accepted, but this had been a dream his entire life.

  “You’re now in the spotlight, buddy. It sucks. I’ve been there. No longer will you be an average guy. Now, you’ll be the senator’s son, and everything you do will be watched and noted, and sometimes it will wind up on the front page of the paper.” Damon gave a light chuckle. “I don’t know why we’re so damn popular with the press, but we always have been.”

  “You know, I’ve always read every article, trying in some way to get to know you and Drew,” Drake admitted.

  “Most of it has been bullshit. You know that, don’t you?” Damon sipped his coffee.

  “Yeah.” Drake nodded in agreement.

  “Why did you come here? You know, a while back? Was it really because of your inheritance?” Damon poured them both a fresh cup of coffee.

  Drake looked at him, wanting to get his cards out on the table, but unsure about opening himself up. When a person opens up, it leaves them vulnerable, and he hated that feeling. But on the other side of the coin, anything that would help bring him closer to Damon he’d do, because he desperately wanted to be accepted and embraced, like the brother he was.

  “No, it was a lie,” he confessed and looked down at his coffee cup. “I’d just recently lost my mother. I was alone and always wanted to know you and Drew. I just didn’t feel like I had much to lose at that point. When I wasn’t exactly met with open arms, I lied and just wanted to get the hell out of here.”

  Damon nodded thoughtfully. “I’m sorry about Drew. He can be a real jackass at times, and I’m also sorry for my behavior. It hasn’t been easy for me to accept either. Only because of the hurt I know my mother must have endured, because of the affair. Ideally, the damage was done, and I should have been more of a man. I should have understood that it wasn’t your fault, and known that your situation was as fucked-up as ours, if not more so.”

  “I don’t need an apology, Damon,” Drake replied. He didn’t need anyone’s sympathy or apologies. The situation was fucked-up like Damon said.

  “Yes, you do, and right now we all need each other in order to get through this mess our father has created.” Damon scrubbed his jaw in thought.

  “I appreciate that.”

  “Well, enough of the sentimental bullshit.” Damon smiled. “This can be a win-win for both of us. Your life isn’t going back to normal for quite some time, and I need extra help on the ranch. Of course, you can stay as long as you need, but you may get a little bored without something to keep your time occupied.”

  Drake chuckled. “Are you offering me a job?”

  “Well, yes. I need the extra help, and of course, I’d pay you.”

  “I don’t need your money, Damon, but I would like to stay a while and help out. I have a lot of thinking to do.”

  “Great. I’m assigning you to be Alex’s assistant. We have a hundred and fifty head of calves that need worked. In sixty days, we need to be ready for sale time.” Damon stood up.

  “I don’t know what to do, but I can take directions.” Drake stood up as well.

  Damon gave him a manly smack on the back. “You’ll get the hang of it.”

  Drake walked out the back door with a smile. Although the world would soon know the truth of the affair, he was glad. It was time to start the next chapter, one that could prove to be very enjoyable. He could only hope.

  The morning flew by in a cloud of dust as calves were herded into the corral. Alex looked less than happy about the news he was now her assistant. Drake thought about the scene in the hall earlier that morning. There was desire contained behind her big brown eyes, but now she seemed cold. He couldn’t understand her, but wanted to. He began to think about the bigger picture, himself. Yes, he was the bastard son of the senator, of course. That was it, she knew, of course she knew. In a matter of hours, who wouldn’t know?

  The situation bothered him, especially because of the way it made him feel, like he wasn’t worthy all of a sudden. A few months back, women clamored for his attention, well, except for one, Jessica, his neighbor. Money generally commands attention, and yeah, he’d had plenty of that, but now, he yearned for respect as a man, and not because of his money.

  Hours later, the last calf in the pen entered the chute. Drake’s stomach growled, but was queasy at the same time. He was hot, dirty, and sweaty from all the work. It felt good to know the feeling of accomplishment from an honest day’s work. There was never a time he could remember when he put much effort into anything. He was beginning to yearn for more.

  Damon wiped his brow as the last calf exited the chute. “Let’s go have a bite of lunch, and we’ll finish up the last thirty head this afternoon.”

  Drew and Alex walked ahead with Damon. Drake fell back, wanting to take the opportunity to give his grandmother a quick call and let her know he was all right. They had a long talk, discussing the repercussions of his mother’s actions, and about how everything would affect his life in the future. He didn’t feel he had much to lose, because he didn’t have much to start with. Damn, it was wonderful to hear her voice. She always understood, and had always been there for him during the times he hurt concerning his father and the unconventional situation he lived in.

  Now he felt like he had let her down by not making something of himself. No, he hadn’t accomplished a thing. He took the money and played, dismissing the last semester of college to party and live the high life. Yep, he felt like a real piece of shit all of a sudden, and it was no one’s fault but his own.

  Before she hung up she said, “First and foremost, you are my grandson and I love you with all my heart. Secondly, you are stock from Drake blood, born to achieve whatever you set your mind to do. I have faith that you will someday find your way, your meaning, fulfilling the whims of your heart.”

  Drake didn’t know about achieving much, but he did understand her point. He made his way to the back door and ended the call.

  Lunch was more than he expected. Regan was a goddess of the kitchen. Everyone had worked in the relentless summer sun, gathering up the calves, and their appetites proved it. Drew sat at the other end of the table without Liv. She had some business in the city today, but it didn’t faze Drew’s appetite. The shitty comments from him were down to nil. Drake was grateful that Damon had stepped in. He watched Drew for a moment, wondering what kind of person the man was underneath the sarcasm. They were both a lot alike in many ways that were obvious, but deeper, would they ever like one another?

  Damon cleared his throat loudly to get everyone’s attention. When the room quieted, he spoke. “The press conference will be on in a few minutes. Regan and I are going to watch it. I’d like it if everyone would join us.” He paused. “This has not been easy on any of us. I’m reminded that none of us asked to be put in the position we have been. All we can do is allow the chips to fall where they may, and make the best of what we have. That means accepting the changes.” He stopped and looked fondly at Drake. “We cannot explain the affairs of the heart, or why people make the choices they do. Sometimes we find that it connects us with others, changing our thinking and our ideals, and sometimes pissing us completely off.” He looked at Drew. “But the truth of it all is that we are in this together.”

  The room stayed silent for a few moments before Drew spoke. “Damn, I think we just met the next senator of Texas, boys and girls.”

  Everyone erupted in laughter.

  “No politics for me. I’m bowing out. Everything I want or need is right here.” He looked at Regan with an adoring smile.

  Drake looked over at Drew, but Drew looked away. Somewhere deep inside, Drew was trying. Alex smiled at Damon, but pretended he wasn’t th
ere and avoided eye contact with him. It was then that Drake decided to break down the barrier she had erected. He may be the bastard stock of a wayward senator, but he was a good man, would be a good man, and he was determined to prove it.

  The press conference was short and to the point. His father admitted to the affair, pointing out that although he had committed a sin, he couldn’t very well walk away from the mother of his child and leave her and a son without means of support, nor a child fatherless. He made a lot of sense and concessions. What he failed to say, was that means of support weren’t exactly needed. He did feel that underneath his father’s gruff exterior was a man that was determined to make right his faults, and he appreciated the fact he hadn’t abandoned his mother. None of it was right, nor would it ever be right, but in the vast fucked-up world around him, he could see a good man concealed beneath a rough exterior that had made a poor decision and tried to make it better in the best way he knew how.

  Some in the audience cheered, while others booed. Drake thought he had it rough. It took a lot of balls to stand in front of all those people and admit his faults. He personally couldn’t imagine it. He looked over at Alex and caught her wiping a tear. Drew, on the other hand looked stoic and rather angry all at the same time. Figures, he thought, wanting nothing more than to go back to work, where the simplicity of the task was easy to understand versus why a man loved two women and fathered an illegitimate child.

  By the end of the day, Drake had seen more castrations than he felt should be allowed by law. It was either that or the heat. He leaned against the corral and took a deep breath.

  “You look green, city boy,” Alex smarted off as she opened the chute to allow the last calf out that had just became a steer. “We could have us a mess of Rocky Mountain oysters tonight if you’d like.”

  Drake waved a hand. Usually the sight of blood didn’t bother him, but today, he swallowed hard. Alex looked as though it was business as usual with cow shit splatters on her boots, and sweat trickling down her temples. The girl was rather amazing, even covered in all the dirt and grime. She worked as hard as any man he’d ever seen. As for him, he hadn’t experienced such a grueling task. Scanning the lot of calves, he started to feel a sense of pride in a job well done.


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