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Slave For Rent

Page 10

by Samantha Cayto

  At this point, Danny couldn’t imagine anything he wouldn’t do for the man.

  Danny’s eyelids kept drooping, however. Each time, he pushed them back up. If he fell asleep, he knew the master would carry him off to bed and leave Danny alone for the rest of the night. Danny didn’t want a good sleep; he wanted sex. No, he thought, remembering Oliver’s words, he wanted fucking. Specifically he wanted to be fucked. The small taste of being penetrated by the master’s finger left him starving for more. If it could feel that mind-blowingly good with a slim digit, how much better would it be to have an entire cock up his ass? While his nerves still quivered at the anticipation of his first time, so did his hole. It practically itched with the need to be filled.

  Danny wiggled against his master’s arm. Draining the bottle of beer he held, the master bent to place it on the coffee table. He leaned back and cupped Danny’s chin with his now-empty hand. Danny didn’t resist as that hand turned his face up. The master’s kind eyes stared down at him.

  “Are you tired?”

  “No, sir.”

  Danny froze for a second, realizing he’d just lied. Lying got slaves punished. He fixed his gaze to a spot past the master’s face. A war raged inside him for a few seconds. He wanted to confess his sin, but he didn’t want to either be put to bed or punished and then put to bed. He had no idea what this man might mete out in the way of justice. The house didn’t seem to have a punishment room, although maybe only rich people could afford an entire space devoted to chastising slaves. Master Paul might just bend Danny over the couch and spank him with his hand or a belt.

  The thought sent an odd shiver down his spine, more arousal than fear. Strange. Punishment had always been a thing to avoid and hate. Before he could sort out his feelings and make a decision about what to do, the master spoke.

  “You know, I think I’ve had enough of this game. Hitting the sheets sounds good right about now.” He used the remote to turn off the television and pulled them both up into a standing position. “Go get ready for bed while I lock up for the night.”

  Relief and anticipation coursed through Danny. “Yes, sir.” He walked around the couch and made for the hall. The master’s voice calling his name stopped him. He looked back over his shoulder.

  “Strip down completely. No underwear. Understand?” Master Paul shot him a heated look.

  Danny’s voice caught in his throat. He could only nod in response. He continued his journey, except now his cock stiffened in his new jeans, making his gait uncomfortable. He wasted no time tearing his clothes off, although habit and training forced him to put his things away before he went to the bathroom. When he slid under the cool sheets, his dick twitched at the contact and moisture already pooled in his slit. He ached with the need to touch and stroke, but of course did nothing of the kind. He kept his arms on top of the bedding to make sure he didn’t touch what belonged to his master. Waiting for the man, imagining what he’d do to Danny once he’d joined him, made him antsy. His legs moved restlessly until the master arrived.

  The man winked at Danny, then headed into the bathroom. When he came out again, he was naked and aroused. The long, thick cock jutted out against the background of his thickly muscled torso. God, the sight of the man sent all kinds excitement rocketing through Danny. The obvious physical power of his master called to a primitive part of Danny that he’d been forced to suppress since puberty. To be in the control of someone he both desired and liked seemed the realization of some impossible fairy tale, and one his mother would never have allowed him to read.

  Danny swallowed hard as he watched the master approach the bed. Unlike other nights, the man didn’t turn off the lights. When he reached the bed, he pulled the covers back entirely, exposing Danny’s eager body. Master Paul smiled.

  “That’s my boy. You want me.”

  “Yes,” Danny hissed out even though he hadn’t been asked a question. Not really. The answer was clear to see.

  The master knelt on his side of the bed. “Good, I’m glad. It’s no fun for me if you’re not enjoying yourself. You have to tell me if I do anything that bothers you, or hurts, or just doesn’t feel right. You get what I’m saying, right?”

  Danny could only nod.

  “Promise you’ll speak up?”

  Danny nodded again.

  Master Paul nodded in return. “All right.” He reached over and pulled something out of his nightstand. He held it up for Danny to see. It was a tube of lube. “You understand what this is for, don’t you?”

  Danny hole clenched. “Yes, sir. You’re going to fuck me.”

  “That’s right. And no one has ever done that to you before, have they?”

  Danny shook his head slowly. “No, sir.”

  “But you want me to?”

  Danny couldn’t keep a tiny moan from escaping and his hips twitched. “Oh, yes, sir. Please.”

  His master gave him a broad smile, obviously pleased with the answer. “Open your legs wide, bend your knees and place your feet flat on the bed.”

  Danny rushed to complete his task, his hands instinctively grabbing his ankles to make sure he gave the master good access to him. The man slid over, resting back on his haunches between Danny’s legs. He squeezed some lube out and slicked up both hands. He curled the right one around Danny’s shaft and pumped it slowly.

  “I love how hard for me you are already. I know that this always tells me the truth and not just what I want to hear.” When Danny squirmed, the master stopped and gripped the base of the cock. “Easy. I want this to last. The more aroused you are when I mount you, the better it will be for both of us.”

  Danny sucked in a breath and willed his arousal to dial back. Once the master decided Danny was under control, he restarted the exquisite teasing of Danny’s dick.

  “I love that you’re uncut and how loose your foreskin is even when you’re erect. It’s fun to play with,” he added with a feral grin.

  The pleasure of the slow jacking overwhelmed Danny so much he almost missed when a finger slid into his hole. Almost, but not quite. The entry scratched the itch he’d been feeling for hours quite nicely. He moaned in appreciation and forced his eyes to stay open even though they really wanted to close. He didn’t want to miss a moment of watching his master watch him. The man’s intense gaze reassured him that the pleasure didn’t flow only one way.

  “That’s it, that’s my good boy,” the master crooned. “You like having my finger in your ass, don’t you?”

  Danny moaned again in response, a needy sound he couldn’t hold back, and squeezed his hole tightly around the invading digit. The master chuckled but also pulled out the finger. Danny whimpered and tried to hold it in. He needn’t have worried. It returned in a flash and this time joined by its neighbor. The two fingers stretched him a bit more, causing a slight burn. He rode through it though and relaxed his sphincter. When they nudged his prostate, his hips bucked so hard, he had to dig his own fingers into his ankles to keep himself in place.

  The master helped, of course. With a tsk, the man pressed down on Danny’s groin with the fist holding Danny’s rod, keeping him flat on the bed. He set a rhythm with his hands where he thrust in with his fingers with each down stroke on the cock. Shit, it felt as if the fingers were meeting the fist with only a thin layer of Danny’s electrified body between them. The master worked him mercilessly, slowing down each time Danny reached the edge of explosion. Soon Danny couldn’t keep his eyes open any longer and his body writhed within the hold. Just when he thought he wouldn’t stand another minute of the sweet torture, the master pulled out his fingers and released Danny’s dick.

  Danny cried out in frustration. The master murmured at him reassuringly and lifted Danny’s ass up by pushing against the back of Danny’s thighs. Danny had to let go of his ankles, his hands dropping onto the sheet. Cold lube hit his hole, quenching a little of the fire that raged there. Then something bigger than a finger pressed against it. Danny instinctively stiffened before relaxing again
. This was it, the moment he’d waited so long for.

  “Danny? Open your eyes, baby. I want you to look at me.”

  He forced his heavy lids to open, his slave brain’s need to obey overriding the instinct to just feel and not watch. His master loomed over him, his big cock poised at the entrance to Danny’s body. The man clasped Danny’s length once more and stroked.

  “That’s it, baby. Keep your eyes on me. Relax and push out.” With that final command, his master pressed forward.

  Danny tried hard to do as he’d been told, but the immense stretching caused a burn he had to fight to ride through. He tried not to grimace at the pain and knew he’d failed when the master stopped moving.

  “It’s okay. We’ll take it nice and slow.” He pumped Danny’s cock faster, flicking the head with his thumb.

  Over and over, the master worked Danny’s erection until Danny began to squirm again. The fullness in his ass increased, going deeper and deeper until the master had completely imbedded himself. Then he stopped again and still stroked Danny’s cock. The pain he’d first felt when breached faded into the background, barely there and of no importance. The pleasure of being jerked off was too distracting, and when the master started to pump his dick into Danny’s ass, Danny’s eyes slammed shut, all semblance of control abandoned.

  Danny clutched the sheets in a brutal grip. His neck stretched tight as his head flopped from side to side. His legs bounced each time the master plowed into him with greater and greater speed. It was all too much, his senses assaulted from all directions, not just touch, but the sounds each of them made and the smell of Danny’s own cum leaking out. Then the master’s cock hit that bundle of nerves, not just once, or twice. Over and over. Danny wanted to burst free from his own skin. He couldn’t hold back any longer, and his master didn’t make him.

  With a keening cry, he shattered, his body a thrashing mindless thing looking for an escape and yet not really wanting it. It was where it wanted to be, where he wanted to be.

  In the control of his master.

  Chapter Nine

  “Paul, are you listening to me?” His sister’s exasperation hissed over the phone.

  “Sure, Sarah. Every word.”

  Paul leaned against the kitchen counter while he stared out the window at Danny. The kid didn’t seem to have a relaxation bone in his body, always looking for something to do. Paul had had to practically sit on him the previous afternoon after coming home from the work site. Paul hadn’t wanted to do housework. He’d only wanted more baseball, more beer and most of all, more Danny. The poor kid had actually looked perplexed when Paul had told him he not only didn’t have to do any work, he couldn’t. They were both entitled to a lazy rest of the day.

  Danny was making up for it by whirling around the house this morning and now out in the yard. Paul had to admit the guy had a knack for lawn care. Paul appreciated the efforts as he had the palest of green thumbs. Besides, the warmth of the day had led to the slave taking off his shirt, and Paul really liked that view. His cock rose, pressing against his fly. Jesus, he wanted the boy again. Since Friday night, he’d fucked Danny four times, including once that morning, and still he couldn’t wait to have him again.

  “So, you’ll be at my house next Monday by two?” His sister’s tone implied she wasn’t fooled by his assurance she had his attention.

  Danny left Paul’s line of sight. He shifted down the counter and craned his neck to relocate him. “Right. Two. I don’t need to bring anything.”

  His sister usually hosted the family for summer events like Memorial Day. She never asked Paul to contribute to the menu, which he appreciated given he would have only bought something at the market anyway. Although this year, Danny could whip something up. The kid could cook really well on top of everything else.

  Paul mentally face-palmed. Danny.

  “Hey, Sarah, I’m going to bring someone with me. Okay?”

  “Oh! You have a boyfriend?”

  Paul winced. “You could say that.” Because no one in his family kept slaves, he had no idea how any of them would react to learning that he had one, especially when the reason for it would be obvious.

  “That’s wonderful. Please do bring him. Mom will be over the moon. She’s been worried that you work too hard and don’t leave any time for yourself.”

  “Believe me, I’m indulging myself now.” Yes, his dick definitely agreed with that assessment. It punched up even more. “I’ll see you in a week.” He wanted off the phone and into Danny pronto.

  “Okay, bye.”

  Paul ended the call and tossing the phone on the counter, went over to the sliding doors to get Danny’s attention. He leaned against the doorjamb for a moment to drink in the sight of the boy for a few seconds more before calling the boy’s name. Danny looked up from the flower bed he’d been weeding and cocked his head. Paul let his heated gaze do his talking for him as well as ran his palm down his fly. Danny’s eyes tracked the movement. He licked his lips before standing and walking toward Paul.

  Paul didn’t give him a chance to even ask what he wanted. The moment Danny was in striking distance, Paul grabbed him by the arms and dragged him up close. He dove in for a kiss while tugging the boy into the house. His hands roamed down and around all that soft, sweaty skin. Cupping Danny’s ass, Paul pressed their pelvises together and gyrated his hips. He moaned at the spark of pleasure shooting up his cock. Danny replied in kind, his cock equally hard and rubbing against Paul’s.

  Knowing that the slave was aroused, too, and not just acceding to his master’s wishes caused Paul’s control to snap. He yanked Danny into the kitchen and breaking off the kiss, twirled him to bend him over the counter. He then made short work of unsnapping the boy’s jeans, lowering them down to his knees to expose that perfect ass of his. Paul slicked up a finger and slid it between the cleft. Danny hissed quietly at the touch. Paul stilled his actions and cursed inwardly. The poor guy must be sore given how relentlessly Paul had been at him.

  “Sorry, baby. I wasn’t thinking. Let’s do something else.”

  Danny wiggled his ass. “Please don’t stop. I want you to, Master. Really.”

  Paul tested the hole once more, circling it with his finger. He could swear it felt a bit puffy. “Are you sure?” He didn’t trust the slave to not merely say what he thought his master wanted to hear.

  On a groan, Danny pushed back, a clear invitation. Still, as the more experienced one of them, he couldn’t just bull his way through without care. A smile popped out at a sudden thought. He clasped Danny by the hips with one hand and urged his body to pull farther from the counter. At the same time, he pressed on Danny’s back with the other hand. The boy understood what Paul wanted and laying his head down on one arm, stuck his ass up and out. Paul dropped to his knees and took a few seconds to gaze at the dizzying temptation in front of him. Danny was so small and round and firm. Tiny wisps of hair dotted the skin. When Paul used his fingers to pry the cheeks apart, more strands gathered around the puckered hole.

  Paul kept his eyes open as he leaned forward and licked. Danny jerked at the contact and surged forward as if to escape Paul’s touch. Paul pulled his tongue back on a chuckle.

  “Stay where you are, baby. I’m dying for a taste.”

  He placed wet, open-mouthed kisses on each side of Danny’s ass before resuming his rimming. The skin tasted salty and tangy, undoubtedly from the slave’s outdoor exertion. Paul loved every bit of it, lapping all around the hole. The sphincter yielded to his touch, loosening and opening. He accepted the silent entreaty and curling his tongue up, he poked it past the muscle.

  “M-Master?” Danny gasped, his body wiggling in Paul’s hold.

  Paul pulled back just long enough to deliver a gentle rebuke. “Paul. I’ve got my tongue in your ass, so you can damn well call me by my first name. Understand?” He punctuated his words by delivering a playful slap against one cheek.

  With a yelp that morphed into a groan, Danny gave Paul what he wanted.

  The sound of his name coming out of the boy’s mouth sent an almost painful jolt through Paul’s cock. It wanted to come out and join the party in the worst possible way. Not satisfied that Danny was ready for him yet, Paul ignored his own needs and kept working his boy’s hole open. He reached around one hip to grope at Danny’s rod. It stood out, hot and demanding attention. When Paul ran his thumb over the head, it slid through pre-cum. He used the slickness to pump Danny.

  “Oh, God.” The slave writhed in earnest now.

  Paul smiled into the cleft of Danny’s ass, stoked by the effect he was having. Giving Danny pleasure, knowing that he was the first to do so, sent Paul into orbit. It felt better than any orgasm of his own. But he couldn’t ignore his cock forever, so with a final lick around Danny’s hole, Paul got shakily to his feet and freed himself with one hand. He guided himself in and pressed through the little resistance he found. Oh, God, indeed! Sinking into the tight, wet, heat felt like the first time ever, not the second time that day. Would he ever get enough of this?

  Probably not. He certainly couldn’t take things slow and easy. No savoring the moment. He fucked Danny with increasing wildness, eventually slamming into him hard enough to send the poor boy ramming against the counter. With his hand still clasped tightly around Danny’s rod, it was the back of Paul’s own hand that took the brunt of the impact. He grunted and used that hand to yank Danny back. It had the effect of both driving his cock deeper into Danny’s ass and giving himself space to pump Danny’s dick faster.

  The climax took Paul by surprise, the speed and force of it send him careening over Danny’s back. He raked his teeth across the boy’s shoulder, crying out as he did so. The slave answered him in kind as his own orgasm ripped through. Warm cum splashed over Paul’s fingers and the body within his embrace shuddered and bucked. When they had both finished, they stood plastered skin to skin, sweat making them sticky.


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