Come Back to Me_A Brother's Best Friend Romance

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Come Back to Me_A Brother's Best Friend Romance Page 2

by Vivien Vale

  Chapter 3


  The burn of the whiskey hitting the back of my throat calms my nerves better than anything. My father never really helped with much, but if I remember anything, it’s that whiskey can get you through some shit.

  While I hang my head in a rare moment of defeat, water drips from my hair into my eyes, residue from the conditioner softly burning them.

  But do I care? Fuck, no. I sit and take it, feeling my body absorb this moment of pain and using it to make me stronger.

  I take another swig of my whiskey and wince through it. Pain puts hair on your chest. We fucking swallow that shit and use what we gain from it later.

  I take a deep, uneven breath.

  In a single motion, I slick my wet hair away from my face and step out the shower. After wrapping a towel around my waist, I stand in the mirror with jars of gel and pomade.

  I’ve already learned my lesson about waiting until my hair was too dry to start sculpting it into its style. Just as I work the last bits of product in with my fingertips, my phone vibrates against the bathroom vanity.

  The sudden sound sends a shock through me. One that causes me to knock the full jar of hair gel onto the floor. I hate to admit it, but I might be the slightest bit on edge after that bout.

  “Fuck!” I grunt, not even tempted to clean the mess.

  I toss my arms up in a ‘fuck it’ motion and pick up my phone to find out who the fuck is texting me. I don’t have any obligations right now, so what the fuck could anyone need from me?

  Duuuude!!! I just heard u were back in town! You’ve gotta come out to the old lake house with us. We’re leaving today.

  It’s Jake, my best friend. Actually, best friend doesn’t even cover it; he’s honestly more like a brother.

  We were inseparable while we were growing up. Played on the same sports teams throughout high school, his family took care of me a lot of the time, even taking me on vacations with him and his younger sister, Ruby.

  God, fuck. Ruby Watson. Jake would kill me if he knew, but I had the biggest fucking crush on that girl.

  She was the one that got away. I know we were both young, but I never stopped feeling like there was something between us.

  I just made my move too late on her. A week after the last vacation I took with them, I was deployed. I haven’t seen or spoken to Ruby since.

  The Watsons always invited me on their annual lake house trips to get me out of my shitty house with my shitty ass parents. But I thought it was just that.

  So, I’m surprised he’s reaching out of nowhere to bring me with him to this one—albeit pleasantly surprised, too. They never made me feel like a charity case.

  I was always just part of the family. It was something I needed, and maybe something I could use after today.

  I just don’t know how understanding they’ll be about the new me…

  My phone is vibrating again. This time, it’s a phone call from Jake. He’s never been patient. It’s comforting to see some shit just never changes.

  “Hey, bro. What’s up?” I pick up, feeling like my old self for a moment.

  “Man, you’re coming to the lake house. It’s gonna be dope!” Jake replies, trying to recruit me, but in reality only makes me want to challenge it to fuck with him.

  I’m satisfied with the look of my hair. My undercut is perfectly lined, and my longer layers are sleek and frizz-free in an effortless-looking type of way.

  I continue to my bedroom to get dressed with Jake’s call on speaker.

  “Alright.” I laugh. “I’ll go. Don’t get your panties in a bundle, okay?”

  “Fuck you, Wyatt! I’ll pick you up in a half hour.”


  When we hang up, I drop my towel and slide into a pair of black boxer briefs. Looking at the scars on my body, I can’t help but wonder if agreeing to this lake house shit is a mistake.

  No matter how much I try to push the memories from the war out of my head, they still follow me. My mind is my own personal hell, like an abuser I can’t escape.

  I never know what I’m gonna do, so I’m afraid half the time, and I’m in fight mode the other half. The spontaneity of it all just isn’t really the kind of shit you want to accompany you on a wholesome, family vacation.

  I put on a white V-neck tee and some ripped light blue jean shorts, looking fresh and ready to take on all the chicks we see out at the neighboring cabins and shit.

  I take one more glance at myself, standing in front of the full-length mirror in the corner of my bedroom closest to the window. Natural sunlight is the best for checking out your outfit. Learned that shit on my first boat as we docked in Italy.

  I release a satisfied grin at my own perfect form. So what if my mind’s a little fucked up sometimes? I’m feeling myself right now, getting back to my roots with my homeboy.

  I slip into some sneakers and quickly begin to pack a bag, suddenly feeling as giddy as I felt going on these trips as a kid. I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed Jake. I miss being part of a family.

  Fuck—is Ruby going? Am I actually going to get to see her again?

  I sit down as I start shoveling clothes into a gym bag.

  I don’t need anything too excessive. I toss in a few more V-neck t-shirt and shorts combos, some underwear, and my swim trunks.

  If Ruby is going to be there, what am I going to say to her?

  Fuck, I feel like a teenager all over again.

  When I go to grab the bottle of sunscreen from my dresser, I realize I have a massive bulge in my pants from thinking about Ruby. I’d give anything to show that girl how much I want her to this day.

  Ruby. The only girl to ever keep significance to me. I look down, adjust myself, and toss the sunscreen into my bag, and hurriedly leave the bedroom.

  While I’m in the kitchen pouring another shot of Maker’s Mark, gearing up for this trip, I hear the bass of Drake’s Hotline Bling blaring in my driveway. Jake’s here.

  I toss the empty shot glass in the recycle bin and grab my bag, running outside to meet him. I whistle, calling Rowdy over with me.

  I’m not going anywhere without my four-legged pal. Rowdy’s been here since I got back, getting me through a lot of my shit. It’d be a crime to leave him at home.

  As we get outside, we’re greeted by Jake. He hasn’t changed much at all since high school. He gained a couple more pounds of muscle, but still has just a couple whiskers of facial hair.

  It’s good to see him after all these years. We grab hands and swiftly hug, laughing although nothing funny had been said.

  “Man, look at you—swole as fuck!” Jake playfully punches my arm. “So, how was the Navy?”

  It’s a normal fucking question, but hearing it still makes me wince. Thankfully, Jake doesn’t notice the quick change in my expression.

  “It was cool, man, but I’m glad to be back,” I reply casually, trying to be tough but hoping he’ll drop the subject.

  “Dope. Well, we gotta swing by Ruby’s work to pick her up, then we can get on the road.”

  Good, he caught the hint.

  I laugh. “Ruby’s working? That sounds crazy. She wasn’t even out of high school the last time I saw her.”

  I head over to my car to grab my charger, signaling for Rowdy to meet me in Jake’s hunter green SUV.

  “Yeah, man, she’s a secretary at some law firm.” Jake slips into his seat behind the wheel.

  Out of nowhere, I hear bullets.

  Enemy bullets coming closer and closer to us. My entire body is covered in sweat, and I can’t breathe. Have I been hit?

  I pat my body in search for an open wound. There isn’t one.

  Gasping for air, I close my eyes and fall to my knees. When my eyes reopen, I am kneeling into the passenger’s side of my car, the open door touching my right shoulder.

  I hear the sound again, but this time, I know it’s Rowdy barking. I grab my charger and punch another dent into my door. Jake is too busy playing wi
th Rowdy to notice.

  Thank god.

  But what happens if I do this shit during the trip? What is everyone going to think of me? How do I get out of explaining it all?

  They’ll never understand the monster I’ve become.

  As I’m enveloped in my thoughts, conflicted about what I’m even doing, Jake’s voice shakes me back to reality.

  “Hey, man, Ruby’s getting off work soon. We should start to move in that direction. I can’t deal with her bitching if I pick her up late again,” Jake calls from the open window.

  I can’t back out now. And I can’t let this shit control me. I’d be letting my friend and myself down.

  Plus, it’ll be nice to get away for a bit. I’ll probably go even crazier if I stay here alone at my house.

  I join Jake in the SUV, and we speed off to Ruby’s office, now cruising to AC/DC’s Highway to Hell just like old times.

  Chapter 4


  Reading the journal, reliving every hot, steamy opportunity I had with Wyatt has me practically dripping wet in my leather chair. It’s a good thing I’m in black pants, or a wet spot might legitimately show.

  Mr. Fentress has no idea I’m not actually working right now. But I can’t help it. I know I should be finishing this stuff up, but I just can’t put the damn book down long enough to concentrate!

  The other issue is that the work is so dull that it almost puts me to sleep. But as my dad has repeated to me a million times, ‘you’ve gotta start somewhere’.

  I pretty much consider myself a pro at parroting his favorite phrases at this point. If only he knew that my job consisted so much more of lying to my boss’s wife than gaining any kind of legal experience.

  Speaking of the devil in an expensive suit…

  “It’s gonna be a long night, Ruby dear,” Fentress announces as he happily plops a big ass stack of cases onto my desk.

  I casually tuck my journal into the pull-out drawer of my desk.

  “These cases are urgent and need to be inputted ASAP. Get it done before you go.”

  “Mr. Fentress, I’ll be on my way to my vacation at three thirty today,” I explain, slightly pissed off. If it isn’t about making money or sex with one of his mistresses, he doesn’t hold onto anything. “Remember, I told you just a few minutes ago I’m leaving at three fifteen? You approved my time off request months ago…”

  “Ah, Ruby, it slipped my mind. I was a little distracted this week, so forgive me there, dear, but these case files just can’t wait. I need you to stay. Tell your family you can meet them later.”

  I know Mr. Fentress well enough by now. While he’s polite and considerate to me, it’s all strategic. This is a power move.

  He’s trying to get a reaction out of me. He wants me to beg.

  I work my face into a pout while I bat my chocolate brown eyes at my womanizing boss. Twirling a wavy lock of red hair between my fingers, I simply whine, “Please, Mr. Fentress. I really need the favor, just this once.”

  He sighs and puts his hand on my shoulder, squeezing it slightly. Ironically, it’s the hand that houses his platinum wedding band. The same wedding band he removes to bang his pregnant mistress in his office. That one’s Ginger.

  This time, my eye roll is just mental, another skill I’ve perfected since working here. He sighs heavily, as if the decision is killing him. Another game.

  “Okay. Ruby.” He smiles wickedly. “You’re lucky you’re so fucking pretty.”

  I’m shocked by the words. As someone who has a relatively commendable work ethic, it’s the fact that I’m pretty that gets me the time off.

  Figures, right? I have to refrain from actually throwing up in my mouth.

  “Otherwise, these case files couldn’t wait ‘til you returned. Tuesday, right?”

  “Yes, Mr. Fentress. I’ll be here bright and early on Tuesday. Thank you,” I say, smiling politely.

  “You have a good time. Relax and get yourself a nice tan. You work hard.” He winks. Ugh. This is a man who can make anything sound dirty.

  Seriously, I feel like I need a shower after talking to him most of the time.

  I fake laugh. “Will do!”

  “Get as much work done as you can before you leave,” he orders, putting his hands in the pockets of his slacks. His tone becomes serious. “I’m going to be out for a bit. Hold my calls. Tell Mrs. Fentress I’m, uh, meeting with a client.”

  I nod my head in agreement. When he removes his hands from his pockets and begins to walk off, I notice he is no longer wearing his wedding ring.

  I’m thankful he’s leaving, so I can roll my eyes and call him a douchebag under my breath in peace.

  Why do these dirty old men stay married if all they’re gonna do is fuck around anyway? Is sex really that complicated?

  I probably won’t ever find out. I mean, I’m pretty, and I get hit on often, but I’ve never met a guy I liked enough to go all the way with—aside from my teenage crush.

  There’s always something wrong with them. Guys are all psycho stalkers, cheaters, or there just isn’t a spark.

  I want that can’t-live-without-you spark like in the movies. Does that ever really happen?

  Before I can begin to think of an answer to my own question like a true crazy person, my phone starts buzzing. When I pick it up, I read a text message from my father and immediately drop the phone onto the file I’d opened from Mr. Fentress’s stack.

  My eyes triple in size while I hold my hands over my open mouth. It’s an FYI text saying that Wyatt will be joining us at the lake house, and that he will be riding with Jake and me.

  Okay, Ruby. Don’t freak out.

  Of course, I fail to follow my own advice. I’m freaking the hell out.

  The last time I saw Wyatt, I was a brace-faced, flat-chested, awkward teenager who did nothing but write about him in my diary. And while I’m a fully formed, attractive woman now…

  Wyatt’s military-trained ass is probably out of my league.

  God, I bet he can have any girl he wants. With those deep blue eyes and rocking ass body, I bet he has a different chick in his bed every night.

  His is the one bed I wouldn’t mind spending the night in. I close my eyes and lean my chair as far back as it will go while I free my mind up to imagine Wyatt’s hands all over my body.

  Squeezing my tits, caressing my back, rubbing my clit. I bet he’d be incredible. He’s the one I’d want that feeling from, the one in the movies.

  I hear my computer chime, alerting me of a new email, and I remember I’m at work. I try to keep my eyes shut, squeezing them closed as much as I can.

  I’m at the part of my fantasy where Wyatt kisses up my thighs, slowly making his way to my soaking wet pussy. I need to see how it ends. I need to see his head there, in between my legs, eating me like a piece of fruit.

  I need to feel like it’s possible—although I know it isn’t.

  I let out a frustrated grunt and open my eyes. I have to blink a few times before my desk comes into my full focus again.

  “Sorry, Mr. Fentress. I ain’t getting shit done today,” I whisper under my breath to myself while I pull my journal back out of my drawer to add a whole new entry. New vacation, new entry, right?

  I can’t believe he’s coming to the lake house with us after all this time. I didn’t even know he’d been back in town.

  I bet he’s bigger and sexier than ever. Wyatt had always played sports and had a great body, but I heard that Navy SEAL training is insane.

  His muscles probably have muscles on top of other layers of muscles like The Rock. He could probably lift me up over his head to sit me on his shoulders while licking me up.

  I’m sure he got so big and strong, he’d never get tired. He’d just go on and on all night, stroking my tight little pussy with his huge cock. I know it’s big; I saw the imprint when he and Jake played one-on-one basketball.

  My parents always wondered why I’d sit there, watching them play. I lied about enjoying the
sport. Really, I liked watching Wyatt’s junk move around while he ran up and down the court in those silky shorts.

  I hope they challenge each other to a game during this trip. Wyatt would get all hot and sweaty and take his shirt off.

  He’d have one of those sexy Navy tattoos on his chest. He’d stop dribbling mid-game when he noticed I was watching. And he’d profess a love that had been torturing him for years. A love for his best friend’s sister.

  I can’t help but laugh at my own cheesy fantasy. That little kiss we shared years ago was nothing for him. And there’s no way he’d dwell on it for so long like I have.

  I realize I’ve lost track of time when my brother texts me to say he and Wyatt are on their way to pick me up.

  Damn, it’s 3:05 already!

  I spent the entire workday thinking about fucking Wyatt. I switch the camera on my phone to selfie mode and reapply my lipstick.

  I’ve gotta look good when Wyatt sees me.

  Chapter 5


  I take a deep breath, inhaling the clean, fresh air flowing in our faces at seventy-five miles per hour as we drive to Ruby’s work. The humid summer air is comforting, and the bass is booming, leaving me nostalgic about our drive to school way back when.

  My perfect hair is flowing in the breeze, my tan muscles are flexed as they lean along Jake’s ride, and my loyal dog is having the time of his life, leaning out the car, enjoying the ride. This is the most chill and hassle-free I’ve felt in a long time.

  I’d probably be able to fall asleep if I wasn’t too busy with the two insane chores my mind chose. Number one, thinking about the last time I saw Ruby. Number two, trying to control my stupid fucking episodes I can’t seem to get away from.

  “Hey, man, remember those nights we’d sneak off while my parents were asleep?” Jake breaks the silence just as I almost forgot he was here with me. “We’d smoke a couple cigarettes, thinking we were hot shit, and do target practice with our air rifles, shooting bottles and shit.”

  I laugh, “Oh yea, those were the fuckin’ times, dude. No responsibilities, just chasing girls and playing ball.”

  Jake replies after taking a deep exhale, “Amen to that. Fuck, it’s crazy how things change.”


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