Come Back to Me_A Brother's Best Friend Romance

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Come Back to Me_A Brother's Best Friend Romance Page 3

by Vivien Vale

  I nod without really thinking about what he said.

  It’s crazy how things change.

  “You’re right,” I concur. It’s important to let your bros know when you’re on their level. And this fucker has been my bro for so long, he has to know I get what he’s saying.

  Reflecting on the changes the last seven years have brought us, I still can’t believe Jake’s little sister, Ruby, is a grown woman now.

  It’s easy to acknowledge my growth and Jake’s, too, but something about imagining Ruby grown still seems odd as hell to me. It’s not like she didn’t have anything going on at all; I just remember, it was like she wasn’t done growing yet.

  Regardless, I’m curious to see what she looks like. Did her skinny little body ever fill out, blessing her with nice tits or a firm ass? Does she still wear her hair in its natural fiery red color?

  Does she know how to ride a massive cock after five drinks and a night of dancing? Does she still have a sweet, tight little virgin pussy?

  Fuck. Looking back, Ruby was always a pretty girl, but if she’s grown up to be half as hot as the woman I’m picturing, she definitely doesn’t have any problems finding men.

  Who has she become?

  Is Ruby still the awkward girl who blushed for hours after the kiss we briefly shared at the end of my last lake house vacation seven years ago?

  The truth is, those questions have been running through my mind since graduation. Ruby followed me across the stage, through boot camp, through special ops training, through war…

  I don’t know why she’s been on my mind for so long, and so heavily. The kiss was nothing but a small peck. But it sent shock waves through me. Shook me to my core. I got uncontrollably lost in her ingenuous stare that day. It’s a trance I still can’t justify.

  We haven’t said a word to each other since. But the energy we shared while standing in silence until her mom walked up to check on her was potent. It was all I needed to be hooked for life.

  I’ve fucked dozens of hot chicks over the years in every position imaginable. Still, that beautiful damn Ruby…She’s a brilliant fucking piece of ass.

  We’ve been on the road for only fifteen minutes, but I feel like we’ve been going for hours. I don’t know how the hell I’ve gotten into torturing myself over that damn Ruby Watson.

  My hands are strategically folded in my lap like a goddamn preschooler in a story circle before nap time. All this to hide the fact that my cock is rock hard thinking about my best friend’s only little sister while he drives us to pick her up.

  If I could shove my cock into the back of her throat…

  I can’t though, right? I’m pretty sure Jake would crucify me for even thinking about it. But, goddamn. A bitch has never had my cock so hard in my entire life without at least having to try.

  I take a deep breath and allow the air to continuously slap me in the face through the open window. I’m glad I’d assumed I’d need a few roadies, so there’s a small cooler full of beers between my legs.

  I crack open another, and begin engaging in small talk with Jake to take my mind off what’s to come…seeing Ruby.

  “Maybe my time away from home has me twisted, but how much longer do we have ‘til we get to Ruby’s office?” I ask Jake. “I feel like we’ve been riding all damn day.”

  I take a look at Rowdy napping peacefully in the back seat. I’ve had him for about eight years now. He’s getting old, but he’s still my pup.

  As silly as the shit sounds, I feel like he’s the only one who understands me most of the time. I would kill for him. Besides, he keeps all the pests off my property.

  Jake chuckles, “It isn’t that far. We just have to pass a ton of boring shit before we actually get there. There’s no scenic route to her office. Trust me, I’ve tried to find one.” He pauses for a few moments, almost like he lost his train of thought to boredom. “We’ll get to Ruby in ten minutes or so. Then we’ll be at the lake house in about two hours.”

  “Shit,” I mutter then sigh, just before taking another swig of beer.

  Jake just laughs again, and I laugh with him.

  “I thought you military dudes were supposed to be all patient and disciplined and shit.” Jacob sarcastically remarks.

  “I must’ve missed that day…”

  This is probably going to be my life for now. I should get used to it. People constantly reminding me of the events I desperately want to leave behind.

  Jake doesn’t know. No one does. I just wish I didn’t have to be the military guy or the Navy SEAL.

  I still haven’t done any socializing outside of small talk with neighbors or cashiers at the grocery store for this exact reason. My poker face is getting better by the minute though.

  All the air coming at us, combined with the warmth of the sunlight, and the relaxing aide of the beer makes me mellow out quickly. Before I know it, my eyes are fluttering and eventually close on our trek to Ruby.

  “Man, you’re drooling.” Jake taps me, waking me up from my little nap.

  “Damn, I didn’t even plan on falling asleep.” I wipe the corners of my mouth with the back of my hand.

  We’re parked in front of a full glass office building, surrounded by trees and tulips growing in the front.

  Jake makes a call to his sister from the car’s speaker system. It rings, and rings, and rings, until finally, we hear Ruby’s voicemail greeting.

  Even if it is just a recording, my cock is at full attention from the sound of her melodic voice coming through the speakers surrounding us. I quickly adjust myself and clear my throat.

  “Well, she didn’t answer. I guess we’re going in to get her,” Jake announces.

  “Alright, cool. Yeah,” I respond. “Rowdy, stay. We’ll be right back, boy.”

  We hop out of the jeep and stroll up to the firm.

  Nice place.

  My heart races as Jake puts his hand on the doorknob. He slowly pulls the door open, and as soon as I see what’s in front of me, my blood starts boiling and I’m ready to throw a punch at a mother fucker.

  Chapter 6


  I pace the room, my mind in overdrive at the thought of seeing Wyatt. I wonder if my fantasy has managed to come close to the reality of who he is today. I wonder if he’s even more amazing than my imagination can conjure.

  More than anything though, I wonder if he’s thinking similar things about me—or, more accurately, I hope he is. In reality, though, I’m sure it’s unlikely. I highly doubt that a man like Wyatt is dwelling too much on his best friend’s kid sister.

  Sure, we shared a kiss once, but that was all it ever amounted to. A single, fleeting kiss. One he likely hasn’t thought of since.

  I groan at the probability, crossing back to my desk to once again check my image on my phone. Not bad, though I wish I had been given more notice. If I had known Wyatt was coming on this trip, I probably would have put more effort into getting ready today.

  With a sigh, I collapse back into my chair, idly drumming my nails on my desk as I watch the clock crawl slowly forward.

  I shouldn’t be this worked up. I know that. I’m a grown woman, not a gangly high school girl. Somehow though, the mere mention of Wyatt’s name seems to have transported me back in time. Back to the person I was all those years ago at the lake house.

  I reach again for my vacation journal, flipping quickly to the pages that mention Wyatt.

  God, was I ever in deep.

  Page after page of clumsily scrawled text meets me, all with that familiar name etched repeatedly. Even the sight of it makes my heart beat faster.

  I skim through the paragraphs, feeling equal parts embarrassed and turned on, every sentence bringing Wyatt more sharply into my mind. The mental images of him play on a loop as I read, each more enticing than the last.

  Wyatt, shirtless and diving into the lake, muscles glinting in the bright sun. His ridiculously radiant smile flashing at me from across the dinner table. More than anything though,
I see his deep blue eyes glinting mischievously at me, sparkling as he leans in for a kiss. Over and over, in startling clarity, I relive this last memory, heat growing stronger between my legs with every passing second.

  I read quickly over passages that damn near scream “fixated”, every word dripping with youthful obsession. Still, though, I don’t regret writing a single one. Even to this day, I remember what it felt like; wanting him, being so damn close to him, and feeling unable to act on my impulses.

  I actually laugh aloud as I come to a page detailing my desperate desire to have his babies. Okay, even I can admit, that one might be a bit much.

  I meant it though. At the time, there was little else I could think of. Well, other than actually making said babies, of course. That fantasy pretty well trumped all the others.

  I can’t help but picture it again now, imagining the feel of his rough hands sliding over my body. I bite my lip, closing my eyes to focus on the thought. I swear I can damn near feel it, practically see his eyes shining across at me.

  A small moan escapes my lips involuntarily, startling me from my fantasy.

  I look anxiously around, reminding myself that this is neither the time, nor the place. I can only imagine what would happen if Fentress were to walk in on me in this state; biting my lip and moaning.

  I’ve gotten pretty good at curbing his offers, but that one might be hard to talk my way out of.

  I clear my throat, sitting up straight in my chair and trying to look as professional as possible. There’s plenty of time for daydreaming later. Right now, I need to get my head on straight.

  The images of Wyatt dim in my mind, though I can’t seem to get rid of them entirely. It’s amazing, just the simple thought of him, and I’m sent reeling back into my old fixation.

  I tell myself to knock it off, that he likely has no interest in me anyway, but a stubborn voice in my mind begs to differ.

  I mean, why not?

  As much as it might feel like it at this moment, I am not in high school anymore. I am more than Wyatt’s best friend’s kid sister. I’m a grown-ass woman now. Far more confident and assured than I was all those years ago.

  Plus, I now have tits, which doesn’t hurt matters any.

  As much as I don’t want to get too invested in the idea, it is possible. Things have changed, me among them. Who’s to say my relationship with Wyatt can’t change as well?

  I allow myself to really ponder the thought, and, surprisingly enough, it only seems more realistic the longer I think about it.

  After all these years, we’re going back to the lake house together. Back to the scene of the crime, so to speak. Only this time, we’re all grown up.

  It might just be that this vacation helps us to pick up where we left off all those years ago. I can’t speak for Wyatt, but I for damn sure want to see what comes after that kiss.

  God knows I’ve thought about it enough.

  And if the reality is even half as good as my fantasies, well then it was fucking worth the wait.

  I feel a smile pulling at my lips and look back to my journal, again thinking back to the girl I used to be. She’d want me to go for it. Oh, fuck, would she ever.

  I continue to smile as I resume flipping through pages, skimming across my own sloppy handwriting with renewed interest.

  I don’t want to get ahead of myself here but this might actually be the start of something. Maybe even the start of a real relationship with the man of my dreams.

  Well, wildest fantasies, but still.

  If all goes well on this trip, I’m sure I’ll have lots of new things to write about.

  Chapter 7


  The smile on my face grows wider as I continue reading my own words, my heart thumping hard in my chest. Every fantasy of my younger self plays vividly through my mind, sending chills racing down my spine.

  It’s funny; even after all this time, it seems my need hasn’t diminished any. In fact, I’d venture to say it’s grown.

  I’m so deeply captured by my reading that I almost miss him enter, his well-polished shoes moving soundlessly across the floor. It isn’t until he’s right in front of me that I sense him.

  I slam the journal shut in a hurry, the sound of the covers snapping like a gunshot in the enclosed space.

  “I’m sorry,” Fentress croons, leaning over the desk to glance at the book. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “Oh—no. I just—I was just reading something.”

  “Anything good?” he asks, leaning even further.

  I smile, trying my best to look timid and innocent as I slide the journal from my desk.

  “Nope, not really,” I say simply, dropping it into my still open drawer.

  “Really? You looked pretty fascinated.”

  I glance up, catching the mischievous glint in his eyes. Clearly, he knows I don’t want him seeing what’s in the book. I pointedly shove it in the drawer, closing it as I look up to meet his eyes.

  “Something I can help you with Mr. Fentress?”

  He raises a single eyebrow in a way that makes me think he’s not about to drop it, but the look quickly fades.

  “Yes, actually,” he says, now back to his interpretation of a sultry tone. “I just wanted to tell you that I was serious about my offer earlier. Very serious.”

  I know exactly what he’s talking about. Of course, I do. But since working here, I’ve had to learn a few unfortunate truths—one being that when it comes to Fentress, acknowledgment reads as interest.

  “I’m sorry—what offer?”

  His laugh sends chills rushing through me…and not in a good way.

  “I do love when you play coy.”

  I force the smile back to my lips, looking at him with my best I-have-no-idea what-you-mean face.

  Again with the creepy laugh.

  “Alright,” he says, leaning in even closer. “I mean my offer for a more… personal show of gratitude.”

  “Oh,” I say simply. “No, thank you, Mr. Fentress.”

  He inhales sharply as if he’s been stung, but the shit-eating grin never leaves his face.

  “You’re sure?”

  “Yes, I—”

  “Because I really think it might help you loosen up a bit. If you don’t mind me saying, you’re looking a little tense, Ruby.”

  I’ve barely opened my mouth to respond when walks around my desk. He crosses behind me, and any retort seems to die on my lips.

  I feel his hands come to rest on my shoulders, and I stifle my gag reflex for probably the third time today.

  “Oh, yes,” he almost whispers, beginning to massage me. “Very tense.”

  I fight the urge to tell him that I wasn’t before he walked into the room. But really—what’s the point? He’d probably just think I was flirting.

  It’s amazing the way this man can twist things in his mind.

  With every move of his hands, I feel my muscles tightening further, my body going taut in response to the invasion of space. I fight to keep the frustrated groan from escaping my lips.

  I feel him leaning towards me, feel the brush of his breath against my neck as he speaks again.

  “Really, Ruby…” he whispers. He’s still leaning in, his presence pressing against me like an invisible force. “I think—”

  I’m blessedly saved from learning whatever is flitting through his mind as the office door opens, bright sunlight washing across the room.

  “What the fuck?” a deep voice asks, anger flashing through the words.

  Fentress’s hands come away from me quickly, my entire body seeming to relax the moment they do.

  It takes me a second longer to identify the source of the voice but the moment I do, I feel my muscles tighten again.


  Holy fuck. No, my fantasies did not do him justice.

  He stands in the doorway, a look of consternation on his fucking gorgeous face and Jake at his back.

  “Is this guy bothering you, Ruby?” he asks
, his eyes meeting mine for the first time.

  I open my mouth to answer, my throat suddenly feeling very dry.


  “This guy is her boss,” Fentress answers for me, his tone defensive.

  “Ah,” Wyatt says, calmly walking into the office. “Well, I think her boss should probably know enough to keep his hands to himself.”

  There’s a smile pulling at his lips, but no humor in his expression. His words, simple as they might be, seem to carry all the weight of a threat. I notice his hands, bunching tightly at his sides, his posture straight and serious.

  I’m shocked at his boldness, at his intensity. I wouldn’t have expected him to be so aggressive over what basically amounts to a back rub. At the same time though, my heart has started to jackhammer inside me, my stomach tightening at the sight of him.

  Fentress grumbles behind me, his words lost even in my proximity.

  “What was that?” Wyatt asks, again with that same tone.

  “I said, we’re working here. Is there something we can help you with?”

  “As a matter of fact,” Jake pipes up. “You can. We’re here to get my sister.”

  He punctuates this last word with a nod in my direction.

  “Oh, of course. The vacation,” Fentress says, his voice now reverting back to his usual, charming tone. “Why didn’t you say so?”

  I sense him stepping backward and turning to get a better view. He gestures invitingly with one arm.

  “By all means,” he says.

  I hear a grunt come from Wyatt’s direction, but he doesn’t say anything further, merely walks over to my desk looking like some kind of Greek God.

  “Ruby,” he says politely in greeting, his voice noticeably dropping an octave.

  “Wyatt,” I reply, struggling to keep the tremble from my voice.

  A genuine smile pulls at his lips now, his deep blue eyes seeming to pierce through me.

  “It’s nice to see you,” he says.

  “Mmm,” I mumble. It’s all I can muster in reply.

  I feel the blood rushing to my face, unable to stop it. Regretfully, I turn my face downward. As much as I’d like to keep looking at him—like, forever—I don’t want him to see how deeply I’m blushing.


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