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Come Back to Me_A Brother's Best Friend Romance

Page 9

by Vivien Vale

  All the images from all my fantasies are flashing through my head. I had even imagined him pushing me up against a tree in the still forest, but this is even better than I imagined.

  His body is pulsating warmth. Warmth and hardness.

  His shoulders are so big and strong as I slide my hands against them. He lets out a sigh and presses himself against me, making me lie me on the boat.

  I can feel all of him now. His washboard abs. His taut legs.

  And his hard cock. It’s just as warm and stiff as I imagined. But even through his jeans, I can tell it’s even bigger than I thought it would be. I sigh and push myself against him.

  “I’ve imagined this so many times,” he whispers, hot breath in my ear.

  Oh, Wyatt, you have no idea, believe me.

  He runs his hands along the back of my t-shirt, pulling it up. His hands find my lower back, and their roughness is extra sexy against my skin. I’m feeling his stiff cock press into me and imagining those rough hands inside me—and I almost cum there and then.

  Am I about to finally lose my virginity to Wyatt? In a canoe?

  But a noise startles us both, he jolts.

  And, in the perfect way to ruin the moment, we lose our balance and the canoe tips over.

  I panic, flailing my arms about, bobbing in and out of the water. I only see splashes, no sight of Wyatt around me.

  My heart is racing, my feet are kicking, and I feel like I’m about to hyperventilate.

  I really should have taken up those swimming lessons. Especially after that last camping trip. Fuck, Wyatt had to drag me to shore then.

  As I flail about in the water, making grabbing motions towards the canoe, Wyatt’s arm wraps tightly around my waist and starts moving us towards the shore.

  Thank fucking God.

  I try to control my breathing and calm down. It’s easier now that I know I’ll be safe. Wyatt won’t let anything happen to me here; I trust that with my life.

  As we reach the shore, I sit, slumped over before him, defeated. He takes my hand in his.


  “Wyatt, I am so sorry,” I start. “If I hadn’t come, you’d have gotten fish for everyone, and I wouldn’t have lost you your poles…”

  “Stop,” he says, cutting me off. “Ruby, you did nothing wrong here. Not a damn thing. So, don’t you apologize for anything.”

  I let go of his hand for a second, wringing out my sopping wet hair. He watches me, smiling. The events are catching up on me, and slowly, I become giddy with happiness, remembering our amazing moment out there—although a little embarrassed still, despite his attempts to soften it.

  “Let’s head back to camp,” he suggests.

  “But, Wyatt, we didn’t catch anything!”

  “Not true at all. I caught something I’ve been chasing for years…”

  Chapter 21


  It feels fucking good to hold Ruby’s hand as I lead her back to the lake house. It feels even better to have had her under me in that canoe.

  Holy shit.

  But I’m more than happy with just her hand for now. I’ll take my small victories. I don’t have enough of those at the moment.

  Right now, the air is still—still and inky black. The night is hot, and the calm quietness is almost eerie.

  My ears are pricked for the sound of bears, but nothing. Just some scurrying through the underbrush. Sounds like small creatures, like squirrels or rabbits—maybe something we could snatch up quick.

  But if there really is a bear around, I don’t want to stand around here, putting Ruby in danger, just so I can play the big man and prey on some squirrels.

  I’ve seen enough people put in danger. I’m holding onto this one. Tight.

  Some war hero you are, Wyatt, can’t even hunt a squirrel.

  And I wasn’t lying when I told Ruby I was happy with what I had managed to get my hands on. I feel like I’ve been tracking this girl for years.

  Fuck. I’m still hard even just thinking about the feel of her body under my hands, the softness of her back, the hard little ridges of her hips against mine, and the way she moaned when I bit her lip.

  I tighten my fingers around hers. There’s more I’d like to bite there.

  It’s been so long since I’ve touched someone like that. Someone who acts like they’re not hungry for more than the built military guy. Someone who acts like they want to be there in the calm morning once the steamy evening is over.

  This is the real shit, Wyatt, don’t fuck it up.

  A twig snaps, and I whip around. It’s just a squirrel.

  God. Wyatt, you’re losing your edge. It’s a squirrel, not a fucking platoon.

  “What is it?!”

  I’ve scared Ruby now, too.

  I turn to face her, place a hand on her back, and wrap some of that strawberry hair around my fingers to comfort her, and to remind myself that this is real.

  “Just a squirrel. I can be a little protective sometimes.”

  “I like that,” she replies.

  I can barely see her in the dark, but I can hear the smile in her voice.

  We turn back up the path.

  She starts to squeeze my arm. Like this, I can feel her breasts from the side, and I’m getting hard again. I can’t wait to find ways to have her all to myself for the next few days.

  Let’s be real, I’m giddy like a teenage boy.

  I can see the lights of the camp ahead now. The fire looks big, red, and inviting. It seems like Jake’s fire prowess is not as terrible as we imagined. I mention this to Ruby, and she laughs.

  “Well, he has to be good at something, doesn’t he?”

  She is such a breath of fresh air when she’s happy.

  The fire is getting closer and closer now, crackling and bubbling into the night. In just a few hundred yards, they’ll be able to hear everything we say.

  I stop, turn to her, and kiss her deeply. She kisses me back fiercely.

  I want to say something, but I don’t know what; I’m garbage at that kind of thing. I really do feel like a teenage boy, all tied up in knots. So, I just put my hand behind her head and look into those dark eyes for a second, trying to communicate everything I’m feeling.

  I read your journal, I want those things, too. All of them.

  I feel like we’re connecting, body to body. Like she’s understanding and trying to communicate something to me, too. But our moment is broken by her damn phone buzzing.

  Flustered, she grabs it out of her pocket. There are about seven messages from her boss. I can see his slimy face in her chat bubble.

  I feel angry, jealous, and protective.

  Don’t show her your ugly side, Wyatt. Don’t let on that you’re a monster.

  So, I just put my hand over the screen.

  “We don’t want to alert the enemy snipers to our location, remember?”

  She laughs that big joyous laugh again. She puts her phone in her pocket, kisses me on the cheek, and starts to walk towards the fireplace.

  Up close, the fire is huge and expectant in the hot night air. It’s pretty magnificent actually.

  Good old Jake. I make a show of putting the bundles of wood that Ruby and I found down beside it so that at least they know we did something.

  I straighten up.

  Time to face the music, soldier. Everyone’s looking at us expectantly.

  I shake my head slowly. “No luck. I’m sorry, folks. We tipped the boat, and we had to come back. I lost two poles and a net.”

  I hate how everyone’s face falls. If I can’t be a war hero, can’t I at least be a hero to Ruby’s family?

  Jake seems to feel the same way as I do.

  He groans in hunger and frustration, looking at me and shaking his head. “I thought you were a professional at this shit, bro? What’s the deal? Can’t even steady a canoe?”

  Their dad cuts in. “Now, Jake, Wyatt is still our guest—food or none.”

  God, I feel fucking terrible.
Everyone starts fighting again. Ruby and her parents are squabbling about how they shouldn’t have brought all the food up in one go.

  Her dad is defending himself in a polite but stubborn way. Bloody Jake is complaining that he’s hungry.

  I let them get it out for a minute. Another navy trick: things are often better out than in. Then I cut in before anyone can actually start a fight.

  “Ruby and I will go to the store at sunrise. I’m sorry you all have to go hungry for my incompetence.”

  A gentleman always takes the fall.

  “It’s all of our incompetence, Wyatt,” Ruby’s mom looks tired and apologetic. “Thank you for trying to help.”

  For feeling your daughter up in a dirty, old boat, you mean? You’re welcome. Anytime.

  Ruby’s dad agrees. “You tried, son. And it would be a big help if you would go to the store. I’m sure we’d all really appreciate it, wouldn’t we, Jake?”

  Jake just raises his eyebrows at me, looking unimpressed.

  “Well, look on the bright side,” Ruby says; she is chipper and glowing after our little adventure, and doesn’t seem hungry or frustrated at all. “You’re always saying you want to go on a diet, mom! We can all start now!”

  She sits down on a log by the fire. With enough room for me to sit next to her, I notice happily.

  Ruby’s mom laughs in a tired, worn-out way.

  “You’re right, darling. But, honestly, worrying about that bear has made me tired and stressed. Are there any of those cheese crackers left?”

  “Sure are!” Jake pulls out a box.

  I don’t know how all my non-perishables are somehow sitting behind Jake, but I should have predicted it.

  His mom walks over and takes them from him. “I think your dad and I will just split these and go to sleep. What do you think, honey?”

  “I agree wholeheartedly,” he replies, standing up and stretching.

  Ruby’s mom kisses both her kids and—I am touched to note—me on the head before going to bed.

  “Alright, everyone, now play nice. And don’t get yourselves into trouble while we’re asleep,” she teases, repeating the phrase she used to say when we were kids.

  Oh, Mrs. Watson, if only you knew what I had in mind.

  Chapter 22


  My heart races as Wyatt and I catch each other staring at one another. He’s such a fucking hot, cut, and hung guy. I can’t stop imagining working that cock.

  The heat from the fire is pouring out to the surrounding air, and it matches the burning between my legs.

  I love the sound fire makes as it sparks and crackles. The way the little shards of orange light fly up into the night. The bright shapes the flames make. I love the way you can see figures moving about in there.

  I’m itching to paint it. And I love the feeling of the heat and pressure on my skin, too. Although, I know what I like better on my skin.

  I steady my gaze over at Wyatt sitting next to Jake, fighting. His blonde hair is falling in his eyes, his hands resting on the log. Those hands that were on me…it seems like seconds ago.

  Those hands that will be on me again soon, I hope. I’m crazy with happiness here.

  Kissing Wyatt is as good as I imagined all those years—even better. But I don’t want to get ahead of myself. He’s a hot guy.

  I’ve seen the way girls look at him. Maybe he kisses everyone now. Maybe it was a one-time thing.

  I tell myself to just enjoy it. To cool off a little. Oh, and to stop staring.

  I pull my eyes away, looking down at my phone instead. I haven’t checked social media all day—my best friend had some great mimosas today; that’s cool.

  A friend from college really likes posting photos of her pug. And my friend with the twins? They walked today.

  God, I’m jealous. I want kids more than anything.

  I risk another sneaky glance at Wyatt—more than almost anything. I look back down before he catches me staring like some bimbo.

  My boss just keeps messaging. It’s crazy. And getting pretty creepy as well.

  What are you wearing?

  I’m camping. What do you think I’m wearing?

  Ruby, haven’t heard from you in nearly 48 hours. This is bad employee conduct. And, I’m starting to worry! Where are you?

  I’m camping, you douche. I told you. I got leave and everything. I have to do something about this when I get back.

  I ignore his texts and keep scrolling through social media. Instagram is just a bunch of great-looking summer brunches. I’m way too hungry to look at those.

  And more and more messages from my boss keep pouring in. I can’t stand it.

  I take Wyatt’s advice and put the phone away. I begin to watch him and Jake fight like they used to.

  This whole thing is just like when we were teenagers, except, when we were teenagers, I was just fantasizing that Wyatt would push me up against a tree or sneak off to the billiards room in the house.

  I unconsciously touch my lip, and I can feel my body fill with warmth and longing. I force myself to concentrate.

  Act cool, Ruby.

  “You’ve always been all talk, though, aren’t you?” Jake says.

  “Oh, I’m all talk?! How many of those girls you hooked up with in high school actually existed?”

  “Ha! More than yours. Who were you holding out for, anyway? You never would say! Wyatt, the tough guy Navy SEAL by day, and secret romantic by night!”

  I can feel Wyatt tensing on the log beside me. Wyatt had a crush in high school? This is something I don’t know about, and I’m all fucking ears.

  But he changes the topic.

  “Nothing of the sort, Jake, my man. Nothing of the sort. I wasn’t saving myself for anyone. Unlike you, I’ve just always gone for quality over quantity.”

  “Ah, I think I understand what happened tonight—now. You didn’t just want to go and get any meat for us, you wanted the best meat. Best quality. A really nice tumor-free trout.”

  “Exactly, exactly. And I didn’t want your beloved sister to drown, so we got the fuck back to shore.”

  “Oh, come off it! You’re a fucking Navy SEAL, and you couldn’t keep the boat steady long enough for a few fish to bite?”

  “You have to respect nature, Jakey. That’s something you learn when you fight with the big boys.”

  “What? How to respect nature and go hungry? Sounds very practical.”

  “A bit of hunger would be good for you. Too busy to make it to the gym these days?” Wyatt says, poking fun.

  “Yeah, too busy earning some money. Not just sitting around, lifting weights and hitting cars with hammers so that all the neighborhood chicks will dig me,” Jake hisses back.

  “Yeah, that’s exactly why I lift weights,” Wyatt says, entertaining the nonsense. “In the Navy, they don’t actually care how strong you are. That’s not useful to them at all. What’s useful to them is how many neighborhood chicks dig you.”

  “Whatever. I call bullshit anyway. Did the SEALs make your brain soft or something?”

  “Definitely. It one hundred percent killed my critical thinking skills. Excuse the fuck out of me for trying to help,” Wyatt growls.

  “Yeah, I know. You were thinking of me, not just acting like a moron. Always like you. To do a friend a favor. Pity you failed,” Jake continues to prod.

  “That I did.”

  “Alright, bro, I’m serious. I’m fucking famished. I’m going to catch me a fish. Where’s the fishing pole? I know you have more,” Jake says.

  “Jake, it’s like, eleven PM.,” Wyatt argues.

  “I’m so hungry, man. I don’t care,” Jake says, blowing off Wyatt’s concern.

  He is hungry, I can tell. Jake can be annoying, but he’s never actually bad-tempered unless he’s hungry or tired. And he’s both.

  “Fuck, dude. Okay,” Wyatt says. “There’s still one in the back of your car. Don’t lose it.”

  He gets up to get the gear, and I hurriedly loo
k down at my phone. Of course, they know I’ve been eavesdropping, but I don’t want to be sucked into their sparring.

  Jake sucks me in anyway. Walking past me, he cuffs me gently over the back of the head.

  “And, what the fuck did you do, Ruby? I bet you own some of the blame for this lack of food. Stand around, look cute and confused, until big brave Wyatt drags you out of the scary lake? What are you, fifteen again?”

  “No, Jake,” I reply coolly. “That’s the sort of thing you would do. Stop getting us confused.”

  He just raises an eyebrow, smirking slightly. “We’ll see who’s on their high horse when you guys are chowing into the huge fish I’m about to catch.”

  “Get on that horse!” Wyatt encourages him, laughing.

  I can see this is all just fun to Wyatt. He’s seen worse.

  Jake stalks off to get the gear. Then, a few minutes later, I hear him walking away, down the path.

  Now, it’s just Wyatt and me, sitting close on this log—close enough to touch again. And I want to, but I don’t know how to initiate it. Best to play it cool, chill out, see how events unfold…so, I try to just sit back and think.

  I look out, seeing that Jake is almost completely out of our view. My heart thrashes in my chest as I turn to Wyatt. He’s giving me a sincere wide smile as he stares into my eyes.

  And just like that, I feel fifteen again.

  Chapter 23


  Ruby chuckles as our gazes meet again, the first time she’s taken her eyes off of her phone since her parents went to bed. Shit, I hate those things at times. People sometimes don’t talk as much as they should.

  “You do know that damn lake is full of fish, don’t you?” Ruby puts her phone down in her lap.

  “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean he’ll catch anything. Being around me is fucking bad luck. Don’t you know that?” I bellow. I stare at the beautiful woman sitting here not more than five feet from me.

  “You are not,” she assures me, giving me a big smile.


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