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Come Back to Me_A Brother's Best Friend Romance

Page 90

by Vivien Vale

  I help her up, supporting her with my arm. We’ve barely walked ten steps when we come upon a trail of blood. It looks fresh.

  When Emma sees it, she squeals. Quickly, I put my hand over her mouth.

  “Shh,” I whisper. “If they’re still here, we don’t want them to know where we are.”

  I can see her eyes widen in horror, but she nods. I remove my hand from her mouth.

  “Let’s follow the trail,” I mutter, keeping my arm around her waist for support.

  The blood trail leads us to a cave.

  “Oh, no...Look!” Emma gasps and, before I can move, limps ahead of me.

  I follow her into the cave. Inside are a baby cub and its mother. The cub’s mother is bleeding profusely, and she’s near death.

  Before I can stop her, Emma is kneeling beside the two.

  To my amazement, the mother bear makes a moaning sound and nudges her cub toward Emma. The poor, dying mother bear doesn’t stop moaning until Emma wraps her arms around the cub.

  I take a step toward them. The mother bear lifts her great big paw to pat her offspring before closing her eyes and breathing her last. I watch the massive brown body slump to its side.

  By the time I kneel next to Emma, she’s bawling her eyes out.

  “Look,” she sobs, “this poor little baby just lost its mom. I can’t...It’s too horrible.”

  The little fellow is snuggled in Emma’s arm, staring anxiously at me—and then at its mother.

  I go to inspect the deceased bear more closely.

  It doesn’t take me long to find the gunshot wound. Fucking poachers killed a mother bear.

  If there wasn’t a blizzard out there and Emma in here with me, I swear I’d go after the fuckers and kill them myself. I fucking hate poachers.

  “Is she dead?”

  Emma’s voice snaps me out of my rage.

  I nod. “We better get back to the cabin,” I mutter. “There’s nothing we can do for her.”

  Emma stands up, wiping her face with the back of her hands.

  “Come on, little fellow,” she says to the baby bear, and scoops him right off the ground.

  “What’re you doing?”

  She looks at me, wide-eyed. “Taking him with us, what do you think?”

  I shake my head. “You can’t. That’s a wild animal.”

  “I can, and I will. His mother gave him to me to look after. Didn’t you see how she pushed him to me and only calmed down when I took him in my arms?”

  Her eyes are blazing while I struggle to find the right words.

  “But Emma, he’ll grow up and...” I don’t bother arguing anymore.

  I can see it in her eyes. She’s not going to budge on this.


  The cold is intense. It’s worse than anything I’ve ever experienced in my entire life, worse even than the latest intense no carb, no fat, no dairy, gluten-free, organic water diet all my friends are on at the moment.

  It feels as if someone’s locked me in the freezer about four days ago and forgotten to get me out. My muscles shake and shiver, convulsing in protest and defense against the whipping winds and the wet, soggy snowflakes that pelt against the exposed flesh on my red cheeks.

  But all of that no longer matters. My own needs pale into insignificance against those of my new charge. Here is a creature of the wild, totally defenseless and at the mercy of the elements.

  Dylan’s burning eyes have left scorch marks, but heck, I’m not going to leave this fur ball behind. He’s already snuggling into me. There’s a low soft cry as his eyes are still fixed on the dead body of his mother.

  Suddenly I wish I could do more for this little guy. I want to turn back time and fix things so he doesn’t lose his bear mom.

  “It’s still not a good idea,” Dylan’s voice snaps me out of my reverie.

  “Let me guess?” I snarl. I’ve just about had it with his all too male attitude. “You’d just leave him here to die?”

  “That’s the way the world works, Emma,” Dylan grumbles. “Eat or be fucking eaten. Time you city folk get used it.”

  I bite my lip. Of course I’ve seen the nature shows, and I know we live in a dog-eat-dog-eat world, but I can’t just leave this little fellow here.

  “We better get back to the fucking cabin before the three of us freeze to death out here.” Dylan insists.

  The minute we leave the cave and the little bear can’t see his mom anymore, his tiny sobs increase to spine-tingling howls. It nearly rips my heart in two. I’ve never heard anything so woeful in my life.

  We barely speak on the way back. Dylan’s stomping off some nasty energy. I can see the snow melt where his feet land. Whatever’s eating him, I hope he’ll be in a better frame of mind when we return to the cabin.

  I try and focus my energy on the little fellow in my arms. I stroke his damp fur and mumble non-coherent words at him. Occasionally, Dylan turns around with a deep, furrowed brow. The way those eyebrows are knitted together, he might hurt himself.

  By the time we get close enough to the cabin for me to recognize my surroundings, the bear’s woeful cries are ripping me to shreds. Ear-piercing is the best way to describe them.

  My thighs, calves, and aching back are also screaming in protest. I won’t have to work out for an entire month, maybe even year, after my extreme exertion today.

  When I first made the decision to storm out of the cabin in the heat, my rush of anger aimed at Dylan, I’d regretted my decision almost instantly. But as is the way with rash decisions, by the time I came to my senses, it was too fucking late, and I was already lost in the haze of snow and wind.

  I’d felt like I was going to collapse only a few steps into the heavy snow—but all of that is gone now, replaced by concerns for another being.

  When my eyes zero in on the cabin, I beeline for the home stretch. And just like that, the awful noise of the creature in my arm stops. It’s as if someone’s turned the switch to off.


  Either baby bear is hurt and passed out in pain, or he’s totally exhausted. I don’t know much about animals, particularly bears, but I suspect it’s the latter.

  Walking back up the steps, I use my feet to stomp most of the snow that clings to my pants and boots off to the deck below.

  “We made it.” I breathe in heavy gulps of air as Dylan glares at me.

  Without a word, Dylan opens the door, and I just about collapse into the cabin.

  Dylan is hot on my heels, and as soon as he’s inside, he starts to peel off the first layer of clothing: his coat. Already, water’s pooling on the floorboards where we stand.

  Baby bear does not open his eyes.

  “How about a bed out of flannels?” I turn to Dylan to gauge his reaction. After my earlier outbursts, he might not take this too well.

  His expression is difficult to read. He’s eyes are still smoldering, burning up on the inside. “Sure. Yep. Let’s do that.” Zero enthusiasm.

  “Okay,” I try and force a smile to my face. Is it going to be like this all the time? Surely we should be able to break this tension between us. I mean, holy shit, we’re two adults.

  I watch him bound up the stairs and come back with an armful of flannels.

  Dylan positions the flannels on the floor near the fire, making a little cocoon in the middle for me to gently place the cub inside.

  “That’s good,” I mumble and see Dylan crouch on the floor, fluffing up old shirts.

  Carefully, I unzip my coat, but I keep a tight grip around the bear. As gently as I possibly can, I crouch down beside the makeshift bed and delicately place him in the little burrow that Dylan has created for his body.

  To my relief, the bear cub remains asleep, and I take a piece of the flannel to tuck over his back to add an extra layer of warmth. Not that he probably needs it, he’s got plenty of bear fur and all…but it’s just a tender gesture to instinctively protect something living that’s more vulnerable than I am.

  “Does he look hur
t?” Dylan asks, and I’m suddenly acutely aware of his close presence. I feel my skin tingle, and it’s difficult to formulate a response. My throat’s parched, as if I’ve walked through a desert instead of a snowstorm.

  With great effort, I shake my head. I glance at him, the huge man, so bear-like himself. He’s so fucking close I can feel his breath on my cheek.

  “Good.” Dylan’s own voice sounds softer. “When he wakes, we’ll give him a thorough check-over.”

  Standing back up, I nod. I barely breathe, afraid of what’ll happen next. I mean, if the past few hours is anything to go by, Dylan should storm out in the next few seconds.

  But he doesn’t. We stand together, side by side, for a few seconds, watching the bear cub’s little chest rise and fall with each breath.

  As the minutes tick by, the electricity between us is increasing. I think I can practically see the sparks fly between us. Time seems to have slowed right down and the moment stretches on.

  “You know…” Dylan speaks first. “You have a really good heart. You’ve always loved babies and animals and…you know…things like that.” He coughs and scratches his cheek, turning a smile towards me.

  “Thanks.” I bite my bottom lip. “I couldn’t just leave the poor thing behind. It would have died for sure.”

  “It sure is cold out there.”

  “Yes…” I whisper and notice my trembling hands. Wet still drips off my clothing. “I should really,” I start and stop.

  “Let me help you.” Dylan extends his massive hand and unzips my coat.

  “Thanks.” Now I’m trembling all over. I’m not sure if it’s only the cold or something else.

  Our eyes meet and lock.

  Words seem suddenly superfluous. Without saying anything, I begin to unbuckle his snow pants. When they drop down around his ankles, he steps out of them.

  It’s only now that I notice something else. Something that makes me grin.

  No fucking way.

  His boxer shorts are also flannel—but they look as sexy as anything I’ve seen. My eyes feast on the muscles of steel in his thighs before resting on another part of his anatomy, a part clearly with a mind of its own.

  As I’m feasting on the huge bulge in his pants, he grabs my shirt and pulls it over my head. Where his fingers brush against my naked skin, tiny electric currents pulse through me.

  The heat between us radiates and swirls through the room with such forceful intensity, I’m certain one of us might explode.

  With my shirt gone, he’s exposing my naked breasts. A cool chill of pleasure settles over me from the vulnerability of the moment.

  My breathing becomes rapid, intensifying as he pulls off his own shirt, leaving me hungry and drooling over his carved chest and torso. His abdominal muscles are like tiny mountains on his bare, exposed flank, and with a trembling hand, I graze my fingertips over the top of them with enormous delight.

  He pulls me close to him with a wild expression in his eyes, igniting a passion between us. He grabs my hips and rips off my pants as I toss them in a heap across the room with a flick of my ankle.

  Before I know what’s happening, our bodies are melting together as his touch unleashes a wild animal filled with lust and desire.

  All I can think of is the need to tame the wild beast across from me—and to be tamed myself.


  Holy fucking shit.

  The moment has arrived. There’s no fucking way I can turn back now.

  Those tits of hers are begging to be sucked. My cock’s about to burst through the flannel of my boxer shorts, and any second now, my brain’s going to take a long service leave, so my cock can take over.

  Fuck, she looks gorgeous, just standing there naked in front of me. I need a moment to drink her in, to watch her perky nipples as they pucker in pink glory.

  My eyes lock with hers, and I know that, finally, we’re both on the same page. We both want it, and we fucking want it now.

  The hunger is driving me wild, throbbing and pulsing through my cock. I can tell Emma’s having difficulty not staring at it with those lust-filled eyes.

  Once I wrap my arms around her, this demanding hunger will become insatiable. It will never be enough. I need Emma constantly—now and forever.

  My animalistic qualities pulse through me as I take a step closer to her, narrowing the distance between us to inches. My fingertips are eager and itching to put themselves all over her naked, silky body.

  Her skin is the color of cream, and as soon as I place a hand on her left breast to gently squeeze it, I have to fucking gasp for air.

  I’ve wanted this moment for so long, and it’s finally happening.

  Emma lets out a whimper, but she’s not frightened. She looks timid, naturally…but she also looks eager and ready. She can’t wait to ride her wild fucking stallion—and for me, I can’t wait to tame her, the unruly mare.

  My lips find hers. There’s nothing soft or gentle with our passion. I crush her lips with mine.

  They’re so full, juicy, red, and delicious. I want more of them. Fuck, I want to devour her.

  My right hand rests on the back of her neck, while my left one rests in the gap between her ass and her lower back. This way, I can draw her even closer into me.

  We melt into this kiss. Our tongues meet, dance, and duel in unison.

  When I pull away, she moans and tries to follow me. But I’ve got other plans.

  Chill bumps splash across the skin of her neck as I move south, showering her with hungry, passionate kisses.

  Her breath is like a soft breeze on my neck, a cooling sensation taking me down a notch before I erupt with burning longing.

  I want to take my time with her. I want it to last forever, to have her touch and her soft moans and sighs linger on my skin and in my ears for as long as eternity lasts.

  She fulfills me now, but the thirst is strong, and I know I need an everlasting quench. I’m trembling with shaky hands as I wrap my arms around her tiny, sliver of a waist and her perfect, round hips.

  Her curves remind me of the back roads of the mountains I like to wander through in the spring, perfect and winding, leaving an array of surprises behind every fucking turn.

  “You are so fucking hot,” I breathe into her neck.

  She moans and grabs my hair, running her hands through it before desperately rubbing them down my back.

  Finally, she slides her hand across the top shaft of my raging hard cock, giving me endurance and enough stamina to power an electrical grid.

  “Tell me I’m beautiful,” she whispers into my ear, making my pulse race.

  “You are fucking sexy, beautiful…the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen,” I whisper and don’t recognize my own voice.

  With one deft movement, I pick her up and take her to the fire place. Sure, we’re creating enough heat between us to power a power station, but we need to lie somewhere, and the bear’s rug’s in front of the crackling fireplace.

  As she lies ready for the taking, I stop to feast my eyes on her.

  I want to do terrible, wonderful things to her body. I want to make her come so many times that she forgets her name and her eyes glaze over with pleasure.

  The wild beast inside of me is about to be unleashed, untamable.

  I crouch down on the floor beside her and begin tracing circles around her belly button. She giggles.

  “Oh, Dylan,” she moans, and I hear her breathe harder and faster. “Yes…ohhhh…” she continues and those incoherent words are music to my ears.

  My fingers slowly shift downward. Her legs open up as if I’ve found the magic key.

  Her pussy is bald, aside from a slight tuft of dark hair on the top. I touch it, patting it with my finger and she moans out with erotic energy.

  “Just wait,” I tell her, almost in warning. “I’m going to make you cum so hard you are going to shiver with delight.

  “I,” she starts but stops again. “Pleaseeee,” she now begs and I know she’s alrea
dy driven mad with desire.

  The heat coming off of her body is sweaty, intense, and charismatic. She smells like sex already, and I’ve barely touched her.

  I move between her legs, wanting to go in for the hunt…to prolong the kill.

  Emma is mine to savor, mine to hold. I begin gently placing well-arranged kisses on her bare inner thighs, making her squirm. Her hips thrust up toward me, as if demanding for more. Oh, I’ll give her fucking more.

  I don’t even realize that I’m trembling, too, wanting this moment so badly—and it’s finally here. Her pussy is practically glowing, it’s shimmering with so much intense amounts of wetness, soaking the bear rug underneath her.

  I want to put my lips on her juicy pussy lips, a little flower that’s opening, blossoming right before me. I take a finger first and press it to the swollen part of her outer pussy lips.

  She cries with pleasure. Her breathing is frantic, her cheeks are flushed. Her clit is throbbing in the center of her ripe wetness, engorged and begging to be played with.

  I push my head between her legs, opening her thighs even further as she spreads with glorifying satisfaction in front of me.

  My muscles of steel are quivering, ready to devour that tight, pink flesh between her legs. As my tongue slides between her swollen pussy lips, she moans and arches her back, shaking beneath me.

  Primal urges bubble to the surface, and I’m ready to go wild and crazy on this sweet pussy in front of me.

  I gulp down some of her sweet, delicious nectar, diving in head first with insatiable, voracious thirst.

  She’s moaning and panting softly, as if she’s in erotic ecstasy. My tongue swirls freely over her pussy lips as I push her open with my mouth, aiming to hit her clit and send her over the edge.

  The louder she screams with pleasure, the more unhinged I become. This is one fucking wild ride she’s on.

  My tongue is sending shivers up her spine as chill bumps prickle exposed on her skin. I stop twirling my tongue around in circles and switch to tender kisses. Then I alternate between kissing and licking.

  It won’t be long before she’ll erupt with orgasmic pleasure.

  I flick my tongue as she grips the bear rug beneath her, whimpering. That’s when the explosion happens, contained well within her as all the sexual tension pours from her body, out the center of her pussy, and dribbles into my mouth with a gushy, gooey goodness.


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